Prison Architect Guide

How to handle Prisoner and Staff Need for Prison Architect

How to handle Prisoner and Staff Need


Quick-reference guide on how to handle prisoner and staff need in Prison Architect.Current Version 1.6


Quick-reference guide on how to handle prisoner and staff need in Prison Architect.

This great looking artwork was created by Morten Elgaard Pedersen.

Version info:

  • 07. May 2016 | Version 1.0 | First draft
  • 09. May 2016 | Version 1.1 | Counter information added
  • 17. May 2016 | Version 1.2 | Minor corrections
  • 18. May 2016 | Version 1.3 | Need information added
  • 24. May 2016 | Version 1.4 | Added links to the Notes section
  • 18. July 2016 | Version 1.5 | Added picture balloons to all Needs
  • 07. February 2017 | Version 1.6 | Added Staff Needs section

How to handle Prisoner Need

This is the overview of prisoners’ needs and how to counter them. Remember meeting the need makes prisoners happy and less aggressive.

Prisoners will try to ‘complete’ their various needs even if there is no items/rooms designated for them to do so, for example a prisoner with a strong need to empty his bladder will start urinating on the ground if no toilet is available, or if a prisoner is forced to stay somewhere, e.g. shower or yard, same goes for bowels.

Needs can be met by providing the prisoners with suitable equipment for that need.





Alcohol *
Existing habit
Reform program and Time without alcohol
Using toilet
Using toilet
Clean clothing from Laundry
Sleep and Sit on bench
Drugs *
Existing habit
Reform program and time without drugs
Time in a dirty environment
Time in clean environment
Using weight bench, Run laps in the yard
Letters, Visitation and Using Phone Booths
Eat in canteen
Time in Cell or Dormitory and punishment
Freetime and Outside facing window
Literacy **
Prisoner trait
Reading book from the Library
Many Prisoners enjoy a bit of luxury from time to time
You can help them meet this need by building a Shop in your prison, and make a bit of money in the process. Prisoners who meet this need will be less likely to cause trouble, but there’s no downside for ignoring it; it IS prison, after all.
Time in Holding Cell or Dormitory
Time in a Cell
Pool table, Radio and TV
High danger level
Low danger level
Sleep in bed or bunk bed
Spirituality **
Prisoner trait
Time in Chapel using prayer mat or pew
Having Heaters and/or having Hot Water Pipes connected to Showers

* Not all prisoners have the drug or alchohol need. It can be minimized but not removed if the prisoner complete the alcoholics group therapy or pharmaceutical treatment of drug addiction program.

** Not all prisoners have the spirituality or literacy need.

This need is not being met, or prisoners are unable to satisfy the need. Disruption from prisoners will be imminent if left unresolved.
This need has been unmet for a substantial amount of time and is likely to begin upsetting the prison population. Ensure your prison contains adequate facilities to meet this need.
This need has gone unmet for a short period of time which is acceptable in the normal operation of the prison. Disruptions and riots from this population are unlikely.
Prisoner’s needs have been fully met.
Prisoner is engaged in an activity to meet their need and thus reduce the demand of the need slightly.

Staff Needs

Your security staff now have needs, in much the same way as prisoners. This is optional, and can be enabled when creating a new prison, or enabled from Extras -> Map Settings.

You must take care of your staff needs, or else your staff will begin to perform their duties badly.

The staff members affected in this update are:

  • Guards
  • Armed Guards
  • Dog Handlers
  • Snipers

These staff will have a semi random mixture of the following needs. Each need is similar to its prisoner counterpart, but also slightly different.

How it works
Bladder and Bowels
Staff will only make use of toilets in staff designated zones or staff rooms.
Put some sofas in the staff room for this.
Same as prisoners, this is entirely based on the cleanliness of the surroundings.

Staff will eat in the Staff Room if you add a Serving Table. Or you can designate a canteen as “Staff Only” and they will eat there instead. Staff meals are more expensive than prisoner meals and are automatically delivered.
Staff get bored too. They can now make use of any entertainment so long as it exists within a staff room. Eg Pool tables, radios, TVs, etc.

This replaces the “tiredness” mechanic. Be sure to give your staff enough down time. If staff are happy, this contributes in a positive way towards the temperature of your prison. Likewise if they are unhappy, this will make the prison “hotter” and lead to more trouble later.
Staff hate to feel they are in danger. You can help with this need by equipping your staff with Tazers, body armour etc, as well as ensuring strength in numbers.

If you do not take care of your staff they will become “pissed off”, and begin to perform their jobs badly:

  • Sauntering around slowly when doing jobs.
  • Less effective at searching for contraband.
  • Less likely to actively look for trouble, more likely to turn a blind eye.
  • Unwilling to put themselves in danger eg confronting gang members.
  • In extreme cases, staff will take bribes in order to look the other way when searching for contraband.

Staff break times

  • You can now specify how much break time to grant your staff. Go to Reports -> Policy.
  • You can choose how long each break is, and how many breaks per day are taken.
  • Staff on break will immediately begin attending to their needs. Nb. Staff will always finish their current job before starting their break.


Hope this will give you the overview you need.

Please refer to my other guides to read more related to Prison Architect.

[link] [link]

Thanks to Morten Pedersen for his great artwork and to Chris Delay, Mark Morris and the Introversion development team for giving us Prison Architect.

Also thanks to dragoncry and Bloonsmine for corrections and contributions to this guide.

Stay safe and thank you for reading…….