Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition Guide

Arkham Asylum GOTY: Custom Cutscenes for Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition

Arkham Asylum GOTY: Custom Cutscenes


We will teach you how to make custom cutscenes through RAD Video Tools, and how to watch the games original cutscenes. Along with that, we will give you our own original cutscenes to use to your own discretion. Have fun ;))))))


Hello everybody! Today, I’m going to show you how to make Custom Cutscenes in Batman: Arkham Aslyum GOTY Edition. This was a personal discovery by Very Thick Boy.

Originally posted by Very Thick Boy:

“I was searching though the files of Batman: Arkham Asylum and thought: ‘What if you could edit the cutscenes in the files and maybe change them?’ And, as a matter a fact, you can.”

Very inspiring words from Very Thick Boy!

Anyway, we will go through a step-by-step, key press by key press, comprehensive guide of how to get this ♥♥♥♥ done. We will also show you some of my own, and my friends ‘custom cutscenes’. The only disapointing part about making new cutscenes is that we are just replacing the cutscenes in the files. Just keep that in mind. Now, you may proceed through the rest of the guide. It will be a very difficult and treacherous journey. Good luck!


Make Sure Your PC or Mac is Up-to-Date

RAD Video Tools


Apple Quicktime


I will explain why you need to download this under the iTunes download section



If you want to compress a .mp4 file into a .bik file, you need Quicktime + the Apple Application Support plug-in, which is packaged with iTunes
If you want to just install the Application Support Plug-in, which I was not successfully able to get to work, you can use this guide[] to help you download it

RAD Video Tools Software Overview

First of all make sure you have downloaded:

  • RAD Video Tools
  • Apple Quicktime (Go to Download Section for more information)
  • Newest Version of iTunes(Go to Download Section for more information)

Bink/RAD Video Tools Information

RAD Video Tools was made by the company Bink, the software used for compressing the cutscenes in Batman: Arkham Asylum. They released the tools to the public, which allows us to make our own .bik format videos.

Overview of the RAD Video Tools Program

If you don’t want this breakdown of the software, jump to the How to Make and Watch .bik Files section. That’s where the meat of this guide is.

It may look weird or confusing to show up at a screen like this:

But, I’ll break down what’s going on here. From left to right, starting in the first row:

Advanced Play

This option allows you to tinker and mess with .bik files that you’ve selected. With options connected with looping the video, preloading the entire file, etc. But this section doesn’t apply to what we’re doing.

Analyze File

This option allows you to look at a graph that breaks down the videos timming, the frames in the video, and Bytes per frame. For more info, press F1 or H when looking at the graph for more information. This section doesn’t apply to what we’re doing.


A command editor, for more experienced users.This section doesn’t apply to what we’re doing.


This option redirects you to a page that gives you more information on the options listed. This section doesn’t apply to what we’re doing, unless you want to go more in depth with the compressor.

Now, the second row of options. Reading from left to right, starting in the second row:

Mix in Sound

This option allows you to mix in sound files. Pretty self explanatory. This section doesn’t apply to what we’re doing.

List Files

This option lists all files you plan on compressing. This section doesn’t apply to what we’re doing, unless you want to compress multiple files.

File info

This option gives you a list of very detailed information on your file. Such as, resolution, rps, milliseconds per frame, file size, and much, much more. This section doesn’t apply to what we’re doing.


This option redirects you to the FAQ section of Bink Video’s website. This section doesn’t apply to what we’re doing

Finally, the last row. This area gets juicy ;)). Reading from left to right, starting for the third and final row:

Convert a File

This option allow you to convert a file to .bik. You can also press the Bink it! option on the far left side to open the same window. In the window, you can convert video, convert audio, change the look of the video, and much much more. I will be covering this all in the How to Use RAD Video Converter section.

New Version?

This option allows the software to check for a new version of RAD, and redirect you to the website to download a new version. This doesn’t apply to what we’re doing, unless you need to update the software.

System Info

This options gives you a full breakdown of you PC. Your GPU, CPU, motherboard, RAM, and pretty much everything else you can think of. If you’re not sure which version of the iTunes to download, using this option can help you figure out what version of Windows you’re running. This doesn’t really apply to what we’re doing, unless you have the issue I just listed in the last sentence.


This option tells you everything about the software: who created it, their email and website links, FAX number, address of RAD HQ, etc. This doesn’t apply to what we’re doing.

Conclusion to section:

That covers the ridiculous amount of options to go through. Now, was that so complicated? I didn’t cover everything in depth, but if you want that information, click the Help button, and it will tell you what you want to know. Also, the don’t worry about the Smack it! button. It’s just another file type, which we won’t be using. Now, we get work actually make those .bik files. Let’s go to the next section!

How to Make and Watch .bik Files

Now, we’re at the juicy part. The main event for this difficult journey. You’re going to be a pro by the end of this.

Part 1: Files Types

Before we can even compress these files, we have to make sure you have a compatible file type. Open the program, and scroll down to Files of Type:

Once you’re here, make sure you can use a video file containing one of the following file types (the ones I recommend using are in bold):
.bk2 .bik .smk. wav. .avi. mov. .qt .lst .flc .fli .bmp .gif .psd .tga .pcx .tif .sgi .png .jpg .jpeg .mp4 .dv .mpg .mpeg .wmv .wma .asf .mipg .aiff .au .rla .swf .mp3 .raw

The video I’m going to teach you to compress today is the first cutscene from Batman: Return to Arkham Asylum.

Part 2: Compressing a File

Now that you have a file picked out in the right format, click Bink it! or Convert a File (they take you to the same place). Once you clicked that, you’ll be brought to this screen:

This is the screen you can modify your video settings with. I’m not going to go into much detail, and there’s a lot to change here. Right now, I’m going to keep the settings I have now, which I recommend for you as well. These are the highest quality settings, without having to change the actual video.

Now that you’ve finished messing with your video settings, click the Bink button on the far, top, right side. You have now moved to the best part of this section, waiting…

Part 2 (The Sequal): Waiting…

Depending on how big the video file is, it’s going to take f o r e v e r. . .

Part 3: Moving the .bik File to the Batman: Arkham Asylum Directory

Now, go to your Steam directroy located under Program Files (or go to Steam, look for Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition in your Library, right click it, click Properties, Local Files, and finally, Browse Local Files. Once you’re in your Batman: Arkham Asylum folder, open BmGame, then Movies, and you’re where you need to be.

Now, pick a cutscene you want to replace. For instance, I’m am replacing 101_Batmobile_Intro. Back up the orginal file (rename it or move it to a special folder). And then rename your new .bik file to the same name as the file you just moved/renamed.

Voilà! You had replaced the cutscene! Now, go into the game and see if your change worked.

Part 4: Seeing Your Replaced Cutscene

Going into your game and see your cutscene change. If it doesn’t just skip the cutscene and go to the next one, then you did it! Good job! Ya get a cookie!

(Joker looks so r3tarted)

Part 5: Loading Screens

I almost forgot to mention that you can also change the loading screens! Below this section, my friends and I have made some hilarious Cutscens and Loading Screens for you all to try! Here is one I made while writing this guide:

This is from one of the most hilarious I’ve ever watched. Link to download the loading screen will be down below.

Custom Loading Screens (What My Friends and I have made)

My friends have made loading screens for Batman: Arkham Asylum. Tell us whatcha thing!

Very Thick Boy’s Loading Screens:



ShyGuyTVCH’s Loading Screens:



Awstum’s Loading Screens:

Will add soon. Still hasn’t sent me his content.

Skip Intro Movies

Go to SteamAppsCommonBatman Arkham Asylum GOTYBmGameMovies (where you should already be if you’ve already changed or replaced some cutscenes) and change the names or delete:

  • baa_logo_run_v5_h264.bik
  • Legal.bik
  • Legalus.bik
  • Nvidia.bik
  • Utlogo.bik

If you deleted or renamed the files, you should just boot right in the menu!

Arkham Asylum: HD Texture Pack + Graphics + Full Game Tweaks, Console Commands etc.

I recommond using this guide by GPUnity.

It’s a texture mod, mixed in with some general improvements for Batman: Arkham Asylum. He was my inspiration for this guide.

He’s great at what he does, and he makes so many aweomse mods and texture packs for many other games. Give it a look if you want to enchance your game.


This is my first guide ever, on my one of my favorite games. If you want to contact me, send me a message on Steam. You can also contact me through my social links on my Steam profile. One more way you can contact me is through…


This is probably the best way to contact me. [link]

I hope you found this helpful! Oh, and, by the way, stay frosty 😉