Rooks Keep Guide

How To Make A Rooks Keep Map for Rooks Keep

How To Make A Rooks Keep Map


So you want to Make a Rooks Keep Level or attempt to=LOLThis Guide will be a basic crash course in Rooks Keep Level buildingand how to upload your level to steam workshopHow to fix Rooks keep if you screw it upit wont cover how to use the editor much or how to learn UDK3Or how to make new mutators!Right now lets try to Make a Map and get the game to play it:)WARNING USE DIFFERENT FILE NAMES TO THE EXAMPLE FILES THAT ARE IN THIS GUIDEIF YOU USE THE EXAMPLE NAMES IT WILL CAUSE ONES MAP TO BE DELETED/HIJACKED BY SOMEONE ELSE WHO USED EXAMPLE FILE NAMESThe example file names are used in the guide to show you how it works but please use different file namesAll file names cannot be the same name as any other game file otherwise it will bork the game or overwrite someone elses mod!!guide under construction it may be abit empty for a while as i find the time to complete this guide=WIPHow to make a chess map comming soonMaybe BlackEagle can modify this very rough guide or make a better one in the future but for now this guide will do the job:)

A Few Handy Udk3 Tutorials To Make Friends With The Editor

UDK basics Tutorial

A Handy Terrain Tutorial
Bsp Brush Tutorial
Search Youtube for More Tutorials to get used to using the editor instead of staring at it thinking WTF is this:)
Of course the above Tutorials are not for this game as there are no tutorials for Rooks Keep
however these videos will help get ya started with Unreal Engine 3 basics:)

Remember About the lightmass importance volume i got you to keep in your new level as you will have to resize it to suit your new level when the time comes to compile the lighting so it will take about 30-60 mins to build production lighting instead of 4 years:)
You will also want to use that so the gpu and pc wont struggle to play ones new level=performance etc
The kill z is already set in your new level if the floor is at same height as one of the floor tiles i got you to keep=jump off the end of your map and the player will die so you will respawn
you can change the kill z height in world info my map info if it is too high it will instantly kill everything that spawns including your player!
You might have to use blocking volumes and meshes/walls to stop the player falling out of the world
You will need to use path nodes for the enemy bots to walk around the map so they can attack you instead of just standing in 1 spot doing nothing
you will need multiple player starts so bots can spawn at them and also set at least 1 player start to not spawn any bots so bots dont spawn inside you when you spawn

Starting the Editor Basics=Getting Started

Ok these 2 pics show how to start the Rooks Keep UE3 Editor.
open the Rooks keep binaries folder and double click on UnrealFrontend.exe
the little red cake
can create a desktop shortcut to it if want to.
To start the editor press the button in this pic=UnrealEd the blue cube.
If abox pops up saying check asset database press check now for the fun of it.

You will be pesented with this scary looking program WTF is this=never fear its not that scary:)
For the sample level we will use RS Test Pit to make a new map=Subscribe to Rs Test Pit start the game(exit the editor 1st) wait for it to install the map then exit the game and start it again for it to be playable in the game then exit the game and start the editor again!
(some of the lighting settings in world properties may need to be changed for the lightmass importance volume but not really need to/can if you want to)

Choose Existing Map and browse to here=C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonRooksKeepUDKGameContentModsRSTest
then open DM-TestPit.udk its a deathmatch level!
you will be presented with this scary creation its the devs test level:)

Right click on something and go to select and press select all

it should go all blue but when its all blue hold down Ctrl(dont let go of Ctrl) and left click on the 1:player start
2:the lightmass importance volume=the yellow box covering the map(it should disappear)
3:a floor tile or bit of wall
4:the dynamic light/sun/light globe=can change its colour and brightness in its properties/how dark or bright the outside map will be
5:the dinosoar head=thats the fog object for map height fog intensity can change its colour/color and intensity in its options/properties if right click on it and select properties to see what it has to offer
6:the skydome or add a different one from the content browser search sky in the content browser or copy a sky from another map(dont save any map you copy something from)
can keep a tree or some of the static terrain meshes if want to and put those where you want them/mountains etc
with these things unselected with everything else blue press delete and it will look something like this before you press delete

after pressing delete you should have something like this (the fog is blue)

Now select view in the top left of the editor next to file and edit options
in the veiw list select world properties and will have this in on the screen

Click the little blue arrow under MyMap info and select RcMapInfo then will have this

Now on the GameType option under Default Game Type it says None click on the little down arrow next to that and select RCGame_Deathmatch
Game Type For Pie it says None click on the little down arrow next to that and select RCGame_Deathmatch
It should look like this

Now we want to save the map so you can mess with the new level and not stuff the existing test level up
Exit the world properties go to file at top left of the screen and select Save As
Now click on Mods and create a new folder and name it the name of your map then open the new folder and rename the folder to HelmsCreep (we will use this in the rust script later) and save your new map there(do not use same name as the test map or anyone elses map)
it must have no spaces in it

then after you press save it will look like this
Now go to file and select open or select the yellow folder icon under where it says file at top left of screen.
Now open the level you just saved.The editor will ask to save the RS Test map(Press dont save)
it will open your new map without stuffing up the original RS Test level
now you are free to do what ever ya want to your new map
Dont save any vanilla map or anyone elses workshop map or it will break multiplayer and corrupt the game!

above file names are example file names to show how it works=use different file names!!!

Adding Path Nodes,Player Starts and Power ups

Right lets make things work
I take it your level has walls a fancy castle and what not to walk around in at this stage:)
Something like this you should have by now and not fall out of the level when go walkabout!

In the above picture you can see little apples those are path nodes
Also in the pic above you can see the powerup pickups

Health is a red cross object=restores health
Damage powerup is like a red/brown cross shaped skull=collect that and can do 1 hit kills (RCPickupFactory_Damage)
The Scroll of Knowledge is a green scroll collect that will give more skill points (RCPickupFactory_XPBonus)

in your map you will add a series of path nodes to form a grid inside the playble area of ya map!
To add a Path Node to the level right click on the ground and select Add Actor and click Add path node the rais it up a tiny bit so it doesnt have a green squre with a red X in it as those wont work
A good path node will look like a little apple!

To add the Pickups/power up go in the content browser select Actor Classes
select Rooks Keep and select RSPickupFactory
Left click on 1 of the 3 available pickups

then right click where you want to place the pickup in the level and select
Add RCPickupFactory_Health Here and position it where you want it!
Keep in mind that Enemies will use the pickups as well as other players and also act like a path node does!
Now you know how to add pickups:)

Adding Player Starts
Right Click where you want yourself or bots to spawn and select Add Actor then select Add Player Start to place a player start in the map and raise it up a little bit so it doesn’t say bad spot in a green square with a red X in it
Add at least 6 player starts to the map in various locations
open the properties of at least 4 of the player starts and untick the primary start box if you dont want to randomly spawn from any player start as you will only spawn from the other 2!
Bots will spawn from player starts!
The path Node thats at the end of a path like a balcony or dead end in a maze open that path nodes properties and select destination only so the bots dont walk in circles at the end of a path
they will turn around and walk back the other way looking for you!

Compiling Lighting Geometry and Paths

Now that you have all the lights and path nodes and emitters(particle events) like fire torches and stuff like that in your level and everything is ready to play the level you will have to compile your level
To compile the map at the top of the screen is a Build Tab look in that and will see this

select lighting and change the option to Production Lighting and press ok
you only use Production lighting when everything is complete
if it isn’t complete and needs ajustment just build preview lighting or press build all to save time as lighting can take forever to build
it should look like this

build the Ai Paths and the Geometry before building the lighting
use brush wireframe mode and geometry mode to move BSP Brushes around and rebuild the geometry
Chances are that you will do this alot over and over again to get everything Right

Save the map after building/running the build compiler Take note of some of the errors the map check chucks some can be bad others can be ignored
Go to Tools and do a map check after you done a build all/lighting etc the field should be empty if the map has no errors like this

As you can see the map isnt built with Production lighting
build production lighting to clear the error at the top of the list and ignore the other errors if they are same as in that pic those errors are safe to ignore=grab a nice cold beer or something:)
if you get player start and path node errors adjust the bad path nodes and player starts and rebuild the Ai Paths until those errors are gone
If it says terrain isnt supported on mobile platforms ignore that too
Since that pic is hard to see the txt the other errors is static mesh in same location as staticmesh actor_490 or something ignore that as some meshes do overlap like the stone capping on the top of the castle!
fix errors ignore most warnings if they are red they need fixing!
If get other terrain errors like terrain layer errors google the error to learn how to fix it=Too Easy

Use the Pie button to play your level in the editor=little green play button on top right of the screen and make sure it works like the other Deathmatch maps do then ya all good to go with adding it to the game so it will be visible in the map list in the games menu
but 1st we need a config file and an Int file!

Config and Int files

Ok time to make some files so the game can read your map:)

may want to download notepad++ its the best to edit the txt files

Browse to here and open the config folder=C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonRooksKeepUDKGameConfig and create a new txt document/basic txt file!
Now say the name of your Udk file is DM-HelmsCreep.udk

The name of the txt file will be= DM-HelmsCreep.ini
so rename your blank txt file to that
Open the txt file with notepad or notepad++/notepad is fine for the ini file

The contents of your DM-HelmsCreep.ini file will look like this=

[DM-HelmsCreep RCUIDataProvider_MapInfo]

now save the file

To make an Int file is easy
Browse to here= C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonRooksKeepUDKGameContentModsLocalizationINT
and create a blank txt file inside the INT folder
rename the txt file to this=
Now open with notepad
heres the contents of the file it should look like this=

[DM-HelmsCreep RCUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
FriendlyName=Helms Creepy Castle
Description=”Time To Fight to the Death”

save the file

To make an image to show a pic of your map in the main menu you will need to make a preview image we are using PreviewImageMarkup=Ah.CrappyCastle as an example as seen in the config file above:)
Ah is the name of the upk file and CrappyCastle is the name of the texture in the upk file!
Now how the FU%K do we do this:)
Its easy if you have its easy but 1st you will need to play your map in the game and take a steam screenshot F12 of your awesome new map:)

exit the game after ya took a screenshot then in steam library go to view select screenshots and select Rooks Keep
Then in the list of screenshots there is a Show on Disk button Press that and find the screenshot you took and copy it to desktop
Open and drag the screenshot into it to open the pic
Now resize the pic to 512×512 or 1048×1048 as 2048×2048 could crash Rooks Keep/mouse arrow bug
crop the image if you want to to get rid of ingame txt and what not
Now go to save as and save the pic as Tga format
and save it again as jpg to get 2 pics

Make sure the game isn’t running and open your map in the editor
In the content browser Press the import button and browse for the Tga file on the desktop select the tga file press open and make it look like this=

Press ok and find the Ah package in the content browser right click on it an press save
Browse to the same folder the Udk file is/your map and save it there this will add a upk file in the same folder your udk file is in!
Exit the editor
above file names are example file names to show how it works=use different file names!!!

Making a Rust Script and Bat file

Ok now lets make the files for Steam workshop:)
Browse to here C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonRooksKeepRUST
You will see a Run_Test3.bat file a modpacks folder and a scripts folder!

Now lets put the steam map photo in the modpacks folder
go to desktop and copy the jpg file you made when you made the tga file
copy and paste that into the Modpacks folder and rename it to say

Now lets make the script file 1st open the scripts folder and copy and paste Test3.rust to desktop
rename the file to this= HelmsCastle.rust

Now open HelmsCastle.rust file with notepad++ and make it look exactly like this=

if the txt in that pic is too small open this link in a web browser and magnify it:)
move your new rust script into the scripts folder

now thats a rust script time to make the bat file:)
Browse to here=C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonRooksKeepRUST
and copy Run_Test3.bat to desktop and rename the file to this HelmsCastle.bat then right click on it and press edit
it should look like this=

SteamTest1.exe HelmsCastle.rust

save the bat file and put the bat file in the Rust folder here=C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonRooksKeepRUST

dont double click on the new bat file yet:)

above file names are example file names to show how it works=use different file names!!!

Running Rust Map updates and managing your map on workshop

Ok you have a bat file and made all the files for workshop and you can play your map in the game without any game crashes:)

Open yor steam profile and select workshop if its listed
Run your bat file to upload your map to steam workshop
when Rust says workshop publish succeeded press enter to close then press enter to close the Rust Dos window
In your steam profile in workshop page right click anywhere and click reload to make your upload visible if ya cant see it!

Agree to steams terms of service to make your mod visible to the public

open title and description and add info about your map as each time you run the bat file it will update your map and replace the txt with BLAH BLAH BLAH

So before you run a map update go to the main steam workshop page for rooks keep select your map and open edit title and description highlight the txt and copy the map description to clipboard
run the bat file to update your map and PASTE the description to copied so you dont have to write the map info all over again:)

add some screenshots to show off your map
add a youtube video of your map if ya want to

Remember that all mod files in Rooks Keep cannot be the same name of other mods or vanilla content otherwise it will bork the game

the above file names used in this guide is just an example so use different map name
mod folder name
modpacks steam workshop pic name
rust script package name
udk file name
upk file name
config file name
int file name
all of your files please use different file names and set it up like in all the examples above in this rough guide

if someone used the EXAMPLE file names in this guide and someone else used them as well then say goodbye to your mod on steam so dont use the example file names:)

How to fix Rooks Keep if you break it

To fix Rooks Keep if you break it is easy!

Backup all the mod files you made 1st including the rust script the workshop pic in modpacks and the bat files you made then open the Rooks Keep folder and delete everything
then verify the game cache to get a clean install
put your mod files back in the game and if it breaks again then something is wrong with the mod
Best to delete mod and start again or find the thing that is breaking the game in your map file delete that from your map save the map
backup mod files again delete the game again verify the game cache again and put mod files back into the game to see if its fixed
never upload a corrupt mod to workshop you dont want to break everyones game do ya:)

Editor Bugs and How to Fix the Editor if it Dies

When placing trees with shaders on them(trees that move)with the foliage mode painting tool
if you paint more than 5 plants or trees it will screw up the shaders on the trees and plants=stretchy warped really buggy trees
solution copy trees and plants from another map and place them 1 by 1
or use the animated trees in the content browser resize them to suit the scene use copy and paste to plant trees and plants and it wont bork the shaders on everything in the map

Next to the Pie button is a little red button do not press the red button(emulate mobile features button)
It will break the editor and it will take 3 years to start only to error and crash on you in a loop of death
To fix that Backup all config files from all steam workshop maps go to the int folder and copy your int files too so you dont lose them
Then delete the config folder and verify the game cache
put the backup workshop ini/int files back in the game and start Rooks Keep wait for steam to do its thing exit the game and start it again so it reinstalls mods that your subscribed to

If the game wont install any mods delete RustMods.cfg and start the game to fix that
if you delete a mod from the game it wont download anything from workshop!

terrain mode wont let you add more than 5 layers of terrain textures if want a more complicated terrain use landscape mode instead
if terrain layers are corrupt delete the layers and paint the terrain all over again:)

How to Uninstall your Mod without losing it

Backup all your mod files in a new folder on desktop/wherever(not in the game folder)

Deleting a mod from workshop looks easy doesnt it=think again

When you delete a mod off workshop yes it deletes the mod but hangon why is my steam cloud space still the same size?

Steam still has the mod on the steam cloud after you delete it?

To get your cloud space back heres how to fix that

The rust script you used to upload that mod open that rust script and change Package to Delete
run the bat file you used to upload the mod it will delete the mod off the cloud

how do i know if it worked?
run Test 3.bat to see whats on the cloud if it worked the name of your zip file wont be in the list in the dos window

open the modpacks folder and delete the workshop pic and the old zip file for the deleted mod
delete all the deleted mods files manually as unsub wont delete the files from the game!
open the config folder and delete RustMods.cfg to fix steam workshop downloads
if you dont do this then if sub to another level it wont download

in steam library right click the game select properties and somewhere in there it says how much cloud space you have left for more mods
after using Rust to delete a map that size in MB will change!

If you want to put the same mod back on workshop change Delete to Package in your rust script and run the bat file for it but why the F#@k does rust fail to upload the mod?
in rust script change the name of the zip file as steam wont accept the same old zip file name
dont forget to put the workshop pic back in the modpacks folder either:)

I want to change my workshop mod pic how do i do that
take another screenshot and name it exactly the same name as the workshop pic in the modpacks folder overwrite the modpacks pic with the new one then run your bat file to update your mod and it will change the picture
steam does support gif images if want an animated mod pic on workshop use the gif file in a new level it wont work on an existing level and the gif file must be under 2MB dont forget to add it to rust script gif image will only work on a fresh mod/new map on 1st upload!

How To Make A Chess Map