Hello guys!
As many of have already noticed, this game doesn’t recognize the xbox D-pad, which is totally anoyying for a figthing game. in this guide I will teach you how to enable the D-pad with the game!
1. Get this piece of awesome software, it’s called “Xpadder” a program which simulates the keyboard and mouse using your gamepad.
2. Open Xpadder with your xbonx controller connected, Xpadder will automatically detect it as a X-box controller. Click on the small xbox icon located at the left top, then click on “New”
3. on the left menu, search for the yellow “D-Pad” option, then click on enabled, right after you click in the option enabled, the program will ask you to press the left, right, up and down D-PAD buttons.
After that, you need to locate the D-pad in the same position as the controller, oringinally it xpadder it would look like this:
You must move it like this:
Next, we push on OK and we will be in the main Xpadder menu again, now let’s save our config pressing again in the mini Xbox Icon and press on “Save As…”
I reccomend to name the .cfg the same as the game that you will use that config, in the future if you use xpadder for other games, it will a very useful way to keep all organized.
Now open Vanguard Princess WITHOUT closing Xpadder, the program must be always opened at the same time with the game.
Search for options>Keyboard like this:
7. It will appear with the default controls like this:
Change the movement keys for the arrows in the KEYBOARD (not the D-pad keys) it will look like this:
Done! Enjoy playing with your D-pad!
Thanks for reading my guide and hope it was useful for you!