This is a basic timeline chronology of the Star Trek Universe163rd episode of Star Trek TNG called Parallels simultaneous portrayal of numerous different universes was cited by Roberto Orci, one of the screenwriters for the 2009 Star Trek film, as proof that, despite the movie’s creation of a secondary timeline, the “regular” Trek universe was unaffected and everything from The Original Series onward still went on as it had before.Information & Pictures From______________________________http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/http://en.memory-alpha.org/http://fsd.trekships.org/art/http://www.startrek.com/http://www.cygnus-x1.net/links/lcars/index.htmlhttp://ottens.co.uk/forgottentrek/https://www.facebook.com/startrekphase2/http://nerdist.com/new-star-trek-video-and-infographic-track-the-evolution-of-the-enterprise/https://www.facebook.com/groups/StarTrekTMPappreciationsociety/______________________________
Pre-Enterprise Timeline
Late 1300s and 1400s AD – The Genesis of The Borg
1484 AD – Fall of The Vaadwaur
1500 AD – Bajorans explored the Bajoran System
1900-1999 AD – The 20th Century AD
July 28, 1914-November 11, 1918 AD – The First World War
October 3, 1936-February 17, 1947 AD – The Service of USS Enterprise (CV-6)
September 01, 1939-September 02, 1945 AD – The Second World War
1947-1991 AD – The Cold War
June 25, 1950-201- AD – The Korean War
November 01, 1955-April 30, 1975 AD – The Vietnam War
1957 AD – The Space Race had begun with the launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik 1
May 5, 1961-May 15–16, 1963 AD – Project Mercury (First Stage of US Manned Space Program)
1962 AD – USS Enterprise (CVN-65) had entered service
1962-1966 AD – Project Gemini (Second Stage of US Manned Space Program)
1961-1972 and 1973-1974 AD – Project Apollo & Project Skylab (Third Stage of US Manned Space Program)
1972-2011 AD – Space Shuttle Program (A US Manned Space Project)
Febuary 18, 1977 AD – The Flight of The Prototype Space Shuttle Enterprise (OV-101)
(This must be some kind of Star Trek. – Zefram Cochrane)
1982 [My middle ground date based upon “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” and Star Trek Chronology Book dates working on a scale of 289 years] or 1999 [Date according to Star Trek Chronology Book] AD – Voyager 6 was a deep space probe launched from Earth by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and it was pulled into an anomaly once called a black hole shortly after leaving Earth’s solar system
1985 AD – Admiral James Kirk and crew go back in time to the year 1985 in order to find the extinct by the end of 21 century species humpback whale in order to make contact with an alien probe that was sent to make contact with it.
1992-1996 AD – The Eugenics Wars [I would say somewhere in the 1990’s]
2000-2099 AD – The 21st Century AD
2026-2053 AD – The Third World War
2032 AD – Ares IV was an Earth spacecraft used during one of Humanity’s early manned missions to Mars
April 5, 2063 AD – Zefram Cochrane launched The Phoenix, mankind’s first manned warp-capable ship, Cochrane would later go on to create the first enhanced warp ship called Bonaventure
2067 AD – Friendship 1 (UESPA-1) was a deep space probe launched by the United Earth Space Probe Agency
2069 AD – The SS Valiant was Earth’s first true interstellar starship hastily developed shortly after Zefram Cochrane’s first warp flight by the United Earth Space Probe Agency (UESPA) using easily obtainable parts and materials. Only the landing module and warp nacelles were designed and built from scratch, while the fusion reactor was adapted from maritime naval use. Following Cochrane’s success, a mission to those star systems known to contain planets become an immediate priority, even among the war-ravaged population who viewed the mission as a symbol of Earth’s recovery and future among the other races of the galaxy
2073 AD – “Don’t try to be a great man, just be a man. And let history make its own judgments – Zefram Cochrane (Star Trek: First Contact)”
Enterprise Timeline
2100 AD – The Start of Enterprise Timeline
2100-2199 AD – The 22nd Century AD
2119 AD – The Start of The Warp 5 Project
Mid-2130’s AD – The United Earth Starfleet or commonly known as Starfleet was formed
Prior to 2143 AD – The USS Enterprise (XCV 330) was an Earth spacecraft that was in service around this time
2150 AD – The End of The Warp 5 Project (Warp 3 or something)
2151-2161, 2201 and 2215 AD – The Service of The NX Class Starship [basing off of the numbers given by Doug Drexler]
2151 AD – Enterprise (NX-01) was christened
2151-2161 AD – Enterprise (NX-01) was commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer
2156-2160 AD – The Earth-Romulan War (The War That Was Started When Humans Encountered The Romulans)
2154 AD – Columbia (NX-02) was christened
2155 AD – The Coalition of Planets was created
2156-2160 AD – The Earth-Romulan War
2160s-2196 AD – The Service of The Daedalus Class Starship
2161 AD – The United Federation of Planets or commonly known as the Federation was founded
(Starfleet by the 2260s and 2270s has become primarily more akin to NASA and secondarily a military because the Federation would want Starfleet to be ambassadors in a sense who when they come across other species and so you would want those aliens species to see what the Federation is about through Starfleet But by the late 2270s all the way through 2290s Starfleet became a little more militaristic than normal because of problems with the Klingons and after the Battle of Narendra III they would become too peaceful but it would be the Battle of Wolf 359 and the threat of the Dominion that would push them to be more militaristic again)
2171-2201 and 2215 AD – The Extended Service of The NX Class Starship (The Refiting and Extended Service of The NX Class) [I see the same thing happen with the Conie]
(This should have happened)
Pre-TOS Timeline
2200 AD – The Start of Pre-TOS Timeline
2200-2299 AD – The 23rd Century AD
2223 AD – Relations between the Federation and the Klingon Empire degenerate starting a tense cold war
2223-2293 AD – The Federation-Klingon Cold War
March 22, 2233 AD – James Tiberius Kirk was born to George and Winona Kirk in Iowa
About 2245 and 2260s-2293 AD – The Service of The Saladin Class Destroyer Starship
About 2245 and 2260s-2293 AD – The Service of The Hermes Class Scout Starship
2245-2309 AD – The Service of The Constitution Class and Enterprise Class [mostly being called the refitted version of the Constitution Class] Heavy Cruiser Starship
(Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser Starship) [2240s-About 2272 AD]
(Constitution Class Refit and Enterprise Class Heavy Cruiser Starship) [About 2272-2309 AD]
TOS Timeline (TOS Period)
2245 AD – The Start of TOS Timeline
April 11, 2245-2254 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) was christened and was commanded by Captain Robert April
2248 AD – Starfleet lost contact with Friendship 1 (UESPA-1), Friendship 1 eventually landed on the planet Uxal in the Delta Quadrant
2254-2264 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) had its first refit and was commanded by Captain Christopher Pike
2256-2257 AD – The First Federation-Klingon War
2261-2264 AD – The Service of The Miranda Class Cruiser (Prototype)
2264 AD – The Start of The Service of The Miranda Class Cruiser
2264 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) had its second refit
2265-2270 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) was assigned to a five-year mission of deep space exploration and was commanded by Captain James T. Kirk
2265 AD – The Borg Assimulation of The El-Aurian System
2267 AD – The Second Federation-Klingon War
2267 AD – Federation-Klingon relations improve with the signing of the Treaty of Organia, Together with the Romulan Star Empire the two powers also establish a “colony of galactic peace” on Nimbus III
The Latter Half of The 23rd Century AD-2293 AD – The Service of The Ptolemy Class Transport & Tug Starship
The Latter Half of The 23rd Century AD-2293 AD – The Service of The Federation Class Dreadnought Starship
2268 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) had a minor refit
Late 2270-2272 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) had its third and major refit and was commanded by Captain Willard Decker, taking 18 months to do
(Actual Phase II Model)
(Examples of What the Phase II Model Was Supposed To Look Like)
(Phase II Quarters)
(Phase II Transporter)
(Phase II Sickbay)
(Phase II Recreation Deck Art 1)
(Phase II Recreation Deck Art 2)
(Phase II Engineering)
(Phase II Bridge)
(Motion Picture Version)
(I wish that they would go back to using models instead of CGI because does that look realistic to you)
(This bridge was very authentic for Mid 23 Century technology and aesthetics and I wish that they could have incorporated this bridge or at least the one from Star Trek 4 into Star Trek Online, but they could get the stupid looking uniforms into the game)
(I thought that this was more realistic in it’s simplisity than JJ Abrams Engineering)
TOS Timeline (TMP Period) [Part One]
Possibly 2270-2284 AD – The Design Phase of The Excelsior Class
(They were working with the idea of transwarp drive)
2272 AD – The massive entity that called itself V’ger was one of the most extraordinary lifeforms ever encountered by the United Federation of Planets
2275 and 2280s-2370s AD – The Service of The Constellation Class Star Cruiser
(This ship looks like something typical of the period)
2276 AD – The Refit of The Miranda Class Cruiser
(As it looked in the 24 Century)
Around 2278-2280s AD – The Service of The Soyuz Class Starship
(Look it’s Kelsey Grammer)
2281-2284 AD – James T. Kirk retired from Starfleet (albeit briefly) to pursue a number of personal goals and affairs, namely his relationship with a woman named Antonia
2281 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) had its fourth and final refit and was commanded by Captain Spock
2284-2290 AD – The Trial Run Phase of The Excelsior Class
2285-2290 AD – USS Excelsior (NX-2000) was commanded by Captain Styles.
(They abandoned the transwarp drive design during this time after they realized the complications it posed)
2285 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) was to be decommissioned [A Federation Starship Can Remain Operational for a Minimum of 19 To 40 Years and a Maximum of 39 To 80 Years] in favor of the new transwarp drive design provided by the Excelsior Class, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) was destroyed by James T. Kirk and his crew and Kirk and crew return to earth after four months of exile in order to face court martial for disobeying orders
2286 AD – The Whale Probe was the designation for a probe of unknown origin, which visited Earth
2286 AD – USS Yorktown (NCC-1717) was renamed and christened as USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) I would assume that the Excelsior Class was not ready for mass production and any ship called Enterprise became the flag ship of the United Federation Starfleet as well as the United Federation of Planets and this enterprise was commanded by James T. Kirk, who was demoted from rear admiral to captain for disobeying the order of a superior officer
(Simply the best rendition of this bridge, up there with the bridge from Star Trek 6)
TOS Timeline (TMP Period) [Part Two]
2287 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) had its first major refit
2289 or 2292 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) had its second major refit
2290-2372 AD – The Service of The Excelsior Class Heavy Cruiser Starship
Possibly 2290 AD – USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) was finally christened [Excelsior Class Might Have Been In Development for 7 Years/USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) Could Have Lasted for 80 Years], Hikaru Sulu was captain of USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) for possibly 40 Years
2293 AD – The Klingon moon Praxis explodes, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) departs the Earth Starbase to rendezvous with Kronos One, Captain James T. Kirk was framed for the assassination of Klingon Chancellor Gorkon, The Khitomer Conference takes place, paving the way for nearly a hundred years of peace between the Klingon Empire and the Federation, Curzon Dax was one of the Federation diplomats present who negotiates the Accords, Colonel Worf [the grandfather of Worf, Son of Mogh] was present at the Accords, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) was decommissioned or possibly renamed and USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B) was christened and was commanded by Captain John Harriman & The End of TOS Timeline
2293 AD – The End of The TOS Timeline
Pre-TNG Timeline [Part One]
2300-2399 AD – The 24th Century AD
“Let’s make sure that history never forgets the name enterprise. – Jean-Luc Picard”
2301 AD – Demora Sulu is promoted to first officer
July 13, 2305 AD – Jean-Luc Picard was born in La Barre, France
2311 AD – The Treaty of Algeron was a peace treaty signed between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire, following the events of the Tomed Incident, The Treaty of Algeron was signed approximately 160 years after the conclusion of the Earth-Romulan War
2311-2320s AD – Following the Tomed Incident with the Romulan Star Empire, Captain Harriman steps down, and Demora Sulu is promoted to captain of USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B)
Possibly 2312 AD – USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) had its first major refit
2319-2369 AD – The Cardassian Occupation of Bajor
2320s-2329 AD – Tomas Johnson, Jr. was captain of USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B)
2329 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B) was lost (presumed destroyed) after the crew reports contracting an unknown infection
Possibly 2332 AD – USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) had its second major refit
2332 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C) was christened
(Concept Art)
(This is how it should have looked)
(Studio Model)
(Studio Model [Refit])
(You have to just stop and admire very late 23rd Century-Early 24 Century tech, love those console interfaces)
(These renderings capture how I see the bridge of an Ambassador Class starship looking like on other ships)
2332-2344 AD – Rachel Garrett was captain of USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C)
2333-2355 AD – Jean-Luc Picard was captain of USS Stargazer (NCC-2893)
“Never trust a Ferengi when profit is on the line. – Grand Nagus Zek”
2335 AD – William Thomas Riker was born in Alaska on Earth and Geordi La Forge was born in Mogadishu, Somalia on Earth
2340 AD – Worf, son of Mogh was born on Qo’noS
2344 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C) responded to a distress call from the Klingon outpost on Narendra III, which was under attack by the Romulan Star Empire and When the Enterprise arrived at the outpost, she was engaged by four Romulan warbirds, The Battle of Narendra III had a decisive influence on interstellar history, Having been betrayed by the Romulan Star Empire, and witnessing the courage of the USS Enterprise-C, this event had the effect of finally ending Romulan-Klingon relations and solidifying Federation-Klingon relations
2346 AD – In what was later known as the Khitomer Massacre, the Klingon colony on Khitomer was attacked and destroyed by Romulan forces, among the casualties is Mogh, whose son Worf survives and is later rescued by the USS Intrepid and After the Khitomer Massacre, the USS Intrepid pays a visit to Starbase 24 where another survivor, Kahlest, disembarks for medical treatment, She later books a passage to her home in the Klingon Empire
Pre-TNG Timeline [Part Two]
2347-2366 AD – The Federation-Cardassian War
Possibly 2352 AD – USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) had its third and final major refit
2352-2256 AD – Human exobiologist Erin Hansen and Magnus Hansen begin a years long study of borg behavior
Possibly 2357 AD – USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) had its first minor refit
2358 AD – The crew of the USS Pegasus (NCC-53847) mutinied and the ship was presumed destroyed after an apparent warp core breach, William T. Riker was assigned to Betazed following the Judge Advocate General’s inquiry into the incident
2361 AD – USS Potemkin sends down an away team, led by Lieutenant William T. Riker to evacuate a research station on Nervala IV, Due to atmospheric distortion, the Potemkin transporter chief attempts to use two confinement beams to transport Lieutenant Riker, the last one on the planet, Although the first confinement beam works and a Riker is beamed aboard, the second beam is unknowingly reflected back to the planet, creating another William T. Riker and Lieutenant William T. Riker was promoted to lieutenant commander for “exceptional valor during the evacuation of the research station on Nervala IV” and the second Riker would later be discovered by the crew of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) in 2369
TNG Timeline (TNG Period)
2362 AD – The Start of The TNG Timeline
Possibly 2362 AD – USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) had its second minor refit
2363-Present AD – The Service of The Nebula Class
(Nebula class might have been one of the test bed for technologies used in the Galaxy class)
2363-Present AD – The Service of The Galaxy Class
2364 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) was christened, one of the first Galaxy Class starships
“You treat her like a Lady, and she’ll always bring you home. – Admiral Leonard H. “Bones” McCoy”
(Main Bridge [Saucer Section])
(Battle Bridge [Star Driver Section])
2364-2371 AD – Jean-Luc Picard was captain of USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
2366-2374 AD – The Final Years of That The USS Stargazer (NCC-2893) Was on Duty Until It Was Mothballed
2366 AD – The End of The TNG Timeline
TNG Timeline (DS9 Period) [Part One]
2366 AD – The Start of The DS9 Timeline
2366 AD – The Battle of Wolf 359 (First Borg Attempt To Assimilate Earth)
2367 AD – The Development of The Defiant Class
2367-2370s AD – The Development of The Akira Class Cruiser
Possibly 2367 AD – USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) had its third minor refit
Possibly 2369 AD – USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) had its fourth and final minor refit
2369–2373 AD – The First Federation Presence on Terok Nor (Deep Space 9)
2369-Present AD – The Service of The Intrepid Class
TNG Timeline (DS9 Period) [Part Two]
2370s-Present AD – The Service of The Akira Class Cruiser
2370s-Present AD – The Service of The Nova Class
2370s-Present AD – The Service of The Sovereign Class
2370 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) went through a minor refit
(Main Bridge [Saucer Section])
(Battle Bridge [Star Driver Section]) [Probably what the brigde would have looked like]
2371 AD – An engagement with a renegade Klingon Bird-of-Prey commanded by the Duras sisters resulted in extensive damage to the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), The ship’s magnetic interlocks were ruptured, and before efforts could be made to repair them, a coolant leak began, The Enterprise was just five minutes from a warp core breach and there was nothing that could be done to stop it, Faced with this scenario, Commander Riker ordered the evacuation of the crew from the secondary hull to the saucer section, Once the evacuation had been completed, the saucer could separate and get to a safe distance before the stardrive section was destroyed by the core breach, La Forge and Dr. Crusher oversaw the evacuations of their respective departments and completed it with a minute to spare, The saucer’s impulse engines were engaged as soon as it cleared the secondary hull, but the saucer was unable to get to a safe distance before the core breached, The explosion produced a shock wave that disabled the helm controls and propelled the saucer into a degrading orbit of Veridian III, forcing the saucer section into the planet’s atmosphere
2371-Present AD – The Service of The Defiant Class
2371-2378 AD – USS Voyager (NCC-74656) a Intrepid class starship was lost in the Delta Quadrant
Possibly 2372 AD – USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) was decommissioned
TNG Timeline (DS9 Period) [Part Three]
2372-2373 AD – The Third Federation-Klingon War
2372 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) was christened, one of the first Sovereign class starships
2372-2387 AD – Jean-Luc Picard was captain of USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)
2373 AD – The Battle of Sector 001 (Second Borg Attempt To Assimilate Earth)
2373-2375 AD – The Dominion War
2373 AD – The Dominion & Cardassians take over Terok Nor (Deep Space 9) and the Federation take back Terok Nor
2373–2375 AD – The Second Federation Presence on Terok Nor (Deep Space 9)
2374-Present AD – The Service of The Prometheus Class
2378 AD – Starfleet charged the USS Voyager (NCC-74656) with finding Friendship 1 (UESPA-1), its first official mission in seven years.
2379 AD – The Battle in the Bassen Rift (Romulan Attempt To Defeat The Federation)
2379 AD – The End of The DS9 Timeline
Post-TNG & Pre-STO Timeline
2382 AD – The Klingon Empire reclaimed the Khitomer sector during the political crisis in the Romulan Star Empire that followed Praetor Shinzon’s death and in the mission “Turning Point” the planet is the site of a conference between the Federation, the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, and the Romulan Republic
2384 AD – Sela became Proconsul
2387 AD – Ramulus was destroyed by a supernova and at some point before this year, Data was reincarnated in the body of B-4 when his neural nets are successfully imprinted onto B-4’s programming and becomes captain of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) and Jean-Luc Picard becomes The Federation Ambassador to Vulcan
2387-2408 AD – Data was captain of USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)
STO Timeline
2399 AD – The Khitomer Accords break down between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, and all-out war is imminent
2400-2499 AD – The 25th Century AD
2403 AD – Sela Becomes Praetor and five years later reforms the Empire
2409 and 2410 AD – The Star Trek Online Timeline Begins
2409 AD – USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) was commissioned