NEO Scavenger Guide

Neo Scavenger's Guide For Noobs for NEO Scavenger

Neo Scavenger’s Guide For Noobs


A Neo Scavenger guide for starters, we’ll talk about the many different options you could take. What skills are best chosen for starting out. As well as how not to freeze during your first 15-20 minutes playing the game!


Hello! Thank you for taking your time to read this guide. Neo Scaveneger can seem to be a super hard game. During your first few times playing you’ll either be knawed off to death by a Dogman, or freeze to death during the night.
In this guide I’ll be talking about starting out, the Cryo Facility, and what options you have from there. The skills best suited for players starting out, as well as this I’ll talk about each skill individually. Finally I’ll talk about combat, and later about many tips and suggestions.

Starting Out

Personally I believe that there are 2 main ways to start off with Neo Scavenger.
1. Stick to the Cryo Facility and repair the heater there, make Exam Room 14 your head quarters. Get a vechicle as soon as possible in the game (Shopping cart, sled etc.), with the vechicle you’ll be able to get to the scavengable area’s and bring back precious loot. The player in this option should try and get a sleeping bag, and maybe a campfire for heat. The exam room has great shelter and the chance of enemies finding you is very small. After the player is equipped well they will move toward the glow which apears after the first day is over. The glow is on the South East part of the map, at the very edge of it. Please note that to repair the heater in Exam Room 14 you will need the Mechanic skill.

2. The second option is much more wild or luck driven some may say. Your main objective is to head for the glow on the map. Once again South East part of the map. You won’t stop at any place, unless it’s either scavengable, or night is falling, in which case you should get a campfire or sleeping bag set up. If you happened to find a noise trap use it in your camp area as it will wake you up before the enemy comes. Getting to the glow will take around 2-3 in game days. Along the way while scavenging you should become quite well geared up, and should be able to handle your self.
Either option you choose your main objective is to get to the glow and be pretty well equipped.


In Neo Scavenger when you press the “New Game” button the game gives you a whole list of different characteristics for your character, these are called skills. The skills you choose at the begining of the game cannot be changed until the player dies. The good skills are displayed in blue, you have 4 staring skills as a “Basic Human”. You can add more skills to your character by adding negative traits such as being “Feeble”. These give you 1 slot each. Here is a list of each skill and their uses.

  • Hacking This skill is not very useful during early game, if you are a starting out player I recomend that you don’t choose this skill. Once you get to the “Glow” it should be easy to have acess to a electronic device. (Laptop, Phone, etc.) You can hack into these devices, though I will not give a description of how to hack, the information should be easy to find on Steam guides. While hacking into the computer you will be able to get acess to data bases, which may either include cat videos, or information worth thousands of dollars.
  • Medic This skill is very useful ot have at the begining of the game. The skill is very passive, it increases the rate of recovery of the players wounds. The skill will also show you advanced health bars. (Blood loss, infection, etc.) While in the Cryo Facility if the player has chosen this skill he will be able to search for a medkit. The content of the medkit differes, but usually consisits of clean rags, anti-biotics, and pain killers. This skill is very much recomended for a starting out player in the game.
  • Hiding Hiding is a very passive trait once again, it makes the player better at concealing themselves, and grants the player the “Camp Concealment” bar. This bar is also a very useful bar if the player is unsure of terrain concealment. Hiding also grants the ability to sneak towards and away from the targer during battle. Hiding is a skill that I go for quite often, as it helps with hiding from monsters.
  • Melee Melee gives the player a higher chance to hit the target and does more damage with melee weapons. These include cleavers, monkey wrenches, or crowbars. Melee is a good skill to have if you seem to either be having problems with fights, or if you get into them easily.
  • Eagle Eye As the same suggets the player has great eyesight and can see 1 hex further than the usual player. Detecting creatures is also much easier for players with eagle eyes. While chosen the Myopia trait cannot be chosen. Eagle Eye players can search the Cryo Facility for objects. The player always finds a multi-tool, a very useful itme in the game. The Eagle Eyes skill is a very useful skill to have at the start.
  • Tracking Hiding your tracks and detecting others is quite important in Neo Scavenger. It can mean the difference between life or death. The Tracking ability improves your ability to hide and read tracks. I don’t suggest this skill as it does not have much to offer.
  • Athletic The Athletic ability grants the player the ability to move more each turn, and have less fatigue. This ability is very useful if you choose option “2” as discussed earlier. Getting to the “glow” will only take around 2 days. This ability is also useful when running away, as the opponent will not be able to catch up to you.
  • Metabolism This skill is quite passive once again, it reduces the players need for food and water, but the healing rate of the player also suffers a bit. This skill is quite useful if you find yourself scavenging desperately for food and water. The skill still does not have very much to offer though.
  • Strong This ability allows the player to hit with more damage using melee weapons, and carry more items than most, as well as the ability to create obstacles in battle. This skill is highly advised to be chosen as astaring skill. It has a lot to offer, and allows you a dead dogman at the Cryo Facility.
  • Tough This ability allows you to take more hits than usual player, and also allows you the ability to headbutt during battle. If you aren’t very good at combat in this game you should consider this skill very much. I almost always choose this skill, as it allows me to charge into battle head first.
  • Trapping This ability is quite good. With this skill, which works well with “Botany”, the forest will be your home. Trapping gives the player the ability to trap and prepare animals. While in crafting, trapping is quite usefull. If you put a Dogman corpse, a multi-tool, and a trapping ability together you get meat, and a dogman coat. Trapping is good for getting food in forests.
  • Botany This ability can mean the difference between life and death. The Botany ability allows the player to see what plants are deadly, and which are not. (Note: Blue berries are always edible) While scavenging in the forest area the “Botany” skil can be put to use to increase the loot chance, without decreasing anything else.
  • Lockpicking For starting players this skill is not suggested. Lockpicking allows you to pass security devices, and open locked things. Sometimes lock storage sheds are found, untouched, holding many glories inside.
  • Electrician Electricions should try option “1”, and repair the exam room. Other than that the electrician skill seems quite uesless for now.
  • Mechanic Mechanics should try option “1” as well, and try to fix the exam room’s heater. Other than that they are still quite uesless.
  • Ranged Ranged is a skill that I don’t go for very often due to the rarity of ranged weapons such as guns or bows. But having the ranged skill increases your chance of hitting and dealing more damage to opponents.


In Neo Scavenger if you wish to have more than 4 skills, you need to choose some traits, 1 trait, 1 skill. You cannot have a trait that corresponds with a skill. (Strong with Feeble) Heres a list of all the traits, there are only 5.

  • Metabolism Slightly increases water and food intake, increases healing rate. This trait is not a horrible one. It actually has it’s good sides, you heal faster. If you have to choose a trait, choose this one.
  • Myopia Sight is reduced by one hex less than a normal player, also detecting creatures is harder. I would not suggest this trait, as being near sighted annoys me greatly in game.
  • Feeble You can carry less weight than usual, and melee effectiveness is lowered. I would not suggest this trait as when being attacked, you don’t stand a chance.
  • Fragile You take wounds faster than usual, and healing is slower. I would not suggest this because again, when being attacked, you don’t stand a chance.
  • Insomniac You have trouble falling asleep, and sleep is less beneficial. If you really need a trait you can choose this one. It’s not a great trait, but it will do.

Overall traits should only be taken if you need that one extra skill, is what I believe.


Combat in Neo Scavenger is not a game of who has better equipment always. Though sometimes of course having a weapon instead of punch is strongly advised. If playing safely combat should be avoided at all costs. But if you are decked out in gear going into combat can be your new way of scavenign for materials. Neo Scavenger’s combat system is almost fully strategy, and luck. But before choosing a battle option, look at your opponent. Read if they can see you, what weapon they currently have, and what they’re statuses are. If your opponent is tough and strong, unless you have a great amount of loot, I would highly suggest running away. But if the opponent is feeble and fragile, rush in a kill the opponent beofre he runs away.

If he has no speacial status you should now look at how far away you are from the opponent, and what the terrain is like, as well as what time of day it is. If it’s dark and the terrain is horrible don’t charge at the opponent because the chances of you tripping are too big. Instead just advance towards it. Once you are close to the oppponent see if there are any speacial things to do (Creat An Obstacle or Lure) because these will almost always work. If not come close to the guy until you can hit him. There are 2 different attack options at this range, melee surge, and melee attack. Unless the opponent is vulnrable or fallen, don’t use melee surge. You will end up becoming vulnrable. If the opponent is attacking a lot, be sure to dodge, or parry.


Crafting is very important in Neo Scavenger, you can craft camp fires, shelter, spears, everything! Here a few useful craftin recipes, you can find more in game on pieces of paper, or you can search online.

  • Camp Fire 2xFuel source (Sticks, Paper, Twigs, etc.) 1xLighter Note if you put in only 1 heat source you get a small fire.
  • Noise Trap 1xSmall or Medium rigid container (Beans can) 1xSmall rigid parts (Assorted Screws) 1xSmall thread (handful of string, twine, floss)
  • Squirrel Snare 1xTrapping Skill 1xMedium or large shaft (Branches can be used) 1xSmall thread (Handful of string, twine, floss)
  • Meat And Hide To get hide from a corpse you will need to have the trapping skill 1xCorpse (You cannot get a hide from a human) 1xSharp edge (Multi-tool) 1xTrapping skill (Only if you want hide)
  • Spear A very early game weapon that is very useful. 1xLarge branch, 1xSharp edge. (You can either throw the spear, or stab with it)
  • Purified Water 1xWater ressistant container (Pan) 1xHeat source 1xWater


Here are some tips for surviving.

  • Water Always try to carry atleast 5 bottles, you can fill them up in marshes very easily. Just put the marsh icon into your crafting menu.
  • Warmth Try to always have some kind of clothing on, the more layers, the better. If you are having trouble staying warm, chose the abilities Eagle Eye, either Strong, or Melee, and Trapping. At the begining of the game fight the dogman, next search for a multi-tool with eagle eye, and finally craft the dogman corpse, multi-tool, and trapping skill. This will get tons of food and a dogman coat.
  • Medic If you have problems with enemies attacking you at the begining of the game, choose the Medic ability. Not only will you heal faster, if you choose to scavenge the Cryo Facility, you find a medkit. Which is very useful
  • Night, during the night it is most dangerous, because it is cold, dark, and you are blind. Once dusk comes down, you need to find a place with good concealment, and set a camp there. It’s good to have the Hiding skill to see the camp concealment bar. A camp should have either a sleeping bag, or fire, or shelter, if not all.
  • Crate Tiles I use to not stop at each tile and check every item on the floor. But then I found a monkey wrench on the floor. When you see a tile with a crate symbol it has an item on the floor.
  • Junk Market The Junk Market is found near the “glow” and will give you money, and the ability to buy stuff. DO NOT sell human meat on the market! You will get shouted at, and if you try again you will die! To sell items on the market just drop them on the floor, to buy pick them up.


I’ll be adding content, and images, and expanding on stuff, please bear with me. The guide will be updated very regularly! Feel free to ask questions and give me suggestions!