Would you like to play this game in a more visually appealing setting? Then read on!
SEE ADONYS GUIDE!!! Much better than this one!
Playing this game with [Better] Visuals
Would you like to play Aliens: Colonial Marines in a more visually appealing setting? Then read on… Some of you may already have done this, and if so, I’d suggest looking down at the alternative option secitons.
**Always update your graphic card drivers**
First: Please download the Control Panel (you may already have it) for either;
Second: Proceed to add the game to the Manage 3D Settings list if it isn’t already there.
What your settings should look like:
Nvidia Control 3D settings you might end up with black textures. To fix this simply change "Antialiasing Mode" from override to Enhance. Should fix the problem.
[link] [link]Third: Go through each line item and MAX OUT (everything on) all settings. Make sure you save.
Fourth: Profit! Better looking graphics… I would say an increase of around 25-30%... You’ll be able to see water effects, lighting effects, some shadows, electrical effects, characters look a bit better, text will be readable on lockers, people’s equipment, and the overall game will just look better.
You will likely need to go back to your settings and lower some settings if you suffer from severe performance hits.
Alternative option (Nvidia only):
You can download the Nvidia Inspector (1.96.8) and create a custom graphics profile to acheive the look you want in fine detail. Go to google and look up Nvidia Inspector.
This game is a port. We’re graphically locked, so we must force all these options on the game.
You can see the proof on my STEAM page. [link]
Lighting Quality Tool - Thanks to Psyqhical
You might want to try SweetFx HERE[gsngaming.com] as well, put it in your games .exe folder (Colonial Marines/Binary/Win32). It's a lighting quality tool for Unreal 3 games. Makes the lighting a bit prettier, although darker. So tweak your gamma settings if you feel it's to dark, but for a horror game it should be ok.
I actually get genuinely scared while playing now since the game feels so much more immersive. Something the game lacked cause of poor lighting quality.
Also, if you copied the OP's Nvidia Control 3D settings you might end up with black textures. To fix this simply change "Antialiasing Mode" from override to Enhance. Should fix the problem.
Some Menu pictures (OP Nvidia Control settings + SweetFX):
Distress (OP Nvidia Control Settings + SweetFX):
The Raven (OP Nvidia Control Settings + SweetFX):
DX10 MODE//DX11 BETA -- Courtesy of THX555 - Thanks! (DOESN'T FULLY WORK)
Does something but definatly does not enable DX10/11!
Aliens CM is not the burner, it is not very good as we all know. okay what not so it is great, the graphics in the game. Unfortunately, we think you can not do much about it! But you can use this mod or using this modified data of the game are the following things better. - DirectX 10 is enabled -Better light thanks to DX10 Realistic light-shadow effects lamps. - Weapons reflect better. - Realistic muzzle flash. Fewer problems with Nvidia 3d 3d mode (MAY 🙂 - RAM usage is better for graphics (textures) light animations texture memory load times of textures and shadows. - Game will load faster. - Better Bloom - MSAA ON - Play better with the controller better AIM is active.
Link to the download:
[link]Aliens: Colonial Marines From PCGamingWiki, the wiki about fixing PC games
Some really great improvements:
Disable intro videos, Disable framerate limit , Field of view (FOV), Disable mouse smoothing are among the few, go visit this site. Great work guys!
[link]Helixmod - 3D VISION USERS FIX - Thanks Helix!
He has fixes for many other games too, Skyrim included!
[link]Video Comparison - Thanks to MrTehPretender
"I changed the sweetFX settings quite a bit in the video just to see what it would be like nice and dark, but it looks quite good either way." -MrTehPretender
Possible 8GB patch coming!!! Now said to be a lie 🙁