If you follow the information below you should be able to acquire all the achievements with ease. However, it’s recommended to just play through the game at your own pace and just enjoy what the game has to offer. Aim to complete the story missions and if you’re up for it complete the side missions in this stage as well.
1 – Welcome to Hawkins (Complete Sneak Peek)
This achievement is awarded for completing “Sneak Peek” which is the very first mission in the game. This serves as a prologue for the game and starts you out with Mike and Lucas being the playable characters. The mission overall is pretty straightforward and requires you to find some keys, kill some rats and turn the power on to complete the mission. “Sneak Peek” is essentially designed to teach you the basics of how to play the game.
Mike’s moveset consists of:
-Basic Attack – Swing; Mike swings a Baseball Bat in this game which does a good bit of damage and comes in really useful in the earlier stages of the game while you’re limited in party members. It’s highly suggested you use him as a tank style character if needed.
-Special Ability – Taunt; Mike’s Ability consists of taunting the enemy. The idea is that if you pull it off within the vicinity of nearby enemies they will receive an attack and defense debuff however it will also draw the enemies to attack Mike.
Lucas’ moveset consists of:
-Basic Attack – Wrist Rocket; Straight from Season 1 Lucas utilizes his Slingshot in this game which does a decent bit of damage with good range. Comes in useful when you want to damage but stay out of harms way.
-Special Ability – Cherry Bomb; Lucas can send out a very powerful projectile for his special ability that allows him to do greater damage than the wrist rocket while also inflicting burn damage. In addition; this ability can be used outside of battle to blow up white walls and open up new and hidden areas.
2 – Shake Things Up (Complete Revenge of the Geeks)
This achievement will pop once you have completed the side quest called “Revenge of the Geeks”. This side quest becomes available in Chapter 1 once you have completed a mission for Mrs. Wheeler (Mike’s Mom). One of the ladies next to her at the poolside will ask you to go to the general store to pick up a hairdryer.
As you head out of the pool area; the mission gets a lot more fun as one of Billy’s cronies will threaten you into getting him a free milkshake. The mission then requests you to find some Milkshake Mix (Found in Scoops Ahoy) and some Laxatives (Found in the general store). You will need to complete a mission for the store manager before you can get the Laxatives but once you have them, take it back to Robin who will make your milkshake.
Take both items back to the pool area and earn the achievement.
3 – From Love to Russia (Complete Radar Love)
This is one of the first missions you will get in the game as part of Chapter 1. This mission requires you to help Dustin build his antenna “Cerebro”. This mission will see you walking around trying to find circuit boards (Cerebro Parts) to fix it up. Once you find all 3 parts take it back to the antenna (Located at Weathertop) to finish this mission and get yourself another achievement.
This is also the mission where you will unlock Dustin as a playable character.
4 – …But Boyfriends Do (Complete Break In, Make Out)
Break In, Make Out is another one of the first missions you’ll find in the game. This mission sees you trying to see Eleven in Hopper’s Cabin. When you arrive you find that Hopper has conveniently fenced the area off to keep out “Intruders”. So sneak around the back entrance taking out enemies as you proceed. If you head further to the north east of the map; you’ll notice an area with some boulders. Blow them up with Lucas’ Cherry Bomb to find a combination (This will come in useful later).
Head further down and you will come across a fence that has a combination lock but if you picked up the combination from the location above you should be able to just go straight in. Once you get inside; You have to set up a date with Eleven so give her a nice compliment, pick a TV Show (Any seems to do) and get her a snack (Ice Cream is the only one she’ll accept). Then switch the lights off to proceed to the next part of the mission.
You will now have to try and buy a gift for Eleven so head off to the Mall and walk around the top floor until you see a shop with a blue store front. Walk in and buy the charm bracelet from the store clerk. Leave the mall to get this achievement and have another mission under your belt.
5 – Homebodies (Complete Chores for Granny Perkins)
This side quest is found in the Hawkins Suburbs at Granny Perkins House. When you go inside she will have a few little tasks for you to complete.
These start out pretty simple as you are asked to clear her backyard of leaves and then you’re asked to refill her teapot since she’s an old woman and can’t do these things anymore.
Finally she asks you if you can clear out her basement however you soon find out this isn’t the case. Escape the basement and defeat Granny Perkins to get this achievement in your collection.
6 – Pure Nightmare Fuel (Complete Hospital Brawl)
This achievement will pop when you complete the mission “Hospital Brawl”. This mission can be one of the first real difficult levels of the game depending on the difficulty you’re playing on, your playstyle and what characters and trinkets you are using.
This mission sees you heading off to the local hospital to visit Mrs. Driscoll whom you visited earlier in the game. The receptionist will not let you past unless you have some ID so head left and fight your way through the enemies on the ground floor to find out Mrs. Driscoll’s Date of Birth as well as some Papers. Once you take ID credentials to the receptionist she will allow you to take the lift up to the top. *Note* This first section introduces you to acid throwing enemies which can be the worst enemies to deal with since they attack from long range and do lots of damage so take them out as soon as you can.
Now comes the second part. Make your way up to Floor 4 and you will have to manoeuvre through a series of rooms full of Flayed Humans, Slimes and Rats. These rooms should be pretty simple but can be a bit much if you get flanked so always be sure to keep a distance and allow the CPU to take the brunt of the damage. You will have to hack a few panels until you come across Mrs. Driscoll’s room where you will see she is no longer there. Follow the path into the next room.
Boss Fight
In this next room you will encounter a boss fight with Tom & Bruce. Both of these enemies can deal decent damage however they are manageable easy enough. One thing that is unique about this boss fight is that you can’t beat them if they are standing next to each other as they heal one another. The strategy to beating this boss easily and quickly is to set your CPU to stay while you walk off elsewhere luring 1 of them to you. This allows you to deal heavy damage to one and then just wait until they swap places and keep attacking. If you want quick results; make sure you have full coke inventory and choose Nancy. Use her special ability to hit the boss (You need to make sure Nancy isn’t hit while she charges her attack). Each hit should deal about 360 damage. Once the boss is beaten you will see a cutscene.
Now for the final part of this long level. You will be chased through the hospital by a giant monster. You can’t attack this monster as it is a 1 hit kill so run. You will have to smash some Wooden things in your way and avoid obstacles (Hospital Beds). Once you get to the exit you’ll see another cutscene and then you’ll get this achievement.
7 – Little Shop of Flowers (Complete Wall Flower)
This side quest can be located in the Hawkins Square. You’ll hear a girl crying out for help so head inside the flower shop to investigate. Once you get inside you’ll find that the girl has locked herself in the bathroom and needs your help to find the key. The only thing is she forgot where she placed it.
All you need to do to complete the mission is follow the little scavenger hunt inside of the Flower Shop taking note of each of the hints you find. Go back to the bathroom door and talk to her about each hint until she gives you a key for the back office. Head to the back office and unlock the door to find the right key to get her out of the bathroom.
Once she is out you’ll earn this achievement.
8 – The Bite (Complete Cabin Ambush)
This achievement will pop once you beat the mission “Cabin Ambush”.
This mission takes place entirely at Hopper’s Cabin and it’s highly advised that you fill up on First Aid Kits and Cokes before you start this mission. In addition; The party members that are suggested to use for this mission are Will and Max. Will is great for this mission since his attacks do great damage (Which can be enhanced with trinkets like Firestarter) and also have great range as well as a brutal special attack while Max comes in really useful as your tank type character who can take the heavy brunt of the damage while also dealing great damage and being an extra source of health with her “Medic” skill.
This mission will see you fending off waves of the Mind Flayers minions while also having to take out giant tentacles attacking you through the house windows. The fight is pretty simple for the most part. Avoid the ceiling tentacle slams; Wipe out the tentacles as fast as possible when they burst through your defenses and keep repairing the windows. You get plenty of opportunities to gather wood during this mission so as long as you heal up when needed you should be finished with this mission pretty fast.
The achievement will pop once you finish the mission.
9 – Welcome To Hell (Complete Mall Showdown)
This achievement is actually quite simple to be honest and will only see you attacking a few enemies since most of this level sees you running. This mission called “Mall Showdown” takes place in Chapter 8 and sees you having to run into the Starcourt Mall to avoid the Mind Flayer.
Once you get to the bottom floor; the Mind Flayer will burst through the ceiling and land right in the centre. Manoeuvre your way around the Mind Flayer and into the clothes shop on the bottom floor. Make your way through each room and solving each puzzle as you go while trying to avoid damage. (All the puzzles are simple enough and you should be pretty familiar with how the puzzles work by this point in the game).
Once you get into a back corridor just before a cutscene plays; this achievement should unlock before the fight with the Mind Flayer.
10 – Crafted Things (Crafted your first item)
This is a very easy achievement to acquire in the game as during the story; you will be required to craft items as part of the story. If you want to acquire this trophy beforehand you can find craftable materials as you walk around the world. You can find a crafting bench very early into the game in Dustin’s Garage.
11 – Short Circuit (Successfully hack the hardest level chest/door)
This should come to you through natural progression. As you proceed into the later levels of the game (Primarily anything involving a Russian Base). You will come across Hacking panels that require 3 different commands that require 4 button inputs each time. These are deemed as the hardest level door/chest hacking panels in the game. Simply complete these easy inputs and earn yourself this achievement.
12 – Up to Eleven (Unlock Eleven)
As can be expected by how powerful she is in the show; Eleven is one of the most powerful and useful characters in the game. She is unlocked during the mission “Slumber Party”.
Eleven’s moveset is:
-Basic Attack – Psychic Push; Eleven can deal damage on the enemy she is facing while also pushing them a good distance to give you some space. This attack also deals Shock Damage.
-Special Ability – Nuke; Eleven unleashes powerful psychic blasts that surround her like a nuclear blast heavily injuring nearby enemies in a powerful area of effect attack. Also deals Shock Damage.
13 – Mad Max (Unlock Max)
Max might just be the best character in the game and one you will want to utilize a lot to get far in this game. Max is unlocked during the mission “Slumber Party”.
Max’s moveset is:
-Basic Attack – Kick; Max deals a powerful kick to enemies she is facing with each hit rivaling or sometimes being even more powerful than attacks from characters like Hopper.
-Special Ability – Medic; This is the move that makes Max incredibly useful especially as the partner character. Her special ability allows her to throw health hearts onto the world allowing you a quick heal up at the cost of energy rather than a medkit.
14 – I Scream For Ice Cream (Unlock Erica)
Erica is a character that is extremely useful for the collectable side of all the trophies as she is the only character who can get into hard to reach spots. She is unlocked during the mission “Scoops Troop”.
Erica’s moveset is:
-Basic Attack – Zap; Erica pulls out a big taser and deals powerful damage to enemies as well as Shock Damage.
-Special Ability – Chain Zap; Erica can link enemies together in a powerful attack that covers a wide range as well as dealing shock damage.
Erica also has the outside ability to crawl through ventilation shafts giving her access to areas inaccessible by the other characters.
15 – One Time at Space Camp (Unlock Dustin)
Dustin will be the first character you unlock in the game and will be available from Chapter 1. The mission where you will unlock Dustin is called Radar Love.
Dustin’s moveset is:
-Basic Attack – Poison Spray; Dustin pulls out his Farrah Fawcett Hair Spray and sprays in the direction he is facing. Not only does this attack have great damage but it also covers a good range. This attack also deals Chem damage.
-Special Ability – Robot Bomb; Dustin sends out a Toy Robot which after a few seconds will explode and deal heavy damage as well as chem damage to nearby enemies.
Dustin also has a special ability outside of battles as he is needed to access panels which require hacking.
16 – The Cool Guy (Unlock Steve)
You will unlock Steve in Chapter 6 during the mission “Scoops Troop”.
Steve’s attacks are:
-Basic Attack – Scoop, Steve pulls out an ice cream scoop and attacks enemies by hurling Ice Cream. This attack also slows enemies as well.
-Special Ability – Corrode, A Chemical attack where Steve throws Promethium that forms a chemical pool which damages any enemies it hits.
17 – Normal Is Boring (Unlock Jonathan)
Jonathan is a pretty decent character that has some powerful attacks as well as the power to stun. Jonathan is unlocked in the mission “Rat, Paper, Scissors”.
Jonathan’s moveset is:
-Basic Attack – Punch; Simple but effective. Jonathan punches enemies within sight dealing strong physical damage.
-Special Ability – Group Photo; Jonathan puts his trusty camera to work as he takes a picture of any surrounding enemies doing a small bit of damage whilst also stunning them in the process.
18 – Finding Chemistry (Unlock Hopper and Joyce)
These two characters make for an interesting team up with both characters special abilities working in tandem with each other. They are both unlocked during the mission “Break into Hawkins Lab”.
Hopper’s moveset is:
-Basic Attack – Punch; Just like Jonathan a simple but effective move. Hopper punches any enemies within sight however he deals higher physical damage than Jonathan.
-Special Ability – Rush; Like a Bull, Hopper charges at all enemies within his way dealing strong damage but with the added ability of dealing extra damage to any enemies that are stunned.
Joyce’s moveset is:
-Basic Attack – Big Whack; Joyce hits any enemies in her sight full force with her bolt cutters dealing strong physical damage.
-Special Ability – Whirl; Joyce spins around with the Bolt Cutters in tow and while it only deals a small amount of damage per hit it stuns every enemy meaning you can line them up for Hopper to finish the job.
In addition, Joyce has the added ability outside of battle to unlock chained doors by cutting the chains with her Bolt Cutters.
19 – Cut, It, Out (Unlock Nancy)
Nancy is an interesting character since she has a good chance of dealing possibly the most damage in the game but requires a little time to use her powerful attack. She can be unlocked in the mission “Rat, Paper, Scissors”.
Nancy’s moveset is:
-Basic Attack – Scissor Slash; Nancy lashes out at nearby enemies with a quick attack that has a chance to do a critical.
-Special Ability – Execute; Possibly the most powerful attack in the game. Nancy does a stabbing lunge attack that deals big damage as well as an extra chance for critical damage. The only drawback to this attack is it can take a few seconds to gear up the lunge and being hit cancels the attack so you need to make sure you time your uses with this attack.
20 – Gnome Mercy (Found 25 hidden gnomes. Half-way there!)
All you need to do to get this achievement is find 25 of the 50 hidden gnomes.
For locations, take a look at this guide: How to find all the gnomes
21 – Take a Look at Me Now (Craft five trinkets)
In the game you can acquire items called Trinkets that can improve your characters attacks, durability and more. Think of them as stat boosts. This game has loads of trinkets available at the players disposal however for this trophy you merely need to acquire 5, you don’t even need to set them to your party.
The best part about this trinkets is they’re really easy to get. One way to quickly acquire some of these trinkets is to complete side quests for the Conspiracy Theorist outside City Hall in Hawkins Square. Most of these side quests only require you to fetch him a couple of items. Another way you can acquire some is by simply walking around the world when you have access to characters like Joyce and Erica who can open previously inaccessible areas.
Finally, the most likely way you will attain these trinkets is by crafting them at crafting benches dotted throughout the games locations. As you progress whether its from enemies or vendors; you will find plenty of crafting materials throughout the game with some of the easiest trinkets being the 1st version of body armour as well as the arm pads which help with your blocking.
Acquire 5 of these trinkets to get this achievement.
22 – Will the Wise (Unlock Will)
Will is the only character in the game who isn’t required to complete the story mode since he is unlocked via the side quest “Will The Wise”.
The side quest is pretty simple and sees you collecting Mike, Dustin & Lucas’ Dungeons and Dragons Manuals. Mike’s is located in his house, Dustin’s is in his house and Lucas’ is located around the Hawkins Suburbs. Bring all 3 back to Will and then venture to Castle Byers to finish the mission off and unlock possibly the most useful character in the game.
Will’s moveset is:
-Basic Attack – Roman Blast; Will launches firework projectiles at enemies either up close or from far range dealing decent damage as well as fire damage.
-Special Ability – Death Blossom; Will rapidly spins around in a circle shooting fireworks off in all directions dealing heavier damage as well as fire damage.
23 – A Fishy Request (Complete 30 Minutes or Less)
During Chapter 6; If you head into Hawkins Town Hall in Hawkins Square. You will find a Russian fellow who has a side quest for you called 30 Minutes or Less in which he asks you to bring him a special pizza which contains the ingredients he gives you. So get ready for a good old fashioned fetch quest. All of the different ingredients can be located in different places located around Hawkins so this may take a while.
Sardine – Hawkins Lab Basement – Hawkins Lab.
Once you have Erica in your party. Head to the basement in the Hawkins Lab and to the South Western side of the basement. Here you will find a vent that you can crawl through with Erica. When you come out the other side; Head through the Southern door and you’ll end up in a room with 3 doors and 3 Switches. Pull the switches until the western door opens and head inside; You’ll find the sardine on the floor in the room.
Mackerel – Women’s Locker Room (Hawkins Pool) – Hawkins Suburbs.
This is one of the easiest ingredients on this list to find. Head to the women’s locker room and continue all the way in until you reach the girls showers. to your left in the shower area; you should see the Mackerel lying on the floor.
Tuna – Weathertop (Open Area)
This ingredient can be found in the area of Weathertop. If you explore the area a little bit on the left side you should come across a small cornered in area. Smash some of the boxes in the area and you should find the Tuna on the floor.
Salmon – Secret Russian Base – Starcourt Mall
During the mission “Scoops Troop” in Chapter 6 once you recruit Steve into your party. You will be tasked with escorting Robin out of the Russian base. In the room you need to enter to finish the mission; You should see the salmon on the far left area of the room in between a vending machine and a locker.
Dough – Pizza Shop – Hawkins Square
The dough to make the pizza can be found in the Pizza shop in Hawkins Square just next door to City Hall. If you head all the way to the back you’ll have to unlock the kitchen door by turning 3 bears to make up the numbers of Pi (3.14). Once you have unlocked the door; Head inside to find a floor puzzle with a square full of lights next to it. Walk across the panels until all lights are off. Once you have done that; walk around all the outer panels to make the outer square light up. This will open the back door of the kitchen allowing you to grab the dough.
Once you have every ingredient; head back to the Russian who will give you your reward and cause the achievement to pop.
24 – Survivor (Beat the game on New Game+)
This mode is only unlocked once you have beaten the Story at least once. New Game+ in this game isn’t referred to as New Game + mode but is rather called “Eliminator” Mode.
The interesting draw to this mode is that it kind of works as a permadeath mode. Eliminator mode gives you access to all characters unlocked from the start however if you die in the game when you respawn you will lose access to the character you were previously playing as.
Upon completing this mode, you will get the achievement.
25 – Moving Day (Complete the game)
You’ll get this achievement once you have beaten the final boss in the game as well as viewed the cutscenes that proceed it. This achievement is pretty straightforward to be honest. Just finish the game and enjoy your ending.
26 – Home a Gnome (Found all 50 hidden gnomes)
For locations, take a look at this guide: How to find all the gnomes
Additional Note: In the Hawkins Suburbs, you can find a nondescript house which will have a swimming pool in the backyard. Inside you will find a bunch of chests which will reward you with items for every 10 gnomes you collect.
27 – An Honest Living (Complete Ivan the Smuggler)
This side quest can be found in the back corridors of the Starcourt Mall (Accessible via Scoops Ahoy). Head to the left and you will come across the Starcourt Janitor called Ivan. He’s wanting to send some gifts to his family from home and has requested your help in finding said items.
Those items and their locations are listed below:
Rock N’ Roll Cassette – Can be found on the bottom floor of the Starcourt Mall. Head over to the radio near the car and interact with it to remove the cassette and gain one of your items.
Swimsuit Magazine – For this item we need to head to Dustin’s House in the Hawkins Suburbs and interact with Dustin’s Bed to acquire the magazine as well as get a funny little interaction with Dustin.
Sixteen Molotovs VHS – Finally, head off to the Library in Hawkins Square and make your way around to the VHS room. Inside you’ll find shelves lined with many tapes. Interact with one of these shelves to get the VHS you need.
Take all of these items back to Ivan and you’ll get this achievement.
28 – Shack Sack (Complete On the Wire)
You will get this side quest when you visit Hawkins Square and notice the Electronics Store is shut down. You will need to hack the door to get in so make sure to have Dustin unlocked. Once you head inside; solve a few puzzles and beat up a few enemies. Once you reach the end of the building, you will complete the side quest and earn another achievement.
29 – What’s In Store (Complete Store Raid)
This side quest can be found in Hawkins Square. If you head towards the Hawkins Post and the Library you’ll notice a Camping store with an electrical panel and the owner standing outside. He’ll ask you to help him retrieve personal belongings from inside the store. Hack the panel and head inside. Simply find all 5 items that he needs and return them to him to get yourself another achievement.
30 – Rats! (Complete Rats in the Walls)
This side quest can be found at the Hawkins Square Hardware Store. If you go inside and talk to the store owner, he’ll tell you that he has been having a little rat problem and needs your help to kill them all since the exterminator is busy. He’ll then unlock the doors for you. Just simply kill all the rats that you see and have access to then talk to the owner. You’ll get your achievement, some cash for your trouble and the ability to buy items from this vendor.
31 – Fat Rambo (Complete Invasion of Privacy)
Complete the Chapter 6 Mission “Invasion of Privacy” which takes place at Murray’s Warehouse.
You will have to proceed through a few different rooms to pass Murray’s “Tests”. You’ll get this achievement as soon as you finish talking with Murray in the house.