Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones™ Guide

Essential Fixes & Controller Support for Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

Essential Fixes & Controller Support


How to get the game up and running on a modern machine.


Install the widescreen patch[], it gives hor+ 1080p/4K support, fixes UI and FOV. Just unpack the files to your game folder using 7-zip[], then edit the .ini to set your desired resolution.

Then, limit the frame rate to 60 FPS via Nvidia Control Panel, and make sure vsync is enabled in-game. Otherwise there will be physics glitches, such as invisible walls, certain puzzle/platforming elements not working correctly, etc etc.

Finally, make sure MSAA is disabled in the game’s options, as it will cause graphical glitches like the white screen bug. Just downsample from 4K/8K instead.

Controller Support

All controllers should work. This includes both old DInput controllers as well as modern XInput controllers and also whatever is supported by Steam (DualShock, DualSense, Switch Pro etc). Make sure your controller is plugged in/turned on before starting the game as it only checks it during start up, then go to the options/controls and set the button mappings. I recommend following the original PS2 scheme[]. Note that there are no modern Xbox/Playstation button prompts, the game uses old DInput prompts, such as B1, B2, B3 etc.

If you still have trouble getting the game to detect your controller, make sure Steam controller configuration isn’t automatically picking up some community template for the game, a lot of those just bind keyboard keys to your controller. You can check it by going into Big Picture Mode -> Library -> Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones -> Manage Game -> Controller Configuration. If there’s indeed some community template, then just reset it to the default “Gamepad” template.

Finally, if walking/running feels off, try changing the left stick dead zone shape to square in Steam controller configuration. You can also decrease the outer dead zone a bit so that the Prince starts running sooner.


If you want to skip the lengthy intro videos, remove/rename the following files in the “Video” folder: LOGORP.BIK, UBIMC.BIK, UBISOFT.BIK

You can also make the loading times instant by removing/renaming the loading screen videos in the same folder: LOADIN*.BIK, LOADLOP*.BIK, LOADOUT*.BIK

Steam overlay for this game is intentionally disabled by the publisher, there’s no way to take or upload screenshots without the use of third party software.


1080p downscaled from 4K