Video guide to getting flawless freeflow with tips.
Flawless Fighting:
- Pick a character you are comfortable with, each one has it’s own fighting style. Personally I find Catwoman and Nightwing the best for my taste.
- Pick the first map in ranked challenges; it’s a simple one unless you wish for a more challenging fight.
- Unless you’re great at catching thrown items; I’d recommend prioritizing the single guy in the distance about to throw an object first, usally it only happens once on the 3rd and 4th round and then you’re clear.
- Let the enemies come to you if everyone is grouped up it’s easy to get a counterstrike on 3 guys rather than hitting one at a time. But once they are spread out, go for single hits rather than counterstrikes on more than one guy as it brings the critical hits up quicker which means a better score.
- Practice, if you get frustrated take a break and come back.
- Don’t get hit 😉