The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Guide

How To Hide HUD for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

How To Hide HUD


How to hide your HUD in Skyrim / Skyrim SE to get beautiful screenshots!


By following this guide, you should have a good understanding at how to disable and re-enable all HUD elements and menus within Skyrim. Plus a few more commands to get better screenshots.


The quickest way to get rid of your HUD is to disable it with a simple console command.

*NOTE* This disables all HUD items including pause menus.

Step 1.

Press the ~ key (Tilde)
This will bring up the ‘console‘. You’ll know if you have done it correctly when a text cursor appears in the bottom left of the screen.

Step 2.

Enter the following command: tm
This is a real basic command that toggles the menus.

Step 3.

Hit Enter
This activates the command. After hitting enter, all menus (including pause and console) will be toggled off.

Step 4.

Press the ~ key (Tilde)
This will close the ‘console’ and return you to the game.

All menus and HUD elements are now gone!


Re-enabling the HUD is the exact same as disabling it.

Although, you have to do it all with no menus visible.
You won’t be able to see what your are typing, make sure you type it in correctly.

Step 1.

Press the ~ key (Tilde)
This does the same as before, bringing up the ‘console‘. This time you won’t be able to see the typing cursor, you’ll have to watch the game closely to see if you are in the ‘console’ Trees and grass will stop moving and water will stop flowing.

Step 2.

Enter the following command: tm
Again, the “tm” command will toggle the menus, this time back on.

Step 3.

Hit Enter
Yet again, this will activate the command, re-enabling all menus and HUD elements.

All menus and HUD elements are back!


Here are few more commands you can use to maximize you screenshotting potential.

What it does
Toggles free cam
tfc 1
Toggles free cam (pausing the world as well)
fov x
Sets the in-game fov (replace x with a number


Hopefully you can now get all the beautiful screenshots you want!

To take a screenshot within a game on steam Press the f12 key.

That’s all there is to it, now go out and snap some lovely screenshots!

Here’s one I snapped earlier ▼

Be sure to check out my Skyrim wallpaper for WallpaperEngine!

Thanks for reading!
