8-bit Adventure Anthology: Volume I Guide

Walkthrough: Deja Vu for 8-bit Adventure Anthology: Volume I

Walkthrough: Deja Vu


A game walkthrough that’ll guide you through the steps of beating the game and getting all the achievements in a single run. Care has been taken to spoil as little of the story as possible.


Deja Vu is a point- and click adventure game that puts itself apart by its unusual interface and controls. If you’ve never played any of these games before it can take a little getting used to.

Purpose of this Walkthrough

This guide is specifically targeted for the Steam-version of Deja Vu included in the 8-Bit Adventure Anthology: Volume I . It’s a game walkthrough to get all achievements in a single run, and I’ve done my best to spoil as little of the story as possible.

If you don’t want to follow the entire walkthrough and just get past a point you’re stuck on, CTRL+F (on PC) searching for a location or item should bring you to the correct section. The same goes if you just want to look up how to do a specific achievement: I will mark out their names in the guide in capital letters inside parenthesis ( ) so you can search for them too.

Items will always be within angle brackets < >, and locations within curly brackets { }.

Interface & Controls

This part is mostly for people who are never played these game before. If you’re already familiar with the interface, you can skip forward to the next section.

The Interactive Environment is the visual representation of the world around you and serves as the main screen in the game. Everything here can be interacted with using the various commands in the Action Panel.

You can Examine objects to either be given a description of them, or read them, or both.
You can Open certain objects – either to be able to progress into new areas or to check the insides of various objects.
You can Speak to objects to try and communicate with them.
You can Take objects to pocket them and make them appear in your inventory.
You can Hit something to hurt it, or yourself if you’re unlucky.
You can Leave to move out of an area, but you can also Leave certain objects behind.
You can Close various objects that you previously opened. Can be handy to lessen the amount of inventory pages to scroll through.
You can Use an object, either to manipulate it by itself, combine it with something else, or on yourself.
You can Move in order to switch areas and rooms.

The Map will point out all available exits, and their positioning will be matching their location on the Interactive Environment. Would you prefer to not search for the transitions on the visual screen you can usually use the actions Open, Leave, Move and sometimes Use on the map pinpoints instead.

The Inventory (named Goods or Address in the game) will hold all the items you decide to Take with you, and you can use the clickboxes at the Inv Paging to scroll through the pages of items you have. The very first page is your Address book (‘scuse the image misspelling), which will later list locations you can travel to.

Self is a special targeting option to enable interaction with yourself, and you will have to pick an action first (and maybe other object) before clicking self for anything to happen.

Save will bring up the save screen, and let you save the current state of your game.

Part 1 – Joe’s Bar

You start out the game in a {washroom stall}, waking up not knowing who you are or what’s happened to you. The game is the “show, don’t tell” type of adventure so you’ll not get a whole lot here to start off with, and you will have to piece together parts of the story yourself.

Take the <coat>, and also Take the <gun1>.

You start off with 3 bullets in this gun, which is enough to get you through the game.You can find more later or buy them at a gun store if you feel you need more.

Open the <coat> and Take the <coin=7>. Open the <wallet> inside the coat and Take the <key1>, <card> and <$20-bill>.

We’re done in here, so let’s Open the stall door and Move into the {washroom} proper.

Examine the mirror, then Open the door and Move into the {dingy hallway}. Open the far door and Move into the {bar}.

Move up the stairs into the {upstairs hallway}. Examine the far right poster.

Open the door and Move into the {secretary’s office}, then Open the desk. Take the <envel.1>, Open it and Examine the <bill>. This will give you the address SHERMAN.

We’ve gotten what we need here, so Use <key1> on the left door and Move into the {office}. Open the dead man’s pocket (click on the corpse), and Take his <key2>. Next Open the desk and Take the <pencil> and <key3>.

Let’s not stay here for any longer, we can’t open that wall safe yet anyway. Open the window and Move out on the {fire escape}.

Move up and you’ll see another window. Open it and Move into the {weird room}.

Open the wastebkt and Take the <capsules>.

Use the elevator button to call for the {elevator}. Move inside and Use the 3nd button. Move out of it and you end up back in the {office}.

Make your way back down to the {bar}.

Open the door behind the stairs and Move down into the {wine cellar}.

Examine the bottles rack, and then Hit the lonely bottle on the right. Move into the {secret passageway}.

Open the round door and Move into the {casino}.

This is the only place where you can get more <coin> if you need them. You need at minimum 15 <coin> to finish the game, but it’s always good to keep some extra just in case. Should you ever run out of <coin> and is able to reach this room again, Examine the rightmost slot machine for a free <coin> – it’s only there if you have <coins=0>.

Use <coin> on the rightmost slot machine to play it for a chance of winning the jackpot, earning you more <coin>. How much you win depends on which jackpot you get:

  • Lemons = 10 coins
  • Bananas = 12 coins
  • Cherries = 14 coins
  • Bells = 16 coins
  • Grapes = 18 coins
  • Watermelons = 20 coins
  • Bars = 22 coins
  • Sevens = 30 coins

Once you got at least <coin=15> Move back out into the {secret passageway}.

Make sure to Save your game here!

Move down the manhole into the {sewers}.

Wander around the sewers until you get eaten by the alligator.

Load your game or continue and you’ll be back in the {secret passageway}.

Again, Move down the manhole into the {sewers}. This time we’ll try to not get eaten.

Move right, then up and you’ll find a manhole cover.

Open it and Move up into the {dark alley}.

Part 2 – Peoria Street

You are in a {dark alley}.

There is a chance that you will run into a mugger in this alley and on Peoria street. Save your game regularly so you don’t have to backtrack a lot once you find him.

When you run into him the first time, do anything except Hit or Use <$20-bill> or <coin> on him, and he will shoot you.

Reload the game / continue afterwards to be on your merry way.

You can run into him multiple times. But if you have the achievement, you can just Hit him to make him run away. But only 4 times – after that you got to give him your money.

Okay, let’s go on. Move out of the alley into {Peoria} street proper, and you’ll end up in front of {Joe’s Bar} – the bar you woke up in.

Use <key2> on the front door of the car. Move into the car.

Save your game yet again.

Use <key2> on the small keyhole on circular hole the lower left of the steering wheel. This will cause the car to explode.

Load your game or continue, and now lets do what we’re actually here for. Open the Dashbrd (glove compartment) and Take the <note2>, <map> and <snapshot>. Examine all three of them. They should give you the address WESTEND and you find out that you’re currently on PEORIA street.

Move out of the car, and then Move left until you reach {Pete’s all nite gun palace}. It’s a gun store.

You can run into a Bum here instead of finding the gun store. You can ignore him, but don’t hurt him. What he does is giving you a hint if you give him a <$20-bill>, but you don’t really need it.

Once in front of the gun store – Save your game.

Open the door and Move inside. And then Use your <gun1> on the man behind the counter to try and rob him. Sadly, he’s much faster than you and will shoot you dead!

That didn’t go so well, let’s stick to the casino for money. Let’s reload the game or continue and move on with our life. Specifically we want to Move left until we reach a {cab}.

Move into the cab and Speak to the taxi driver. He will ask you where you want to go and the Address tab of your inventory will appear. Click on WESTEND and he will drive you there.

Use <coin> on the Pay Here slot to pay for your ride, then Move out of the cab.

Part 3 – West End Street

You’re on West End street, in front of an {apartment house}.

Open the door and Move into the {lobby}.

Use the <card> you got on the slot beside the {elevator} to make it open. Move inside and Use the <card> again on the slot here to get it moving. Once the elevator stops Move out into the {penthouse}.

Take the photo lying on top of the fireplace and Examine it. This will give you the KEDZIE address.

This is actually all we gotta do here, so you can head back down to the {cab} again. Speak to the driver and have him drive you to KEDZIE. Remember to pay him before you get out.

Part 4 – South Kedzie Street

You are on South Kedzie Street in front of a {bungalow}.

The front door is locked, so Use your <gun1> to shoot the lock off, then Move inside.

On top of the desk is a <note3> and <note4>. You only need to Take <note3> and Examine it. Open the desk and Take both the <key5> and the <diary>.

There’s a <bookmark> in the <diary>, so first Open the <diary> at the section of the <bookmark> and then Examine it. You can leave the <bookmark> inside.

Yeah, not a whole lot to this place either. Move back out and into the {cab}.

Speak to the driver and ask him to take you to SHERMAN. Use <coin> on the Pay Here slot and go outside.

Part 5 – Sherman Street

You are on Sherman Street in front of an {office building}.

Open the door and Move into the {lobby}. It’s time to Save your game again.

Move up the staircase and end up in front of the {private eye’s office}. Use <gun1> on the silhouette to shoot whoever is waiting for you inside.

Use <key5> to unlock the door, then Move into the office. You’ll very promptly die from your amnesia.

Just one more achievement to go. Reload your game or continue. You’ll be back down in the {lobby}. Move into the left {hallway} instead to end up by a door. Use <key5> to unlock the door and Move into the {doctor’s office}.

Use your <gun1> to shoot the lock off the filing cabinet. Take <file1>, <file2>, <file3> and <file4>, and Examine them all.

Examine the medecine bottles on the cabinet shelves. You want to Take the ones labeled “Bisodium” and receive 3x<medic.6>. You also want to Take at least one labeled “Pntothal” and receive <medic.1>.

Use <medic.6> on the <capsules>, then Use the <capsules> on Self. Repeat this twice, taking all three doses of Bisodium to recover your memory.

Head back out into the {lobby} and Move upstairs to the {private eye’s office} again. Like last time Use <gun1> on the silhouette.

Use <key5> to unlock the door, then Move into the office. Open the cabinet and Take <file5>, <file6> and <file7>. Examine all three of them. If you wan to you can also Open the desk and the ammocase inside of it, and Take the <bul1=6> inside.

Exit the {office building} and head back into the {cab}. Speak to the driver and ask him to take you to PEORIA. Remember to pay him.

Part 6 – Peoria Street

You are on Peoria street, in front of the {cab}.

Head right until you’re in front of {Joe’s Bar} again. Move into the bar and make your way back up to the {office} with the corpse inside. Use <note3> on the wall safe and it should unlock.

Open the safe, then Open the <folder> inside of it. Take the <note1> and Examine it. Open the box also and Take the <key4>.

Go back out on the street in front of {Joe’s Bar}. Move to the {trunk of the car}. Use <key4> to unlock and open it.

Take the <gag> off the woman. Use <medic.1> on <capsules>, and then Use <capsules> on the woman. She will give us the AUBRNRD address.

Move back to the {cab}, and Speak to the driver to take you to AUBURN. Pay him and exit the cab.

Part 7 – Auburn Road

You’re on Auburn Road, in front of a {large mansion}.

Open the mailbox and Take the <envel.2>. Open the <envel.2> and Examine the <letter1> inside.

Move to the door and Use the huge knocker on it to have a butler come open the door for you, and you’ll end up in the {mansion vestibule}. Hit him to knock him out cold. Move upstairs to a {hallway} and Open the closest door.

Move into the {guest room}, and Open the nitetbl. Take the memo, Use your <pencil> on it and then Examine it.

Open the far door and Move over to the {master bedroom}. Open this nitetbl too, and Take the <envel.3>. Open it and Examine the <letter2> inside.

You can now Move out of the estate and back into the {cab}. Speak to the driver to take you back to PEORIA. Pay him for the last time and exit the cab.

Part 8 – Peoria Street

You’re back on Peoria Street, by the {cab}.

Move right until you’re back in front of {Joe’s Bar}. Open the manhole cover and Move down into the {sewers}. Move down three times to reach the {deepest part of the sewers}.

In order to clear your name and win the game, you will have to Leave the following items in the water here: <gun1>, <envel.1>, <bill>, <snapshot>, <map>, <note2>, <photo>, <file5>, <note1>, <gag>, <envel.2> and <envel.3>.

If you’ve taken the notes out of the envelopes, be sure to Leave them too here!

Once you’re finished Move back up into the street in front of {Joe’s Bar}.

This is a very good time to Save your game again.

Move once to the right and you will meet a woman in a red dress. If you do anything but Hit her, she will shoot you.

Load your game or continue, and Move right again. Let’s Hit that woman this time. You’ll knock her out cold.

Move to the right until you reach a {police station}.

Make sure that you are carrying, at the very least, the <diary>, <memo> and <letter1>.

Open the door to the {police station} and get yourself arrested. If you did everything right, you’ll end up having your name cleared and there’ll be a small epilogue at the end.

End Words

Congratulations for beating the game!

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did – these games were part of my childhood and I’m very fond of them. I’m very glad to I found out that the NES-versions got ported by Abstraction Games, so I can keep playing them from time to time.


Q: Are the achievement ones the only deaths you can encounter?
A: No, these games are a bit infamous for the silly amounts of death states they got. I’ve personally encountered around 25 different deaths/arrests on the Steam-version, which is very close to the amount of ones I found on the NES-version as well. If you are interested in finding them all but don’t want to spend a lot of time searching for them on your own, Celtic Forest on GameFAQs has an extensive guide about them here[gamefaqs.gamespot.com].

Q: What about all the items we didn’t pick up?
A: The game has a lot of flavor items that you can take but don’t need to progress the game. Some are for added story elements, and some are just there for the sake of it. There’s no harm in grabbing most of the extra items, but they tend to clutter up your inventory. You can examine them though without picking them up if you’d just like the extra bits of text.

Q: Does this game have unwinnable states?
A: I have only ever encountered two unwinnable states that require me to start over from the beginning, but I had to work quite hard for them. So it’s very unlikely you’ll run into them by mistake.

The first was by taking a cab to another area than Peoria with 0 coins in my inventory, and then exiting the cab without paying, and saving outside of the cab. When you try to use the cab again he won’t drive you anywhere until you pay what you owe – which you can’t. And since you saved here you can’t reload the game from before you took the cab.

The second was by wasting all available bullets you can find and buy before opening the bungalow door, file cabinet or needing to shoot the goon in the office, then saving the game.

Q: Item X is missing! I might have dropped/burned it.
A: Don’t worry, you can’t do that. The game won’t let you accidentally screw yourself by dropping or burning plot-important items. If you don’t have them in your inventory it means you forgot to pick them up.
