Squad Guide

How to redeem '3rd Echelon' map - [DEPRECATED; GAMESPOT REMOVED THE PAGE] for Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction

An Insurgent’s guide to armour and everything Infantry.(FOR SQUAD NOT APPLICABLE TO REAL LIFE)


WILL UPDATE THE GUIDE IN 3 WEEKS!!! Misc. findings on vics and INF. A collection of words of wisdom from to101m compiled into one easy guide. Contains information on vehicle armour, weapons, everything squad related etc etc. Guide is accurate for armour model on B21 and B22, however may be subjected to change in the future.

Tom’s Top TIps

A list of Misc Top Tips from Tom

  1. Grenadier grenades do the same damage to radios regardless of faction (i.e. frag or dual purpose), it takes 7 GLs to get the radio into the damaged state
    Against a standard techie, both types deal the same amount of damage to the hull. Against a BRDM-2: Dual-purpose tickles it while frag does not hurt the hull at all
    3 Frag GLs to pop a techie tyre, 9 frag GLs to pop a BRDM-2 tyre 1 well aimed dual purpose GL pops a techie and BRDM-2 tyre in 1 hit. Same with an MRAP tyre, its a 1-hit
    dual purpose GL 3-shots a stryker tyre, frag GL does NO damage to stryker tyres

  2. BTR tyres have lower health than stryker, ak74m took about 80 bullets to pop BTR tyre, compared to 100 bullets for stryker. However like the Stryker, GL frag does no damage to the tyres, and Dual purpose GL 3-shots the tyres of a BTR
  3. DP GL tickles armoured vics health, frag GL does no hull damage. DP GL pops unarmoured/light-armoured vic tyres quicker than frag GL. DP GL can pop stryker/BTR tyres while frag GL does no damage to those type of tyres.
  4. Airstrike: The aircraft will fire the same number of shots regardless of if you extend it from 20m to 60m, meaning there is very little incentive to extend the airstrike beyond the minimum. As extending the airstrike will reduce its effectiveness as well as increasing the distance between explosions. ARTY is the same.
  5. Helis can be damaged by mines that they land on. Not sure how practical it is, but they do die instantly upon landing.
  6. Many seem to have the idea that INS/MIL are completely outclassed in terms of scopes when compared to the other factions, so lets actually see how many scopes one can have in a typical squad for each team:
    All: 1 scoped SL, 1 scoped medic, 1 scoped LAT, 2 scoped riflemen, 1 marksman (so that’s 6/9 no matter the faction)
    GB: unlimited number of riflemen using SUSAT scope
    Now here is the variability from limited classes:
    US/CAF/GB/RU: 1 scoped AR
    US/GB/RU: 1 scoped GL
    US/RU: 2 scoped GPMG
    CAF/RU/GB: 1 scoped HAT
    GB/CAF: 1 scoped CE
    GB: 1 extra scoped medic, 1 extra scoped LAT, 1 extra “marksman”, 1 extra scoped HAT
    In other words the maximum scopes for each faction’s squad
    INS/MIL: 6 CAF: 6 (assuming no specialists) to 9 (including specialists)
    US/RU: 7 (assuming no specialists) to 9 (including specialists)
    GB: 9 (even assuming no specialists but someone is using rifleman SUSAT)
    Therefore (assuming your typical squad grabs a specialist kit), INS/MIL are out scoped 2:3

  7. Destroying fortifications requires 23mm HE or higher. You can effectively block .50cal and below vics off of a road with just sandbags/HASCO block. If you want to make a blockade for an IFV, HASCO wall will generally suffice, but if you want to be VERY annoying build a HASCO bunker/indirect fire shelter on the road.
  8. Here are the other fortifications from MIL/INS (there is no US/MIL jensens range so these times use the GB Warrior 30mm HE instead)
    Sandbag bunker: 20 secs of firing
    Log wall: 23 secs Oil barrel Wall: 40 secs
    Conclusion for MIL: indirect fire shelter is still best, but for cost effective use oil barrel wall
    Conclusion for INS: Oil barrel wall is still the best you have

  9. Assuming you run over a mine with a wheeled vehicle while in 4th gear or higher and there is just road in front of you, it is actually better to hold gear (SHIFT) and drive to safety than to not hold shift and have the gear changer slow you down to a crawl. Again, this isn’t the case if you drive off-road after hitting the mine, at that point you crawl.
  10. RPG-26 has a much heavier arc than the RPG-7, while it might be true they are the same speed, RPG-26 has to travel further (i.e. flies for longer) to complete its trajectory than the RPG7
  11. The CAF sniper (timberwolf) actually has a very interesting use in that if you headshot, the enemy is forced to bleed out/give up in 60 secs (quicker than if they get hit by a Tank HE shell)
    I checked the scope zoom level of all the magnified optics in the vanilla game (no DLC/mods so no CF/AF etc.) From most zoom to least zoom:
    1. L129A1 – GB fire support role marksman
    2. M110 – US marksman
    3. M150/1P29/SVD(M) – US/MIL/INS general zoomed optic and markman of RU/MIL/INS
    4. PU – INS scoped optic for Medic/LAT
    5. M145 – US fire support Automated Rifleman zoomed optic
    6. Susat/ACOG – GB general zoomed optics
    7. 1P78 – RU general zoomed optic
    Take note that even though a scope might have a higher zoom level, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easier to shoot targets from further away. E.g. The 1P29 does not display any ranging on the optic, but the 1P78 does, therefore it could be argued that 1P78 is easier to use at long range due to its range markings.

  13. US AT4 is the most powerful LAT in the game. Typically AT4 deals about 20-33% more damage. As a direct comparison vs MTLB rear face: LAW took 4 rockets to destroy US AT4 took 3 rockets to destroy
  14. RPG-7 Frag is able to 1-shot techie and truck tires and 2-shot Scout car, TAPV and MRAP tyres. LAV tyres could hardly be scratched from RPG-7 FRAG (Same for Stryker/BTR) The CAF have a Carl Gustav HE, however it does no damage to tyres, not even techies.
  15. The ZU-23 Anti Air Truck reacts differently to a mine. Unlike all other trucks, the AA Truck will survive the mine at critical health and all tires popped just like an MRAP.
  16. ammo rack gets tickled even by tandem rounds, the only way to really pen and hurt the ammorack of a tank meaningfully is to use a TANK AP round.

Emplacement and Machine guns and blackjack and hookers and autocannons

  1. .50 cal weapons. L11A1(seen on GB) and DshK(INS/MIL) DshK killed the rear of an MTLB in just over 9.5 secs (incl. cooling time). It used about 80% of the mag, costing 50 ammo value worth of bullets. L11A1 killed the rear of an MTLB in just under 9 secs (no cooling required). It used about 80% of the magazine, costing 50 ammo value worth of bullets. (Same as the m2 Browning used by CAF/US)
  2. NSV is the RU MG emplacement, which needs to cool down after about 5 secs of firing. NSVT is an exclusive MG for vehicles which does NOT need to cool down. So for .50cal: NSVT>L11A1=M2Browning>NSV>DshK
  3. Just tested the rear of a stryker vs Dshk 12.7mm/scout car KPVT 14.5mm. Assuming with both weapons that you fire until the weapon needs to cool down, the Dshk does more damage than the 14.5mm KPVT. Therefore it was stand to reason that the MTLB-NSVT (50.cal ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥) has a higher damage output than the KPVT 14.5mm variant, as the MTLB-NSVT can fire 100 rounds before needing to reload, as opposed to KPVT which can only fire 50 rounds.
  4. btr-80 and MTLB-NSVT, the btr-80 after one magazine to the MLTB’s weak spot leave it at roughly 20% health. The MTLB-NSVT was able to to kill the BTR-80’s weak spot in roughly 50 shots. Does that really make sense for the “inferior” vehicle to outright win a 1v1 against its “superior”?
  5. When they are front-on of each other, the btr-80 still deals approx ~80% of the MTLB’s health, while the MTLB took ~60 shots to kill the btr-80 on it’s face. Its no Stryker vs 30mm battle, the btr-80 HAS TO retreat and reload if it wants to 1v1 a MTLB-NSVT and remember that the reload time on the KPVT 14.5mm is quite long. Reminder that MTLB-NSVT is a MIL vic, and the BTR-80 is MIL/RUS.
  6. Just did some more testing with NSVT (50.cal) vs KPVT(14.5mm). Hitting a Warrior’s rear, the NSVT can kill it in about 90 shots without reloading. Whereas the KPVT needs to reload 2 times (about 105 shots) to kill the warrior. Something tells me KPVT is incorrectly multiplied on armour.
  7. I think I might have solved the issue. the MTLB NSVT doesnt have a 100 round mag. I can’t find anything online on how much it has, but I (tried) counted around ~150. It’s not that the NSVT does more damage per bullet, its that it is able to keep firing and not overheat unlike a stryker, so it’s DPS ends up being high. It’s why I could kill a warrior’s rear with the NSVT, it just had enough bullets to do so without reloading. Still tho, NSVT > KPVT.
  8. I just compared 30mm for RU/MIL and 30mm for GB It took just over 25 seconds (including reload time) for the 30mm of the Warrior to kill the rear of a bulldog. it required 50 ammo value worth of bullets. It took just under 30 seconds (incl reload time) for the Warrior to kill the top-front face of a bulldog. It also required 50 ammo value worth of bullets It took just under 14 seconds for the 30mm of the MTLB-30mm (including time for the gun to cool down to start firing again) to kill the rear of a bulldog. It required 200 ammo value worth of bullets. The MTLB-30mm was unable to penetrate the top-front face of a bulldog. However hitting the bottom-front face of the bulldog, it took just over 13 secs to destroy it. Requiring 200 ammo value worth of bullets.
  9. BMP-2 30mm: Took just over 6.5 secs to destroy the rear of a stryker (including time to cool down the gun to fire again). Requiring 125 ammo value worth of bullets. Bradley 25mm: Took just over 10 secs to destroy the rear of a stryker. Requiring 56 ammo value worth of bullets. Based on finding so far: RU vics have the higher DPS, but cost significantly more ammo then their conventional counterparts.
  10. Stryker M2A1 browning: Just under 14 secs to destroy the rear of a stryker (inlc cool down time) Required 20 ammo value worth of bullets. MTLB-NSVT (50.cal): Just over 7 secs to destroy the rear of a stryker. Because this model uses “small” magazines as opposed to one large one, I can only say that to reload one mag is 50 ammo worth of bullets. NSVT>M2. NSVT does not have to stop to cool down, and also has a higher fire rate, but is much more rare to see than the stryker. To rub further salt in the wound, KPVT 14.5mm (seen on BTR-80, scout car and some MLTBs) took 28 secs of firing (including reload) to kill the rear of a stryker. Like the NSVT, KPVT uses small mags, so to fully reload the 1+1/2 mags used requires 100 ammo value worth of bullets.
  11. The 30mm seen on BTR-82A and some MTLBs took just over 8 secs to kill the rear of a stryker. Requiring 125 ammo value worth of bullets. Yes I hope this isn’t a farce. NSVT beats out the DPS of Bradley, and non BMP-2 30mm. The only thing in its path is requiring to shoot lower-level armour as .50cal pen is weaker than 25/30mm pen.
  12. Some of you may be wondering, seeing as the NSVT is able to out DPS the BTR-30mm, how long does it take a stryker to destroy it. The Stryker m2 browning took just over 12.5 secs (inlc cool down time) to destroy the front-bottom face of the MLTB-NSVT. For comparison, the Stryker m2 browning also just took ove 12.5 secs (inlc cool down time) to destroy the front-bottom face of the BTR-82A. It takes just under 8 secs for the MLTB-NSVT to kill the stryker front on. However, you need to be specifically hitting the area underneath the turret but above the barbed wire as seen below:

  13. The BTR-82A 30mm shooting the top-front nose of the stryker takes just over 8 secs. Conclusion under the assumption the vic fight is front-on to front-on: The MTLB-NSVT is just as durable as the BTR-82A vs Stryker. The BTR-82A just requires you shoot the top of the “nose” whereas the MTLB-NSVT requires a very precise set of shots, but assuming you don’t whiff: NSVT > 30mm. Not to mention that MTLB-NSVT is 5 tickets as opposed to the BTR-82A’s 10 tickets. BTR-82A is much faster given it is wheeled as oppposed to the MTLB-NSVT’s tracks.
  14. It would appear that the CAF LAV is unable to be penetrated by .50cal from the front unlike the stryker which has a tiny weak spot. M2A1 Browning .50cal to the rear of a CAF LAV took 26 secs (including cooling time) to destroy it. (40 ammo worth) Just as a reminder, Stryker’s rear was dead to m2A1 in just under 14 secs (including cooling time) KPVT (14.5mm) to the rear of CAF LAV took 45 secs (including reload and cooling time) to destroy it. (100 ammo worth) KPVT took 28 secs of firing to destroy stryker rear.
  15. ZU-23 (the AA gun) took just over 7.5 secs to destroy the rear of a LAV (100 ammo worth) The BMP-1 HEAT can destroy the front of the CAF LAV in 18 secs (inlc reload time, it also almost destroys the engine in one go)
  16. takes a scout car just over 7.5 secs to destroy a MRAP’s front. (50 ammo worth) It takes a 50.cal MRAP just over 7 secs to destroy a Scout car’s bottom-front. (20 ammo worth if Crows, or 50 worth if open top to fully reload) The CAF TAPV has extremely similar stats to the MRAP.


  1. it takes 3/4 of a m249 mag or 1+1/2mag of RPK74m to pop stryker/btr/BRDM/MRAP tires. Just have your ARs/MGs shoot at the same tire LUL. Even a basic rifleman can damage their tires. I wonder how fast it is with a squad all trying to shoot 1 tyre while their AT goes for the kill?
    It’s about 5 secs of firing m249, 11 secs of RPK74M fire including reload time, about 5 secs of firing for PKP (RU MG kit) and m240B (US MG kit)

  2. tested on a live server btw, stryker/btr with 1 missing wheel cannot exceed 10km/h on flat offroad sand, and can barely accomplish 40km/h on flat road. MRAP manages WAY better missing a tire, can get up to 60km/h on flat road, or 20 km/h flat offroad sand. So the strat has a more limited effect on MRAPs. BRDM can barely keep up 45km/h on flat road, but like stryker and BTR cannot go above 10km/h on flat offroad sand.
  3. So logi/stryker/BTR/CAF-LAV all go slower for seemingly no reason at random(?)intervals if a middle tyre is popped. For stryker/BTR it seems to occur with a very high frequency. So I guess if your INF are shooting the vic, pop a middle one and hope luck is on your side to make it go super slow. conclusion on single tyre pops:
  4. On road:
    Can get away easy: MRAP/TAPV
    Gets slowed down moderately: Techies, BRDM-2, shooting front/back tyre of Logi-truck/Stryker/BTR/LAV
    Gets slowed down heavily:shooting mid tyres of logi-truck/Stryker/BTR/LAV
    Off road:
    Gets slowed down moderately: MRAP/TAPV
    Gets slowed down heavily: all other wheeled vics
    TL;DR If its got a middle tyre pop it! But you may as well pop any of them anyway

  5. If all tyres are popped, the vic has trouble doing about 5km/h but is constantly at that speed for flat off/on road. If the vehicle is lopsided (I.e. all back/all front/all of one side) The vic gets stuck in the strange fluctuation state I described above, where the vic is able to reach about ~40-50km/h on road depending on vic but will drag at (random?) intervals to a crawl. This fluctuation again is more pronounced on vics with more than 4 wheels when either left/right side is popped.Therefore, it would appear that popping only 1 side of tires is just as, if not more effective at slowing the vic down than popping all tires. If I knew the source for the speed fluctuation then maybe there could be a workaround, but I have no clue what causes it.
  6. pop one of the middle tyres of the CAF logi, and it can barely do 10km/h on sand road, and the same speed on flat sand offroad.
  7. When trying to track a vehicle, if you aim for the higher end of the tracks, you are likely to also do some hull damage in addition to destroying the tracks. When aiming for the lower end of the tracks, even a TOW is unable to penetrate past the tracks and deal hull damage. It would seem it is best to aim for the higher part of the tracks. Although you would risk missing it so *shrug* Up to you to decide in the moment.
  8. Hitting wheels with LAT will result in them being popped in one hit, and if you have enough time, you can even aim to pop 2 tyres at once off of stryker/BTR/LAV. Again like tracks, if you aim for the higher end of the wheels you will also deal hull damage. Although 1 tyre pop may sound like it won’t do much, I had an older post going over how vics drive with a missing tyre (basically if it is one of the middle tyres, they might get stuck going slow until they turn forcing weight off of the popped tyre) Oh and MRAP/TAPV could still cruise around with 1 tyre popped.
  9. it is dependant on which wheels get lost. If either lose a middle tyre they are stuck in snail pace (it seems to be the broken tyre drags the other tyres) whereas popping all of 1 side will allow the vic to go faster for whatever reason… While hitting a front or rear tyre will slow them down, styrker/btr/lav go snail pace if a middle tyre gets popped.

Logistic Truck

  1. The new russian logi (kamaz) has very similar width and length to the american logi, however the cabin roof is ever so slightly taller, might mean some bridges/obstacles cannot be driven under
    The canopy does not appear to have a hitbox. The Russian logi has better acceleration. The top speeds seem to be the same (around 80km/h on flat sand road) Offroad flat sand however: The RU logi can quickly gain speed up to 60km/h, while the US logi accelerates to 50km/h and very slowly increases to 60km/h after about 10 secs. However the RU logi is a bit clunky when changing gear from 1st to 2nd. It seems to want to go slightly backwards when doing so, bit wierd but it’s worth it for the acceleration boost.

  2. Another thing to note about the new RU logi: It is much easier to have it topple over than the old URAL, it also seems to have worse handling overall, however driving on the steep u-bend at m11 in Manic-5, the new truck goes 40 up the hill as opposed to the 30 the URAL did.
    Logi truck top speed flat road ~80km/h
    top speed flat river ~30km/h
    top speed 1 tyre (front/rear) popped flat road ~50km/h
    top speed 1 tyre (front/rear) popped flat river ~10km/h
    top speed 1 tyre(mid) popped flat road ~50km/h but lots of fluctuation between crawling and supposed max speed at random(?) intervals
    top speed 1 tyre (mid) popped flat river, ~10km/h but with fluctuation just like above

Radio (Slightly oudated for V1)

  1. If one is precise enough with a standard AT round, you can get the radio to just under 75% health. You have to have the rocket hit the radio’s bottom-centre area, making it a tight sweetspot to hit, especially from long distance. Hitting the top part of the radio or slightly whiffing barely scratches the radio. US AT4 rocket hitting sweetspot puts the radio at 33% health, and slight whiff (hitting top of radio or bottom-sides) to just over 75% health US HAT non-tandem AT round hitting sweetspot puts radio at just under 50% health, and slight whiff just over 75% health Hitting a radio with a tandem rocket in the sweetspot with instantly destroy the radio or if unlucky put it at 1% health(but it is wasting a tandem on a radio but does the same ticket damage as a stryker/BTR so shrug) Fragmentation rockets and grenadier grenades barely scratch the radio, even hitting the sweetspot.
  2. It doesn’t matter what position relative to the radio, if the HAB is somewhere near to clipping it, it wont let you place it. Even if the radio is on the floor above you CANNOT place the HAB below it (Maybe you could if you had a high enough ceiling but most aren’t so /shrug/)
  3. ZU-23’s individual shots barely dent, but given its fire rate it takes ~2 mags to get radio to 50%, it’s hard to aim the ZU-23 at the damaged radio tho. One burst of AA until it overheats will have radio at 75%, disabling spawning
  4. the .50cals need to be aiming at the RADIO part of the radio object (the green techy stuff). Strange that the AT sweetstop is the bottom of this green stuff where it meets the boxes. (i.e. bottom centre)
  5. I almost want to say that once the radio is in its most damaged state, you need an explosive shot that can penetrate underground, as just shooting the remains of the radio seems to do nothing, but blasting HE just below the remains damages it? It’s odd. The .50cals don’t have what I believe is the splash to hit the hitbox of the damaged radio.
  6. BMP-1 AP shot does less damage to radio than BMP-1 HE
  7. The angle in which the TOW hits the radio affects how much damage it takes. Going head on barely does anything, but making the tow slam into the radio from above massively increases the damage done.This is probably why its possible to one-shot a radio with RPG-7 Tandem, the arc of the rocket is such that it hits the radio from above rather than side-on like most LAT rockets
  8. Frag round of t-62 at level with radio does 1/8 radio health.
    It seems to be something about penetrating the radio at the right angle, almost like you are trying to maximise the amount of time the projectile would spend theoretically flying through the radio if it was intangible. If you do get this supposed angle, AP>HE, if you are just wanting to quickly do damage without having to do parabola maths HE>AP
    except for AT rockets, in which case AP>HE (including SPG), especially for the heavier rockets as they naturally are fired onto the radio from above due to their greater arcs.

    Finally got on a server that has Jensen’s v2 (has BMP-2), yeah the radio is gone in about 2 seconds of firing, which is insane.
    But bradley HE firing ~25 HE kills a radio (about 5 secs) so still pretty quick if you can get eyes and ranging on the radio
    Just to put in perspective how OP auto-cannon HE is against radios, a scout car’s 14.5mm gun needs to use all of its mag (50 bullets) just to put the radio in a state which prevents spawning, while the HE auto-canons (brad, BMP-2, btr/mtlb 30mm) can destroy the radio before you would realistically notice that the radio is taking damage and notify your SL, because by the time you tell them, radio’s already gone!

  10. Just tested the CAF HAT’s HE rocket against a radio, it doesn’t seem to damage it at all unlike RPG-7 frag rockets (unknown if bug or intended)


  1. For the IED enthusiasts, a hesco wall will be destroyed completely by an IED. A repair station will be at 5% health, and a hesco bunker will be at just above 50% health in a partially built state.
  2. For c4: Hesco wall will be left at 5% health, repair station at ~60% health in a partially built state and Hesco Bunker at ~80% health still fully built.
  3. The indirect fire shelter is barely scratched by IED/c4, but enemies hiding inside will be killed if the explosion is close enough to them
  4. It takes 3 IEDs to destroy the conventional factions (2 IEDs for MIL/INS) HABs completely, make sure your drones have 3 presents with them if you cannot find the radio.


  1. RP7-V2 Tandem to the nose of the MI-8/UH-60 leaves the heli at ~15% health (while the heli appears to be on fire, it is not actually burning the health/crew) RPG-7V2 HEAT to the nose leaves the heli at ~20 health, again on fire, but not burning hull/crew
    It took 7.5 secs for a Stryker (M2A1 browning) to destroy the heli’s nose (20 ammo worth)
    KPVT (14.5mm) was able to destroy the heli’s nose in 6.5 secs of firing (50 ammo worth)
    RU 30mm HE destroyed the heli’s nose in 3 secs (50 ammo worth)
    RU 30 AP took 4.5 secs to destroy the heli’s nose (75 ammo worth)
    GB 30mm HE destroyed the heli’s nose in 13 secs (30 ammo worth)
    GB 30 AP destroyed the heli’s nose in 7.5 secs (10 ammo worth)
    Bradley/LAV 25mm HE took 3 secs to destroy the heli’s nose (20 ammo worth)
    Bradley/LAV 25mm AP took 5.5 secs to destroy the heli’s nose (32 ammo worth)
    The ZU-23 (AA gun) took just under 5 secs to destroy the heli’s nose (50 ammo worth) Co-axial (7.62) can damage helis, but only if hitting the tail, rotor or rear-underside. This also goes for GPMGs, LMGs, and higher calibre rifles.
    BMP-1 Frag doesn’t seem to do much to the heli
    BMP-1 HEAT 1-shots the heli’s nose

  3. just pushing the heli around when it’s engine’s off with a vehicle will cause it to take damage. Using a truck: However when the engine is on if you: collide side-on with anything going >=30km/h the heli will explode. Collide on its rear going >=30km/h the heli will lose its tail and you will take damage from the rotor. Going at >=40km/h will cause the heli to explode, and the driver to take damage from the rotor. Colliding front-on at >=30km/h will have the heli explode. It also causes the driver to take damage from the rotor.
  4. Hit the Heli engine with: RPG-7 heat, engine destroyed, but heli at about 20% health RPg-7 Tandem, engine destroyed but heli at about 10% health. US AT4 1 shots the heli
  5. The helicopters “catch fire” at 50% health, but dont start burning health until under 10%
  6. It appears it is something to do with where the front of the vic hits the heli. If the vic collides with the bottom of the heli, it will only get rammed. However if the vic manages to collide higher in the mid-section you will get the explosion. The reason it’s difficult to do with techies is because their front bonnet is very close to the ground.


^^ actual image of RU tigr not kidding

  1. The Tigr open top has 10 100-round boxes of NSV which does NOT need to cool down. Each box costs 50 ammo value to rearm. The Tigr RWS (closed top) has 1 450-round box of NSV which does NOT need to cool down. The large box costs 50 ammo value to rearm (seems like a bug) The Tigr is straight up the BEST wheeled 50.cal vic in terms of raw DPS. It is on par with the MTLB-NSVT’s DPS. Just a reminder that this fast firing, no cooling needed NSV has higher DPS than a 30mm BTR, its only weakness is lower penetration.
  2. The Tigr and MRAP appear to have the same health and armour. But the Tigr is much shorter in height. They both appear to have the same top speed and acceleration on flat sand road (around 80km/h) However MRAP is better on offroad flat sand. Both reach 50 km/h, but the tigr will slowly increase to 60, while the MRAP can go up to 70km/h
  3. The Tigr kills the front on an MRAP in 4.5 secs, while the MRAP kills the Tigr’s front in just under 6.5 secs. MRAP with one tyre popped can cruise on flat sand road at 60km/h, while the Tigr has trouble keeping 20km/h. In conclusion: Tigr is better than MRAP is every way, EXCEPT when a tyre is popped and the maximum offroad speed of each vic.
  4. The RU Tigr beats the MRAP in 1v1, (MRAP needs to fire for about 5.5 secs to kill, Tigr needs to fire for about 3.5 secs to kill)


  1. Having trouble killing open top bulldogs as vehicles? The weak spot is the gun turret armour. Just fire 50.cal or greater at the armour which is meant to shield the gunner, and you can kill the bulldog much more quickly.
  2. For closed top bulldogs, you want to fire at the little bump at the rear of the vehicle.

  3. Where to fire if facing the closed top bulldog’s front
  4. Sabot against bulldog: No matter what angle, the bulldog is left with 60% hull when hit, meaning it takes 3 sabot shots to kill a bulldog. tank HEAT against bulldog: does 15-20% hp. Conclusion: use 1 heat and 2 sabots to not waste a 3rd sabot round just for the bulldog


  1. In other news: It takes the 30mm BTR just over 8 secs to blow up the stryker via its top-front nose. Seeing as the LAV has slightly more health, let’s assume it takes just over 9 secs to blow the LAV up from the top-front nose. Using Bradley’s 25mm (same as LAV) I was able to destroy a BTR’s bottom-front nose in just under 8 secs. Therefore under this assumption, the 30mm BTR NEEDS about 1 second head-start to beat a LAV in a 1v1, front-on battle.


  1. CAF LAV’s are just strykers with 2 gun seats and the LAV health, meaning it survives a little bit longer than the stryker but also survives a TOW (albeit it will start burning). Like the stryker, they have a small weak spot above the barbed wire which .50cal can hit and pen In other words, Stryker but a small health boost.
  2. CAF LAV is able to destroy the front-bottom of a BMP-1 in 10 secs. (meaning only way for BMP-1 to win assuming both front-on and full health is for a TOW to be used)
  3. Hitting the rear of the CAF LAV with Carl Gustav Tandem leaves the LAV at 1/3 health. Allowing you to finish it off with the Carl Gustav HEAT round. RPG-7 Tandem does the same as Carl Tandem however the remaining HEAT round will only send it into a burning state. RPG-29 will also have the CAF LAV reduced to 1/3 health.
  4. To engine the CAF LAV, you have to hit the same spot as the stryker (The vent thing)
  5. Thanks to team STALLION I was able to get data on Bradley VS CAF LAV: Bradley shooting LAV: (keep in mind Bradley has 70 AP shots) Front-nose: just under 14 secs (47 AP shots) Front-turret: Just over 13 secs (44 AP shots) Rear: Just over 13.5 secs (46 AP shots) Side-front: Just under 8 secs (27 AP shots, also killed engine in about 8 hits) Side-middle: Just over 9.5 secs (33 AP shots) Side-rear: just under 7 secs (23 AP shots) Side-turret/wheel wells: Just over 13.5 secs (46 AP shots)
  6. also here is CAF LAV vs Bradley: (keep in mind CAF LAV has 60 AP shots) Front nose: just over 16.5 secs (54 AP shots) Sides (excluding ammo-rack): Unkillable with stock 60 AP shots (Bradley appears to be just above burning, could result in start of burning)


  1. MATV top speed on flat road: ~80hm/h
    top speed flat river: ~40km/h
    top speed 1 tyre (any) popped flat road: ~50km/h
    Top speed 1 tyre (any) popped flat river: ~10km/h

  2. Test results on TAPV: Standard LAT HEAT: 2 shots cause it to start burning (same as MRAP) Tandem: 1 shot causes it to start burning (same as MRAP)


  1. The Bradley can be ammo-racked by a 30mm in 30 shots. You want to aim into its side where there is a vent shaft. EDIT: It’s a bit more complicated than that, you do aim for the vent shaft, but you need an angle on the Bradley as shown in the image below. Head on is not as efficient as giving your shots a slight angle into the rear of the Bradley
    Note you will need 12 extra shots after the 30 if you want to kill it then and there, but 30 shots will start the ammo cookoff more or less dooming the bradley.

  2. Bradley HE vs FOB fortifications (time is for firing until they are able to be driven over) These times will be faster for the other IFV’s (Bradley is lower DPS autocannon HE)
    Barbed wire: 2 secs
    Sandbags: ~3.5 secs
    HASCO block: ~6.5 secs
    HASCO wall: 22 secs
    HASCO bunker: over a minute (probs not worth it ey?)
    Indirect fire shelter: no damage

  3. Using the Bradley’s tow to hit the T-62 ammorack only slightly damages said rack and leaves the t-62 at 40% health. Bradley TOW at the T-62’s behind destroys the engine and leaves the T-62 at 30% health. The T-62’s 115mm AP killed the Bradley in just over 21 secs. The Bradley’s TOWs kill the T-62 in just over 11.5 secs. If you only want to use 1 TOW: Fire the 1 tow, then use the 25mm on the rear side of the t-62 (anywhere on the back works, back-back, back-side etc.) which only takes 17 secs and doesn’t use both TOWs.

BMP 1/2

  1. A BMP 1’s main gun can 1 shot ammo rack a Bradley. On the side armour of Bradley, there is a set of backpacks directly underneath the turret as well as a ventilation panel. Aim between those and the Bradley cooks off.
  2. Got a 14.5mm gun or higher calibre? Shoot the BMP-1/2 in the centre-rear and you can pen and hit the ammo rack with ease! It takes about 35 shots of 14.5mm (about 3.5 secs)to completely ammo-rack and kill the BMP-2.
  3. The BMP-1 can kill a T-62 in just over 22 secs using 1 Malakuta(TOW) to start and 2 HEAT rounds while shooting at the bottom-front face. (225 ammo worth) This is faster than a Challenger using its 120mm CHARM, which took just over 25 secs. (80 ammo worth)
  4. The BMP-1’s TOW when fired at any side of the CAF LAV puts the LAV in a burning state (and if you aimed well will also destroy the engine) Spandrel/kornet/BGM TOW is same as above.
  5. The BMP-1’s HEAT rounds took 37 seconds (incl reload time) to kill the top-front face of a bulldog

BMP2 VS Bradley

I know its not a BMP2, just pretend it is

  1. Bradley VS BMP-2 in CQB (under 40m, so TOWs won’t work)
    Front faces:
    BMP-2 kills Bradley in 13 secs (200 ammo worth of AP)
    Bradley kills BMP-2 in 10 secs (64 ammo worth of AP)
    BMP-2 kills Bradley in just under 13 secs (175 ammo worth)
    Bradley kills BMP-2 in 10 secs (56 ammo worth)
    Sides (no ammorack):
    BMP-2 kills Bradley in just over 12 secs (175 ammo worth)
    Bradley kills BMP-2 in just under 13 secs (64 ammo worth)
    Sides (ammorack):
    BMP-2 kills Bradley in just over 6.5 secs (125 ammo worth)
    Bradley kills BMP-2 in just over 4 secs (24 ammo worth)
    BMP-2 kills Bradley in just over 13 secs (200 ammo worth)
    Bradley kills BMP-2 in just over 10 secs (56 ammo worth)

  2. BMP-2 VS Bradley (with TOWs) Front: BMP-2 kills Bradley in just under 6 secs (250 ammo worth) Bradley kills BMP-2 in just over 5 secs (216 ammo worth) Using the previous post as a guide: Using TOW cuts down time-to-kill by 5-7 seconds.

Tank General

  1. Tank rounds VS FOB radios:
    Sabot/HEAT can one-shot radios, however it requires a very precise shot into the bottom-centre of the radio (less so for HEAT), otherwise assuming you don’t miss but deal the lowest damage possible, it takes 4 sabot rounds.
    FRAG do about 10-15% of the radio’s health, only do this if you have the time to swap rounds AND fire at least 2 of them to disable spawning.

  2. How to ammo-rack tanks as tanks: pic 1 shows where the rack is, pic 2 shows where to shoot for the close range shown in the pictures. The Challenger’s ammo is directly underneath the turret, there is a small black rectangle which you want to aim for. It took 2 shots to start the cook-off


  1. The Abrams is able to 1-shot the BMP-1. Just shoot directly into the front-centre of the BMP-1 and its a goner within a few seconds (The only way to save the BMP-1 in this instance is for a crewmember to hop out and repair). The BMP-1 needs to use 3 of it’s TOWs to take down the Abrams, which takes 33 seconds.
  2. The Abram’s ammo rack is in a very similar position to the Challenger. It is behind a small black rectangle below the turret but above the lower fuselage. It took 2 shots to start the ammo cook-off
  3. Shooting the front of the Abrams with a kornet:
    Top-front(gun mantel): does not damage
    Bottom-front: leaves abrams with ~40% health
    Top-left/right (where the rectangle icon is) 40%health and turret at ~15% health
    Conclusion: Assuming it’s front is facing you; Shoot an abrams at it’s bottom face, or if it is slightly angled from you, aim towards one of the rectangle stickers (whichever is facing closest to you)

  4. Using a RPG-26 (because it has a heavy arc trajectory) I was able to hit the roof of the abrams. The Abrams had 90% health and the turret had ~80% health.
  5. M1A2 Abrams vs BTR:
    1 x 120mm AP sabot puts the BTR at just above burning (~11%), no matter which angle.
    1 x 120mm HEAT puts the BTR at just below 50% health, again no matter angle(therefore 2x will destroy it)
    Conclusion: Unless the BTR needs to die quickly, save your sabot rounds and use HEAT to kill BTRs Another note: HEAT rounds from t72/abrams are very good at popping the tyres off of the wheeled APCs.


  1. The T-62’s ammo rack is behind a little hook on it’s front-left face. It took 2 shots to start the cook-off


  1. The T-72’s ammo rack is once again behind a small black rectangle on the front below the turret. However unlike the other tanks, it is VERY easy to have your shot bounce when trying to hit the ammo rack due to the slopes around it. It took 2 shots to start the ammo cook-off.
  2. Hit the underside of a t-72 that was facing upwards with a LAW and it only tickled the ammo rack (did about 1/4 hull)
    Even with the carl-gustaf TANDEM I managed just to tickle the ammo rack (but did just under 1/2 of the tank’s health)
    No matter what side I have the belly showing, I cannot do more than tickle the ammo rack with the m136 AT-4. I can only replicate as I outlined above (tickling ammo but hurting hull) On another note: Despite the Carl-Gustaf HEAT round costing 50 ammo, it does no more damage than the standard LAT round. Essentially you are paying 10 extra ammo per rocket to use the scope.

  3. T-72B3 vs stryker:
    1 x 125mm AP Sabot puts the stryker at ~33% no matter what side is hit.
    2 x 125mm HEAT puts the stryker in a burning state, again no matter what side is hit. Conclusion: Unless you need to destroy the stryker ASAP or the stryker is already hit by a LAT, use HEAT against stryker instead of Sabot

  4. TOW vs T-72: Using a standard TOW emplacement, hitting the bottom-front area will leave the tank at about 40% health.
    Hitting the bottom-rear will destroy the engine but also leave the tank at ~30% health.
    Hitting the top-front (turret) results in ~40% health, and turret health down to ~10%


  1. The Leopard’s ammo rack is behind its front-left light. It took 3 shots to start the cook-off.

Whats next?

More will be added, on stuff like warrior and new MAE faction, scopes and what not. All credit goes to to101m
