This guide is aimed at showing you all of the details for the 6 Adeptus Mechanicus disciplines, complete with a visual guide on how the outfits look, the statistics of the outfits, the overall stats of the sets, and an example gear combination.
This guide will be frequently updated throughout the life of the game, to keep all information up to date.
This guide is aimed at showing you all of the details for the 6 Adeptus Mechanicus disciplines, complete with a visual guide on how the outfits look, the statistics of the outfits, the overall stats of the sets, and an example gear combination.
It is worth noting that the best gear for your potential Priest build may have to be purchased across multiple Disciplines. Each piece of gear costs a whole level up to purchase in the discipline tree and you need the previous trait in the discipline tree to be able to purchase the armour, which can get quite costly across multiple trees. If you constantly kill all the enemies in each level and collect all the blackstone through terminals, you should easily be able to afford whatever you want before the end of the game.
Each level-up, a Priest gains one Augment capacity, which can be spent towards equipping a piece of armour, equipment, or weaponry. All armor costs one augment slot, equipment can range from 1-3 augment slots, weaponry can range from 1-3 augment slots. When taking armour, it is worth considering if the discipline tree you are taking the armor from has any valuable abilities you could work towards unlocking. Luckily, if you only need 1 piece of equipment from a specific discipline tree, it only costs 2 level-ups and all level 1 abilities are very useful.
Important to know
- If you lose a Tech-Priest in battle, they will come back the next mission.
(You will be fined 10 Blackstone for every HP the Priest had). - You gain one augment capacity per level up. (Used to equip gear, augments, weapons).
- You only gain one ability or one piece of gear per level up.
(Must purchase previous ability to unlock ability to purchase a piece of gear). - You cannot currently reset how you have spent your level-ups.
- Level-ups get increasingly expensive in Blackstone cost.
(Equipping the highest cost items, you can only spend up to 25 augment capacity).
If you liked this guide, please take a look at my other guide: Comprehensive Discipline Skill Guide [COMINGSOON]
Role: Melee Fighter
Explorators takes on the quest for knowledge more than any other discipline. They reach far into the depths of unknown space searching for archeotech, new species and even new worlds.
Total HP: +7 (17)
Total Energy Armour: 0
Total Physical Armour: +2
Total Movement Bonus: +3
Total Physical Damage: +1
Total Energy Damage: 0
Total Crit Bonus: 0%
Total Dodge Bonus: 0%
+2 Max HP
+1 Physical Armour
+3 Max HP
+1 Physical Armour
+1 Physical Damage
+2 Max HP
+3 Movement
Role: Commander
Secutors are masters of man and machine. They wield the often rare trait of charisma, with their inspiting leadership they are able to multiply the efficency of Skitatii tenfold.
Total HP: +11 (21)
Total Energy Armour: +1
Total Physical Armour: 0
Total Movement Bonus: +1
Total Physical Damage: 0
Total Energy Damage: 0
Total Crit Bonus: +20%
Total Dodge Bonus: 0%
+2 Max HP
+1 Energy Armour
+4 Max HP
+2 HP
+20% Crit Chance
+3 Max HP
+1 Movement
Role: Squad Buffer
An often overlooked discipline, the Tech-Auxilium takes on tasks that other Tech-Priests avoid. They are the oil within an engine, they keep the great mechanicus cog running as smoothly as they can.
Total HP: +7 (17)
Total Energy Armour: +2
Total Physical Armour: +1
Total Movement Bonus: +2
Total Physical Damage: 0
Total Energy Damage: 0
Total Crit Bonus: +20%
Total Dodge Bonus: 0%
+2 Energy Armour
+4 Max HP
+1 Physical Armour
+1 HP
+20% Crit Chance
+2 Max HP
+2 Movement
Role: Cognition Collector
Rigorous cataloguers, Lexmechanics compile, analyse and run data entry tasks. They are capable of finding valuable data among indecipherable texts, maps, or other obscure forms such as enemy weakness’ during battle.
Total HP: +8 (18)
Total Energy Armour: +1
Total Physical Armour: +1
Total Movement Bonus: +2
Total Physical Damage: 0
Total Energy Damage: 0
Total Crit Bonus: 0%
Total Dodge Bonus: +20%
+1 Physical Armour
+1 Energy Armour
+4 Max HP
+2 HP
+20% Dodge Chance
+2 Max HP
+2 Movement
Role: Healer
Unlike other Priests, Enginseers are found to serve on almost every Imperial planet in the galaxy, seeing to the well being and maintenance of all things mechanical.
Total HP: +7 (17)
Total Energy Armour: +2
Total Physical Armour: +1
Total Movement Bonus: +3
Total Physical Damage: 0
Total Energy Damage: +1
Total Crit Bonus: 0%
Total Dodge Bonus: 0%
+1 Physical Armour
+3 Max HP
+1 Energy Armour
+2 HP
+2 Max HP
+1 Energy Armour
Role: Ranged Damage
A Dominus is heavily trained in the art of war, using their skills to monitor and calculate highly complex battle maneuvers in the blink of an eye.
Total HP: +8 (18)
Total Energy Armour: +2
Total Physical Armour: 0
Total Movement Bonus: +3
Total Physical Damage: 0
Total Energy Damage: +1
Total Crit Bonus: 0%
Total Dodge Bonus: 0%
+2 Max HP
+1 Energy Armour
+3 Max HP
+1 Energy Armour
+1 Energy Damage
+3 Max HP
+3 Movement
Example Build
Here I will show an example of combining gear from each discipline to create a specialized Adeptus Mechanicus Priest.
Here is Magos Manarius, an Adeptus Mechanicus Priest serving on Silva Tenebris.
Tech-Auxilium Head
+2 Energy Armour
Dominus Torso
+3 Max HP
+1 Energy Armour
Dominus Arms
+1 Energy Damage
Enginseer Legs
+2 Max HP
+1 Energy Armour
Magos Manarius is level 9, the minimum level to aquire these 4 pieces of gear from the discipline trees. Magos Manarius is specialised to protect against energy damage, taking energy armour over other stats, and to deal additional energy damage. If 4 or less than 4 energy damage is directed as Magos Manarius, it is fully mitigated by the gear. There are downsides to this gear choice, as Magos Manarius is slower than fellow Adeptus Mechanicus Priests, and has less health.