This Guide will instruct you on how to install and apply Fuwanovel & Sweet Love Restoration Patch to Moenovel’s If My Heart Had Wings Steam Folder, Walkthrough for all Routes & Info on other Pulltop VN’s
If My Heart Had Wings is a 30+ Hour Romance Eroge Developed by Pulltop about Minase Aoi returning to his hometown after a cycling accident. After interacting with childhood and new friends, they join the school’s Gliding Club & the story takes off them there in a pretty good romance Visual Novel.
Moenovel’s ‘localisation’ of the eroge when released in 2013 cut & censored all adult content from the game and did a bad translation of the visual novel that get’s worse in specific routes like Ageha, making her story a unreadable mess compared to what her route was actually about in the original Pulltop & Fuwanovel patched version. Overall, Moenovel’s If My Heart Had Wings was the worst example of censoring and cutting a all-age Visual Novel to release in the west.
However, a Restoration Patch by Fuwanovel restore’s cut content and properly translates some of the game. Although it’s translated the game to be understandable and has decent editing & quality-checking, the game is still full of Moenovel’s quality engrish. That being said, their is a ongoing re-translation of the game and should be completed the future.
This Guide will be about several things. First, it will instruct on how to install the fuwanovel restoration patch & sweet love user interface patch. It will be a walkthrough on how to get each ending & be a minor PullTop Hub with a brief look at other Pulltop Visual Novels.
If My Heart Had Wings Fuwanovel & Sweet Love UI Restoration Patch Installation Guide
Be aware that installing and applying both the Fuwanovel & Sweet Love UI Restoration Patch will change the original all-age rating to AO (18+) by adding back in cut content that is sexually explicit in nature. Besides that, installing both patch’s will disable steam from interacting properly, meaning you cant unlock achievements or get trading card drops (I think). You can either choose to 100% the original Moenovel VN to get both achievements and cards or follow the following instruction guide which will help with this issue. With that said, here is how to install both the original Fuwanovel Restoration Patch & Sweet Love User Interface Restoration Patch.
Step 1: Uninstall If My Heart Had Wings (For Previous Restoration Patch users) – Optional
If you already had the VN & Patched with Restoration Patch, this optional step is a optional safeguard step to help solve alot of issues that can occur even if sweet love restoration patch is applied if you didn’t install the first restoration patch properly. You can skip this step if you have the Moenovel Version Installed or applied fuwanovel patch correctly and works perfectly, this is mainly to help people who have any issues coming up I havent helped with. If your worried the Visual Novel isnt properly patched or want to follow this guide to letter, continue on.
- Uninstall If My Heart Had Wings From Steam
- Go to your If My Heart Had Wings Folder in Steam. This can be found in C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonIf My Heart Had Wings
- Either Delete the folder itself or delete all the files inside leaving it blank and empty
- Dump said files in recycle bin to save Hard-Drive Space
Step 2: Install If My Heart Had Wings MoeNovel Version
This step is for those who either followed the previous step or are installing if my heart had wings for the first time. This step will mainly have the original unchanged Moenovel Visual Novel installed on Steam for you to apply both Restoration Patchs
- Install If My Heart Had Wings In Steam Menu
- Once 100% Finished open and run to the Main Menu to ensure its properly installed and allow any microsoft essential patching to be done.
Step 2.5: Change System Locale & Text Format to Japanese
This step is crucial to getting both the Fuwanovel & Sweet Love UI Patch to work as the VN will get plenty of error’s from not being able to read some script files without the system locale being Japanese. The Text format is optional but without it Sweet Love text will be scriggly lines instead of japanese text.
- Go to Control Panel & Select Region & Language
- Go to Administrative Tab and change System Locale to Japan (Will Require System Restart)
- Go to Text Format and Change Language to Japanese (Optional)
Step 3: Install Fuwanovel Restoration Patch
This step is to install the first and original Fuwanovel restoration patch that originally restore cut content to the game that Moenovel took out. You can find info on what it do’s on Fuwanovel’s[fuwanovel.net] Website. Here is how to install the first Restoration patch
- Download Fuwanovel’s Restoration Patch from 18+ Nyaa[sukebei.nyaa.se]
- To install and start downloading the torrent, you will need to use a torrent program. Utorrent 3.2.3 is the version I use to torrent my stuff and has no issues.
Step 3.5: Create a Folder to place both Restoration Patchs in
This should be done automatically by the torrent but have a folder to have both the fuwanovel restoration patch & sweet love restoration patch to be stored in. This will come in useful later on.
- Create a new folder in C:Program Files (x86) if not done automatically to place fuwanovel restoration patch file in.
- Make sure their are two seperate folders inside for the Fuwanovel & Sweet Love Patch which should have their own folder. Once finished, follow next step.
Step 4: Extract Fuwanovel Restoration Patch
This Step will be on extracting the the Fuwanovel Restoration patch once it has finished downloading as a single RAR file inside its own folder.
- Use a Program to open the RAR file. WinRAR is the one I used for this
- Once installed and running, right click on the RAR file and select Extract Here under winrar options. Once finished, follow next step
Step 5: Select all files in Fuwanovel Patch folder and paste into If My Heart Had Wings FolderThis step will be on selecting all the files in the Fuwanovel Restoration Patch Folder and copy-pasting them into the Steam Folder Of Moenovel’s If My Heart Had Wings
- Select all the files in Fuwanovel Patch Folder
- Copy and then paste in Steam Folder for Moenovel’s If My Heart Had Wings
- Folder can be found in C:Program Files (x86)
Step 6: Run the apply_diffs windows batch file
This step will be on running the the apply_diffs.bat file that pastes all the fuwanovel restoration content to the moenovel files
- Double left click the apply_diffs.bat file to get it to run
- A command prompt will open up (pic related) and automatically move the missing cut content back into the moenovel version.
- Let the command prompt do its work (you can do alt-tab instead of staring intently for it to finish, it’ll take a while) and dont prematurely close it
- When command prompt is finished, it will prompt you press any key to close it, this is to let you know it finished applying fuwanovel content to the game
Step 7: Install the Sweet Love UI Restoration Patch
This step will be on installing the Sweet Love User Interface Restoration Patch. You can find information on patch elsewhere in my guide.
- Install the SLUI Restoration Patch from either {LINK REMOVED} or 18+ Nyaa
- Once its finished or asking you where to move the torrent file, place it in a 2nd folder described in Step 3.5 for later use
Step 8: Copy and Paste SLUI Patch files into Steam If My Heart Had Wings Folder
This step will be on pasting Sweet Love UI Patch Files into Steam.
- Select all files and folders inside Sweet Love UI Patch Folder
- Copy & Paste into the Steam folder
- When asked to replace, select yes to all conflicts automatically
- Once done if you open If My Heart Had Wings from Steam the Main Menu should be changed to Pic Related.
Once this is done you have successfully installed and applied both restoration patch files to Moenovel VN. You can look for info on Sweet Love Later on in the guide but for now you have successfully installed both patch’s and can ignore the rest of the guide. If you want to know how to get the achievements/trading card drops after you 100% the Visual Novel read the next section.
If My Heart Had Wings Moenovel Achievement & Trading Card Guide – Optional
This section is following on from the previous instruction walkthrough but if you played through the If My Heart Had Wings Visual Novel with both restoration patch’s you’ll know or find out that it isn’t steam compatible. The game not being steam compatible means that steam wont let achievements or trading cards drop from the game unless you have the Moenovel all-age version installed. Unfortunately there isn’t anything either me or other people can do to alleviate this so the only option for you to do is to either play through the Moenovel VN first and 100% skip to get all the achievements and trading cards or move the two-patched version and install the moenovel version to get both achievements & trading cards before uninstalling and placing back the patched version. This guide will be to help you move patched If My Heart Had Wings & Install Moenovel version for achievements & trading cards
Step 1: Move All Files & Uninstall From Steam
- Go to your If My Heart Had Wings Steam Folder & Move All Files in the to another temporary folder.
- Once the Steam Folder is empty & blank go to the game on steam and uninstall
Step 2: Reinstall Moenovel version in Steam & Skip Through
This part of the guide requires you to install the original all-age version of the game on steam and skip through the game to get the achievements & trading cards.
- Install If My Heart Had Wings Moenovel Version on Steam
- Once finished, go to settings in main menu, text configurations and select the option to skip unread text
- Skip through the game with help from the walkthrough to help get you Achievements & Trading Cards. With walkthrough you’ll get 100% Achievements with the few requiring you to go to CG section
Step 3: Delete Moenovel Files and Move Patched Version Back
This is the final step of the guide but all you need to do for this bit is delete the moenovel VN without uninstalling it and moving Patched Version back into the Steam folder.
- Go to If My Heart Had Wings Steam Folder and select all files
- Delete selected files to recycle bin
- Move the patched VN version from the temporary folder back into the empty steam folder
With this you’ve unlocked all the achievements & trading cards and won’t have to worry about playing the MoeNovel version ever again.
If My Heart Had Wings Walkthrough
This part of the guide will guide you through each heroine route as well Bad End for achievement. Note that the No its Different choice only appears after you complete Kotori Route.
Kotori Route
- Go Ahead With Kotori
- Kotori
- Kotori
- Go home together with Kotori
Amane Route (Complete Kotori Route to unlock)
- Wait for Ageha
- I like you
- Amane
- Amane
Ageha Route
- Wait for Ageha
- No, It’s Different
- Ageha
- Ageha
- Go Together with Ageha
Asa Route
- Wait for Ageha
- No, It’s Different
- Neither of them
- Me
- Go to Asa
- Choose Asa
Yoru Route (Complete Asa Route to Unlock)
- Wait for Ageha
- No, It’s Different
- Neither of them
- Me
- Go to Asa
- Don’t choose either
Bad End (For Achievement)
- Wait for Ageha
- No, It’s Different
- Amane
- Ageha
- Go home together with Kotori or Go to Asa
If My Heart Had Wings Sweet Love Update & Issue Fixes
What the Sweet Love Update is all about
If you noticed in the previous few weeks I half-updated the guide & Introduced the Sweet Love UI Patch which changes the User Interface from Moenovel to translated Pulltop Version which adds several improvements. As well as talking about any potential issues that can come up with Sweet Love patch and how to fix it I will also talk about what I’ve added/rewritten & updated for guide.
List of Updates for Guide
- Rewritten the entire guide to be 100% consistent throughout. Some early parts of the guide had less effort & skill written into it compared to later sections
- Updated guide to be up to date on current stuff
- Changed & Removed Redundant Sections for the guide
- Added New Sections to the guide like Pulltop Hub Group & Giveaway
List of Issues Sweet Love Patch has and how to fix it
This section is a small add-on that’s to deal with any common issues people might have with installing & trying to get the Sweet Love User Interface Patch to work.
Sprites & Background Issue
Follow the guide properly to avoid the first restoration patch being faulty & system locale being set to Japan. Then use [link] to fix it. Let me know if you still have any issues if both don’t work.
Lost Saves & Having to Restart the game from scratch
The UI Patch creates a new save folder for the game to save in. Because loading old save’s would break or crash the game (like trying to play restoration patch scenes on the original moenovel version) it’s easier to play with the updated UI version. You can skip content you’ve already seen before by changing settings in the menu.
Where to put deluxe edition OST files while installing both restoration patch’s
If you either bought the deluxe edition or won it from the giveaway and were wondering what to do with the OST files to avoid it from stopping both patch’s from working you can follow the few steps to move it and add it to steam.
- After installing original moenovel game with soundtrack dlc, go into steam folder (C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonIf My Heart Had Wings) and select all OST files
- Move to a new folder in Music folder
- Go to Steam settings, music and while adding select the IMHHW OST folder in music
With this you should have the OST to play from in music library without having the files affect both patch’s working. If you have any other issues let me know i’ll help in comments or PM if I’m online.
If My Heart Had Wings: Sweet Love, Flight Diary & Snow Presents (Spoilers)
This part of the guide will be mainly talking about what Sweet Love, Flight Diary & Snow Presents are about and current official & fan translation status on the 3 games.
If My Heart Had Wings – Sweet Love
If My Heart Had Wings Sweet Love is a post-game patch for the original PULLTOP Japanese version of the game released in 2012 that added 4 post-epilogue short scenario’s for Kotori, Ageha, Amane & Asa + Yoru. The Sweet Love UI Patch is mainly to replace the Original Moenovel interface which had cut content & had several issues that flared with the first fuwanovel restoration patch like:
- 8 CG Pages compared to the original 12 meant some CG’s were un-viewable, mainly the omake ones.
- Cut menu options like scene replay meant you had to save to view certain scenes with restoration patch.
- Issues with Restoration Patch interacting with Moenovel version like the infamous sprite linger issue.
The Sweet Love UI Patch do’s the following.
- Replaces the Moenovel User Interface with the Fuwanovel Retranslation Projects translated Pulltop Version.
- Adds the Sweet Love Patch which was unworkable with the Moenovel Version
- Increases CG Pages to 12 so you can view all the CG’s and not have to deal with any overlapping issues.
- Scene Replay option to view scenes you had to save to review in the moenovel version.
Translation Status
Currently the Fuwanovel Retranslation Project is focused on re-translating the main game although the Project Leader is interested in translating the sweet love scenario’s too. Officially since MoeNovel didn’t release a 18+ version its highly unlikely they’ll translate the Sweet Love Scenario’s as they’d then have to translate all the h-scenes which they cut out for an all-age release in 2013.
If My Heart Had Wings – Flight Diary
If My Heart Had Wings – Flight Diary[vndb.org] is the official Fandisc by PULLTOP released in 2013 & Sequel to the original If My Heart Had Wings Visual Novel, it is around 30+ hours in length & features the following content:
- Amane Post-Epilogue Route which puts more focus on her past with Misaka in the Gliding Club and how Misaka’s getting used to the Soaring Club in the present.
- Kotori Post-Epilogue Route set a year after the first VN, it show’s the future Gliding Club with new members & Kotori and Aoi’s romance deepening.
- Fandisc Route focused on Himegi Hotaru, Ageha’s younger sister.
- Fandisc Route focused on Shigure Kanako, the dormitory heroine.
- Ecchi Scenario for Hotaru & Ageha
- Ecchi Scenario for Asa & Yoru
- Common Route Scenario from Kotori’s point of view as she meets Aoi & gets used to the gliding club, narrated in a diary format.
Where To Get
- Legally – Will Order[www.will-order.com] (Will require Oversea Japan Shipping Websites if you want the physical version)
- Torrent – 18+ Nyaa
Thoughts on Flight Diary
I hugely enjoyed playing through Flight Diary even though its untranslated as it wraps up stuff not properly covered in Kotori & Amane’s routes while giving heroines who didn’t have a route in the original VN like Hotaru & Kanako to get a dedicated route for them both in the fandisc. That being said I did get disappointed that Kumiko Akari, the School’s Council President didn’t get her own route & the Kazato Twins only got a short ecchi scenario but Overall I enjoyed it.
Current Translation Status
At the moment fan-translation wise the main project is being done by Ryuuichiko[ryuuichikoyukishi.wordpress.com]. Although he’s focused right now on translating Hatsukoi 1/1[vndb.org] hes already put on youtube quite a few translated subtitle flight diary videos which you can view here for & here for Kanako ( & ). Officially Moenovel have confirmed that they want to work on bringing flight diary & snow presents to the west in this interview[www.greenteagraffiti.com]. Their waiting for Pulltop to finish with working on upcoming VN’s before doing it which I’ll talk about after Snow Presents.
If My Heart Had Wings – Snow Presents
If My Heart Had Wings – Snow Presents[vndb.org] is a winter themed variety pack with the following content:
- a 2-10 hour long Visual Novel dedicated to Kotori & Aoi living together in the dormitory during the winter after her leg surgery before they graduate from Keifuu Academy.
- 1 hour long Drama CD of the Soaring Club going to a Winter Camp.
- Snow Present OST CD containing Kotori’s Character Song
- System Voices & Wallpaper
Where To Get
- Legally – J-List[www.jlist.com] (Avoiding the Hassle over Oversea Japan Shipping)
- Torrent – 18+ Nyaa
Thoughts on Snow Presents
Even though the VN is shorter than Flight Diary & Only focused on Kotori, I enjoyed it as it felt like a tech demo in doing a fully animated VN with animated CG scenes instead of it just having a animated OP. The Drama CD isnt translated so I cant understand at all what their saying but its nice that Aoi got a VA instead of being unvoiced in the VN. The OST, System Voices & Wallpaper are nice too but that’s something Pulltop regularly do’s for their VN’s so it doesnt stand out so much. That being said I hugely enjoyed it overall.
Translation Status
Fan-translation wise their’s no ongoing projects although Ryuuichiko did translate the first scene on youtube which you can watch . Officially Moenovel said they want to localise both Flight Diary & Snow Presents to the West after PullTop aren’t working on any upcoming titles which i’ll be talking about next.
Off-Topic – Moenovel Localizing Flight Diary & Snow Presents
Moenovel, Cruise Sign & Officially Localising If My Heart Had Wings sequels
I feel this deserves a small section since Moenovel are wanting to translate Flight Diary & Snow Presents and I wanted to speculate & talk on how they could do this without censoring or wrecking the games.
In a Interview[www.greenteagraffiti.com] Moenovel stated they wanted to work on translating Flight Diary & Snow Presents with Pulltop when the team that originally made if my heart had wings isn’t busy. Since Natsuiro Recipe[vndb.org] was released in May and Pulltop have only one VNDB Listed[vndb.org] VN left to work on It means that Pulltop aren’t exactly working on anything besides any possible append patch’s for previous VN’s. Since Moenovel released If My Heart Had Wings in the west All-Ages, the easiest way of releasing flight diary & Snow presents without bombing hard again is to have pulltop make a all-age version of the game then translate it, avoiding having to cut content and censor the game.
Since Moenovel is a part of Pulltop, my guess is that they’ll use the CRUISE SIGN[5pb.jp] version of the game which is a planned PS3 & PS Vita all age release for japan which Pulltop might work on now that Natsuiro Recipe[vndb.org] is released. Although Moenovel will have to deal with the awful translation quality, they can get around this by having a localisation company like Sekai Project or MangaGamer translate it. I’d say this this is a good thing if that happen’s since it prevent’s any chance of the localisation being awful. Either company might translate the 18+ version of Flight Diary & Snow Presents if they were paid to translate the all-age version & might use the original non-mosaic CG’s with MangaGamer drawing their own if that can’t happen.
In the end I don’t know what will happen since this is all just speculation from my end but hopefully if Pulltop do’s do a western release they’ll use a all-age version or use the original 18+ version rather than cut and censor content like they did for If My Heart Had Wings.
If your interested in other PullTop VN’s besides If My Heart Had Wings and whether they’ll be translated too read on for the next section.
Off Topic – Other Pulltop Visual Novels Part 1
If you played If My Heart Had Wings (And Maybe Flight Diary & Snow Presents too) and enjoyed it and were wondering what MoeNovel could localise from Pulltop’s list of games, this section will briefly talk about a few recent PullTop VN’s that aren’t related to the If My Heart Had Wings Franchise & give a rating on the likelihood of the game’s getting localised or fan-translated in the future.
- Chances Of It Being Fan-Translated – 1.5/5
- Chances of MoeNovel Translating It – 3.5/5
VNDB Summary
Halfway through the 21st century, we are surely approaching something called the “network golden age”.
The Multi-purpose communication card “Orca” provides a phone network (that goes without saying), an overwhelming number of apps to use allowing one to shop from their home telephone, and even a way to receive school lessons.
Even IDs and the health insurance cards are all incorporated into the Orca card.
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that one’s entire life is influenced by this one small card.
I, Hayami Taiyou, lives in a city that supports cutting-edge Orca cards, also a student of Makoto Advanced Academy (something like this city has the best ones)
Blessed with friends, and although i have no large problems occur in my daily life……
A bug occurred in some students’ Orca card after a sudden automatic update was applied.
An unusual app called “Cocoro Function” was installed.
And it seems I was one of them, and apparently due to this app, my inner thoughts are revealed to the people around me.
“Chairman! Bad News!”
“What’s wrong? (But, I would never get tired of groping your bouncing boobs)”
“Chairman! You pervert!”“Chairman! Bad News!”
“What’s wrong? (But, I would never get tired of groping your bouncing boobs)”
“Chairman! You pervert!”You can’t delete the app, but on the other hand you couldn’t live without Orca either.
After that, it was impossible to hide my erotic delusions.
Furthermore, apparently there are other apps at school that have special features that are also causing problems.
The troubles in school are gradually building up.
I had to do something, and with that in mind, I gathered a group of people also bothered by this mysterious app,
and started up the Cocoro Function Countermeasure Committee (CFC), in order to try to solve the problem.
Can everyone else and I retain our peaceful school life!?!My Thoughts On the VN
I’d say this is PullTop’s most popular VN after the If My Heart Had Wings series in Japan. With a future sci-fi setting, 30-50 hours in length and a Fandisc[vndb.org] that’s around 10-30 hours in length. I’d guess that this might be Moenovel’s most likely choice if they won’t go with Natsuiro Recipe after they finish translating Flight Diary & Snow Present’s. Fan-translation wise there was a project that translated 60% of the common route & one of the heroine routes before it got abandoned. Ryuushiki put around 2.4k lines into it but their sparse and can only be viewed on VNR. I might get around to editing the common route lines and posting youtube video’s but I’d rather focus on learning how to translate Japanese properly than edit a existing abandoned translation.
Where to Get
- Legally – J-List (Don’t have to worry about oversea shipping for Cocoro@Function & Its Fandisc)
- Torrent – 18+ Nyaa
Kanojo to Ore to Koibito to
- Chances Of It Being Fan-Translated – 2/5
- Chances of MoeNovel Translating It 1/5
VNDB Summary
Haruto saved Ayano when he jumped out in front of an errant vehicle that was heading for her, but he got hurt in the process. She came to visit him every day while he was in the hospital and they gradually got closer. Even after he was discharged from the hospital, she helped take care of him until his injury was fully healed, spending every day like lovers. On the final day, he walked her to the train station and thanked her for everything she did for him. She responded by kissing him and saying that she didn’t stay with him only because he saved her. The next day, she came once more to his place, but this time as true lovers. However, their sweet time together was soon interrupted by his childhood friend Yuuko, Ayano’s best friend Tsukushi and her younger sister Konoka.
My Thoughts on the VN
I’d say less effort was put into the VN than other PullTop VN’s due to the game not having that much emphasis on story beyond the common route as it was Pulltop Latte’s[vndb.org] first VN with the emphasis on sex scenes being apparent after the common route. I wouldn’t say its a nukige since there is a actual story but the game development has a emphasis on sex scenes & This can affect the overall quality of the game. Translation wise I find it highly unlikely that MoeNovel will localise this VN as it would require a 100% all-age conversion by PullTop which I doubt they’ll do for this game. Fan Translation Wise their’s no ongoing projects and its unlikely that a project will be started for this VN compared to other PullTop Visual Novel’s that are higher-quality but will update if there is.
Where to Get
- Legally – WillPlus (Have to use oversea Japanese Shipping Company’s if ordering physical edition)
- Torrent – 18+ Nyaa
Koisuru Natsu no Last Resort
- Chances Of It Being Fan-Translated – 5/5
- Chances of MoeNovel Translating It – 3/5
VNDB Summary
Soutarou just manages to pay his school fees by doing part-time jobs. After helping his junior Umi and skipping his shift, he was fired from his part-time job and was having problems making ends meet. Umi felt responsible for his present situation and introduced him to a part-time job at a Southern resort. With deep blue skies, clear seas and vibrant vegetation, the place looked exactly like in the travel magazines.
Moreover, he was surrounded by many girls: energetic little sister-like Sango, affectionate tennen ojousama Riho, shy and earnest Shiori, and the kind but also strict manager Nagisa. Arriving at the resort, Umi turned to him and asked him to spend the time there as her boyfriend.My Thought’s on the VN
I played through it untranslated and enjoyed it since compared to Kanojo, there was alot more effort by Pulltop Latte put into the game which shows with a summer vacation holiday setting, 10-30 hour length & a decent story romance. While their are still plenty of ecchi scenes the VN places more focus on the story which is a good thing. Fan-translation wise their’s great news as a current fan-translation by MDZ[mdzanime.me] is 100% Translated and should take a few months of editing to be finished which I’ll update the guide with when its done. Moenovel might do a official release but it’ll be years after the fan-translation is out.
Where to Get
- Legally – WillPlus (Have to use oversea Japanese Shipping Company’s if ordering physical edition)
- Torrent – 18+ Nyaa
Conclusion & Notes
I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy If My Heart Had Wings for the good Visual Novel it was without the people who made the Restoration Patch, Fuwanovel who helped create it.
Source: [link]
Also again thanks to Fuwanovel for their walkthrough which helped me get through all the routes
Source: [link]
This will be updated occasionally as I give my thoughts on the VN+guide
1: Moenovel released If My Heart Had Wings 5 hours late and judging by file size absolutely nothing has been changed/added leaving it the same buggy mess. If it wasn’t for this making restoration patch easier to apply I’d be extremely mad/irritated/frustated at Moenovel.
1.2: Since I’ve already played the VN with patch I might as well give my opinion on each of the routes
- Kotori: Went in for Katawa Shoujo Crippled Feel’s, got an actual proper romantic relationship instead
- Amane: Although Kotori feels the most developed/ main heroine I felt like I enjoyed Amane’s Route more. Not only do’s it give answer’s to most of the VN’s mysteries (who was the girl who wrote Kotori’s Flight Diary) it also gives depth to character’s that felt one-dimensional in other routes (For example that fat jerk who constantly keeps trying to shut the club down is instead an adult who is very VERY concerned about his student’s but react’s in the wrong way)
- Asa: I didn’t dislike this route but I didn’t particularly like it. It wasn’t bad or made me so polarizingly angry like Ageha’s but I felt it didn’t have anything particular to stand out
- Twin Harem Route:
Although this is the Harem Route story-wise it focuses on Yoru rather than Asa. I’d say I enjoyed this route the most after Amane’s
1.3: I found out that after applying restoration patch to steam game that the game won’t unlock steam achievements. You can pick either to skip through the original game for achievements or play patched version first but i’d recommend going through the patched version as you won’t be spoiled by any CG’s. Keep in mind that to get the achievement’s you’ll need to uninstall the patched game and re-install the original version to unlock them, hence why keeping the Restoration Patch RAR file safe is important.
1.4: This is relatively minor but even with patched version of the game you won’t be able to replay scenes and CG order is messed up. So if you want to ‘replay’ particular scene’s I’d recommend saving on pages 4+ for them.
1.5: Managed to unlock Bad End, edited Bad End walkthrough with correct order.
1.6: If you were wondering about the achievement’s you can get them all by going through all route’s in the VN apart from the gallery one which is simple.
1.7: Added link to [link] which is more descriptive when installing restoration patch.
1.8: Updated Installation Guide & added Flight Diary & Snow Presents section.
1.9: Steam update caused images used in guide to not show so reuploaded them to fix the error.
2.0: Updated Fuwanovel if my heart had wings torrent link with Nyaa due to Fuwanovel deleting torrents. You can find more information here [link]
2.1: Added Pulltop Visual Novel section (Off-Topic)
2.2: In a recent interview about If My Heart Had Wings, MoeNovel has shown interest into translating both Flight Diary & Snow Present’s in the future. Because of this, i’ve edited the Pulltop Section. You can read more on this here: [link]
2.3: Added Alternative Restoration Patch section which talk’s about the pro’s & con’s it has compared to the main restoration patch installation guide