A small list of various tips for those new to the game, as well as information on how the game works. Updated for V5
If anyone have anything they have noticed and would like to add please comment!
By looking through the developer files the different dagger types are as follows:
- Default Dagger
- Bronze Dagger-survival time of 60 seconds
- Silver Dagger-survival time of 125 seconds
- Gold Dagger-survival time of 250 seconds
- Devil Dagger-survival time of 500 seconds (Achievement)
- The God Dagger-survival time of 1,000 seconds (dagger added for the 5 year anniversary patch)
- Moving around-you always run, shift does nothing
- Jumping-if used with the single shot at the same time while looking down at the ground you can rocket jump, and bunny hopping will be your savior since it allows you to gain speed
- Shooting-hold the Left Mouse Button for a continuous shot/tap the Left Mouse Button for a shotgun like effect, later in the game using the Right Mouse Button will allow you to use auto targeting daggers, and easy way to clear out a group of skulls is to tap the LMB for the shotgun nd then immediatly hold it for the continuous shot(this reduces the amount of delay between the shotgun shooting mode)
- Restarting-standard restarting would just be clicking the “restart” button when prompted to after you die, but by default you can alo press the “R” key on your keyboard to quick restart, this allows you to play a couple of quick runs in the game before trying to last a longer run, or to restart faster if you are trying to grind on time
- Display Time-since the basis of the game is to climb the ranks through your time, an easy way to keep a constant track on this is by tapping the “Tab” key by default to show your current time, if you continue to tap it it will also show you your best time and your top friends time
- NEVER TOUCH ANYTHING-you have no health system and will insta-die
- Time-Grinding-the basis of the game and where your score comes into play, the higher your time, the higher in the scoreboards you are and the closer you are to the achievement
- Don’t be afraid to kill-as long as you kill everything when they spawn and keep up with them, the enemies will not overcrowd you and you should make it out just fine
- Be careful not to walk or jump off of the edge of the map-in the heat of things this is surprisingly a big issue
- Always look behind you-nearly every enemy is faster than you and will catch up to you
- Never run straight-it might be okay for the first few seconds, but once everything starts spawning, strafing will become your best friend
- Bunny Hopping-if things are getting too close for comfort, start jumping like crazy, you can BH in any direction, however it does not make you directly fast enough to run away from the Superskulls, it just gives you enough time to get away to be able to shoot them
- If it has a red spot on it, shoot it!-these are the enemies weak spots, not all enemies have them, but for those that do it makes things so much easier
- Pickup the red gems-these are pickups, so far what it seems to do is make Dagger-Dude stronger, also if you stop shooting the red dots will automatically move towards you.
- Binding your jump key to your shooting key-this might take some getting used to, but it does help out alot if you want to be able to not have to focus on tapping the spacebar every few seconds, the only problem with this method is getting used to having to time your aims from the start
Leveling Up
Like it is stated earlier in this guide, you need to collect the red gems in order to gain any sort of progression. The progression is linear and will be the only thing that allows you to reach record high times.
The leveling up path:
- Dagger Tier I: Collect 10 Red Gems: This will give you a damage increase.
- Dagger Tier II: Collect 70 Red Gems: This will give you a damage increase as well as allowing you to have alternative homing shots.
- Dagger Tier III: Collect 220 Red Gems: This will give you one final damage increase, although you should note that obtaining this level varies depending on how many homing shots you have used. Homing shots are gained through collecting red gems, so by using homing shots you are effectively decreasing your total and it will take more time for you to get to this level.
(Note that the wiki lists 150 Red Gems for this dagger, and that very well may be the case as I cannot remember where the heck I got 220 from)
Essentially what this entails is that you should let some of the squids stay alive so that you can use them as more consistent forms of gaining gems. This will allow you to go through the upgrade process much faster than killing off everything on the screen once they spawn.
Alternatively the game has received several updates that allow player’s to view replays of both their best times, and the leader-boards best times. With the 5 year anniversary patch, these replays have become far more valuable and can give new player’s quite the insight on what to expect.
Known Enemies
- 1.) Skull-the most default enemy with no special values about it, it starts in the air and then floats down to your level always chasing you
- 2.) Superskull DOCILE-an alteration of the default skull that can fly up in the air and move around randomly, it does not directly attack you, but can still kill you when coming into contact with it
- 3.) Superskull AGGRO-an alteration of the default skull that can fly up in the air and charge at you, at around a minutes time, when the first Green Spider Spawner shows up, these guys will constantly charge at you, the easiest way to notice the difference from the DOCILE version, is that these will always charge at you, produce a buzzing noise, and their horns are ribbed
- 4.) Superskull HELL-an alteration of the Superskull AGGRO that has charred horns and can move much faster, they only seem to spawn from the Leviathan
- 5.) Minisquid(Skull Spawner)-kill these things as soon as you can (if you are not worried about farming), however if you shoot constantly above them right before they start spawning Skulls you can kill their entire offspring easily, these also have a nice tendency to move towards the middle of the map
- 6.) Squid(Dual Skull Spawner)-the same as the default Skull Spawners, but with two hit points and it spawns the Skull With Horns AGGRO instead of the default DOCILE, these also have a nice tendency to move towards the middle of the map
- 7.) Supersquid(Triple Skull Spawner)-the same as the default Skull Spawners, but with three hit points and it spawns the Skull With Horns AGGRO and Superskull HELL instead of the default DOCILE, these also have a nice tendency to move towards the middle of the map
- 8.) Pillar of Hell-a DOCILE pillar that rises up and stays in its place indefinitely, it does not seem to spawn anything but will kill the player if touched and can absorb homing shots from the 70+ upgraded hand
- 9.) Spider-spits out little green balls, which left out for long enough will burst into the Spiderlings, it also seems to be the only enemy that can actively block your attacks by rotating its hit point from you, these guys can also pull the red spots in from a certain distance away and pull them too high for the player to reach, so if you are trying to upgrade in a hurry, killing the spider should be a priority, it also seems as if the spiders use the gems to spawn their spiderlings
- 10.) Superspider-a larger green toned spider with more health and in a similar fashion to the Pillar of Hell, it can absorb homing shots from the 70+ upgrades hand
- 11.) Spider Eggs-the little green balls that the spiders spit out, they don’t move but can still kill you if you touch them, and if you don’t kill them fast enough they hatch out into the Spiderlings
- 12.) Spiderlings-not as dangerous as it may first seem, but they can gang up on you easily if their eggs are not destroyed
- 13.) Centipede-a huge flying centipede with a lot of different hit points, it will move in and out of the ground, try to wait for it to come out of the ground and constantly shoot directly at it(the angle which you shoot from does not matter it takes the same damage from all sides) and it will pass right through your shots making for an easy kill
- 14.) Gigapede-it looks like a longer and wider centipede that seems to spawn two at a time initially, it has more health, but the same tactics can be applied to kill it
- 15.) Leviathan-it’s a giant cage thingy that spawns much later in the game, if sits in the middle of the room and spawns all sorts of things, it seems to also be a boss type as it does not spawn often(as far as it is known only 1 seems to spawn in at 350 seconds) and changes the edge of the rooms appearance, this enemy also upgrades lower tier enemies to being higher tired enemies and is one of two known enemies to have this effect
- 16.) The Orb-a giant round enemy that only spawns after killing the Leviathan, it has a high amount of health and appears in the center of the room, much like the Leviathan it also upgrades surrounding lower tiered enemies and is one of two known enemies to have this effect
- 17.) Thorns-obstacles that will kill the player if touched, they do not attack or actively engage in anyway, but much like the common dandelion can become a problem if not dealt with soon
Most Important Thing To Remember
Have fun Dagger-Dudes!