This guide contains a link to various savegames of mine. I’ve read a few threads about people asking for it, so I thought it would be nice to share them.I’ve used the Deluxe Edition on those saves!
Most importantly: I’ve used the Deluxe Edition to play this game, so I don’t know if those saves are compatible with other versions.
First of all, be aware that you and only you are responsible for using my savegames.
If you want to do so, you’ll effectively kill the challenge of the game as I provide savegames where you can simply mess around with any dinosaur, park construction you want.
This is how long it took me, including some fails and simple “trial and error”-plays:
So using my savegame will probably reduce the worth of the game for you, therefore I can just insist that you play it yourself.
If you still decide to use my stuff, well that’s all up to you.
I don’t share my “Nublar” savegame, as it could be seen as a clear achievement hack.
There are a total of 50 dinosaurs in that save, which should be achieved easily by anyone, especially with everything unlocked.
I cannot tell if the other have either some retroactive unlocking, as I unlocked my achievements by normally playing through the game of course!
Installation & download link
First of all be sure to deactivate your Steam Cloud for this game:
If that’s done either download the package from my Dropbox
or if you have a Nexus Mods account, you also can download it from there:
[link]Now you’ve to put the content of my savegame archive you’ve downloaded into your own savegame folder located here:
C: Users <Your username> Saved Games Frontier Developments Jurassic World Evolution <Your SteamID> Saves
I don’t take any respobsibility for lost savefiles of your own.
1.8.1 to go. I’ve updated the DLC stuff to the newest standard of Claire’s Sanctuary DLC.
If you want to have either a specific 5 star savegame for this DLC, rather download my package from Nexus. π
It’s 1.7. Which means the DLC savegame now contains all dinosaurs to 100% of the Carnivore Dinosaur Pack.
The most recent update contains all new challenge mode unlocked (they are part of the new player file) and a destruction savegame with all 3 dinosaurs from Cretaceous Pack DLC unlocked (100% genome).
I’ve uploaded another update.
This time for the Secrets of Dr. Wu DLC. I won’t upload a savegame only with the V1.5. changes as I always go full monty.
Yet the savegame starts on Isla Nublar so people who don’t have the DLC may still try to load it up. Maybe it’s programmed clean enough that the not existing content will simply be ignored?
I’ve updated the file.
Beside of my campaign savegames, the “player” file should contain all unlockables, as I recently finished the challenge mode on Jurassic difficulty.
It was an awful chore. oO
Archive content 1: Matanceros
I “wasted” full 8 hours on that one. ^^
The buildings for guest needs either haven’t received any micro-management (changing dishes in food stores, and stuff in gift stores, etc.), but I simply built everything up mindlessly to concentrate onto missions and reputation until I reached 5 stars. Despite my initial believe I either did not favor science on that island.
The enclosures either had a big change happening, as I built it initially for a big horde of herbivores, but decided to rather use 3 Ceratosaurus and haven’t sold the now useless herbivore feeder:
Archive content 2: Muerta
Isla Muerta is the first one which introduced light storms, which may an additional reason why it took me almost 10 hours. XD
Furthermore it’s the island from which I started to favor the science division. Well, actually I began with security missions and went over entertainment, so actually the geeks sabotaged my park the most, until I reached the highest standing for unlocking that InGen memo of the science division.
Don’t take any random contracts, it’s not necessary anymore. π
The park apperance is utterly awful as always, but I don’t like working under pressure. π
It’s way more chilling using my “Destruction” save to revisit all islands. π
This was also the map on which the monorail was unlocked and of course I was happy to build such a lovely transport system. Any island from now on will have one. π
Archive content 3: Tacano
Isla TacaΓ±o doesn’t have storms, but it’s still awful: -950,000$ in debt.
It was pretty tricky to get this one running and it took me almost 10 hours again XD. I simply sold as much of the already existing stuff, until I had 400,000$ and built a fossil center.
Then I went back to another island and gathered for fossils. After the expedition was done, I’ve switched back to TacaΓ±o and sold the fossils there to gather some money.
As soon as the first dinosaur is out, the park should start going. The initial debt is probably the worst issue on that island, but as told above you can use other islands to safe some money on this one.
Archive content 4: Pena
The smallest one…
But the worst thing is that it features heavy storms. I was stunned when the first tornado hit the island, but then it somehow “targeted” buildings and fences and destroyed everything. XD
Was pretty intense to get things unter control with those occasional circumstances.
Especially as you already have pre-built buildings. I’ve created a new park on Isla Pena with my “Destruction” save and this time I didn’t waste the room, but did as good as the terrain allowed me. π
This time it was even closer… 9 hours 59 minutes, until I finally moved to the next island / savegame. oO
I still consider this playthrough savegame as “complete” even if the buildings for the guest needs are that bad, that the park rating jumps between 4.5 and 5 stars.
Archive content 5: Sorna
Even though that big hill in the middle disturbs me, I guess this can still be considered the biggest island. Took me 11 hrs to finally finish it.
I haven’t unlocked everything at that point, but I moved on to Nublar for that particular case.
However, my “Nublar” savegame isn’t part of the archive as it would contain a big park with 50 dinosaurs.
I think you should be able to build that on your own to unlock that achievement in a legit way. π
Ok, regarding size, it may be the biggest island, but regarding BUILDABLE size, it’s definitely not. That hill in the middle is indeed annoying.
Well, there is Isla Nublar and the “Destruction” savegame. π
Archive content 6: Destruction
This savegame is special.
It has everything unlocked and the previous park manager (me), sold ANY SINGLE property of any single island.
So it’s up to you now, to create a new park on any island or especially on Isla Nublar when you prefer your own conditions.