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Po dosiahnuti levelu 100 sa stanete schopny použivať skill TIMELOOP ktorý vam resetuje progress ale za odmenu získate klúče a runestones ale zároveň stratite aktualne truhly a kľuče ktore vlastnite tak je vhodne ich pred pouzitim timeloopu minuť. Pri dosiahnuti určitých úrovni ziskate dvojnásobok kľučov tými urovnami sú 500,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000. Ziskanie takehoto bonusu vidime na obrazku nižšie.
Once you have reached level 100 you will be able to use the TIMELOOP skill that will reset your progress, but you will get the keys and runestones, but at the same time you will lose the chests and the keys because of that your are suitable to use them before using the timeloop. When you reach a certain level you will get double the handles at these levels are 500,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000. Earn the bonus you can see in the picture below.
TIMELOOP – Key levels
Levely ktore dropuju kluče a počet runestonov v tychto levloch pri Maxnutej Chronosphere (lvl 10)
Levels whitch drop keys and number of runestones on this levels with maxed Chronosphere (lvl 10)
LEVEL 100 – 500
LEVEL 501 – 1000
LEVEL 1001 – 1500
LEVEL 1501 – 2000
LEVEL 2001 – 2500
LEVEL 2501 – 3000
Runestone Artefakty – Artifacts
00 – Chronosphere
MPS bonus: +50% (+50% per level) (+500% max bonus)
Runestone bonus: +150% (+5% per level) (+195% max bonus)
Level up cost: 50 + 100x (4950 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 10
Chronosphera je potrebná na pouzivanie ability TIMEWARP
01 – Baramul’s Fork
DPS bonus: +100% (+100% per level) (+500% max bonus)
Baramul’s Hunger: +1 (+1 per level) (+5% max bonus)
Level up cost: 1000x (10,000 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 5
02 – Baramul’s Pauldron
DPS Bonus: +20% (+60% per level) (+260% max bonus)
Defense Bonus: +2% (+2% per level) (+10% max bonus)
Level up cost: 25x (250 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 5
03 – Baramul’s Mug
MPS bonus: +20% (+5% per level) (+520% max bonus)
HP bonus: +8% (+8% per level) (+800% max bonus)
Level up cost: x (4950 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 100
SET BONUS (Eternal Struggle)
Ak nazbierate cely set Baramul 01-03 a vymaxujete ich ziskate nasledujuci bonus
Tento bonus spôsobi že enemy nasledujucej vlny sa spawne hned ako je pre neho miesto
If u collect full set of Baramul items 01-03 and have it maxed u will recieve that bonus
04 – Swallow’s Purse
DPS bonus: +22.99% (+1% per level) (+122.99% max bonus)
Gold bonus: +4.99% (5% per level) (+499.99% max bonus)
Level up cost: x (4950 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 100
05 – Wicked Ring
DPS bonus: +222% (+222% per level) (+666% max bonus)
Rings’ Skill Points: +100% (+100% per level) (+300% max bonus)
Level up cost: 15000x (74,250,000 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 3
06 – Fairy Pollen
MPS bonus: +10% (14% per level) (+1400% max bonus)
Speed: +50% (+2% per level) (+120% max bonus)
Level up cost: 4 + 2x (9904 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 100
07 – Time Needles
MPS bonus: +100% (+100% per level) (+600% max bonus)
Skill cooldowns: -5% (-3% per level) (-20% max bonus)
Level up cost: 50x (750 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 6
08 – World Compass
MPS bonus: +30% (+30% per level) (+% max bonus)
Special Effects: Level 2 You can see red border of the Death Zones
Level 3 You can see yellow border of the Golden Roads
You can spend compass power to travel through Crossroads without maps
Level up cost: 200 + 300x (1,485,200 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 100
09 – Shaman Bongo
DPS bonus: +6% (+6% per level) (+600% max bonus)
HP bonus: +20% (+20% per level) (+2000% max bonus)
Level up cost: x (4950 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 100
10 – Pendant of the Sun
DPS bonus: +60% (+10% per level) (+1000% max bonus)
Hero Crit power: +50% (+2% per level) (+248% max bonus)
Level up cost: 10 + x (4960 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 100
11 – Amulet of the Heavens
MPS bonus: +60% (+10% per level) (+1000% max bonus)
Magic crit power: +50% (+2% per level) (+248% max bonus)
Level up cost: 20 + x (4970 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 100
12 – Fairy Brew
MPS bonus: +12% (+12% per level) (+1200% max bonus)
HP bonus: +5% (+5% per level) (+500% max bonus)
Level up cost: 4 + x (4954 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 100
13 – Jacobi’s Glasses
MPS bonus: +242% (+20% per level) (+2222% max bonus)
Magic crit: +0.1% (+0.1% per level) (+10.9% max bonus)
Level up cost: 5 + 5x (24,755 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 100
14 – Shaman’s Tamboorine
Quests Chance: +1% (+1% per level) (+5% max bonus)
Quests Time: -6% (-6% per level) (-30% max bonus)
Level up cost: 5000x (50,000 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 5
15 – Spoon of Satiety
DPS bonus: +5% (+5% per level) (500% max bonus)
HP bonus: +3% (+3% per level) (300% max bonus)
Level up cost: 50x (247,500 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 100
16 – Zod’s Dice
DPS bonus: +363% (+30% per level) (+3333% max bonus)
Team Crit Chance: +1% (+0.1% per level) (+10.9% max bonus)
Level up cost: 5 + 5x (24,755 runestones to max artifact)
Max level: 100
Big Game
DPS bonus: +0.33% (+0.33% per level) (+1650% max bonus)
Gold bonus: +0.1% (+0.1% per level) (+500% max bonus)
Level up cost: Find more using the Huntress skill Big Game Hunter or the Ranger skill Trophies
Max level: 5000
DPS bonus: +0.66% (+0.66% per level) (+660% max bonus)
Gold bonus: +0.5% (+0.5% per level) (+500% max bonus)
Level up cost: Find more with Huntress’ skill Big Game (only from critical kill procs)
Max level: 1000
MPS bonus: +0.66% (+0.66% per level) (+660% max bonus)
Gold bonus: +0.5% (+0.5 per level) (+500% max bonus)
Level up cost: Find more with Huntress’ skill Big Game (only from critical kill procs)
Max level: 1000
MPS bonus: +0.77% (+0.77% per level) (+770% max bonus)
Magic crit power: +0.2% (+0.2% per level) (+200% max bonus)
Level up cost: Find more with Ranger’s skill Trophies
Max level: 1000
DPS bonus: +0.77% (+0.77% per level) (+770% max bonus)
Hero crit power: +0.2% (+0.2% per level) (+200% max bonus)
Level up cost: Find more with Ranger’s skill Trophies
Max level: 1000
Specialne artefakty / Special Artifacts
Chalice of Mercy (requires a Fayball to create)
DPS bonus: +10% (+10% per level) (+1000% max bonus)
Revive cooldown: +20.7% (+.7% per level) (+90% max bonus)
Level up cost: 1 Fayball per level ( 99 Fayballs to max artifact)
Max level: 100
Soul Spark
DPS bonus: +25% (+25% per level) (2500% max bonus)
DPS to MPS: +0.1% (+0.05% per level) (5,05% max bonus)
Level up cost: Only possible with fayballs (event only)
Max level: 100
Phoenix Nest
MPS bonus: +3% (+3% per level) (300% max bonus)
Fire Power: +1% (+1% per level) (100% max bonus)
Level up cost: Only possible with fayballs (event only)
Max level: 100
Unknown special ability revealed when maxed.
Incheders die
DPS bonus: +3% (+3% per level) (300% max bonus)
Power of Luck: +0,5% (+0,5% per level) (50% max bonus)
Level up cost: Only possible with fayballs (event only)
Max level: 100
Unknown special ability revealed when maxed.
Omahana’s eye
DPS bonus: +3% (+3% per level) (300% max bonus)
Power of Insight: +0,5% (+0,5% per level) (50% max bonus)
Level up cost: Only possible with fayballs (event only)
Max level: 100
Unknown special ability revealed when maxed.
Book of the Void
MPS bonus: +3% (+3% per level) (300% max bonus)
Power of Winds: +0,5% (+0,5% per level) (50% max bonus)
Level up cost: Only possible with fayballs (event only)
Max level: 100
Unknown special ability revealed when maxed.
Signet of the Kong club
MPS bonus: +14-55%
DPS bonus: +14-55%
Coin – Zlaťák – získavame za zabíjanie monstier. Pomocou tohto zdroja môžete zvýšiť naše poškodenie / kúzlo z kliknutia (MPS) alebo posilniť oblečenie na hrdinov, a tým zvýšiť ich prežitie a poškodenie (DPS).
Rovnako ako vo všetkych Klickacích hrách, zlato sa generuje aj vtedy, keď ste offline.
Niekedy sa v hre objavuje víla, kliknutím na ktorú dostanete zlatú tašku alebo elixíry, ktoré obnovia HP vašim hrdinom, ak sú zle zranení. Táto víla je zobrazená na obrazku nižšie.
Runestone – Fialovy (runický) kameň – Tento kameň je možné získať počas prechodu vln, vytváraním časových slučiek a vykonávaním questov.
Po absolvovaní 100 úrovní, s každou desiatou vlnou (mini-šéf) a šéfmi, môže vypadnúť jeden runner. Veľmi zriedkavo najbežnejšie kamene spadajú z bežných vĺn, táto šanca sa zvyšuje o úroveň krúžkov hrdinov. Keď dosiahnete úroveň 100, máte možnosť stratiť pokrok a prijať kľúče a rune kamene ako odmenu (viac informácií nájdete v časti Časová slučka).
Runické kamene sú potrebné na remeselné umelecké diela od kováča (podrobnosti nájdete v kapitole “Artefakty”) a na zvýšenie úrovne artefaktov.
Manacoin – Modrá minca – Tento prostriedok možno získať na zabitie každej desiatej vlny (mini-šéf) a šéfov a tiež výmenu od pána Bamuly. Kvapky na 1 kus.
Môžete si kúpiť knihy a krúžky od majstra Bamuela za makonakíny, alebo môžete použiť Mimic (viac informácií nájdete v kapitole Očarujúci (Mimic)).
TIP: Knihy nie sú také dôležité a môžu ich naozaj získať prostredníctvom služby Quest. Krúžky sú drahé a omnoho ľahšie sa dostanú cez Mimicry. Manakiny by sa preto mali používať iba na čerpanie Mimic.
Green gem – Zelený gem – xxx
Governor’s Coins – xxx
Chest – Truhla – Tento zdroj možno získať počas čistenia vln monštier zvyčajne padaju z bossov. Po drope je truhla boostnuta a to tak že z nej padne dvojnasobny drop po 5 minutach sa zmeni na klasicku truhlu.
Key – Kľuč – Kľúče možno získať len vytvorením TIMELOOPU, Questov a kupou v Shope
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