Hood: Outlaws & Legends Guide

Hood: Outlaws & Legends game guide for Hood: Outlaws & Legends

Hood: Outlaws & Legends game guide


After maxing all 4 characters, maxing the hideout and my player level to 100. I feel I am able to pass on a few things I have learned playing this game. I will go over the maps, characters, strategy and more.(disclaimer: This is my own personal opinions and things I felt made me a better player and team member. These are just my suggestions)


After maxing all 4 characters, maxing the hideout and my player level to 100. I feel I am able to pass on a few things I have learned playing this game. I will go over the maps, characters, strategy and more.

I hope this guide brings some use to those picking up the game for the first time.

(Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion on the game and things I have learned/picked up that I feel made me a better player and team member.)


The Characters

The star of the show, the most iconic member of the group. Robin, our favourite hooded archer/marksman. Robin as you would have guessed is better at range than in close quarters, not saying he can’t pull off a close quarter fight but he deals his damage with a fully charged arrow.

Robin has pros and cons, like all things do. He is more suited to certain situations and maps.

For pros:
Deadly one shot kills
Quick stealth kills
Deadly flash grenade

Weak up close
Weak melee attack (can be improved with perks)
Only 7 arrows (Seems strange not to round it down to 5 or up to 10 but this can be enhanced with perks)
Slow at carrying a chest/extraction

I honestly would give Robin a 5/10 due to some maps are his advantage and some are really pointless to play as him.

John the Brawler. Deadly melee attacks, very strong ability and deadly grenade.

John I feel has more pros than cons.

For pros:
Deadly up close
Good at extraction/carrying chest
Good grenade
Can lift a portcullis
Very good power attack/sprinting in to power attack
Very strong ability.

For cons:
Only range he has is his grenade (can be enhanced with perks)
Long stealth takedowns.
Strange issue with the ability to crouch while using ability.

John I would give an 8/10 for usage, as he is practically needed in every map. A few issues with the game is why I didn’t rate higher but I hope they are fixed soon.

The infamous Marianne, not trying to be weird or anything but she gets a lot of love and hate.

For pros:
Can stealth attack guards and sentries from the front when not fully seen.
Fast stealth take downs.
Insane weapon to keep firing bolts.
Ability isn’t too bad.

For cons:
Her range attack has a drop unlike Robin and his arrows.
Lowish health.
Smoke grenade doesn’t do too much against players.
(There are some issues with her and after my time playing this game I definitely think she needs a nerf, I enjoy playing her but feel cheap doing so)

I would give her a 7/10. She is fun to play but in some situations she doesn’t do so well. Such as out of bolts and seen so no chance to stealth.

The strangest character of the bunch. But quite fun to play.

For pros:
Amazing ability, really helps himself and the team.
Fast at carrying chest and extraction.
Grenade is deadly to enemies in close quarters.
Deadly longer range melee attacks.

For cons:
A little harder to get the hang of compared to the other characters.
Long stealth kills.
Own grenade can effect you also. (can be changed with perks)
No long range attacks.

For Tooke I give him a 9/10 for game play. His ability helps himself and his team and his extraction and carrying is fast.

I myself do not main any characters and some I do enjoy more than others but for myself I tend to choose my character based on the map and current team.

Some characters are better suited to different maps, some maps are more forgiving and better with multiple of one character. The main issues with character choice is the choice of range characters. Having 2-3 Robins/Marianne’s may cause the team to experience difficulty in certain situations. Same if everyone plays as John or Tooke, they have no ranged. Finding the balance and making changes is very important in terms of gameplay.


I am not going to go over perks as I feel they are more of a personal choice and sure I can make recommendations I feel I couldn’t cover it too well due to everyone plays a character differently. With Tooke some people may like the healing grenades, some may not. With Robin, some may want an instant explosive arrow, some may want a timed one. My point is, perks are entirely to each their own, same with character choice.


In this section I go over the maps, basic information and what characters I feel work well with which maps and which parts of maps are in their favour.


Here I will go over a bit about the maps. Such as their size, pros and cons and what characters are better suited.

This is all my personal opinion, I am just providing recommendations based off of my own experiences playing the game and characters. You do not need to follow these at all but I do explain my reasoning. (To each their own, if you don’t agree, no problem.)


The tutorial map, one of the smallest in the game. The map has some spots for range attacks, mainly around the church and extraction points but the map is more close quarters. Marianne is better than Robin at the gate extraction due to all the places to hide and the bushes. Robin is fairly matched with Marianne at the boat extraction although there is a place Robin can climb and use to rain down arrows on enemies.

This map does not have changing spawn points unlike other maps which have a couple of different patterns.

For this map melee is more needed than range.

I would recommend:

1x Robin
1x John
1x Tooke
1x Marianne or John or Tooke.

Out of the selection I would say Robin is the least useful. Sure, his deadly 1 shot attack at defending extraction points is useful but I’ve seen teams without Robin play just fine by stacking melee. Using Marianne to guard/patrol spots Robin could use.

The other small map, Outpost offers a lot of play styles for different team set ups. The map has a lot of spots for different styles of attacks and defences. There are a lot of spots Robin can use while also being both a close quarter and open map, it just depends on what stage the game is on (Finding the key, the vault, extraction)

This map has a couple of patterns for spawn points.

I would recommend

1x Robin
1x John
1x Tooke
1x Marianne or Robin.

Marianne is good on this map but it really depends on if you are using the left gate extraction or the right encampment extraction. If the gate extraction is happening it can restrict Robin’s arrows as there is a cart covering it so he can only shoot from the left or right flank. Marianne would have a hard time sneaking up on the extraction compared to the other location as it is on a straight bridge.

Marianne is good at the encampment extraction (Right side) as it has shrubs and multiple directions to come from. Robin can be good at this site but there is only a couple of spots he can shoot from when attacking and trying to stop the extraction due to tree coverage. But, if he is covering his team while they use this spot there are plenty of choices. Such as staying near the site in the shrubs or using the castle roof, the walls, tower.


A large map with 3 extraction sites which teams fight over which one is used (I know teams always do that but this map can grant huge advantages depending on spawn points)

3 spawn points, they do have a couple of patterns and can change.

My recommendation:

1x John
1x Robin
1x Marianne or Tooke
1x Robin or Marianne

This was a harder recommendation. Tooke is vital at healing his team. However, depending on which extraction site is used, prepare to be one shot by Robin. The only site which would bring Tooke back for me as a definite is the middle extraction site as it is a fairer fight than either of the other two.

Robin goes well on this map. He is good at most extraction sites and can be good at defending them or attacking them. This entirely depends on which team site is being used and the spawn points. Some spawn points make it very fast access to the wall or site itself. Robin can stop extractions at one site (Far right extraction point) from the wall. This map really does make it a deadly fight to make sure the chest is being extracted in a place with an advantage for your team. Unlike the two previous maps I mentioned, this one really is all about which extraction site should be used.


Another large map, with extraction sites which can can be used against the opposing team and choice can be determined by character selection of team.

3 spawn points, only two of which can change to a different location nearby.

My recommendation:

1x John
1x Tooke
1x Marianne
1x Robin

For this map I feel one of each does good. You can change them out here and there depending on play style (Such as if you are all friends and have an extraction point you’d like to go for)

Robin can do well with a couple of extraction sites. Such as the one in the village. He can be amazing at stopping extraction from opposite the ravine towards B spawn.

Marianne also does well in different parts of this map but in a couple of the extraction points it’s quite easy to see her sneaking up on your even when she is using her ability.


A large, strange map. With a good mixture of both close quarters and open spaces both in the city and around extraction sites. Like Marshlands the choice of which extraction site really can change the game due to spawn points and actual team starting spawn points.

My recommendation:
1x John
1x Tooke
1x Marianne
1x Robin or another character.

Robin can do well in this map but it depends purely on the extraction site if he does well later in the game. With two extraction points being not far from either team’s spawn point and one extraction site between the two. Robin can be useful but in some of the extraction sites it is all about finding a good spot for him. Sometimes it is in the bushes near the site and sometimes it is on a ledge.

Marianne is good due to the many ways each site can be attacked from making her ability really strong. Also due to the map also including close quarter fights.


Some maps are better for some characters than others but it is entirely down to your play style who you choose. I know I never really exchanged John out for anyone and only Tooke was a maybe in Marshlands but this is due to the strength these characters can have in terms of extraction, carrying the chest and fighting ability. Not to mention how they are the better choice for running in to a site to stop an extraction if no one is able to take a ranged shot and at the end of the day. Extraction is the main objective.

Tips, tricks and being a good team member.

Here I go over some simple things which I feel really can make a game better and easier for all parties.

1. Marking enemies :

Marking enemies has to be my number 1. It is so simple yet effective and can provide a lot of information to your team. It can warn them of enemies near by, whether it is one sneaking up on them or just marking which way they are coming to the extraction site. It can also be used to signal for help from an ally in the next room who may think you are fighting an AI and not a player. It is crucial. On keyboard and mouse, just aim at an enemy and click your middle mouse button. It will highlight the enemy read for your team to see. It does fade after a little time so if it’s important, keep marking them.

2. Spawn points :

Keeping on top of captured spawn points is vital. Cutting off enemies spawn points and flanks can help win games. What I usually do is take out the further spawn point first. Such as on Graveyard if we are extracting at the gate I would take A and then C and then B. Instead of just taking B. It stops the enemies spawning behind and taking the point from more angles. Robin has perks which increase capture speed and other characters have perks that do slow it. Capturing points is major. I know, it’s simple but sometimes the smallest things have the most impact.

3. Team setups :

I know we all want to play a certain character now and again. However, keep in mind the map and the players already present. If you join a lobby as the last one on the team and they already have 2 Robins on Graveyard. 2 is more than enough, the last thing anyone needs is a 3rd Robin. The only thing I could suggest stacking 2-3 of are melee characters due to how vital they are in terms of the main objective. If you are dying to play that character and don’t want to change, maybe find a new lobby. I know a game is for fun and everything but from experience there is nothing more boring than being destroyed because you only have 1 melee character.

4. Stealth Takedowns :

Crouching and walking up behind someone and hitting “E” is very simple. If you see a team member blocking multiple attacks and you can take out an enemy with a sneak attack. Do it. Running and jumping in the fight or trying to take them out with bolts or arrows may cause your team member’s life. Not to mention failing to do so may result in yourself being killed next.


Thank you for reading, I hope you got a bit of insight in to things.

Feel free to leave a comment and if you enjoyed it I would really appreciate it if you could like or subscribe or whatever it is on Steam.

If there is anything you think I have missed, please let me know.

Once more, this is my personal opinion based on my experience with all the characters and reaching max level. You do not have to go by any of my recommendations. I am just sharing what I have learned/picked up. You may have picked up your own tips and you are entitled to your own opinion. No hate here.
