Dirty Bomb® Guide

dirty bomb CZ/SK for Dirty Bomb

dirty bomb CZ/SK


dirty bomb Hra je predevsim kooperativni nesnastese to hrat sam jeto nemozne pokud mate pratele kamarady coto hraji taky tak muzete hrat party time v online a muzetese navzajem pomahat si a podobne pokud to hrajete sam z online hraci tak budete vlk samotar nejlepe je hrat z kamarady komunikativne?


dirty boom Coop mas online mapy rozdelene Celkem je v online 9map muzese ztat ze bude vehre aktualizace na nejakou novou mapu takze nikdy necekej ze my nebila nejaka nova mapa prave naopak muzou pribivat hra je aktualizovana takze pomerne to hraje vela hracou tuto hru.

Kazda mapa obsahuje co vse muzes ziskat v te mape adtoje Xp nebo Repair EV, Escort EV, Delivery
jeto rozdelene takze mas lepsi prehled z kterych map muzes rychle ziskat lepsi static a podobne

1_ Bridge Maps

New anti-radiation drugs being developed in the fortified GH Medical building? Maybe. But whatever they are, someone wants them. And someone else wants to keep them where they are. A paradox: the things that must stay are the things that must be taken. To resolve, just add Mercenaries.

Objective Spawn.png Attackers Spawn Points
EV repaired
EV at destination
Objective Def Spawn.png Defenders Spawn Point

EV repaired
EV at destination
XX:XX Objective Repair.png Repair the EV Objective def Defend.png Protect the EV
XX:XX Objective Escort.png Escort the EV to the Bridge Objective def Destroy.png Destroy the EV
XX:XX Objective Drop.png Deliver the Drug Samples to the Helicopter Objective def Defend.png Protect the Drug Samples
Objective Ammo Box.png Ammo Box Objective Doors.png Doors Objective MG.png Machine Gun Objectives Lift.png Lift Objective Stairs.png Stairs

Bridge full.png


Fragger repairing the EV

A Drug Sample yet to be captured

Proxy carrying one of the two Drug Samples

Category: Maps

2_Chapel Maps

Some data you can’t delete remotely. Some encrypted servers live in fortified vaults and need to be wiped with two EMP Charges, right this minute, before their data can be decrypted. Of course getting the EMP charges there, carried by an Extraction Vehicle, through London’s old winding streets, tricky. Hmm.

Objective Spawn.png Attackers Spawn Points
EV made half the road to the Construction Lift
EV reached the Construction Lift

Objective Def Spawn.png Defenders Spawn Point

EV made half the road to the Construction Lift
EV reached the Construction Lift
Objective off Repair.png Repair the EV Objective def Defend.png Protect the EV
Objective off Escort.png Escort the EV to the Construction Lift Objective def Destroy.png Disable the EV
Objective off Pick-Up.png Pick up the 2 EMP Charges and deliver them to the PCO Building Objective def Defend.png Defend the PCO Building


Category: Maps

3_Terminal Maps

Two rail containers full of documents. A train station, sealed off behind a fortified wall, a last rail link to the world outside the contaminated zone. Why are these hard copy-crammed containers so important? As evidence? Of what? Anyway, they need destroying. Or protecting. Your mission orders may vary.

Objective Spawn.png Attackers Spawn Points
Advanced Spawn Point captured
Gate blown
Objective Def Spawn.png Defenders Spawn Point

Advanced Spawn Point captured
Gate blown
15:00 Objective off Destroy.png Destroy the Checkpoint Gate Objective def Defend.png Protect the Checkpoint Gate
XX:XX Objective off Destroy.png Destroy Data Archives A and B Objective def Defend.png Protect Data Archives A and B


4_Trainyard Maps

An incoming armored train carrying data cores, a carriage blocking its way, a broken bridge off which it can fall to break it open and spill the data cores, a helicopter standing by to extract them- what could possibly go wrong? OK, different question: what won’t go wrong?

Objective Spawn.png Attackers Spawn Points
Track Switch destroyed
Blocker Carriage destroyed

Objective Def Spawn.png Defenders Spawn Point

Track Switch destroyed
Blocker Carriage destroyed
Objective off Destroy.png Destroy the Track Switch Objective def Defend.png Protect the Track Switch
Objective off Destroy.png Destroy the Blocker Carriage Objective def Defend.png Protect the Blocker Carriage
Objective off Pick-Up.png Pick up the 2 Data Cores and deliver them to the Helipad Objective def Defend.png Defend the Helipad


5_Underground Maps

On the day of the actual Dirty Bomb event, this station was used as an evacuation center. Then a morgue. Then a CDA control center as they built the containment wall sealing off the contaminated zone. And now there’s some kind of archive in lower levels. Shame if it got flooded, and all that evidence erased, eh?

Objective Spawn.png Attackers Spawn Points
Extractor Fan Control destroyed
Objective Def Spawn.png Defenders Spawn Point

Extractor Fan Control destroyed
XX:XX Objective off Destroy.png Destroy the Extractor Fan Control Objective def Defend.png Protect the Extractor Fan Control
XX:XX Objective off Destroy.png Destroy the Pump Control Objective def Destroy.png Protect the Pump Control
Objective Ammo Box.png Ammo Box Objective Doors.png Doors Objective MG.png Machine Gun Objectives Lift.png Lift Objective Stairs.png Stairs


6_Dockyard Maps


7_Dome Redux Maps


8_Vault Maps


9_Castle Maps


Kazda ztechto map je rozsahla skara kde muzete kepmovat a podobne preji vela taktickych moznosti vasich v mapach coop.

Mercs – Neboli take CHaracter

Celkem mas ve hre Dirty Bomb 23 Mercs – neboli characters nevim proc zrovna tomu se rika Mercs ale budis no aduz hrajes za jaky koliv Mercs tak abys byl v obraze Kazdy Mercs ma sve vlastnosti Skily Perks

Skily pouzivas ve hre online a perks skill vygraftnes v menu sveho Mercs

Muzese stat ze dohry pribude dalsi Mercs – ne boli character vse oteviras poztupem casu jak jsi dobry v teto hre a podobne za vice Kill a Exp mas body navic ataky seti vse zcita na svuj static takze kazdy hrac coto hraje a koho mas pridaneho vehre za pratele tak se podiva jaky mas status a podobne kolik mas odehrano hodin a predevsim kolik mas kill a jake mapy hrajes casto nez zacnes hru tak mas v loby 3charaktery za jake muzes menit nez zacnes hrat pamatuj si skilly pouzivas vlastnosti ve hre jako je stit a podobne

1_Aimee Mercs

Image Photo

Health Mercenary Health::”’90 Speed Mercenary Speed::”’440 Time to arm C4 Mercenary C4 Plant Time::”’5 s Time to defuse C4 Mercenary C4 Defuse Time::”’8 s


Ability.png Snitch Device

Number 1Cooldown 25 sRadius ?
Scanning Node and Invasive Tactical Covert Hyperdynamic Device. Once thrown it deploys itself and attaches on the first surface it touches. It then spots nearby enemies (0.3s to spot) and debilitate them by making them take 25% more damage from bullets. This debuff can be removed by medic packs. But targets are debuffed again as long as they remain within range of the Snitch Device.

2_Arty Mercs

Image photo

Ability Artillery Spotter.png Artillery Spotter

Number 2Cooldown 20sDuration ?Damage ?Radius ?
By switching to his targeter and firing at a location, Arty calls down a quick salvo of high damage artillery rounds.

Ability Ammo Pack.png Ammo Pack

Number 4Cooldown 6
These can be dropped on the floor or thrown directly at teammates. Picking up an ammo pack instantly refills your reserve ammo to full.

3_Aura Mercs

Image photo

Ability Healing Station.png Healing Station

Cooldown 20 sHeal 26 HP/s, 24hp/s self-healing
Aura can deploy a healing station anywhere on the ground. Once deployed the station regenerates health of nearby friendly players, even during combat. The station can be picked up and re-deployed at any point, however Aura will have to wait for the ability cooldown if it is destroyed. If redeployed while a previous station is still up, the old one will be destroyed and reclaiming the new one will not lower the cooldown as usual.

Ability Defibrillator.png Defibrillator

Cooldown 0Damage ?
Aura can revive incapacitated teammates using her Defibs. The longer these are charged before releasing, the more health the players has when they are revived. They can also be used as an offense weapon against enemies, dealing more damage with longer charges.

4_Bushwhacker Mercs

Image photo

Ability Turret.png Turret

Number 1Cooldown 30 sDamage ?
Bushwhacker carries an automatic, anti-personnel turret (120HP) with him that can be deployed almost anywhere on the battlefield. Any targets the turret spots will be quickly acquired and fired at until they get into cover. The turret itself can be easily destroyed so sneaky placement is very important.

Ability Objective Specialist.png Objective Specialist

Bushwhacker completes Arm, Disarm and Repair objectives faster.

5_Fletcher Mercs

Image photo

Immaculately stylish Nigerian combat engineer guy: efficient, impeccable, maybe just a bit arrogant, he’s a swaggering salesman for his own services. Perhaps his self-confidence will rub off on his teammates. But can anyone really be as good as Fletcher claims he is?
As in business, so in combat: Fletcher’s all about instantly sizing up the situation and turning it to his advantage. His remote-detonated Sticky Bombs let him set tactical booby-traps as he goes. He’s highly effective at defending corners, objectives and chokepoints. He’s equally useful at using Sticky Bombs when on the offensive to disrupt and destroy enemy defences. He’s also very good with shotguns. Subtlety really isn’t his strong suit.

Health Mercenary Health::”’110 Speed Mercenary Speed::”’420 Time to arm C4 Mercenary C4 Plant Time::”’3 s Time to defuse C4 Mercenary C4 Defuse Time::”’4 s

35,000 Credit.png

Ability Sticky Bomb.png Sticky Bomb

Number 3Cooldown 9sDamage 75+15 damage if stuck directly to an enemyRadius 4.16m
Fletcher can throw out up to three sticky bombs at any one time. They will attach to the first surface they hit, including enemies. Using his Detonator, Fletcher will trigger any and all deployed sticky bombs at the same time, dealing high damage over a small area.

Ability Objective Specialist.png Objective Specialist

Fletcher completes Arm, Disarm and Repair objectives faster.

6_Fragger Mercs

Image photo

Fragger’s commanding officer described him as “really, REALLY good at soldiering.” Always at the sharp end of urban operations that required guts at both ends of the bayonet, he received multiple decorations for outstanding bravery. Civilian life, alas, proved less rewarding. His old comrades would ask what he did after leaving the army and he’d have no choice but to admit he was mainly working as a motion capture performer for computer games. The looks on their faces ranged from pity to “I Have To Break Ties With This Guy Immediately”. Now he’s back where his tactical skills are more directly applicable: kicking down doors and taking names.
With a big gun and lots of ammo, this aggressive point man is a straight-up player-slayer, whether he’s assaulting objectives or defending them. He should be at the very front of the frontline, relying on teammates to heal/revive him and resupply him with ammo while he lays down a hail of gunfire and frag grenades.

Health Mercenary Health::”’140 Speed Mercenary Speed::”’385 Time to arm C4 Mercenary C4 Plant Time::”’5 s Time to defuse C4 Mercenary C4 Defuse Time::”’8 s

40,000 Credit.png

Ability Frag Grenade.png Frag Grenade

Number 1Cooldown 17sDuration ?s fuse timeDamage 170Radius max Damage 3,20m
Carrying up to one at a time, Fragger can throw these towards the enemy, exploding after a short fuse to deal high damage over a large area. Very useful for clearing out rooms or

7_Kira Mercs

Image photo

Kira’s PhD research led her to a SERIOUSLY classified device in one of her first Merc missions – an experimental weapon linked to a weaponized satellite. It wasn’t exactly hers to keep, but she figured her background in Cold War frequency-agile aerospace telemetry made her the authority. While several wealthy organizations are now out to kill her (not to mention the Mercs whose reputations she scuttled), her fascinating new link to the skies has sped her research tenfold. Science! Knowledge! Fire from the sky!
Kira’s devastating Orbital Strike is highly accurate, dealing a lot of damage in a very tight area. Also, she can steer her pet beam of destruction around the battlefield as it fires to damage multiple enemies – Perfect for clearing out defenses and campers.

Health Mercenary Health::”’90 Speed Mercenary Speed::”’440 Time to arm C4 Mercenary C4 Plant Time::”’5 s Time to defuse C4 Mercenary C4 Defuse Time::”’8 s
40,000 Credit.png

Ability Orbital Laser.png Orbital Laser

Number 1Cooldown 50sDamage 90/s, 10 secondsRadius ?
A highly focused beam sent down from an orbiting sat

Dalsi Mercs – neboli character zverejnim az budumit cas jeto nadlouho

Mercs zverejnim dalsi az budu mit cas jeto nadlouho davam si natom zalezet aby jako novy hrac teto hry jako jsem ija aby byl v obraze a seznamen co ma za vlastnosti kazdy Mercs a podobne dekuji za pochopeni.

Image Photo Dirity Bomb Mercs- neboli character


Weapons je slozite zozdeleni ve hre Dirty Bomb zpada do 13kategorii pod sebou mateto rozdelene jaky character ma weapons a podobne jetoho moc tu je uvod jakto vipada

Contents 13 kategorii weapons
1 Assault Weapons
2 Machine Guns
3 Personal Defense Weapons
4 Sniper Rifles
5 Shotguns
6 Handguns
7 Machine Pistols
8 Melee Weapons
9 Ability Weapons
10 Explosives
11 Deployables (Explosives)
12 Others
13 Medical

Assault Weapons
Icon Weapon Speed Modifier Time to Aim Damage Body Damage Head Proj./shot Rate of Fire Reload Time Mag Capacity Effective Range Body DPS Recoil
M4A1.png M4A1 87.5% 133 ms 14 28 1 535 RPM 2.1 s 35 26 m 124.8 Light
BR-16.png BR-16 87.5% 133 ms 16 32 3 720 RPM 2.2 s 30 29 m 130.8 Light
Dreiss AR.png Dreiss AR 87.5% 133 ms 27 54 1 300 RPM 2.2 s 20 31 m 135 Moderate
Timik-47.png Timik-47 87.5% 133 ms 14 28 1 550 RPM 2 s 35 29 m 128.3 Strong
A AssaultRifle 05.png Hurtsall 2K 87.5% 133 ms 12 24 1 640 RPM 2.0 s 40 27 m 128 Light
A AssaultRifle 06.png Shar-C 87.5% 133 ms 16 32 1 462 RPM 2.2 s 30 30 m 123 Light
Stark AR.png Stark AR 87.5% 133 ms 17 34 3 800 RPM 2.2 s 27 30 m 127.5 Light
Machine Guns
Icon Weapon Speed Modifier Time to Aim Damage Body Damage Head Rate of Fire Reload Time Mag Capacity Effective Range Body DPS Recoil
K-121.png K-121 82.5% 133 ms 17 34 477 RPM 3.5 s 55 27 m 135.1 Strong
MK46.png MK46 82.5% 133 ms 11 22 725 RPM 3.2 s 85 26 m 132.9 Moderate
Personal Defense Weapons
Icon Weapon Speed Modifier Time to Aim Damage Body Damage Head Rate of Fire Reload Time Mag Capacity Effective Range Body DPS Recoil
Blishlok.png Blishlok 90% 133 ms 18 36 400 RPM 1.8 s 30 19 m 120 Strong
Crotzni.png Crotzni 90% 133 ms 12 24 650 RPM 1.7 s 40 18 m 130 Moderate
Hochfir.png Hochfir 90% 133 ms 9 18 833 RPM 1.7 s 55 18 m 124.9 Very light
KEK-10.png KEK-10 90% 133 ms 11 22 700 RPM 2 s 45 18m 128.3 Moderate
SMG-9.png SMG-9 90% 133 ms 12 24 620 RPM 1.9 s 40 18 m 124 Light
Sniper Rifles
Icon Weapon Speed Modifier Time to Aim Damage Body Damage Head Rate of Fire Reload Time Mag Capacity Effective Range Body DPS Recoil
MOA SNPR-1.png MOA SNPR-1 85% 133 ms 60 138 40 RPM 2.4 s 5 100 m 62.5 Moderate
PDP-70.png PDP-70 85% 133 ms 45 90 120 RPM 2.5 s 8 100 m 115 Strong
Fel-ix.png Fel-ix 85% 133 ms 75 172 36 RPM 2.5 s 6 100 m 60.6 Strong
Grandeur SR.png Grandeur SR 85% 133 ms 32 80 180 RPM 2.2 s 13 100 m 120 Strong
Icon Weapon Speed Modifier Time to Aim Damage Damage Body Damage Head Rate of Fire Reload Time Mag Capacity Effective Range Damage per Magazine Body DPS
Ahnuhld-12.png Ahnuhld-12 93% 133 ms 6 * 11 66 66 100 RPM 2.7 s 8 9.4 m 528 110
Hollunds 880.png Hollunds 880 93% 133 ms 7 * 11 77 77 95 RPM 2.45 s 7 7.6 m 539 122
Remburg 7.png Remburg 7 93% 133 ms 7 * 12 84 84 90 RPM 2.3 s 6 6.4 m 504 126
The Headshot damage modifier is 1.0x and the damage penalty to legs is 0.9x.

Icon Weapon Speed Modifier Time to Aim Damage Body Damage Head Rate of Fire Reload Time Mag Capacity Effective Range Body DPS Recoil
Caulden.png Caulden 97,5% 100 ms 20 40 327 RPM 1.3 s 9 17 m 109 Strong
DE .50.png DE .50 97,5% 100 ms 26 52 257 RPM 1.4 s 7 18 m 111.4 Moderate
M9.png M9 97,5% 100 ms 15 30 451 RPM 1.3 s 15 14 m 112.8 Light
Selbstadt .40.png Selbstadt .40 97,5% 100 ms 17 34 400 RPM 1.3 s 12 19 m 113.5 Very light
Smjüth & Whetsman.png Smjüth & Whetsman 97,5% 100 ms 27 68 200 RPM 1.9 s 6 19 m 113.5 Strong
Simeon .357.png Simeon .357 97,5% 100 ms 24 60 225 RPM 1.9 s 6 19 m 112.5 Strong
A Pistol 08d.png Hoigat.224 97,5% 100 ms 13 26 514 RPM 1.4 s 20 14 m 111 Moderate
Machine Pistols
Icon Weapon Speed Modifier Time to Aim Damage Body Damage Head Rate of Fire Reload Time Mag Capacity Effective Range Body DPS Recoil
Empire-9.png Empire-9 95% 100 ms 8 16 857 RPM 1.3 s 35 11 m 114.4 Very light
MP-400.png MP-400 95% 100 ms 10 20 667 RPM 1.6 s 25 12 m 113.6 Light
TolenMP.png Tølen MP 95% 100 ms 9 18 750 RPM 1.8 s 30 13 m 112.5 Light
Damage Falloff is 50%

Melee Weapons
Icon Weapon Speed Modifier Snare Effect Fast Attack Heavy Attack Range
Damage Attack Duration Damage per Second DPS Damage Attack Duration Damage per Second DPS
Stilnotto Stiletto.png Stilnotto Stiletto 100% -66% 35 567ms 61.8 85 1000ms 85 short
Beckhill Combat Knife.png Beckhill Combat Knife 100% -66% 40 567ms 70.6 80 1000ms 80 medium
Cricket Bat.png Cricket Bat 97.5% -66% 55 833ms 66 80 933ms 85.7 long
Kukri.png Kukri 97.5% -66% 55 800ms 68.8 85 966ms 88 medium
Katana.png Katana 97.5% -66% 60 800ms 75 90 1200ms 75 long
A Tomahawk 01.png Axe 97.5% -66% 50 800ms 65 85 1200ms 88 medium
A Stun Baton 01.png Batons 97.5% -66% 30 800ms 53 90 1200ms 69 medium
CDA Obj.png Carry Item 100% -66% – – – 90 700ms 128.6 short
Melee attacks have no special damage multiplier for different body regions. Leg and Head hits deal the same damage.


Chopper increases damage by 15%. It is implemented a 1.15 modifier to the damage value, which then gets rounded down to an integer value.

Quick_Slash decreases the attack duration by 25% and is a 0.75 modifier to the attack duration. This results in 33.23% higher DPS.

Ability Weapons
Icon Weapon Speed Modifier Mercs Damage Body Damage Head Cooldown Mag Capacity Effective Range
A GrenadeLauncher 01.png Grenade Launcher 82.5% Nader 90 90 35.0s 5 25 m
Minigun01.png Minigun 82.5% Rhino 10 11 4.0s Overheat 14 m
Revive gun 01.png Revive Gun 87% Sparks 60 120 3.3s Energy 18 m
A RocketLauncher 01.png Rocket Launcher 82.5% Javelin 200 200 30.0s 1 N/A
Damage falloff begins at 18m and ends at 36m at ~66% damage for the REVIVR

Icon Weapon Time to Aim Rate of Fire Effective Range
Flash bang icon.png Concussion Grenade 0.133s 60 RPM ?
Frag grenade icon.png Frag Grenade 0.133s 73 RPM 240
Grenade launcher 01.png Grenade Launcher 0.15s 73 RPM 250
Molotov icon.png Molotov Grenade 0.133s 60 RPM 115
Deployables (Explosives)
Icon Weapon Time to Aim Rate of Fire Effective Range
Proximity Mine 0.3s 100 RPM 32
Sticky Bomb 0 60 RPM 192
Icon Weapon Time to Aim Rate of Fire Effective Range
Air Strike 2s 60 RPM 150
C4 icon.png C4 0.3s 100 RPM 600
Icon Weapon Time to Aim Rate of Fire Effective Range
Deflib.png Defibrillator 0.01s 86 RPM 105


Melee Weapons
Icon Weapon Speed Modifier Snare Effect Fast Attack Heavy Attack Range
Damage Attack Duration Damage per Second DPS Damage Attack Duration Damage per Second DPS
Stilnotto Stiletto.png Stilnotto Stiletto 100% -66% 35 567ms 61.8 85 1000ms 85 short
Beckhill Combat Knife.png Beckhill Combat Knife 100% -66% 40 567ms 70.6 80 1000ms 80 medium
Cricket Bat.png Cricket Bat 97.5% -66% 55 833ms 66 80 933ms 85.7 long
Kukri.png Kukri 97.5% -66% 55 800ms 68.8 85 966ms 88 medium
Katana.png Katana 97.5% -66% 60 800ms 75 90 1200ms 75 long
A Tomahawk 01.png Axe 97.5% -66% 50 800ms 65 85 1200ms 88 medium
A Stun Baton 01.png Batons 97.5% -66% 30 800ms 53 90 1200ms 69 medium
CDA Obj.png Carry Item 100% -66% – – – 90 700ms 128.6 short

Game Modes

Game Modes
The game features 3 Game Modes :

1 Objective
2 Stopwatch
3 Execution
3.1 Win Conditions
3.2 Match Time & Rules
3.3 Half Time
GameMode Objective.png
Average game time : 15 minutes

One team attacks and one team defends. The attacking team must complete objectives to win the game. If they don’t, the defending team wins.

Each objective must be completed sequentially within a given time, displayed on the top right corner of the screen.
When the time starts to run out, an ambiance music is played and increases in intensity as the time goes.
Completing the main objective resets the timer. Secondary objectives do not give additional time.
GameMode Stopwatch.png
Average game time : 30 minutes

This mode is similar to Objective but 2 games are actually played. Each team plays one game as attacker and one game as defender.
The team that complete objectives faster than the other one wins the game.
If neither team achieved all objectives, the winner is the one that achieved the most.
If neither team achieved any objective, this is a draw.
A few edge case situations are now accounted for, including the allowance of draws where appropriate:

If neither team completes the map, only Primary Objective progression is taken into account and the team who progressed the furthest will win. For example:
On multi-C4 objectives (such as the second objective in Terminal), destroying one Container is better than none.
On multi-Delivery objectives (like the final objective for Trainyard), delivering one Data Core is better than none.
If both teams are held on an EV Escort Objective (such as Bridge’s second objective), the team who moves the EV closest to the destination will win.
If both teams reach the same point in the same amount of time, the match is a draw, regardless of time taken to complete previous objectives, for example:
If both Teams only manage to destroy one Container in the second half of Terminal after 15 mins, the match is always a draw.
At the end of the first half of a Stopwatch match, Overtime can now activate. Any extra time added due to Overtime is added to the clock in the second half of the match, for example:
If a C4 is planted in the first half and the timer runs out, the game will continue until the C4 explodes or is disarmed.
GameMode Execution.png
In Execution Mode, teams are trying to win the most out of 12 rounds. To win a round the attacking team needs to eliminate all enemy players or bomb one of the objectives; for the defenders to win the round, they have to stop them.

Execution Mode is played out over ten rounds, first to win six wins the match. In each round, the Attacking team is tasked with planting and defending C4 at one of two bomb sites, while the defenders must stop them from doing so, be it through defusing planted C4, or just killing anyone that tries to plant a bomb.

Win Conditions
A round is won if:


The attackers kill all of the defenders
The attackers destroy one of the two objectives

The defenders kill all the attackers and no C4 is currently active
The defenders defuse a planted C4 before it goes off
The round time expires
The first team to win 7 rounds is declared the victor for the match, ending even if all 10 rounds have not been played. If each team wins 6 rounds, it is declared a Draw. Individual rounds cannot end in a draw.
Match Time & Rules
Each round has a time limit of 3:00. If C4 is not planted at one of the bomb sites before that timer expires, the Defending team wins the round. Only one C4 charge can be planted at a time, and the other bomb site becomes disabled once it is planted.

Once killed, players do not respawn until the next round. Players that are incapacitated but not finished can still be revived or helped up to continue fighting.

Half Time
After 6 rounds, the attacking and defending teams switch sides.
