This tutorial aims to show you how to install World of AI onto FSX and FS2004, while including realistic aircraft sounds! This adds to your flight simulator environment in more ways than you can think, improving airport environments as well as passing traffic in the sky.
Introduction to FSX Modding
This tutorial aims to show you how to install World of AI onto FSX and FS2004, while including realistic aircraft sounds! This adds to your flight simulator environment in more ways than you can think, improving airport environments as well as passing traffic in the sky.
I have also made a video tutorial for those that would like a more visual way of explaining things, or listen to the instructions in the background instead – This can be viewed below.
Setting up the programs
First of all, you will need to download three things. These can be accessed from the following links below…
World of AI Installer
World of AI Downloader
AI Sounds by MaveCreations
[link]. com/ai-sound-downloads.html (Steam rather annoyingly blocks this link, remove the space!)
Download the three files and store them together in a new folder. It is now time to extract the files, we will deal with the installer first. Create a new folder and name it ‘Installer’. Drag and drop the woains24.zip file into the new folder and extract it, it will set up all the files that are required.
With the World of AI installer now set up, we’ll deal with the World of AI airlines themselves. Load up the ‘WorldOfAiDownloader.exe’ program downloaded. First of all, input your AVSIM FILES (Not forum account) login details into the program – If you don’t have one then sign up here.
Next, select the download directory to your folder with the installer in it – NOT YOUR FSX FOLDER OTHERWISE IT WILL BREAK as you still need to install these packages into the simulator.
Once you have selected your folder, now you can choose which airlines to install. Select the check box for the airlines you want and once you are done, start the download – This may take a few minutes depending on your internet speed.
With the packages downloaded, close the program as you do not need it anymore. Now we are going to deal with the sounds. First of all, open up the AI Sounds zip file we downloaded, extract that into your FSX/Sim Objects/Airplanes folder, as you would do with any airline addon you have.
Next, head into the installer folder and download my modified ‘AISounds.txt’ file from this link below. This will tell World of AI where the AI Sound files are located, making your aircraft sound realistic.
Now we are ready to install the airlines.
Installing the AI Aircraft
Install the World of AI Packages as you would do normally. Load up the program and select FSX as your installation location. When selecting your package, SELECT ALL PACKAGES AT THE SAME TIME since the World of AI installer will allow you to do multiple packages at the same time.
Accept the terms and install away, this may take a moment due to all the airlines being installed, just be patient on this one.
With all the airlines installed, head into your FSX/Sim Objects/Airplanes folder and DELETE THE FILES ‘UGA_HTAI Gulfstream3 Part1’ AND ‘UGA_HTAI Gulfstream3 Part2’. These cause error messages when loading up FSX, it is best to just remove them.
For some, you may also need to perform the extra step of heading to ‘%appdata%MicrosoftFSX’ and make a small change in the fsx.cfg file. Open it up and change SOUND_LOD=0 to SOUND_LOD=1 and everything should work fine.
You now have realistic AI airlines!
And just like that, you have populated your FSX world with realistic looking and sounding AI aircraft. Within the FSX settings adjust AI aircraft to around 25% as not to lag out your simulator or overpopulate Air Traffic Control with too many airlines.
If you did learn from this tutorial, don’t forget to give it a thumbs up and also share this out with other users! https://www.youtube.com/c/drawyah?sub_confirmation=1, as I do numerous flight simulator videos and whenever I learn a new secret or trick, I generally will make a video explaining how to get it working for you guys.