Thief has many points of no return within each chapter. Once you pass one of these points you can’t go back without starting the level over. So how do you know if you’ve found all the loot and picked all the pockets up to that point? That’s what this guide attempts to answer in a spoiler free maner as possible.
This Guide
Thief has many points of no return within each chapter. How do you know if you’ve found all the look up to that point in the chapter? That’s what this guide attempts to answer in a spoiler free a maner as possible. it won’t tell you where the loot is, just the totals you should see under F1 -> Player Progression -> Statistcs at that point in the level.
Some levels require more equipment than is present in the level itself (e.g. rope arrows). You’ll need to have the extras in your inventory before you start the level. Where this is the case, I’ve put the required supplies in spoiler tags (mouse over to see them).
This guide does NOT tell you where to find the loot, it just lets you know when in the level you missed it. To be clear, where there is a point of no returnn on a map the tables below show what your loot totals should be at that point, not the not the loot total for the end of the map (although the two are often the same thing).
Numbers in brackets indicate a hint as to where the check points are. Usually they are fairly obvious (e.g. sliding down a chute) but sometimes not.
Producing this guide is slow going and I have a full time job :-). If you want to post your checkpoint totals for levels I haven’t got to yet (or you found more items than I did), please feel free to post in the comments. But please, no spoilers or ‘where can I find the last 3 items on level X’ requests.
Thanks and good theiving to Taffers everywhere!
Chapter 1 – Lockdown
/ Backway (2)
(and Level)
(1) Drop down to Traitor’s Gate
(2) “The claw is very quiet…”
Chapter 2 – Dust to Dust
One rope arrow. Wrench.
(1) Wall climb after locked gate
(2) Pipes
(3) Hook
(4) Hook 2
(5) Office Chute
(6) Over wall
(7) Through window
Chapter 3 – Dirty Secrets
Wrench. Wirecutters. Three extra rope arrows recommended is you want to make full use of the environment, but you can reach all loot with just 1.
- Where there is no loot between checkpoints, I show a row of dashes.
- More consistent use of in-game map names for areas.
- Checkpoints are now in the grid rather than a separate list
- Including more map checkpoints (in addition to point-of-no-return checkpoints)
- If there are no newspapers in the level, I remove the newspaper column
(Route Choice)
(root choice makes no difference to loot / resources)
(Lower Level, including stairs)
(Upper Level)
* When ghosting, I was unable to pick pocket the two guards by the bird cage and second fire pipe undetected. If you skip these, you will be 2 bags and 12 gold light for the rest of the mission.
Update 3/6: Rapscallion reports in the comments section that he was able to successfully pickpocket here by using the body of the guard he was pick pocketing to block the view of the other guard.
** Samum managed a pick pocket count of 22 for the level. Update 3/17: Drake Ravenwolf explains:
I had 22 pickpockets on my playthrough as well, the extra one seemed to come from a guard in the very last section that didn’t spawn initially but did spawn when I reloaded. He we at the top the the stairs just before the last guard in the level and starts a discussion with the guard who patrols up and down the stairs.
Chapter 4 – A Friend In Need
I’ve played through the level twice and am still missing two documents. Checking the forums, I see I’m not the only one. Rumor has it there may be a bug.
This is reported fixed in the 1.4 patch, but these documents are still missing in the totals below as I’m yet to replay the level.
Razor. Wrench. Wirecutters (optional). One extra rope arrow required for loot, but two recommended if not ghosting.
On my first run-through I didn’t do anything I would consider non-ghosting, but I got a pie chart that was just over was 3/4ths Opportunist. I suspect one or more of the following actions contributed (big environmental spoilers)
1. Turning unneeded valves (only the valve that opens the door on the Engine level has to be turned)
2. Disabling traps (no traps have to be disabled)
3. Playing with the fountain lever
4. Throwing a bottle in order to pick pocket the last guard
5. Used rope arrow in garden
6. Dropped ladder in garden
On my second play through I did none of the above and got 100% Ghost.
* The crossbow man on the balcony is difficult to reach (in order to pick pocket him) without potentially Ghost-breaking environmental interactions. However, his patrol changes to inside the house after you break in. If you don’t pick pocket him the garden, then the table totals will be light by 1 for pick pocket and by 9 for gold until ‘House (2nd & 3rd Floor)’
(Picked locks in the screenshot is one less than I found in the environment as I skipped the one in the Garden in my Ghost run)
Chapter 5 – The Forsaken
Razor. Wrench. Wire cutters. Two rope arrows are required, but can be picked up in the level (you may want to bring one so you don’t have to go hunting first though). Non-ghosters may want to bring additional fire & light based weaponry, but it’s not required.
Oh Eidos. I almost rage quitted when you did this. Such a cheap shot. Design 101 guys.
About a third of the way through the level a document will spawn on a map you have already cleared and have no reason to revisit. Needless to say I was a document short on my first attempt.
(first visit)
(2 of 2)
(not a point-of-no-return)
is on rails
* Excluding the area behind the Baron’s Lock as you won’t have the key at this point if you are doing the maps in the sequence shown. It is possible to get the key in advance, but the plot makes a little less sense that way.
$ Pure Ghosters may want to use an Alternative Route (shown below) after this checkpoint in order to reduce the number of door valves you need to turn by one. However as this does not improve your Ghost score, it’s for the purists only..
# This extra document is tracked by the game under the Baron Northcrest document list rather than the Chapter 5 document list.
For purests only as it does NOT affect your Ghost percentage
(2 of 3)
(3 of 3)
I’ve been unable to determine what is triggering the Opportunist section in my final score. I didn’tuse the lift, change any light settings, or use any buttons/ traps/levers not directly needed for getting loot or docs. I also left untouched: one of the Baron’s doors untouched, the Woman’s Ward Door Valve, the Woman’s Dining Hall Valve.
If you know how to get a zero Opportunist run on this level, please let me know in the comments.
Chapter 6 – A Man Apart
Steam limits the size of each section of the guide, so I’ve had to break Chapter 6 over two topics. Please see the second topic for additional checkpoints.
Razor. Wrench. Wire cutters are optional (you can get all loot / docs / etc without cutting or activating traps). One rope arrow is required, but can be picked up in the level.
This version of the table just includes the totals you need before a point-of-time.
1. Drop to pipes
2. Drop to floor
3. Clift elevator and drop down to stairs
(inside last house)
* Why not 13? You should already have one BN document from Chapter 5
Ghosting this level and getting all the loot appears to be impossible. On my run-through I scored 55% Opportunist / 45% Ghost. It’s a broken level in my honest opinion.
- 0 suspicious raised
- No violence
- Didn’tuse the valve during the escape sequenceIf you are fast enough, you don’t have to
- Only item used wasa single rope arrow and that is required to get all loot
- Didn’t disarm any traps
- Didn’t extinguish any flames, or interact with any optional items, except forthe fountain (which is required to get all loot)
If you know how to get a lower Opportunist rating on this level (without leaving loot behind), please let me know in the comments.
Chapter 6 – A Man Apart (cont.)
This version of the table include progressive checkpoints.
Since you can do so many of the maps in so many orders, I’ve included the deltas from the previous maps in a separate line. For example:
- +560
means there are 5 of these in the map before the checkpoint and, if you are doing the maps intje order listed, your total will be 60 when you reach the checkpoint.
(excluding safe)
(first floor)
(second floor)
(south library exit)
1. Drop to pipes
2. Drop to floor
3. Clift elevator and drop down to stairs
(inside last house)
(Foundations / Market Street)
* Why not 13? You should already have one BN document from Chapter 5
(a) Ghost note: It is possible to grabthe perfume bottleand escape without raising the suspicion count. However I had to use focus to do so
(b1) If you are not ghosting you can pick two additional pockets here. If you are ghosting you can pick them later (b2)
(c) Patrol / pick pocket count spoiler:Opening the door to the Great hall and triggering the guard’s speech causes the two guards to go on patrol. After one circuit, one will remain in the hall, the other will continue to patrol.
(d) The guard’s patrol routes cover two maps (Waiting Hall and First Floor). For simplicity I’ve included them all in one. **TODO: When I returned from the 2nd floor, I found two additional pockets (one guard) on a first floor guard that was patrolling the First Floor and Waiting Hall. It’s unclear if I simply missed him on my the first pass through, or if his patrol route changes. For now, I’ve presumed the later and included those two additional pocket (and 10g) in the post-study tower 1st Floor map.
(e) Ghost Note: The guard will notice an opened safe, but the suspicion count is not incremented.
If you know how to get a lower Opportunist rating on this level (without leaving loot behind), please let me know in the comments.
Chapter 7 – The Hidden City
Razor. Wrench. Wire cutters. Four rope arrows are required, but one can be picked up in the level.
Chapter 8 follows directly on from Chapter 7 (you don’t return to town). So see also Chapter 8’s equipment list.
I could only find 4 of the 6 documents for this level. Searching the net, the opinion is that the two missing documents simply aren’t there to find.
This is reported fixed in the 1.4 patch, but these documents are still missing in the totals below as I’m yet to replay the level.
The Pit (above)
(rest of)
(Boss Fight)
* Spoiler: If you don’ttake the Belltower route you will not be able to get all the loot in the level.
# The area reachable without horizontal jumping before the big antechamber door / lever.
This is another broken level where it’s impossible to get 100% ghost. My score isn’t particularly good on this level, but frankly until the devs fix it I can’t see the point of replaying it.
I got 100% loot without raising any suspicion or alerts, knocking anyone out, killing anyone, or doing anything environmental (other than is required to get 100% loot).
If you want to know the things I did & didn’t do to get this score, look to the spoilers table below. It also includes my exploit for ghosting the Boss Fight.
Chapter 8 – The Dawn’s Light
Chapter 8 is probably the shortest and most straightforward chapter since chapter 1.
Razor. Wrench. Wire cutters. Four rope arrows are required. While additional rope arrows can be purchased in the level, you need at least 3 before reaching that point. Chapter 8 follows directly on from Chapter 7 (there is no town section between). These four rope arrows are in addition to the ones needed for Chapter 7.
There are no documents in this level
(Upper Deck)
(Middle Deck)
(Lower Deck)
* Spoiler: If you don’ttake the rope arrow route you will not be able to get all the loot in the level.
# Value if not ghosting. Ghosters will be able to pick this lock later
I suspect one of two things I did was responsible for my not getting 100% on my first run. When I have time, I’ll try again.
- Dry Docks Ashtray
This item (circled in red) by the guard by the fire looks impossible to get. I was able to get it bythrowing a bottle as shown in the screenshot below. This is loud enough to make the guard investigate, but not loud enough to raise a suspicious count in the statistics page.
- Stowage Portrait & Loot
This pair of items looks impossible to steal because the guard is right there and never moves. I used an exploittwo blunt arrows to the face (I was out of bottles) which was enough to make him go look for me while I nipped back round behind him.
Side Job: The Bank Heist
Wrench. Wire cutters. Rope arrow (optional)
- There are no points-of-no-return in this level.
- Loot counts represent the earliest you can get that loot, not when it’s easiest to get that loot One item in the Exterior map requires either a rope arrow or doubling back from a later map. At least two items in the Lobby area are swiped from the Lower Offices area through bars
Ector Client Job #1: Hand Tailored
Wrench (optional). Wire cutters.
- There are no points-of-no-return in this level.
(aka upstairs)
* When ghosting, not all items can be obtained on the first visit to the Alfonso’s Shop map. After robbing the downstairs safe, the thugs relocate allowing access to the resst.
Ector Client Job #2: Silence Is Golden
Wrench (optional, recommended), Wire cutters, Razor, Water arrow (optional, recommended). A rope arrow is required to get to the mission entrance.
- There are no points-of-no-return in this level.
- This is a horrible, horrible level to truly ghost (no detections or suspicions). It took me four and a half hours as unfortunelty the level design requires trial-and-error rather than skill to solve. For example, (minor generic spoilers) <rant> there is a particular door that if opened early in the level triggers a scripted detection event by a guard two rooms away. If you open the same door from the same direction later on in the game, you’ll find the same guard is now in the room standing guard on the door itself but this time does not react to you opening the door. And don’t get me started on which torches guards notice and don’t notice. Or where you can and can’t throw bottles without costing you a suspicion point.</rant>
- In order to get everything on true ghost (suspicion & body count = 0) I had to visit the maps in the order shown in the ghost spoilers below. it took me 4.5 hours to work out how to complete what should be a 10 minute level. For you own sanity, consider reading the Ghost Spoilers.
- Use multiple save points if you have them. This is one of those levels where restoring can cause patrol paths to change undesirably.
Because this level involves so much doubling back between maps, I’ve just listed the totals for each map rather than total for any specific checkpoint. If you need checkpoints, I suggest visiting the maps in the order I did and using the table in the spoilers section below.
- The torch under the window can be extinguished with a water arrow without raising the triggering detection / suspicion count.
A bottle can be thrown down the stairs to distract the guards without raising the detection / suspicion count if you throw from and to exactly the right locations (see screenshot). If you hit the light switch, you can (temporarily) turn the lights off without raising the detection / suspicion count.
(first visit*)
(first visit*)
* Not all items can be obtained on the first visit as a trap needs to be cut in Oxheart Perry’s Residence first