The most essential mods currently offered and the upcoming mods to be hyped for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. This guide is NOT a full overview of every mod available for Bannerlord. These are mods that I use and that I personally like and think are most noteworthy to enhance your overall experience. This guide is not complete and will be updated as the game and new mods are developed.
How do I download mods?
The best method for downloading mods is by using Vortex Mod Manager that works in collaboration with Nexus Mods website. There is a YouTube video below to help you get started.
All mods currently listed under upcoming are associated with Moddb. There are no downloadable Bannerlord mods (yet) to my knowledge. However, many big overhaul mods will likely release on this website once they are complete. Keep in mind that when some mods are released they may only be available on Moddb. Installing these mods has a little bit more to it than using Vortex. Link down below on how to download mods from Moddb.
Note that this Warband method works the same as Bannerlord.
If you are manually downloading files, you will have to find your game directory and Mods folder and extract your file there. It’s pretty straightforward once you’re accustomed to it, but if you don’t mope around with files very often it can be confusing for beginners, which is why I recommend Vortex. It’s faster and simplifies things for you. You can also manually download files and then proceed to download them into the Vortex mod manager by dragging and dropping the file in the drop box. Some mods may be unavoidable and have to be installed via manual installation, so here is a guide on how to install mods manually.
Currently, Workshop is unavailable during EA. But if you have never used Workshop before, be mindful of it when it is announced. To download mods on Workshop, all you have to do is subscribe to the mod and it will begin downloading in your Steam Downloads tab.
This section is a guide for all you need to know about Vortex Mod Manager.
*Getting Started*
*How to install mods*
*Plugins and Load Order management*
*How to keep your mods up to date*
Is Vortex Mod Manager free to use?
Yes! There is no charge needed to download mods. There is an optional ‘express download’ upgrade you can purchase, but the ‘slow download’ works perfectly fine for me.
What do I do if my game crashes?
If you’re using Vortex I would recommend disabling all mods and enabling one at a time until you figure out which mod is causing the crash. Once you have identified the mod, you can either mess with settings to see if it fixes your issue or try reinstalling the mod.
What if the mod is Manual only and does not have a Vortex option?
You will have to manually install the file first, then go to the Vortex application > Mods > and find “Install From File” (this option should be on the leftmost side of the orange bar)
When using Vortex, I got an error saying the game is not installed. What do I do?
I got this error too. You have to make sure that the mod manager can access the drive your game is installed on. If they are on two separate drives, it won’t work.
What if I already have mods downloaded?
You may have to delete all your mods and redownload them using Vortex, or it could cause issues and make your game crash.
Mod Websites
This guide will be updated as new mods are released. Please comment down below if you have any mods NOT on this list you feel I should check out. Currently all mods listed are coming from either Nexus mods or Moddb. Links down below to those websites!
Nexus Mods[www.nexusmods.com]
My Essential Mods:
My Essential Mods:
Attribute Point Per Level
Speeds up your character progression by allowing you to gain attribute points for every level gained, as opposed to 1 attribute point per 4 levels.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
If you’re more accustomed to Warband’s autoblock feature and can’t get used to or prefer an easier blocking feature, then this mod is right up your alley.
If you can’t handle the game without autoblock however, you’re a chicken.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
This mod allows you to configure amounts of items to autobuy when entering the market without you having to do a thing. It’s highly configurable to meet your playstyle.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
BannerEditor Enhancer
You probably thought to yourself, “Man, I wish there were more ways to edit my banner..” This mod fixes that problem for you.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Bannerlord Tweaks
Currently the top-rated mod on the Nexus, Bannerlord Tweaks has many handy tools that vanilla Bannerlord does not yet have to offer and comes with a wide variety of quality of life improvements. To top it off, it comes fully customizeable and you can activate/deactivate any of the below tweaks.
Tweaks include:
Crafting Stamina:
- Stamina cap raised from 100 to 400. (Patched method -> CraftingCampaignBehavior.GetMaxHeroCraftingStamina)
– Stamina gain raised from 5 per hour to 10 per hour. (Patched method -> CraftingCampaignBehavior.HourlyTick)
– Optional setting to disable crafting stamina entirely (Disabled by default. Patched method -> CraftingVM.HaveEnergy)
– Optional setting to reduce the amount of crafting stamina regained when not resting in a settlement (In native you don’t regain any).
Battle rewards:
– Doubled renown gain from battles. (Patched method -> DefaultBattleRewardModel.CalculateRenownGain)
Party size:
– Gain bonus party size from Leadership and Steward skill. Bonus is equal to 30% of Leadership skill value + 30% of Steward skill value. (Patched method ->DefaultPartySizeLimitModel.CalculateMobilePartyMemberSizeLimit)
Tournament rewards:
– Increased renown from winning a tournament from 3 to 8. (Patched method -> DefaultTournamentModel.GetRenownReward)
– Added 500 gold reward for winning tournament. (Patched method -> TournamentBehavior.OnPlayerWinTournament)
– Added ability to increase maximum bet amount. Disabled by default. (Patched methods -> TournamentVM.RefreshBetProperties, TournamentVM.RefreshValues, TournamentVM.get_IsBetButtonEnabled)
Hero Skill experience multiplier:
– Added a global multiplier to skill experience gain. This multiplier is on a curve, starting from 1 at skill level 1 and going to about 12 at skill level 250. I added this because after 20 hours of gameplay I had managed to raise my combat skills to around 65, which is a ridiculously slow leveling process. Not sure of the balance of this tweak yet. (Patched method -> Hero.AddSkillXp)
– Added optional configurable flat experience modifier override.
Hideout Battle Tweaks:
– Added a value to let you bring your entire army into a hideout. If you want to limit the number of troops you can bring you can lower the limit. (Patched method -> DefaultTroopCountLimitModel.GetHideoutBattlePlayerMaxTroopCount)
– Added the option to not lose the hideout battle when you die. (Patched methods -> HideoutMissionController.IsSideDepleted, HideoutMissionController.InitializeMission)
– Added the option to not lose the hideout battle when you lose the duel with the boss. (Patched methods -> HideoutMissionController.IsSideDepleted, HideoutMissionController.InitializeMission)
Tournament Experience Enabled:
– Experience gains for the player and your companions are enabled in tournaments and the arena.
Troop Experience Multiplier:
– Global experience multiplier for all non-hero troops. Default value is 2x experience.
Increased Workshop Limit:
– Increased base workshop limit from 1 to 2 (One extra).
– Optional setting to increase workshop limit bonus from clan tier. (Set to native value by default).
– Optional tweak to reduce the cost of workshops. (Disabled by default).
Companion Limit:
– Optional setting to change the base number of companions you can have (disabled by default).
– Optional setting to change the bonus to your companion limit from clan tier (disabled by default).
Settlement Tweaks:
– Added value to give bonus militia production to castles and towns. This is aimed towards making sieges more difficult and stopping one faction from taking over.
– Added value to give bonus food production to castles and towns to support bigger militias.
– Added value to increase the chance for castles and towns to spawn elite units in their militias.
Castle Buildings Tweaks:
– Added values to give bonuses to production levels of the castle Granary, Gardens, Militia Barracks and Training Fields.
— Training field now gives 30, 70, 90 experience to garrisoned units.
— Granary now provides 30, 45, 60 food storage.
— Gardens now produce 3, 6, 9 food.
— Militia Barracks now provide 3, 6, 9 militia production.
Siege Tweaks
– Reduced siege construction speed to 85% of vanilla.
– Reduced siege artillery collateral damage by 12.5% (Only on the campaign map).
– Reduced siege artillery destruction damage to 4.5 from 5 (Only on the campaign map).
Clan Party Limit
– Added option to configure the base number of parties you can field.
– Added option to configure the bonus to number of parties you can field gained from your clan tier.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Better Auto Calc
Tired of your high tier troops dying to garbage units when you auto resolve? Fear no more! Better Auto Calc is a mod that adjusts which troops are more prone to dying first in auto resolves, ie your low tier troops.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Better Time
The fast forward feature in Bannerlord alone is already not too shabby. However, this mod can make time go by even faster. I was unsure if it was really necessary, but after downloading it? I can never go back.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Character Export Import
WE all loved exporting our Warband characters and making them an unstoppable killing force. This mod allows you to export your Bannerlord character and any other character in the game to modify your or their attributes. Pretty nifty. This guy has been working on his one handed a lot too.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Community Patch
Community Patch is a collaborative community of modders that are working together to fix known issues in the game before TaleWorlds gets around to it. Someone needs to get a job offer.
Community squashing bugs be like:
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Cheer Mod
Is it essential? Absolutely. Nothing is more satisfying than watching your character let out their war cry with their troops after drinking from your enemies’ skulls.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Cut Through Everyone
Oh, yes. The gore fest just got even better. This mod allows you to cut through multiple enemies at once with a single swing.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Detailed Character Creation
One of Bannerlord’s prime features is its character creation. It’s awesome. But … it could always be better. It may not be essential, but this mod is certainly fun to mess around with. Who doesn’t want to be the most feared 12 year old child in Calradia?
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Developer Console
This mod enables the option to open up the developer console. Just don’t cheat, I warned you.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Do you like heads being chopped off and flying all over the battlefield? Me too.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Equip Best Item
Tired of constantly comparing stats of gear? Look no further. This mod adds a new button that automatically equips the best items in your inventory.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Fast Dialogue
Fast Dialogue takes top priority for me. No matter how much I love the game, the amount of loading screens can be quite annoying. Fast dialogue resolves a lot of issues and allows you to skip almost all dialogue, with a manual ‘converse’ option to talk only when needed.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Fighting Together Relationship
I’m surprised that this wasn’t already in the Beta, but this mod will enable gaining or losing relationship with allies you are fighting together depending on multiple factors like winning or losing and much more.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Fire Lord
Ever wanted fire enchanted arrows and swords? Now you can.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Fixed Launcher
Fixed Launcher fixes the load order, as some mods are out of place when installing mods. Adjusting the load order may fix any loading or crashing issues you could be having when you are booting up the game.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Gay Marriage
Probably the gayest mod I’ve seen so far.
Does as the mod suggsets. Allows you to marry chiks with diks.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Hideout Player Party Limit Removed
Finally, I can bring an army of 300 men into a small encampment.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Hideout Send Troops
Bandit camps? Nah, I’ll just let my troops handle that.
Allows you to send your troops into a simulated battle with hideouts.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Improved Garrisons
Automatic world & prisoner recruitment to garrisons. Garrisons now train their troops and are more easily maintainable. No more manually adding! Enjoy a new way to raise a army in your settlements and castles.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Intro Disabler
As much as I love seeing the fiery sword beat against the anvil, it takes a few seconds too long and quite frankly, I can live without it. This mod fixes that for you.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Item Fixer
This mod fixes crossbows and T5 armor production and curves ranged weapon and T5/T6 armor prices to be more reasonable and so that they spawn better. Thank you, modder.
This mod also substantially reduces the prices of higher tier gear. Noble longbows no longer cost 200k+, Lamellar Armor no longer cost 600k+, etc.
[link]Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Just Let Me Play
This mod disables all main quests, including the tutorial, and gives you a kingdom without hassle.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
This mod allows you to receive the loot of everyone that dies in battles that you’re involved in, excluding lords. If you would like to be able to loot lords and king’s equipment, there is an alternative mod by the same creator you can download called LootLord.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Mixed Gender Troops
Cmon, TaleWorlds. This is 2020. We are all equal here.
Enables recruiting both men and women as troops in your party.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
ModLib is a dependancy mod that provides useful code and a settings menu for mods to use.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
More Bandits/Party Multiplier
Adds a 3x or 5x multiplier to bandit and other parties based off of your preferences.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
No Companion Limit
TaleWorlds: How many companions do you want?
Me: Yes
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
No Workshop Limit
Don’t tell me what to do. I’ll buy as many workshops as I want.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
NPC ReVamp
Basically, this mod makes your NPCs a lot sexier.
This will turn your playthrough into a one handed game. Guaranteed.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Party Screen Enhancements
This mod is a quality of life improvement that will save you time upgrading and recruiting troops.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Persistent Lock
Maintains the lock status on items in your inventory even when the stack runs to 0 and you acquire more. To the creator of this mod – you’re my hero.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Prevent Escape
Lowers the chances of lords and prisoners escaping from imprisonment.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Realistic Battles
This mod makes combat more realistic. Armored units are more resistant to damage. Each weapon type has different effect vs armor. All units defend themselves more, units with shields actually use the shields. All projectile now cause damage based on their velocity. Velocity of arrows, bolts and javelins is now historically accurate. Longer battles.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Recruiter (For Garrisons)
Full Garrisons with little effort: Buy a recruiter that wanders through Calradia and recruits for you!
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Recruitable T5-T6 Prisoners
This mod allows you to recruit T5 and T6 prisoners that were currently impossible to recruit.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
This mod helps prevent snowballing. Rebellions in cities will occur if loyalty gets too low.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Righteous Executions
The execution penalty is harsh. While I prefer slaughtering everyone, the current penalty makes everyone hate me, which is completely ridiculous. Have they even seen my beautiful long locks of hair? What is there to hate? This mod optionally removes all honor and relationship penalties when executing lords if you would prefer to play without it as the game is being developed.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Settlement Icons
Finally, no more running around hoping there’s quests in a town or village. Settlement icons allows you to identify if there are available quests, tourneys, etc. going on within the settlement. Hallelujah.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Settlement Rename
Ever wanted to rename your captured settlement? Now you can.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Shoulder Cam
If you like to view your character from over the shoulder angle, this mod will fix you up.
This mod can be really useful for being more accurate with your swings, especially on horseback.
v Nice fps
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Smith Forever
Personally, I’m not too fond of having smithing stamina. This mod removes the stamina feature and allows you to smelt and refine to your heart’s content.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Sound the Alarm
Probably my favorite mod so far. Bannerlord takes away from Warband’s formula by not giving you proper warnings if a fief is being raided or besieged. This was one of the most frustrating features for me in Bannerlord. This brings back that feature and it fits perfectly in the game. The AI knows when I’m besieging or raiding their fiefs; I should have that power too.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Training Field
This mod allows you to train your troops at the training field similar to how Warband let you.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Tournaments XPanded
In its current state, tournaments are not very worthwhile in Bannerlord. The reward is so minimal. After you reach mid-game, there’s virtually no point in even participating in tourneys. This mod fixes this for you. More renown, more prizes, more fun. Go get ’em, gladiator.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
Unit Stat Fixes
Fixes wrong stats that many units have in the game such as Imperial Crossbowman having high Bow skill instead of Crossbow, infantry units having high riding and low athletics, some units having completely wrong stats for the tier they are in etc. Over 60 units fixed. Get it together, TaleWorlds.
Download Link[www.nexusmods.com]
What future mods are you most excited for? What mods do you dream about on a nightly basis?
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