Beyond: Two Souls Guide

Beyond: Two Souls 100% Achievements Guide for Beyond: Two Souls

Beyond: Two Souls 100% Achievements Guide


The ultimate Beyond: Two Souls 100% achievements guide.


Before you proceed to study this guide, please note that this is a story-focused game, and I highly recommend that you just enjoy the game for your first playthrough without any help. Please do not use this guide on your first playthrough, as it contains spoilers that can ruin your experience. If you don’t mind the spoilers, then go ahead and be my guest.

Beyond: Two Souls achievements (in my opinion) are best understood if divided into three groups. These three groups are the achievements for the main story of the game that are easy to get, special achievements, and tricky achievements. In this guide, you’ll find all the achievements segmented by chapter (where possible). On the other hand, the special and tricky achievements can only be unlocked by doing stuff within a specific chapter and/or throughout the bundle of chapters. Choose wisely, as some of the choices can impact your chance of unlocking specific achievements. Multiple playthroughs are desirable to get every single one of them, but most of these can be unlocked even by starting the game from a certain chapter.

So, once you finish the game for the first time and unlock the achievements you unlock, please note that some achievements cannot be unlocked by replaying a specific chapter. What does this mean? It means that you’ll have to start a new game, rather than replay the chapters separately to unlock them, hence the reason I mentioned multiple playthroughs above.

One more thing, it doesn’t matter if you play in solo or duo mode since both modes unlock the achievements equally, except the one achievement where the game must be completed in duo mode. Once again, I’m throwing in a piece of friendly advice about the spoilers, there are spoilers in this guide, so if you’re playing the game for the first time – please complete your first playthrough without this guide.

This guide contains everything you’ll need to achieve a 100% completion of Beyond: Two Souls.

Chapter: The Experiment

Achievement: Somebody Else?
Description: Played as Aiden for the first time.

This one’s pretty much self-explanatory. Somebody Else? is a story related achievement and it cannot be missed. In order to unlock this achievement, you’ll need to interact with Aiden for the very first time in the game.

Achievement: Obedience
Description: Stopped the experiment voluntarily.

Upon the completion of the first experiment and/or test, Cole will ask for the blocks to be moved in the next room. Once the instructions have been given, switch to Aiden and move the blocks in the second room, and then continue with the ultimate destruction of everything in that room. Do not stop throwing stuff around until Nathan yells ‘STOP’ while trying to open the door. Once you hear Nathan yelling ‘STOP’, simply exit the Aiden control and instantly press the button to stop the experiment voluntarily. Please note that all this must be done before Cole or Nathan gets through the door.

Chapter: My Imaginary Friend

Achievement: Teammates
Description: Did 3 mischievous things with Jodie and Aiden.

In the chapter ‘My Imaginary Friend’ you’ll need to do at least 3 mischievous interactions with Jodie and Aiden. To make it simple, Aiden needs to do three things that will get Jodie in trouble with her parents. There are nine different mischievous behaviors that can be done in order to unlock this achievement, but you’re only required to do three. The easiest way to unlock this achievement is by bothering Jodie’s mother in the kitchen in the following order:

  • Levitate the chairs with Aiden.
  • Look at the cookie jar with Jodie, and then ask if you can get a cookie. After that, switch to Aiden to grab a cookie and put the cookie into Jodie’s hand or drop it on the floor.
  • Turn on the radio with Aiden.

Chapter: First Night

Achievement: Entities Apprentice
Description: Vanquished the entities with Aiden.

While progressing through the story, you’ll encounter numerous monsters that are called the ‘evil entities.’ Unlike Jodie, Aiden’s capable of defeating them with his powers. In order to successfully unlock this achievement, just defend Jodie from the monsters without failing. If you as much as fail one interaction with the entities, you’ll have to redo the section until you miss none of the defensive moves.

Chapter: Alone

Achievement: Sorry
Description: Forgave Jodie’s Father.

During the ‘Alone’ chapter, you’ll be playing as Aiden throughout the chapter. Jodie’s parents will leave her to Cole Freeman and Nathan Dawkins and will never return again. In order to unlock this achievement, just stand there and watch Jodie’s father Philip leave the room without any interaction, and the achievement will be unlocked once the chapter is complete.

Achievement: Not My Father
Description: Choked Philip with Aiden.

This is pretty much the same thing as the previous Sorry achievement, but this time around you’ll be required to choke Jodie’s father Philip to death as he leaves the room. This is easy to catch since Philip’s character will produce an orange glow. As soon as you see the orange glow appear around Philip’s character, use Aiden’s powers to choke him.

Chapter: The Party

Achievement: Revenge
Description: Taught 3 or more of the teens a lesson, or started the house fire, with Aiden.

This is a very simple achievement. Nearing the end of chapter ‘The Party’, the teens will lock Jodie inside the cabinet beneath the stairway, where after Aiden releases Jodie. Once Jodie is free, you’ll be prompted to choose between the options to Leave the house or get the Revenge.

As the name of this achievement suggests, you’ll have to pick the Revenge option. Once the revenge sequence has been initiated, use Aiden’s powers to scare the teens in the party room by pushing stuff around. It is highly recommended to set the house on fire since it’s required for the later unlockable Uncontrollable achievement.

Achievement: Cold Blood
Description: Did not impress or scare the teens with Aiden.

This achievement is also self-explanatory. To unlock this achievement, you must (as Jodie) refuse to show the powers to the teens during the party or just tell them that there is no power and the teens will not be impressed. Near the end of this chapter, the teens will lock Jodie under the stairway where Aiden comes into rescue. Once Jodie’s free, just choose the Leave option and that’s pretty much it.

Chapter: Like Other Girls

Achievement: Together Forever
Description: Protected Jodie from her attackers.

Once again, we have a self-explanatory achievement on our hands. Once Jodie gets grounded and restricted to leave and hang out with other people at the bar, your objective is to escape the laboratory. To leave the room, you’ll need to use Aiden to break things in the room, all that while pretty much just interacting with everything you can.

After the break festival that just occurred, you’ll be able to possess Cole and control him. It’s time to unlock the door and escort Jodie out of the laboratory. Jodie will eventually reach a place with a guard, and you’ll have to choose Cole’s speak option to make him look ‘real’ and not possessed by Aiden. This will prevent the guard from touching Cole thus allowing you to leave the laboratory without getting caught.

Later in the chapter, Jodie will arrive at the bar where you can interact either with the pool table or the arcade machine. Both of these will work for this achievement since one of the men at the bar will approach Jodie to play a game of pool. Just continue selecting the dialogue as you wish and soon enough he’ll try to touch and attempt to rape Jodie. At this point, you’ll be switched to Aiden automatically to defend Jodie.

To unlock this achievement, interact with stuff around the bar with Aiden to scare them off. The three men will reach for the door to escape, and the orange ‘stuff’ (glow) will appear around the first guy. Kill the first guy by choking him, and then interact with the bartender guy in such manner for him to reach for the shotgun behind the counter and kill the third guy, finally performing a suicide.

Chapter: The Condenser

Achievement: Portal Shutdown
Description: Successfully shut down the condenser portal.

During ‘The Condenser’, chapter Nathan will ask Jodie to help shut down the portal that has been opened up by an accident. This is the portal that opens the path to the Infraworld, so you know, Jodie can take care of that with Aiden.

To unlock this achievement, you must not fail the quick-time-events that occur in this chapter. Failing a certain quick-time-event will result in Jodie leaving the facility and forcing the military to airstrike the facility. This will not give you the possibility to unlock the achievement. So, to avoid this, do the following:

  • Defeat the possessed scientist.
  • In the next room, complete the quick-time-events successfully, without failing.
  • In the freezing hallway search for a key card and defend Jodie from the dead scientists.
  • By interacting with Aiden, kill the remaining dead scientists.
  • In the last room, flip the switch and prepare for the final battle.

After you do all the above-listed points, simply make your way towards the other side. When the evil entities attack Jodie, you’ll be automatically switched to Aiden, thus fighting and killing every single evil entity that gets in your way. Please note that you’ll have to defeat them all to be able to unlock the Entities Master achievement later on. Once Jodie gets across successfully, she’ll shut down the condenser portal on her own.

Achievement: Channeling Master
Description: Channeled all dead bodies in the condenser compound.

Even though this achievement is also self-explanatory, it can be tricky. During this chapter, you’ll find some dead bodies and will get the chance to ‘channel’ them. Channeling is a way of recovering memories of a recent traumatic event. While channeling the dead bodies in the condenser, Jodie will witness how every person died.

There’s a total of eight bodies in this chapter that can be channeled. Simply walk to each body and control the purple orbs redirecting the emission towards Jodie’s head. This will trigger a flashback for each of the dead bodies.

Where do I find these bodies?

  • The first body is story related and cannot be missed. It can be found in the elevator at the very beginning of the chapter.
  • The second body can be found once Jodie exits the above-mentioned elevator, moving the recently deceased soldier out of the way. Enter through the door and switch to Aiden to open this door. Once you enter the room, get behind the desk where the switch is located and you’ll find a dead body on the desk counter.
  • The third body can be found in the server room, the body will be lying down on the floor to the left side of Jodie.
  • The fourth body can be found once Jodie drops out of the air vent into the burning office. The body will be leaning his back against a desk on the floor.
  • The fifth body an be found after breaking the window, near a soda machine.
  • The sixth body will be located in the same area as the soda machine, you’re looking for a fireman’s body.
  • The seventh body can be found after the fighting scene, the body will be pilled up with a group of dead soldiers.
  • The eight and the last body can be found in the condenser control room after making your way past the icy hallway.

Chapter: Welcome To The CIA

Achievement: Perfect Soldier
Description: Completed most of the physical training successfully.

You’ll unlock this achievement during the events of ‘Welcome To The CIA’ chapter where Jodie and Aiden train for covert ops with the, you guessed it – CIA. It is unknown how many challenges you are exactly required to complete without failing for this achievement to be unlocked. There’s one good thing though, these challenges are easy to complete. Just make sure that you complete all of the training stuff as instructed, and obviously without failing.

Achievement: Fight Apprentice
Description: Won every fight whilst taking less than 5 hits.

This achievement you can unlock during the same CIA events as the previous one. To unlock it, you must finish the fighting sections without getting hit more than five times. This does not include all the fights throughout the entire game, but just during this chapter. These fights are easy to execute successfully since the time slows down, letting you see which move exactly Jodie must perform to avoid the punches. Just make sure to follow Jodie’s movements and you’ll get through it easily. Remember, Jodie can’t get hit more than five times!

Achievement: Stealth Apprentice
Description: Completed all stealth training without being spotted.

This is both one of the easiest and one of the hardest achievements to unlock during this chapter. To unlock it, simply go through the training exercise without being spotted. The advice I can give you on this one is to not rush it. Take your time and use Aiden to distract the first guard, you’ll get the hang of it. Once Jodie takes care of the first guard, proceed to the next cover and wait for the second guard to approach Jodie. Perform the same takedown on him, and move to the next cover.

The third guard will come and stand right in front of Jodie behind the cover, perform the takedown action, and proceed to the right side up on the ladder. Once you’re on the ‘roof’ of the container, sneak up behind the fourth guard and perform another takedown action, lastly jumping on top of the head of the fifth guard. You are required to use Aiden’s distraction powers just for the first guard. I’m saying this since I’ve found myself using the distraction powers to no avail during this sequence.

Note that Jodie cannot be spotted even once.

Chapter: The Embassy

Achievement: Clean Job
Description: Shut down the monitor and finished the mission using only Aiden.

This is fairly easy and is occurring during the visit to The Embassy, where Jodie has to go to the safe and get the information with Aiden on the second floor. So, to accomplish this, complete the mission using just Aiden.

While using only Aiden, fly upstairs to the second floor and get Aiden into the surveillance room. Inside this room, you’ll find the guard and the camera monitors. Hit the switch on the monitor and wait for the guard to notice it. The guard will notice that the camera has been paused and will resume it. Once he resumes the camera, push the coffee cup off of the table and pause the monitor screen again as he’s distracted.

Now fly into Sheik’s main office without interacting with the second-floor guard that has an orange glow, and interact with the painting, then open the drawer from the desk and flip the switch. Deactivate the hand scanner device and open the documents so Jodie can read them. Doing this will unlock the trophy at the end of the chapter.

Achievement: Possessive Spy
Description: Finished the mission using only the Sheik.

To unlock this achievement, you’ll have to do the same things to unlock the safe, but this time using the Sheik himself without interacting with anything else.

Once Jodie gives you the control of Aiden, simply posses the Sheik himself, the man Ryan introduced Jodie to. Wait for Sheik to move away from the people he’s interacting with as he cannot be touching another person while being possessed. Once the Sheik’s character starts producing an orange glow, use Aiden to possess him and walk up the stairs and enter his office. Inside the office, walk behind the desk and look for the switch to move the painting. Now, use the hand scanner device to open the safe and take out the documents so Jodie can read them. After that, just finish the mission as intended and you’ll unlock the achievement.

Chapter: The Dinner

Achievement: Perfect Lover
Description: Cooked a meal, cleaned the apartment, took a shower, wore the elegant dress and put on some music.

This achievement as countless others is self-explanatory, but can also be tricky for various reasons and player error. To successfully get this achievement, do the following:

  • Clean the apartment by putting the trash into the trashcan, books on the bookshelf, and clothes in the laundry.
  • To put on the elegant dress, head into Jodie’s room and look inside the closet, then select the elegant dress.
  • To put on some music, turn on the radio located under the bookshelf in the living room, alongside the TV. You can choose whichever genre you wish, as it doesn’t interfere with the achievement.
  • To cook a meal, head into the kitchen and read the cooking book on the counter. Cook either the Asian Beef or the Chicken Curry as this choice doesn’t matter, for as long as it’s not ordering the pizza.

Achievement: Casual Girl
Description: Ordered a pizza, watched some TV and wore something casual.
It’s as simple as the description says. Just do the following before Ryan Clayton arrives:

  • Head into Jodie’s room and put on the cool dress.
  • Order some pizza by heading to the kitchen and reading the cooking book, and then selecting the pizza option.
  • To watch the TV, just sit down and watch the TV on the sofa using the remote. You can turn it off as soon as you turn it on so you don’t need to waste your time.

Achievement: In Love With Ryan
Description: Slept with Ryan.

It’s FUN TIME! To sleep with Ryan can only be done if you never went to the bar in the chapter Like Other Girls. If you did go to the bar in this chapter, you’ll have to replay it choosing the SAVE option and preventing Jodie from going to the bar, then come back and replay The Dinner chapter.

To not allow Jodie to leave the laboratory in Like Other Girls, just use Aiden to break stuff around the room again. Once you possess Cole, do the rest until you reach the guard on the exit. Once the guard asks if Cole is okay, you can ignore all the options without pressing any of the buttons. Not speaking as the possessed Cole will make the guard suspicious thus not allowing you to leave, and preventing Jodie from being sexually assaulted, allowing her to sleep with Ryan in The Dinner chapter.

Chapter: The Mission

Achievement: Stealth Master
Description: Made it to the cathedral without being spotted.

So, even though this seems like an easy task, it won’t be for some players. During The Mission chapter, Jodie will be tasked with a dangerous responsibility for executing a warlord. This is a fun little chapter full of action, where Jodie must make it to the cathedral without being spotted. This is basically the CIA training stuff with the real situation.

In order not to fail this, just use Aiden to scout ahead of the areas before moving to the next cover, easy, right? Don’t forget to choke some of the enemies to death when that option is given, also, don’t forget that Aiden can hit barrels to distract the enemies, which allows Jodie to knock them out easily.

Please remember that Jodie cannot be spotted not even once. If you as much as get Jodie spotted by a single guard, just return to the main menu and replay the chapter if needed. Once you reach the Somalian kid with the rifle, you are free to return to the main menu anyways and the achievement will unlock.

Chapter: Hunted

Achievement: Catch Me if You Can
Description: Escaped the train without being arrested.

During the Hunted chapter, where Jodie is a fugitive on the run, you’ll be able to escape, avoid, or get arrested by the police. In order to unlock the Catch Me if You Can achievement, Jodie must escape the train without being arrested. This is very simple as it can be done in a variety of ways. While Jodie is sleeping, the train will eventually stop at a station where the police will come aboard the train looking for her.

You can simply wait for them to board or you can hit one of the objects near Jodie to make her look outside the window. Before they get a chance to reach Jodie, you can run away and the chase will begin. Keep running and fighting until Jodie makes her way to the end of the cargo. Now have Aiden break the window and climb on top of the train, then continue moving ahead while avoiding the police officers that are climbing up.

When Jodie gets trapped by the three police officers, you must fight them off successfully and then jump off the train. After jumping off, feel free to either finish the chapter or exit to the main menu and the achievement will be unlocked.

Achievement: Aiden’s Apocalypse
Description: Destroyed the gas station, the church, the gun store and the helicopter.

As the description for this achievement suggests, near the end of the chapter you’ll be driving a stolen motorbike and will be stopped at the bridge by the SWAT members. Cross the bridge with Jodie being protected with Aiden’s shield to make it to Bakertown. If you fail to protect Jodie on the bridge, the police will arresat you, which is required for another achievement.

Once you reach the town, Jodie will be shot off her motorbike. Now, it’s time to destroy the gas station. After Jodie deals with the gas station, it’s time to destroy the church, the gun store and the helicopter to end the chapter. To unlock this achievement, you must carefully interact with everything. Do not go full on rambo mode and try to smash everything in your way, just do what the achievement asks you to, otherwise you’ll fail to do it. Here’s a step-by-step guide on this:

  • To destroy the gas station, which is located in the far upper right of Jodie, you can use Aiden to remove the fuel pipe, and then posses the nearby SWAT member which is located behind the SWAT van to shoot the fuel. Another way to blow this gas station up is top possess a nearby SWAT member and throw grenade at the fuel containers.
  • To destroy the gun store, fly over to the far left of Jodie and possess a SWAT member in the vehicle, then have him crash the van into the ‘Hunting Cabin’ gun store.
  • To destroy the church, fly up to the church’s clock tower and interact with it twice to destroy it completely.
  • After destroying everything above, open the door for Jodie, and get her out of the streets. Once the helicopter does a fly by, fly up with Aiden and posses the pilot while crashing it down on everyone else.

After the helicopter is destroyed, the chapter will be completed and this achievement will be unlocked.

Achievement: Houdini
Description: Got arrested three times and escaped each time.

To unlock this achievement, you’ll have to get Jodie arrested three times throughout the chapter. There are multiple ways Jodie can be arrested, and each of the arrests lead up to the same escape scenario. Here is the fastest way for unlocking this achievement:

Escape #1:

  • Getting arrested: While on the train, the fastest way to get arrested is to wake Jodie up once the train stops. This will ensure that the police boards up faster, and just simply let Jodie sit there for a minute until the officers get to her.
    * Escaping: When Jodie wakes up, switch to Aiden and posses the police officer, and release Jodie from her handcuffs and knock the police officer out in another room. Return to Jodie’s room and blast the window with Aiden and jump out of the window.

Escape #2:

  • Getting arrested: After escaping the train, get up and continue running through the forest until dogs attack Jodie, let the dogs win.
    * Escaping: Use Jodie or Aiden to choke the police officer, then open the door with AIden, knock over the other police vehicle and have Jodie steal the motorbike.

Escape #3:

  • Getting arrested: While riding the stolen motorbike, a helicopter will start chasing Jodie until you’ve come to a stop with SWAT team blocking the bridge. When crossing the bridge, don’t protect Jodie with Aiden’s shield and Jodie will get shot off her motorcycle, getting her arrested.
    * Escaping: During the arresting scenario, possess the first guard and shoot the driver in the head right away, then escape the vehicle and Aiden will destroy the handcuffs on his own.

Chapter: Homeless

Achievement: Money to Eat
Description: Earned enough money to have some chocolate during dinner.

During the Homeless chapter, Jodie will help Stan with collecting enough money to buy some food. There are multiple ways to do this, and the main goal is to make enough money for some chocolate during dinner. The easiest way to do so is by playing the guitar located across the street, just cross the street and move ahead until you get along the guy that is playing the guitar.

Bonus way: you can make Jodie steal the money from the ATM using Aiden, but I don’t like this approach since you won’t hear Jodie sing, beautiful moment.

Achievement: Smart Thief
Description: Deactivated the supermarket’s camera.

You can unlock this achievement by deactivating the camera before Stan enters the supermarket and starts looking for baby supplies for Tuesday’s baby. Stan convinces Jodie that he has no choice but to rob the supermarket for the supplies. Once you reach the entrance, use Aiden to look up at the ceiling and destroy the camera immediately. If you forget to do so, Jodie will make sure that you don’t miss it by mentioning that you missed something. This is a clear indicator that something is wrong, thus providing you with additional help to take care of the camera, should you forget to do so.

Achievement: Miracles
Description: Looked after Tuesday’s baby, healed Jimmy and channeled Stan.

This is a fairly simple achievement, just ask questions about everyone. You can stop eating to look after Tuesday’s baby, heal Jimmy, and channel Stan. These three things are required for the achievement, however, you must interact with Stan last because once you channel him the scene will be over and you’ll fail to do the stuff with the rest of them. So, the following is required to be done:

  • Use Aiden to heal Jimmy’s pain.
  • Use Aiden to perform a sonogram on Tuesday’s baby.
  • Channel Stan so he can talk to his wife.

Chapter: Navajo

Achievement: Medicine Girl
Description: Successfully performed the entire ritual.

This achievement can be achieved near the end of the Navajo chapter, well, quite possibly the longest chapter of the entire game. Once you obtain everything throughout the story itself for the ritual, talk to Shimasani (the grandmother) and she’ll give you the last piece.

Go outside, start a fire, and get a stick, draw the correct symbol on the ground. Once Jodie does that, everyone will automatically stand on each of the soul points, and the last soul will be missing. in order to make the 5th soul, switch to Aiden and levitate the last talisman. When the portal opens and the sandstorm entity (Ye’itsoh or whatever the name is) gets sucked in, have Aiden hit the entity into the portal three times. Once the entity is out of the real world, finish the chapter as usual.

Achievement: Not Just Sand
Description: Ran from the sandstorm and took less than 3 hits.

Once Jodie starts being curious about what the Navajo family is afraid of outside, on the 2nd night, ignore their request to stay in the room and head outside the front door. Once outside, go by the stone rock for shelter until you witness an entity coming out of the sandstorm.

During this sequence, the entity will chase Jodie, and you must complete the entire running away sequence without taking more than three hits. This can be tricky, so I’m providing you with the following guide on how to do it correctly:

  • Once Jodie starts running for the first time, press: Up, Down, Up and Right.
  • When Jodie enters the shack, press: Right, Down, Down and Up.
  • At last, when Jodie breaks out of the shack, first shake the entity off, then press: Right, Right, Down, Left and use Aiden to protect Jodie.

Chapter: Dragon’s Hideout

Achievement: Eye for an Eye
Description: Didn’t speak during the interrogation.

This achievement can be easily unlocked during the events of Dragon’s Hideout where Jodie and her companions infiltrate a secret base. Throughout this chapter, Jodie will get flashbacks of her and Ryan getting tortured and interrogated by the captors. During the interrogation sequence, you’ll be given an option to select Talk. For this achievement, you don’t want to say anything during the entire interrogation. This results in Jodie being forced to watch as Ryan has his eyeball removed from the socket. After this is done, you can either finish the chapter or simply exit to the main menu and the achievement will be unlocked.

Achievement: Agent 894732
Description: Told the truth during the interrogation.

This achievement is unlocked within the same section as the Eye for an Eye, just this time allow Jodie to talk by choosing the ‘Talk’ option once it starts floating on the screen, providing the information for the captors leaving Ryan unharmed. Again, after the sequence plays out, you can exit to the main menu and get the achievement unlocked that way or by finishing the rest of a lengthy sequence.

Achievement: Almost Too Easy
Description: Went to the containment shield with the General.

This achievement can be unlocked once Jodie and her team infiltrate a secret base. Your main objective is to get to the containment shield by using only the General. Once Jodie and Ryan exit the submarine after the underwater sequence, switch to Aiden and posses the General. Now the General’s soldiers won’t notice Jodie and Ryan in their base. While in possession of the General, make your way to the containment shield and Aiden will be forced out of the General’s body due to the containment shield protecting the other portion of the secret base. After that, you can either finish the chapter and/or quit to the main menu to unlock the achievement.

Chapter: Black Sun

Achievement: Chose Afterlife
Description: Entered the infraworld.

After Jodie deactivates the Black Sun in the final chapter, at the very end of the game, you’re given the choice to choose ‘Beyond’ or ‘Life’. To unlock this achievement you must select ‘Beyond’ option to enter the Infraworld and then view the endings that follow based on your choices throughout the game.

Achievement: Chose Life
Description: Stayed in reality.

As above-mentioned, just select the Life option at the end and go along with the ending of your choice.

Achievement: Convince Dawkins
Description: Helped Dawkins see the truth.

Once Jodie finds Nathan Dawkins searching for his wife and daughter, as Jodie approaches him, you must convince him that you can’t defeat death. To do this, simply select the ‘Reason’ option twice in a row during the dialogue options. This makes Nathan see the truth about the wrongdoings of his past 15 years and ultimately committing suicide. After that, just continue with the rest of the chapter.

Achievement: Black Sun Down
Description: Deactivated the Black Sun.

This achievement is linked to the story itself and cannot be missed. You’ll get this achievement by completing the Black Sun chapter. However, should Jodie fail during the final mission, being killed by the evil entities for the ‘Infraworld Wins’ ending – then this achievement won’t be unlocked. You must successfully deactivate the Black Sun and view the ending of your choice.

Special Achievements (Single Chapter)

Achievement: The End
Description: One possible reality has been uncovered…

This achievement is story related, and can’t be missed. You’ll unlock this achievement upon completing the game for the first time. It gets unlocked once you view one of the possible endings.

Achievement: Never Alone
Description: Started at least one romance.

This achievement is also very easy to get. You can do this by kissing one of the only two men in the game. You can either make Jodie kiss Jay or Ryan. Jay can be kissed while Jodie is leaving his farm nearing the end of the Navajo chapter, and Ryan can be kissed during The Dinner chapter.

Tricky Achievements (Multiple Chapters)

NOTICE: The achievements listed below require some specific turn of events and choices in order to unlock.

Achievement: Uncontrollable
Description: Took every opportunity to be evil as Aiden.

Multiple Chapters Required: Must be played from The Experiment all the way to the Dinner. You cannot do this by chapter skipping!

For this achievement, you must have Aiden commit six specific evil actions from The Experiment chapter to The Dinner. Below is a list of things Aiden must do:

  • Chapter: The Experiment: Choke Katheleen during the experiment by destroyinga s many of the objects as possible to make her panic and produce the red glow.
  • Chapter: The Embassy: Posses the guard on the 2nd floor and make him commit suicide by jumping over the rail.
  • Chapter: The Party: You must select the ‘Revenge’ option to scare the teens and start a house fire by either using the candles to set the curtains on fire or turning on the stove.
  • Chapter: My Imaginary Friend: While playing with the kids, choke the boy that attacks Jodie.
  • Chapter: Alone: Choke Philip (Jodie’s Fake father) once he leaves the room.
  • Chapter: The Dinner: Ruin Jodie’s date to the point for Ryan to leave Jodie’s apartment.

For as long as you complete the six things listed above, the Uncontrollable achievement will unlock.

Achievement: Entities Master
Description: Was victorious in every battle with the evil entities.

Multiple Chapters Required: Must be played from The Condenser all the way to First Night. You cannot do this by chapter skipping!

During the chapters The Condenser and First Night you’ll have to defeat all the evil entities. To put it simply, in The Condenser chapter you need to shut down the portal successfully while also protecting Jodie. In First Night, protect Jodie from the evil entities once again, and this is where the Entities Master achievement will unlock. Please note that you must not fail any of the encounters in the two chapters.

Achievement: A Better World
Description: Let every possible character die and chose to go with them in the Infraworld.

Multiple Chapters Required: Must be played from Homeless all the way to Black Sun. You cannot do this by chapter skipping!

In order to unlock this achievement, you must let every possible character die. This is also necessary to unlock some of the endings that can only be seen when certain characters die.

Here’s how to kill everyone in each of the chapters:

  • Chapter Homeless:
    – Walter – you can wait for Jodie to collapse or have Jodie interact with the door, then head upstairs to the 2nd floor to leave him to burn.
    – Jimmy – While on the 2nd floor, you can wait until Jodie collapses or knockdown the door, ignore Jimmy and proceed out the window to save Tuesday.
  • Chapter Navajo:
    – Paul – When you return to the ranch, ignore Paul and complete the ritual, DO NOT HEAL HIM!
  • Chpter Norah:
    – Norah – Use Aiden to stop Norah’s heart.
  • Chapter The Black Sun:
    – Cole – When Cole is attacked by the evil entities, have Jodie leave him behind and get on the elevator. An alternative way is to fail the QTE when running to the door.
    – Ryan – Find Nathan inside the Black Sun, then get him to shoot Jodie choosing the ‘Blame’ and ‘Cold’ options, and do nothing while Ryan automatically saves Jodie, in the end dying by sacrificing his own life to safe Jodie’s.

Achievement: Together Till the End
Description: Finished the game in Duo mode.

As the description suggests, you must complete the game in the duo/co-op mode. Make sure to set the difficulty level for both players to ‘I play video games often’ and assign the keyboard and mouse to Jodie, while assigning the controller to Aiden.

WARNING: If you do not own a controller, I’m not sure if it’s possible to unlock this achievement as you must complete the game in duo mode. You must assign a controller to the second player.

Achievement: Saved All
Description: Saved every character that could be saved.

Once again, a self explanatory achievement. Save all the characters in the game, and here’s how:

  • Chapter Homeless:
    – Walter – Use Aiden to bust the door down.
    – Jimmy – Use Aiden to posses him and jump across to safety.
  • Chapter Navajo:
    – Paul – Upon returning to the ranch, enter his room and heal his wound using Aiden.
  • Chapter Norah:
    – Norah – Just leave the room after interaction.
  • Chapter The Black Sun:
    – Cole – When Cole gets attacked, have Jodie save his life by carrying him, then have Aiden heal his wound.
    – Ryan – Find Nathan inside the Black Sun and convince him to see the truth or have Aiden kill him if Jodie gets shot. Both of these options will prevent Ryan from dying.

All Endings… Achievement

Achievement: All Endings…
Description: Saw all endings.

An ending in Beyond: Two Souls is defined actually as just a part of the sequence of scenes you see after you choose either Life or Beyond at the end of the Black Sun chapter.

There are roughly 24 ending scenes for Beyond: Two Souls, and the only choices that truly matter are the life and death of the people you meet along the way. Below is the list of all the possible combinations to see all of the 24 ending scenes.

Even though it seems like you’ll have to replay the game 10 times to get all the ending scenes, it isn’t actually true. You just gotta play the game once, and save everyone, and choose Beyond to get the 1st ending. Now start from the Black Sun chapter, and just replay it to get endings 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Now that you have seen all 5 endings where you needed everyone to be alive, in order to get the 6th ending, just jump back into the Homeless chapter. Play through the rest of the game from here, letting everyone die. Choose Beyond at the end, and you will get the 6th ending. Now, reload the Black Sun chapter a couple of times to get the endings 7, 8, and 9. That’s all for all the endings where everyone dies.

The final ending you can do at any given moment, since it doesn’t matter who is alive or dead as Jodie is the one who must die.

1st Ending, Everyone Lives
Everyone Lives – To get this, every important character must live through the entire game. At the end, choose to go to the Infraworld to see the ending. You will also get the Saved All trophy for this.

  • Walter & Jimmy – During the Homeless chapter, the building will burn down after Zoey is born. Rescue Walter, who is trapped behind a door on the first floor, and Jimmy who is behind a door on the second, on top of the staircase.
  • Paul – During the Navajo chapter, an entity will attack Paul. After you carry him into the house, switch to Aiden and heal him.
  • Norah – While you visit your mother during the Norah chapter, you have the chance to stop her heart. Do not take it, and simply walk away, allowing her to live.
  • Ryan & Cole – During Black Sun, Cole will fall while trying to get past a number of entities. Run back out, save him, and after dragging him clear to safety, use Aiden to cure him. During the final events by the Black Sun, Ryan disappears for a moment, and you find Nathan. Choose Move both times, and Ryan will safely appear after Dawkins dies.

2nd Ending, Choose Life, All Alive
Save everyone, and choose life at the end. During the Epilogue scene, pick Ryan Clayton to spend your life with.

3rd Ending, Choose Life, All Alive
Save everyone, and choose life at the end. During the Epilogue scene, pick Jay to spend your life with.

4th Ending, Choose Life, All Alive
Save everyone, and choose life at the end. During the Epilogue scene, pick Zoey to spend your life with.

5th Ending, Choose Life, All Alive
Save everyone, and choose life at the end. During the Epilogue scene, pick to be alone.

6th Ending, Everyone Dies
To get this ending, everyone must die. To have them all die, do the exact opposite of Ending 1. Let Walter and Jimmy die in the fire, do not heal Paul after the attack, put Norah out of her misery by stopping her heart, let Cole die by running away from him, and get Ryan killed by using the Blame option followed by Cold when talking to Nathan at the end, without attacking Nathan as Aiden.

When given the decision between Life or Beyond, choose Beyond. This will also get you the A Better World achievement.

7th Ending, Choose Life, All Dead
Have everyone die, pick life at the end and during the Epilogue scene, choose to be with Jay.

8th Ending, Choose Life, All Dead
Have everyone die, pick life at the end and during the Epilogue scene, choose to be with Zoey.

9th Ending, Choose Life, All Dead
Have everyone die, pick life at the end and during the Epilogue scene, choose to be alone.

10th Ending
To get the final ending, Jodie must die. During the final events of the Black Sun chapter, two dangerous entities will attack Jodie. Do nothing and she will get killed. Following that event, she will begin seeing people just before getting to the console. There will also be numerous ghosts grabbing her, trying to stop her while the player hits many various quick-time-events. After General McGrath appears, do not hit any quick-time-events, and Jodie will die, giving you the final ending.

Collectibles Locations

Achievement: Explorer
Description: Found all the bonuses.

This is a Tomb Raider like achievement where you get it unlocked once you find all of the 22 collectibles that are scattered across the entire game. Please note that only 20 collectibles can be unlocked by the player, and the additional two will unlock upon the completion of the game.

To make this guide as easy to follow as possible, here’s a great guide by another person that goes in depth of how to find every single of the collectibles in the game:

*I might update this section in the future with screenshots for each of the collectibles, but for new – in order to save time – I’m linking another user’s guide.


So, there you have it, a full achievement guide for Beyond: Two Souls explained in as many details as possible. Thank you for reading and please consider leaving a rating, it’s greatly appreciated.