The Binding of Isaac Guide

Every Tarot card and their ability for The Binding of Isaac

Every Tarot card and their ability


You open a chest and get a tarot card. But what does it do? No idea, I havent got the memory capacity for all that, so i created this guide to help.

Tarot cards (0-4)

0 -The fool
This card teleports the player to the starting room.
This happens even if the player is in the starting room when its activated.

I -The magician
The players shots become purple and curve towards enemies until you leave the room.

II -The high priestess
This card summons moms foot stomp dealing massive damage, enough to kill most bosses.
It can break rocks and open secret doors.
WARNING: If used when there arent any enemies around or if used while fighting mom it will target the player.

III -The Empress
Turns player into a demon.
Increases damage by 2 and speed by 1.

IV -The Emperor
Teleports the player to the boss room[].
If used in the boss room the boss will reset and be at full health.

Tarot cards (5-9)

V -The Hierophant
This card spawns 2 soul hearts[] on activation.

VI -The lovers
This card spawns 2 full regular hearts upon activation.

VII -The chariot
Gives the player temporary invincibility and allows you to damage enemies on touch.
you cant attack unless you hold Mom’s Knife[].

VIII -Justice
This card spawns 1 random bomb, key, heart or coin drop.
(the drops include troll bombs, soul hearts and nickels)

IX -The hermit
Card teleports player to the shop[].
If activated in the shop it will act as a random teleport.
Note: this card can teleport you into a locked shop without consuming a key.

Tarot cards (10-14)

X -Wheel of fortune
Spawns a Slot machine[] upon activation.

XI -Strength
Makes the player bigger and increases both maximum health and damage until you leave the current room.

XII -The hanged man
This card removes the players body allowing you to fly over pits, spikes and obstacles such as rocks until you leave the current room.

XIII -Death
This card does high damage to all enemies in the room.

XIV -Temperance
Spawns a Blood donation machine[] upon activation.

Tarot cards (15-21)

XV -The devil
Increases your damage by 2 until you leave the current room.

XVI -The tower
Spawns six troll bombs randomly around the room.

XVII -The stars
Card teleports player to the Treasure room[].
If activated whilst in the Treasure room it will act as a random teleport.
Note: this card can teleport you into a locked Treasure room without consuming a key.

XVIII -The moon
Card teleports player to the Secret room[].

XIX -The sun
Completely heals player, damages all enemies, and reveals the entire map and location of special rooms for the current level.
This card has the same effect as XXI -The world and a Full health pill.

XX -Judgement
Spawns a beggar

XXI -The world
Reveals the entire map and location of all special rooms for the current level.