Fantasy Grounds Classic Guide

Fantasy Grounds General Guide for Fantasy Grounds Classic

Fantasy Grounds General Guide


This guide explains the basics of Fantasy Grounds.

Getting Started

This guide can be found along with other guides on the FG Wiki
linked here[]

If you have any trouble getting started, please contact us at [email protected] and we would be happy to help.


Fantasy Grounds is an application acting as a virtual online gaming table primarily intended for pen and paper style narrative role playing games. The software is designed to perform many of the things you can do while playing at a conventional gaming table and move it online. Run games as the gamemaster or take part as a player, the application provides all the necessary tools to communicate, manage information and perform tasks such as rolling the dice or creating drawings.


If you have not already installed Fantasy Grounds, you can install the game from Steam. Upon purchasing a license, you will launch the installer from Steam and enter your key when prompted. If you have purchased any DLC on Steam, please review the section below on how to link your account and install your purchases.


Each time that FG is run, the first screen that you will see is the launcher screen. The screen below is for the Full license of FG. Your launcher screen options may very by license.

If there is a newer version of Fantasy Grounds or any purchased add-ons available, the Update button will light up letting you know. Click the Update button to download the latest version.

Launch Modes

Click the button on the left side of the launcher that corresponds to how you want to run Fantasy Grounds for this session.
Create Campaign – Create and start a new campaign as the Game Master. Choose the ruleset (RPG system), campaign name, your user name, password (optional) and any extensions (ruleset add-ons).
Load Campaign – To start an existing campaign as the Game Master
Join Game – To join a game hosted by a remote Game Master
Manage Characters – To create characters off-line or to review characters from a campaign you played in. (Note: Not all rulesets support this option.)
Demo license holders can create/load campaigns in demo mode. When hosting in demo mode, data is not saved between sessions.

License Types

There are 4 different license types for Fantasy Grounds:
Ultimate = User can host or join any game. Hosted games can be joined by any license type.
Full = User can host or join any game. Hosted games can be joined by any license but a Demo. This is the version available from Steam.
Lite = User can join any game. (not offered through Steam and scheduled to be phased out)
Free/Demo = User can join games hosted by Ultimate license holders only.

Network Settings

When hosting a game via the create and load campaign options, the network settings for your machine can be viewed on the right hand side of the launcher. This information can be provided to players to allow them to connect to the host game. For Internet connections, if the alias option is enabled, provide the players with the alias. Otherwise for Internet connections, provide the players with the external IP address (click to retrieve). For local network connection, provide the players with the internal IP address.

In most circumstances, hosting a game requires port forwarding to be configured between the Internet and your machine via the settings in your router (port 1802). Fantasy Grounds will attempt to automatically configure port forwarding on your router using the UPnP protocol (if enabled on your router). To check whether port forwarding has been correctly configured to host a game, click the Run Test button in the network settings. If still having issues, you can post in the House of Healing forum to get help.

Installing DLC and linking your Steam and accounts

Installation of purchased DLC from Steam is handled by linking your Steam account and your [link] account (which is required, but free to create).

  1. Launch Fantasy Grounds and verify that it doesn’t say FREE next to the version #. If it does, then check your license key in the steps below.
  2. Click Settings and double check that your CD Key is entered properly.
  3. Click the Manage button under the Purchases section
  4. Enter your logon information or create a logon and then enter it if you don’t already have one
  5. Click the Link Steam Purchases button and follow the instructions there. This will associate your account with your Steam account and will allow the updater to pick up purchases from either location. They will be installed for you automatically in your vault folder.
  6. Run an Update
  7. Within your campaigns, you can access tokens under Tokens > Modules. Adventures, Settings, Map Packs and other modules should show up for activation under Library > Modules.
  8. [/list]

Supported Game Systems

Included with Download

  • Generic RPG support (CoreRPG)
  • Pathfinder (PFRPG)
  • 4th Edition D&D (4E)
  • 3.5 Edition D&D (3.5E)
  • 5E (D&D fifth edition)
  • Numenera
  • FATE Core

Fantasy Grounds Store

  • Savage Worlds
  • Castles and Crusades
  • Rolemaster Classic
  • Basic Roleplaying (BRP)
  • Call of Cthulhu
  • Mutants and Masterminds
  • WOIN


Additional Community built rulesets can be located on the FG Wiki and on the FG Forums. These systems normally provide basic functionality but are unable to include content protected by copyright laws.

Fantasy Grounds Library[]

Common Terms and Abbrebiations

Fantasy Grounds

FG = Fantasy Grounds
Ruleset = Game system definition used by FG to run a specific game type.
CT = Combat Tracker
PS = Party Sheet


GM = Game Master (or Dungeon Master)
PC = Player Characters
NPC = Non-Player Characters

The Basics

Tabletop View

When you first join a game session as a player using FG, the first screen you see may be the character selection window. If you are a GM or after selecting a character, you will be on the FG tabletop.

* The user interface relies heavily on a mouse with left-click, right-click and mouse-wheel capabilities. Hovering over most items will display a tooltip explaining the purpose and right-click opens subsequent options for that item.

1. Character Portraits: Portraits of active characters in this session. You can create a token using a portrait by dragging from a portrait entry onto a map or token field. Additionally, you can add a character to the combat tracker by dragging onto the combat tracker window.
2. Chat Window: Display chat messages and rolls for this session. Chat entry box on bottom is used to send chat messages between GM and players.
3. Campaign Data: Buttons to interact with campaign data, such as combat tracker, party sheet, PCs, NPCs, stories, etc.
4. Library: Button to view library where module data can be loaded or unloaded for this campaign. Module data will either be displayed in the library window or available as tabs within then individual campaign data windows.
5. Token Box: Contains tokens available for use on maps.
6. Dice: Set of dice that can be rolled in the chat window. The dice tower is an optional feature that can be used to make rolls which only the GM can see.
7. Modifier Stack: Set of modifiers to apply to the next dice roll.
8. Hot Keys: Customizable buttons for common actions and reference material links.
9. Identity List: A GM only tabletop feature that allows the GM to speak as different characters.


Moving: Windows can typically be moved around the screen by simply left clicking on the window and dragging your mouse. Make sure that you are not clicking on a field within the window while dragging. Not all windows are moveable.
Sizing: Windows can sometimes be resized by holding the CONTROL key while left clicking the lower right corner of a window and dragging. Not all windows are resizable. In some rulesets, there is a resize icon in the lower right corner of the window to indicate that resizing is available.
Scrolling: If a window has more content than can be shown in the available space, it can be scrolled. Use the mouse wheel to scroll most windows up and down (except images in which the mouse wheel will zoom instead). Also, some windows can have scroll bars as well.
Closing: In some rulesets, a close button will be visible in the upper right corner of each window to allow the window to be closed. If the button does not exist, windows can be closed by using the right-click context menu. Also, some windows can be minimized to the tabletop as well using the right-click context menu.

Drag and Drop

Supported Objects: There are several objects within FG that can be dragged from their initial location and dropped on another location. Objects that can be dragged by default are: dice, numbers, text and window link boxes. Rulesets may create additional draggable objects.
Chat Window: Most objects can be dropped on the chat window to display the dropped object to the chat channel, or to make a dice roll.
Hot Keys: Objects can also be dropped on hot keys for quick access to commonly used objects (i.e. windows, dice).

Context Menus

When in doubt, try right-clicking on a tabletop object to bring up a context menu of options relevant to that window or data field.


Newer rulesets have buttons which allow for faster editing of lists. To activate list editing via the buttons, click the Edit button (brown with slash).
Creating a List Item: Right-click on the list and select Create Item option. (or click Add button (green with plus) while Edit button is active.)
Deleting a List Item: Right-click on the list item, and choose Delete Item option. (or click Delete button (red with minus) while Edit button is active.)
Scrolling: If a list has more content than can be shown in the available space, it can be scrolled. Use the mouse wheel or scroll bar to scroll lists up and down.


Rolling Dice: Dice can be picked up by clicking and holding the left mouse button. While dragging, fling the dice by moving the mouse and releasing it to drop the dice. If you drop it into the chat window to share the result with others.
Rolling Multiple Dice: See Rolling Dice above. When holding a die, right-click to add an additional one of the same type. Alternately, right-click on the die before picking it up for additional options of quantieis.
Rolling dice buckets: To roll several dice of different types as a single roll, you can add these to a dice field on a character sheet or in a hotkey slot and pick them back up from there. For example, to roll 2d6 + 1d8, simply drag 2 1d6 dice to a hotkey and then drag a 1d8 to the same hotkey.

The Basics – Editing Fields

Text Fields

Text Entry: Left click on an editable text field to set the keyboard focus to that field. Any text typed while an editable text field has the focus will be recorded in the field. Not all text fields are editable. If a text field is editable, you will see a flashing cursor when the field has the keyboard focus. Also, if editable, any text fields with a full border will have a darker edge and will highlight on hover or when it has keyboard focus.
Text Selection: Some text fields support text selection. Text can be selected either by dragging the mouse within the text, or by holding the SHIFT key while using the arrow keys when the text field has the focus.
Scrolling: Text fields can be scrolled just like windows.
Drag and Drop: By default, any text dropped on a text field will overwrite the original text. All other data types will be ignored. Rulesets can customize this behavior.

Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Action
CTRL+A Select all text
CTRL+C Copy selected text to the clipboard.
CTRL+J Join paragraph containing cursor with the following line.
CTRL+V Paste text on the clipboard into the control.
CTRL+X Copy selected text to the clipboard, and delete the selection.
CTRL+Z Undo last change.

Number Fields

Number Entry: Left click on an editable number field to set the keyboard focus to that field. Any text typed while an editable number field has the focus will be recorded in the field. Not all number fields are editable. If a number field is editable, the field will usually have a thicker border and the field will highlight when hovering over or when it has keyboard focus.
Quick Edit: Use the mouse wheel while hovering over a number field to quickly change the value in the field. In the 3.5E and 4E rulesets, you must hold the CONTROL key while using the mouse wheel to quick edit.
Drag and Drop: By default, any numbers dropped on a number field will overwrite the original number. All other data types will be ignored. Rulesets can customize this behavior for specific fields, such as adding the numbers together instead of replacing the original (which is indicated by a small plus in the lower right of the number field highlight border).
Drag Negation: If you are dragging a number, then holding the CONTROL key will negate the number being dragged.
Reset: Press Backspace or Delete to reset number field.
Dice Icon: Some rulesets show a small dice icon on PC sheet number field that can be rolled by dragging or double-clicking.
Temporary Modifiers: Some rulesets show a small plus icon in the upper right corner of a PC sheet number field that can be adjusted by using the mouse wheel or dropping a number. This feature is usually reserved for total fields that are not directly editable.

Button Fields

In addition to appearing as actual buttons, button fields can be customized to look like other types of fields. If you see a text field that is not directly editable, but which highlights on hover; click on the field to cycle through the available options for that field (i.e. Options).

Dice Fields

Drag and Drop: By default, any dice dropped on a dice field will add the dropped dice to the dice already in the field. All other data types will be ignored. Rulesets can customize this behavior for specific fields.
Clear Dice: To clear all the dice in a dice field, right-click on the dice field to bring up the radial menu, and select the Clear Dice menu option.

Formatted Text Fields

Text Paragraph Types: There are 6 paragraph types supported by formatted text fields. To change the paragraph type of a block of text, you can right click and select the Paragraph Type menu option you want, or use the shortcut associated with each paragraph type. If no text is selected, the paragraph containing the typing cursor will be changed. They paragraph types are:
Body (CTRL+1)
Header (CTRL+2)
Story (CTRL+3)
List (CTRL+4)
Link List (CTRL+5)
Table (CTRL+6)

Formatting Text: Most text can also be formatted as bold, italic and underline by selecting the appropriate right-click menu option, or using the CTRL+B, CTRL+I and CTRL+U keys, respectively. Header and Story paragraph blocks can not include formatted text.
Add Speaker to Story Text: Right click on a story paragraph and select Assign Speaker option; or press CTRL+Tab while typing cursor on the story paragraph.
Other commands: See the table below. Also, most commands can also be accessed via right-click menu as well.

Shortcut Keys
Shortcut Action
CTRL+1 Change paragraph containing cursor into normal text block
CTRL+2 Change paragraph containing cursor into header text block
CTRL+3 Change paragraph containing cursor into chat frame text block
CTRL+4 Change paragraph containing cursor into list block
CTRL+5 Change paragraph containing cursor into link list block
CTRL+B Bold selected text.
CTRL+I Italicize selected text.
CTRL+U Underline selected text.
CTRL+A Select all text
CTRL+C Copy selected text to the clipboard.
CTRL+J Join paragraph containing cursor with the following line.
CTRL+V Paste text on the clipboard into the control.
CTRL+X Copy selected text to the clipboard, and delete the selection.
CTRL+Z Undo last change.
CTRL+TAB Insert new cell in table, or assign speaker to chat text.
CTRL+PLUS Increase column width of table cell by one.
CTRL+MINUS Decrease column width of table cell by one.

The Chat Window

The Chat Window is comprised of the chat log and the chat entry box. The chat log displays all or most of the chat messages and rolls made during the session, while the chat entry box allows the user to send chat messages to the chat log.

Sending Chat Messages

To enter a simple chat message, just type a message in the chat entry box and press Enter.
For players, the speaker for the chat message will be the active character, or the player’s user name if no characters are active. For GMs, the speaker will be the active speaking identity (see below).

Chat Modes

When pressing the Enter key to send messages, you can also hold modifier keys to change the mode of the message sent.
Chat Mode Modifier Key Example
Normal – Ted: No way! It’s mine!
Intended Action Ctrl (Player) Ted: I open the lock.
Story Ctrl (GM) The room is dusty, with a single set of footprints across it.
Emote Shift+Ctrl Ted scratches his scalp
Out-of-Character Alt UserTed: I’m hungry, getting some Cheetos

Chat History and Chat Buffers

FG provides a couple tools to help manage chat during the game.
Chat History: A history of the most recent chat entries entered into the chat entry box are saved. Just press the up or down arrow key while the typing cursor is in the chat entry box to access chat history entries.
Chat Buffers: There are 2 chat buffers that can be toggled between, in case you want to quickly comment on a game while writing a lengthy piece of dialogue. Just hold the CTRL modifier key while pressing the up or down arrow key.


The GM and players can whisper to each other during the game session to pass private messages. The GM can monitor all whisper messages via a campaign option if they choose.
To whisper, just type /whisper (or /w) followed by the character name and the text you want to whisper. If you type in a partial character name, you can press Tab to auto-complete the name. To whisper to the GM, just type GM for the character name.
To reply, just type /reply (or /r) with the text you want to use to reply to the last whisper sent to you.

Hidden Chat Messages

There are several hidden message types used by FG:

  • If the Show GM die rolls option is set to off, then all rolls will be secret GM messages.
  • Whispers are only visible to the users involved in the whisper.
  • Any dice tower rolls will be shown as secret GM messages only.

A secret GM message is identified by a shuttered eye icon (or question mark), and only visible to the GM.
To share a chat message that is hidden, the GM has a few options:

  • Middle click on the secret GM message to share with everyone.
  • Drag chat message entry, and drop on chat window to share with everyone.
  • Drag chat message entry, and drop on character list to share with a single player.

Speaking Identities

The GM has a list of speaking identities shown at the bottom of the chat window below the chat entry box. Initially, only the default GM user name will be shown in this list.

  • Chat default ID: Type /gmid followed by the desired default user name to use for chat text.
  • Add Identity: Type /identity (or /id) followed by the name you want to display when chatting. The name will be activated automatically.
  • Change Speaking Identity: Just click on the identity you want to chat as.
  • Remove Identity: Right click on the identity you want to delete, and choose the Remove menu option.


Each user can define text to display with normal chat messages to indicate the speaker’s mood when speaking. For players, the mood can be set on a per character basis.

  • Set mood text: Type /mood (or /m) followed by a single word describing the speaker’s mood, or place the mood text within parentheses to set a multi-word mood.
  • Remove mood text: Type /mood (or /m) by itself.
  • Use mood for one message: Follow directions for setting mood text, but then enter additional text on the same line to indicate the text you want to speak with this mood.


The GM or players can initiate a vote. Each player can place their vote on the vote topic (empty vote, yes, or no)

  • Call vote: Type /vote followed by the text to display with the voting box.
  • Change vote: Click on the voting box to toggle vote between empty, yes and no states.


As a player, if you are going to be away from your keyboard (AFK) for an extended period, you can specify to the rest of the people in the session that you are away. A clock icon will be displayed on your character’s portrait in the character list when you have indicated that you are AFK. As soon as you start typing in the chat entry box, the AFK icon will be removed.
To toggle AFK status, you can type /afk in the chat entry box, or you can right click on your character portrait and select the AFK menu option.

Move Chat Window

To move the chat window, just right click on the chat window and select the Unlock menu option. Then, you can drag the chat window anywhere on the tabletop, and select the Lock menu option to keep it there.

Copying Chat Message Text

To copy a chat message, right-click on the chat message and select the Copy Text To Clipboard menu option.

Chat Window Context Menus

When the GM right clicks on the chat window, they have a few additional features they can access.
If right-clicking on a chat message with a number or dice:

  • Reset: Displays the number or dice without any total.
  • Negate: Displays the number or dice with a negative total.
  • Double: Displays the number or dice with double the positive total.
  • Halve: Displays the number or dice with half of the positive total.
  • Sum: Displays the number or dice with a positive total.

If right-clicking on the chat window without clicking on a chat message:

  • Prompt Icon: Display a prompt icon in the chat log.
  • Halt Icon: Display a halt icon in the chat log.
  • Clear: Clears the visible chat log for the GM and players.
  • Start/Stop Chat Log: In addition to the visible chat log, all chat messages are also saved to a chatlog.html file in your campaign directory. By default, this chat logging is enabled. You can use this option to disable.

The Modifier Stack

The modifier stack displayed on the tabletop allows a user to specify one or more modifiers to be applied to the next die roll made.

  • Add Modifier Manually: Click on the modifier number, and type in the modifier you want to use; or scroll the mouse wheel while hovering over the modifier stack. The manual modifier will be shown as a number in parentheses below the modifier number.
  • Add Named Modifier: Drag a modifier record from the campaign modifiers window (or double click); or type /mod <#> [description]. The modifier names will be appended to the text of the next die roll.
  • Add Unnamed Modifier: Drag and drop any number onto the modifier box, or activate a hot key with a number.
  • Clear Single Modifier: Click on the dot created at the bottom of the modifier box when the modifier was added. Hover over dots to see the description of the modifier (if any).
  • Clear Modifier Stack: Middle click on the modifier stack box.

Hot Keys

A hot key bar is provided by FG to give users quick access to commonly used rolls, text or reference material.

There are a total of 8 hot key banks of 12 hot keys each available to be customized. To access other hot key banks, just hold any combination of the SHIFT, CTRL or ALT modifier keys.

  • Create Hot Key: Drag a number, text string, die, token or shortcut onto a hot key slot.
  • Activate Hot Key: Left click on the hot key slot, or press one of the F1-F12 keys corresponding to the number of the hot key slot.
  • Modify Hot Key Label: Right click on the hot key slot, and select the Edit Label menu option.
  • Delete Hot Key: Right click on the hot key slot, and select the Clear Slot menu option.