Theres a total of 3 extra blades you can get in Fruit Ninja VR (we wont be listing the default blade) Here you can see what they look like and how you can get them, if you can still get them.
October 2019 Edit
All blades were changed to Not Tradable & Not Marketable.
They were made into in-game items and no longer drop into the steam inventory, meaning the ones remaining on the market will be the only ones you will be able to buy. (unless something changes)
The images were also tweaked & personally I think the bat blade doesn’t look as good as before.
Christmas Blade
Description: Who took the candy cane from the tree?
Tags: Tradable, Marketable – View in Community Market
Information: Blade is tied to the achievement ”Santa’s Clause” which were only unlockable in the
2016 christmas event until the devs did a Small Update in January 2018, In the small update they
changed the achievement so it now unlocks as you enter the game which also gives you the blade.
Pineapple Blade
Description: I have a Blade, I have a Pineapple. UH! PINEAPPLE BLADE!!
Tags: Tradable, Marketable – View in Community Market
Information: Blade is tied to the achievement ”Pineapple Express” which you can unlock by slicing
a total of 1000 Pineapples in any game mode. Fastest game mode is probably Arcade Mode.
Bat Blade
Description: The Bat Blade is used to release the souls captured inside of possessed fruits
Tags: Tradable, Marketable – View in Community Market
Information: The Rarest blade in the game. Only 400 of these exist and were given out to players
that placed in the top 400 soul releasers on the Possessed Pumpkin Leaderboard in the 2016 Halloween event. Sadly theres no way to unlock this blade anymore. So if you want to own it,
you will have to get it from the market or trade for it. More info on this event can be found here:
Event Announcement – Event End – Bat Blades Have Been Delivered Announcement
Last Notes
I hope you enjoyed my guide and hopefully it helped you out, if you like this guide please give it a thumbs up and add it to your favorites, maybe even share it with a friend if you think it can help them.
If you like collecting items Ive also made a complete guide for SteamVR Home, Check it out!
Also check out my group on steam for VR Achievment Hunters, Anyone is welcome to join! 😀