Hello, My name is ThreeSixtyNoScope, also known as A LvL 20 Wizard among most games I play, and this is my guide to Seo Yuri in Closers, I’ve played Yuri for close to 6 months exclusively through CBT/OBT/Live as of writing this guide, have soloed all currently released content as Yuri, and have held a top 20 rank in PvP as her.I’m going to talk a lot about Yuri in this guide, and no, not THAT kind of Yuri, hopefully I can show current players of this closer why she’s my favorite closer and why she deserves her place as a top closer, and any prospective players, her strengths and playability, to entice them to join the only closer that matters.
Terminology Preface
To alleviate some misunderstanding with terminology, I’ll list the abbreviations I’m going to use throughout this guide, that way anyone can follow along regardless of personal MMO experience.
Attack Speed = AttK
Physical Power per Sec = PhysP
Psi Power per Sec = PsiP
Physical Power = PhysR
Psi Power = PsiR
Physical Crit Rate= PhysC
Psi Crit Rate = PsiR
Physical Defense Penetration = PhysD
Psi Defense Penetration = PsiD
These are the ones I will use primarily, all other terms that I will use in this guide will be annotated when needed.
Introduction To Seo Yuri
Yuri is a closer under the Black Lamb organization, her primary plot is that she is striving to become a regular agent among the Black Lambs. Note, I am not a very big person into game lore or personal character backgrounds in MMO’s, so I will not be going very deep into her as a character. How she plays however, is what I’m all about.
Yuri is a fast-paced closer that is well rounded around area clearing AND single target bursting, that’s right, she can do both. Her strength definitely comes from how fast she is played, moving very quickly and comboing across the zone leaving destruction in her wake. She is also the only closer currently in the game that uses both physical and psi power in her damage calculations, giving her a unique gearing process with hybrid gear and stat allocation. She is also primarily played in air, as with most closers in the game, your endgame will transition into comboing in the air when doing damage, giving her an interesting playstyle with her fast movement skills, AOE, and single target spacing which we will talk more in-depth later on.
The ONLY con I will ever give to Yuri is that she is extremely mana heavy early on in the game. If you are a confident player and catch on quick to air combing, you will go through mana as fast as you can suck down a bottle of water after a morning run on a hot summer day. This problem will alleviate itself later on in the game as gear becomes more refined; however, you should still carry mana pots because they will still come in handy for those long raids. Another small gripe I’ve had people tell me is how squishy she is in terms of defense. Yes she doesn’t put a lot into defense, but that’s where her speed comes into play, it’s very difficult to hold Yuri down to be hit in the first place. But all in all, my favorite closer by far, even across closers we don’t have in NA/EU release, I mean Look at her.
How could you not, seriously.
*Credit for this image goes to CyberdemonThree on DeviantArt*
Yuri Skill Showcase – Active
Yuri needs a lot of skill points, A LOT, I mean almost every point in the game available to you through the story and side quests to be able to max the skill build for end game Yuri across both active skills and passives. But do not fear, I am here to showcase every skill that’s part of her skill set and describe whether or not it’s needed for your general clearing combos, PvP, or stat build.
Note, you will see skills and passives here that are not available from the start of playing Yuri, you will get them after your 1st and 2nd agent advancements as you progress through the game. I also apologize about the clipped skills from in-game, really no other way to showcase them all otherwise without making a video.
Skills are upgraded along tiers that correlate to skill levels:
3=advanced 6=expert 10=master.
For special skills it follows this tiering:
2=advanced 4=expert 6=master
At every threshold you gain access to small bonuses that get added onto the skill, at master tier you gain access to put a glyph onto the skill for added benefit, generally flat damage increase or PhysP/PsiP are the go to glyph stats for skills. There are too many add ons to skills to showcase them all here, so I will only point out the more important ones that change the skill in a way that it would affect your skill rotation.
Empowered state is a activatable buff, giving a flat % damage increase, a 30% mana restore, increases super armor break skill +1, also comes with a small Invincibility frame for dodging. Every closer has access to this skill, becoming activatable once they’ve accumulated 100% phase force. Generating hit combos or recieving damage generates phase force, Max for % damage increase and duration
Cancel is your primary means of avoiding damage, one shot mechanics, etc.. Max at level 10 for 2 second invincibilty frame. Max this skill for both PvP/PvE.
Combat dodge is like an armored dodge without an invincibility frame, reduces damage taken by 60% recieved throughout the dodge, timing the dodge at the same time as being hit by an attack negates the damage recieved. It is mastered at level 1. Get good at timing dodge to negate damage.
Rapid Fire is a nice longe range poke skill. It provides hit stun on hit to anything without armor which is much more useful for PvP. It is used as a filler for PvE in air combos.
Supersonic Slash is used as a movement linear area clear. I try not to use it so much in an actual combo if I can avoid it because it moves you very far out of the way. First add on allows you to dash twice instead of once with an additional keybind entry.
Bullet Spray is an ok damage skill with a good knockup along a wide range in front of you, adds a sword slash at level 3 for mediocre damage, level 10 doubles the power of the bullet shot.
Lunging Slash is a great movement skill AND invincible frame AND provides 30% extra Physp/PsiP at max rank, that’s 30% free penetration for an invicible frame and a movement skill. Easy. Choice.
Five Point Strike is your first FM skill, otherwise known as your first special skill. Essentially, it is your first AOE nuke skill, and also provides invincibility throughout the entire skill, allowing you to dodge one shot mechanics and provides a great zoning radius for PvP. Using from an air combo applies damage much faster, but grounds you from being in the air.
Overhead Barrage is a great filler skill for comboing in any scenario in the game. It lifts you out of the air on use, and provides movement during the use of the skill. Advanced level of the skill allows you to extend the combo for another second.
Roundhouse Slash is an incredible skill at master rank because of Lunging Slash. Yea, that’s right, Lunging Slash got even more valuable. Upon use of lunging, a buff is provided that increases the damage and range of Roundhouse. It pretty much covers the entire zone in front of you across the entire Y axis of the area, allowing for great group clears. Use of the up arrow key and using roundhouse at the same time allows you to apply all the damage from the skill at once, useful for PvP comboing and single target boss kills.
Spin Kick Rapid Shot is primarily a PvP skill as its a restand and a grab. I generally don’t use the skill in PvE because of its lack of damage etc. Don’t level for PvE, Master for PvP.
Blade Fury is your 2nd FM skill. It is Moderately powerful compared to your first special skill in terms of a combination of damage/utility. Never use it on the ground. In air, it fires projectiles in a small target radius in front of you, the primary damage lies in the last two additional skill entries at the end of the skill after you master the skill.
Lightning Fast is an amazing skill in terms of burst damage that comes with a +20% damage mod on the last hit on anything under 70% HP. You do have to purchase the skill either with 30 lucky phase tokens or 490 credits from the cash shop, you need this skill, no exceptions, do your dailies.
Superspeed Assault is also an amazing skill, very high consistent damage, low cooldown, and once at master tier, allows you to use the up arrow key in conjunction with the skill to leave a clone of yourself to continue the skill in place for you while you continue to do your damage rotation. Also neat that you get a 80% damage reduction as long as you’re channeling the skill if you choose to sit in it waiting for cooldowns.
Phase Flip is a good filler/movement skill providing decent damage, the other restand skill for Yuri in PvP. Advanced rank gives it an additional input for the skill for a little more damage.
Supressing Fire is another amazing damage skill while also being a long filler, allows movement while channeling, but requires you to hold down the key input for the skill otherwise it will end the skill early. Always use this in the air when possible due to an add on at master rank adding a lot of stats.
Power Lunge is your last special skill in our current meta, our true burst damage skill as you can see by the power modifier. Hold down the skill to charge the skill along 3 levels of power. Use it immediately for PvP combos, and always charge to max for PvE bosses. Start fights with this for the crit buff at master rank.
*Note: Apologize about no tooltip for Power Lunge, something super wonky with getting a screen of it to properly show in guide will fix when able*
Now for Passives, I won’t explain them all because they are self explanatory, the tooltips will be linked in a seperate part of the guide due to space restrictions.
Yuri Skill Showcase – Passives
As Stated in the previous section, these are the maxed passives I primarily use on my Yuri, I have some skill point spillover on a few others, but they are not maxed.
Stat Prioritization
Yuri, as I said earlier is the only hybrid closer currently available to us, making her unique in terms of gearing since you have to constantly compare the cons of losing one stat over increasing of another. A downside of being a hybrid class is that your PhysR and PsiR will never be as high as pure classes like Seha for Physical or Levia for Psi, but it doesn’t mean you won’t be left out in open water, you are definitely still comparable. Also understand that being a hybrid class. your damage is split among two different values, physical and psi, eventually you will get brags from friends or guild mates about how hard they’re hitting with their FM3’s, just keep in mind, your skills are valued for either physical, psi or both andwill give damage numbers accordingly which is why mastering skills at level 10 is important for a lot of Yuri skills because some skill extensions give them the ability to hit with your other modifier.
In terms of prioritization of stats, I would say it goes like this:
PhysR/PsiR>PhysD/PsiD>PhysC/PsiC>Cooldown Reduction>AttK>PhysP/PsiP>Air Strike%>Back%>Chase%
This is incredibly opinionated, but it worked for me to hit my soft caps and be where I am in terms of power and clear speed.
Some notes on your stats:
crit % is soft capped around 60% and gives reduced returns from crit stacking in hub, but that cap is not applied in sectors from what I’ve seen allowing you to get close to, if not, have 100% crit rate.
Cooldown reduction is capped at 40% you will not see any benefit past that.
AttK directly affects how fast skills apply all the damage it would have, therefore too high of AttK can lead to serious downtime for skills where you have nothing to do, i.e. past around 1.20 hub AttK.
Once you’ve hit around 62-65% PhysC/PsiC and a sizeable amount of PhysD/PsiD (325%+) start looking at increasing Air Strike, Back Attack, and Chase Attack damage %, those three stat increases are additive, therefore you will be adding straight damage % numbers to your damage while in the air and getting back attacks in while moving, which is very easy for Yuri since most of her skills count as all three when you’re in the air, you will get most of your value for those stats from passives, but keep an eye out for it.
Something to touch on is PNA’s. Your PNA’s are a credit hole in Closers to throw your hard earned credits to upgrade primary stats in 3 different categories: Offensive, Defensive, and Utility. Inside of those three categories are three sections to slot in: Arranged, Combined, and Mutated. The price of upgrading PNA strains depends on which sub category it’s under, mutated being more expensive than combined etc.. You level up your individual closer level through clearing sectors the same way you’d normally get xp with PNA level capping at level 70 and unlock your PNA’s once you get to the Planar Gate area. Here are some examples of my finished PNA table.
As you can see, I am able to fill in a lot of stats through my PNA’s that are normally a bit more difficult to roll onto gear reliably. In our current meta, PNA’s max out at level 40 (transcendent), but I would say you shouldn’t really take anything to transcendent other than your offensive PNA’s, keep your other defensive and utility sections at level 30 (complete), it’s a lot of money for not very much return.
This is my character sheet in hub, I bounce to about 186k PhysP/PsiP in sector, and over 250k with my awakening pet+Tein buffs.
Hybrid Gearing and You
Gearing Yuri is no biggie since we only have hybrid gear to really focus on, we have our own gear crafters end game that cater to just us, yay. Your early game is completely negligable, you won’t have to go out of your way to grind anything for gear until level 60 when you get to Planar Gate. The game will pretty much hand out good gear to you as you hit end chapters. Once you get to Planar Gate, the material grind begins because your endgame gear setup has a 3/3 set from PG, your endgame weapon core, and two out of the 3 modules you’ll use. Your other 2 trinkets and module will come from Dimensional Ops Center crafted gear, you’ll get the materials for those from a combination of PG5 clears and Tiamat Side clears (the side dungeons in Dimensional Center), your last trinket would normally be an epic Training Program Certificate (Gold Seha Card), but it’s only available during certain event periods through a craft up with event materials. Hopefully another event comes up where you can craft up the purple card you get from Virtual Airport. Your last piece of gear, the amplifier, which you unlock from the Airport story line, will come from Dimensional Ops Center as well. You’re shooting for the disaster bolt which gives PhysR/PsiR and PhysP/PsiP as well as air strike power which is invaluable for Yuri.
So to wrap that long running sentence above up, your endgame gear should look like this:
3/3 Gravestone (Planar Gate)
3/4 Disaster (Tiamat Sides)
Super Planar Gate Whip Core (Level 70 Version)
Super Planar Gate Module Condenser (Level 70 Version)
Planar Gate Ideal Strike Condenser (Level 54 Version)
Seha Card (Virtual Airport+Event Craft Up)
Ideal Disaster Bolt (Tiamat Sides)
You can make life easy and use 4/4 Disaster if you can get your hands on a Seha Card, as well as use 3/3 purple trinket sets from airport to help yourself out before you finish Gravestone. A general note of play, do not use a physical or psi focused piece of gear, it makes you a bit sub par by focusing on one stat and gimping the other heavily, try to stay within the whip core category for Yuri for PhysD/PsiD and AttK or scythes for more PhysR/PsiR.
*I’ve recently been asked about crafting a Tiamat core for our current meta, and whether or not it should be made. Personally, I don’t see the need to craft a Tiamat core simply because I already use a +13 Super PG whip and the cost of making a Tiamat core is well over 100M for just the core itself, not tincluding your chips and chip color rerolls as well as getting it to +13 or higher. our next gearing phase will use upgraded PG 75 cores, so the cost investment into a tiamat core with that maybe a month or so away is not worth it to me. However If you do manage to get a core blueprint drop from Tiamat assault and actually want to make it, by all means go for it, it is definitely a decent dps increase if you manage to get the crater higher than your current PG core.
Costumes, Tunes, and Chips Oh My!
This section of the guide is where you will see the most effort from yourself, it also is the part where I’ll talk about the fine tuning of your stats.
Your costume that you wear is not just for looks in Closers, they come with inherant stats and set bonuses that are determined based on star quality (1 star, 2 star, 3 star). 3 star costumes are your goal, that’s where the meat and potatos are, they are also the most obnoxious to obtain, the best costume set currently out is SoD (Splendor of Destruction). You either got it from being a founder player or synthesizing costumes together to get all 10 pieces. It is the best costume set currently out for us in terms of stats and set bonus because it’s a special 10 pieces costume with it’s own unique bonuses (+25% PhysD/PsiD and +2 FM3 skill levels) as well as the standard 5/5 set bonus from a 3 star costume. It is a grind to get SoD from synthesizing, but you can also buy the individual pieces from the auction house. That’s a thing for you to decide how you get it. You can use any 3 star costume honestly if you don’t have SoD.
Tuning is a term this game uses for changing the bonuses that pieces of gear come with, they are rated along a standard letter grading system that goes from D rank (worst) to S rank (best). A big part of tuning is the ability to add skill rank levels to skills to increase the damage of them or free up skill points and still remain at master tier which is the most important thing.
This is an example of a tune, the S rank means i have one of the top rolls for that category and i have both of the best skills I could get on this costume piece. The tuning system is for literally every piece of wearable gear, anything you can wear can be tuned. Below are the rolls that you can get on that specific costume piece for tunes, going from S>A>B ranks, anything else below should be rerolled in most cases. I do not have all the rolls available for cores, modules, trinkets, and amplifier.
Weapon / Gloves:
Physical / Psi Damage 60 40 30
Total Physical / Psi Power 5% 3% 2%
Physical / Psi Defense Penetration 5% 4% 3%
Physical / Psi Critical Rate 5% 4% 3%
Physical / Psi Critical Damage 25% 15% 10%
Total Phys/Psi Defense 3% 2% 1.5%
Additional Phys/Psi Defense Rate 3% 2% 1.5%
Max HP Increase 500 350 200
Max MP Increase 100 100 70
Increased Air Strike Damage 10% 7% 5%
Chase/Back Attack Damage Increase 13% 8.8% 6.3%
Air Strike Crit Rate 10% 7% 5%
Chase/Back Crit Rate 13% 8.8% 6.3%
Air Strike Crit Damage 10% 7% 5%
Chase/Back Crit Damage 12.5% 8.8% 6.3%
FM1 +1
AttK 3% 2% 1.5%
Movement Speed 3% 2% 1.5%
Empowerment Charge Speed 10% 7% 5%
Empowerment Duration 10 Seconds 7 Seconds 5 Seconds
Damage Bonus During Empowered State 10% 7% 5%
HP Per Sec Increase 4.5 3.6 2.4
MP Per Sec Increase 1.5 1.2 0.9
Head/Cheeks/Chin/Leg Accessory
Phys/Psi Damage Reflection 15% 10% 6%
Skill Cooldown Reduction 3% 2% 1.5%
Skill Cost Reduction 3% 2% 1.5%
Additional Experience Gained 5% 3% 2%
Additional Credits Gained 5% 3% 2%
Total Phys/Psi Defense 3% 2% 1.5%
Additional Phys/Psi Defense 3% 2% 1.5%
Max HP Increase 500 350 200
Max MP Increase 100 100 70
Increased Air Strike Damage 10% 7% 5%
Chase/Back Attack Damage Increase 13% 8.8% 6.3%
Air Strike Crit Rate 10% 7% 5%
Chase/Back Crit Rate 13% 8.8% 6.3%
Air Strike Crit Damage 10% 7% 5%
Chase/Back Crit Damage 12.5% 8.8% 6.3%
FM1 +1
Phys/Psi Damage Reflection 15% 10% 6%
Skill Cooldown Reduction 3% 2% 1.5%
Skill Cost Reduction 3% 2% 1.5%
Additional Experience Gained 5% 3% 2%
Additional Credits Gained 5% 3% 2%
Passive Skill +1
One Piece
Item Drop Rate Increase 11% 7% 5%
Skill Cost Reduction 7% 5% (Values only for A and B Rank)
Additional Experience 7% 5% (Values only for A and B Rank)
Additional Credits 7% 5% (Values only for A and B Rank)
Ticket Skill +1 (Lightning Fast)
FM3 +1
Now that we’re passed that massive amount information, we can talk a bit about chips. Chips are a more recent addition to our version of Closers that act as stat add-on.
This is an example of my chips on my Super PG Core, as you can see I can give it things like PhysR/PsiR or AttK. Think of chips of a further way to increase your stats to where you want them for a price. It costs 1 million credits to unlock the first slot, 2 Million for the second, and 3 Million for the third. Cores have 3 chip slots, modules have 2, trinkets have 1, and amplifiers have 0. The game does a pretty decent job of explaining the chip system once you get it unlocked.
Closing Remarks
I’ve typed a lot about Yuri here, a closer I’m pretty passionate about considering she still is my only closer I play after all this time. Hopefully, I’ve snagged a few of you players that were on the fence about her, or shown a few players that currently play her that she indeed is extremely powerful once she gets rolling. As with anything in life, it takes dedication and time to get anywhere with anything, I’ve grown my Yuri to where she is today through hours of play and honing my own skills playing her to solo the content that I do.
A little bit about me, I currently play as Anirvaer, my Yuri on Closers NA, and currently with the <serenity> crew, a bunch of Closers vets with a ton of experience. I’ve been playing MMO’s for close to 17 years now, and Side Scrolling type beat em ups for around 6 years starting with DFO and now reside here in Closers. I really don’t PvP very often considering I’m a PvE hero in most games, but that doesn’t mean I don’t hop in every now and then. I will continue to update this guide as needed after patches and general upkeep, as well if there is a decent amount of feedback that would like me to add anything they want to see me talk about here.
You can reach me obviously through my steam if you have any questions regarding Closers or Yuri specifically. I’m pretty liberal with my friends list as long as you aren’t a complete wierdo.
Happy Closing Everyone!