In this Guide, I will walk you through on Spy Fox 2: Some Assembly Required & how to order the Retail Version.
1. The Retail Version Story so far…
The World’s Fair, Expo 2000 is upon us in Hanover, Germany and the evil Napoleon LeRoach of S.M.E.L.L.Y (Society of Meaningless Evil, Larceny, Lying and Yelling), SPY Corps’ Evil Nemesis, is planing to disrupt the World’s Fair by using an evil Dogbot, a 1000/1 scale robot capable of destroying the fairgrounds. Meanwhile, somewhere in the Swiss Alps, SPY Corps have found a lead on S.M.E.L.L.Y’s Master Plan in the form of a Trash Bag. It’s up to Spy Fox, once again to Save the World from Napoleon LeRoach.
2. Walkthroughs Guides – Demo Version
The Demo begins at MobCom. It appears that S.M.E.L.L.Y (Society of Meaningless Evil, Larceny, Lying and Yelling) is up to no good & their schemes need to be stopped (which will be covered in the Retail Version). In this Demo Version, you’ll need to find a rose for Madam Ladybug. You’ll start with the Talk Balloons for both Napoleon LeRoach & Madam Ladybug. Pick up the Spy Skates from the vending machine then head out to the Ice Rink. Use the Madam Ladybug on the Owner of the Ice Rink. After that, you’ll need to use the Ice Skating Move Talk Balloon on Bea Bear to get the Diagram of the Correct Ice Skating Move, use the SPY Skates on Spy Fox, then use the Ice Skating Move Diagram the on the SPY Skates (or on Spy Fox) at the Ice Rink. After you get the Red Rose, the Demo Version ends.
Possible Ice Skating Moves (Randomized per Playthrough):
1. Double Sour Cow
2. Triple Greasy Axle
2. Single Snow Boot
3. Game Items
Notepad: This where your Talk Balloons go. Click on it to access the Talk Balloons to gather infomation about the task at hand. See Section 10 for the Talk Balloons.
SPY Gadgets: This is where you keep your Spy Gadgets. Just like in SPY Fox 1, 4 Spy Gadgets can be carryed at a time. So make sure you chose your Spy Gadgets wisely in each Randomized Walkthrough. See Section 6 for details on the Spy Gadgets & what they do. They can be obtained from MobCom’s (Mobile Command Center) Spy Gadget Vending Machine.
Red Rose: Used to get the Venus Flytrap with the OFF Switch in the Retail Version.
Skating Instructions: Used with the SPY Skates in the Ice Rink. You’ll need these 2 items to obtain a Red Rose from the Ice Rink.
4. Talk Balloons
Napoleon LeRoach: This appears in ALL Walkthroughs. You can use this to get some In-Game Hints. These Hints are that Napoleon LeRoach is into Plant (Venus Flytrap Route) or Science (Restruct/Destructo-Lux Route) Experments.
Madame Ladybug (Venus Flytrap Route): Use this in the Ice Skating Rink to find out what Ice Skating Move you need to get the Red Rose at the Ice Rink. The Ice Skating Move you need to use in order to get the Red Rose is randomized for each Walkthrough.
Ice Rink Owner: Use this on Bea Bear to find out what Ice Skating Diagram you need for the Spy Skates.
5. Spy Gadgets
SPY Skates: Used to obtain a Rose from the Ice Skating Rink. You’ll need a diagram of the skate maneuver to do so however.
6. Ordering Infomation
Order SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required on Steam for $6.99:
Download the Demo Here:
7. HE 1999 Ordering Infomation
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8. Secret – Full CD-ROM Install (ScummVM)
Want to play SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required the Demo Version without any Humongous Entertaiment Discs? Then I’ll show you how to do so.
First, download the ScummVM Emulator here:
Then, follow these steps:
1. Create a new Folder on your C Drive and Name it: “HEGames”.
5. Create a New Folder in your HEGames Folder, then Name it “SpyFox2Demo”.
6. Copy the SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required Demo Files to your SpyFox2Demo Folder on your Hard Drive.
7. Run the ScummVM Installer & follow the instructions shown.
8. DON’T Open SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required the Demo Version just yet. If you’re using a newer computer, you’ll need to use the ScummVM Emulator.
9. Open ScummVM
10. Select “ADD GAME”
11. Find the folder where SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required the Demo Version is Installed on your Hard Drive, select CHOOSE & then select OK. After that, the game should be added to the ScummVM Library.
12. Highlight SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required the Demo Version,
then Double-Click on it to start or select START.
13. Enjoy
14. If you like playing SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required the Demo Version on ScummVM, go buy yourself a copy of SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required, Retail or Digital Download Versions.
9. The Junior Adventure Series
Challenge & Inspire Young Players to think for themselves in creative & flexable ways. Young Players play with faithful, lovable friends as they discover captivating worlds where they direct the journey & overcome challenges at their own pace. Junior Adventure Games will help Young Players develop:
1. Critical-Thinking Skills
2. Problem-Solving Skills
3. Memory Skills
4. Mental Mapping
5. Spatial-Relations Skills
Humongous Entertainment’s heartwarming characters & engaging Adventures come to life through Feature Film Quality Animation, Original Music & the power of a Young Player’s Imangination.
10. Your Questions
Please let me know If you have any questions or If I missed anything.