These are the graphics settings i use for cod:ww2 to get high fps and have the game look good!
my specs
i have a gtx 970 and a i5 prosseser and a 64-bit operating seystem. (which in my opinion ain’t very good at all)
The graphics settings i use for high fps
My display mode is fullscreen
cync every frame is off (this is also known as v-sync)
aspect ratio is auto
my fov is 95
display rez is 1920×1080
render rez is 1920×1080
pre-t2xrez is 75% (1920×1080)
PP anti-aliasing: filmic smaa x1
my texture rez is extra
normal map rez is normal
specular map rez is high
sky (or skybox) rez is normal
shader preload is on
anisotropic filtering is low
shadows are on
shadow map rez is normal
shadow depth is high
screen space shadows are auto on
screen space reflections are high
cache sun shadow maps is on
dof (depth of feild) is high
motion blur is off
screen space ambient oclussion is off
medium distance ambient oclussion is (obviously) off
subsurface scattering is on
pictures of what my graphics settings looks like
thanks for reading this guide! I hope it improved your fps and gaming expirence! NOTE: this is my first ever guide, so I am sorry for any spelling errors or lack of pictures.
(and yes I know I use lots of exclamation marks!!!!!!)