Plague Inc: Evolved Guide

Shadow Plague Mega Brutal Walkthrough for Plague Inc: Evolved

Shadow Plague Mega Brutal Walkthrough


How-to guide on completing Shadow Plague on Mega Brutal mode


This method is a bit of a slow one, and requires quite a bit of luck and speed at times (a.k.a, Save often!) but I have used this method three times now, perfecting it each time. I can’t guarentee 100% success as the luck element in this method can be a bit hit-and-miss, but with plenty of saves, this should help you achieve Shadow Plague on mega brutal

1. For genes I selected Aerocyte and Extremophile only. If you happen to have unlocked any Shadow Plague-Specific genes that you feel may decrease templar power and/or reduce cure time, feel free to add them

2. Start in Greenland. In the ‘Vampires’ section, evolve:

  • Therianthropy (Bat creature)
  • Blood rage

3. Use the Blood rage power on Greenland, evolve the blood rage and Dark ritual tree as you collect more DNA during this. Spend any DNA you get on these areas, you’re going to want to max out your vampires fighting powers early on.

4. By the time everyone in Greenland is dead and your vampire starts to starve, you should have unlocked at least Adrenal Surge and Dark Ritual 2. Using Therianthropy, fly over to Iceland and repeat the Blood rage process there.

5. Stay in Iceland until you have enough DNA to unlock every part of the Blood Rage Tree. At this point, you will have started to attract the attention of the Templars. DO NOT MOVE ON TO THE NEXT PART UNTIL YOU HAVE UNLOCKED DEMONIC FURY, even if the Templars have already set up bases.

You do not need to kill off everyone in Iceland for this (although if you do happen to, it will mean one less country for labs to be built in later), and if everyone in Iceland does die before you accumulate enough DNA (extremely unlikley), feel free to continue using blood rage on the nearest country.

Be wary about time however, as the Templars get stronger as time passes and we want to defeat them as quickly and easily as possible. Don’t linger, just focus on getting the DNA.

6. Once you have unlocked demonic fury, immediately move your vampire to the nearest templar base and use your Blood Rage active ability in that country. You should have little to no issue destroying their bases if you have unlocked demonic fury. Once the base is destroyed, repeat demonic fury on the country to heal your vampire (you should see the red ‘coffin’ filling up to the top).

SAVE YOUR GAME HERE and then repeat this process for each Templar base with exception of the second to last and the last (Explain in point 7) DO NOT RUSH THIS PROCESS AND KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR VAMPIRES HEALTH. Even before you reach the last two bases, if your vampires health falls very low, immediately move away from the country with the templar base and heal up using Blood rage on the neighboring country you have moved to.

Any DNA you gather should be put towards travel speed in bat form. It is EXTREMELY recomended that you have Travel Speed 2 by the time you come to destroy the last base.

7.Once you reach the second to last base, you may have noticed that the bases are kicking your vampires butt a little. This is where you have to start being very careful. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE – Zoom in close and keep the speed on regular when attacking this base. Using the method above, you may need to retreat and heal up if the vampire gets too injured. The Templars will heal up too in your absence, so try not to stay away too long.

The last base will be the toughest. You will have to retreat and heal multiple times, so keep a very close eye on your vampires health, but you should still be able to destroy it.

If at any point you see this message, the remaining templar bases will be too strong to destroy, and you will have to reload a save or restart. The 10 million people in the comments telling me how wrong I am are offering solutions to this

8. Once the last Templar base is destroyed, you will see this message:

Now you’re going to have to play a bit of a waiting game. In any country of your choice (although preferebly one with a large population), you’re going to need to use Blood Rage and accumulate at least 550 DNA points. It sounds like a lot, but with Blood rage, the DNA will shoot up quickly. Expect to be waiting for 5 minutes irl (and remember not to let your vampire starve, if the country dies, move on to the next country).

9. At 550 DNA points, evolve:

  • Travel speed 2 (If you haven’t already)
  • Lair
  • Shadow Portal

Travel around the world, placing lairs in the center of each of these countries:

  • USA
  • Brazil
  • Central Africa
  • Ukraine
  • China
  • Australia

You should now have lairs in all corners of the globe. You need these lairs to teleport to in order to quickly destroy any labs that pop up across the world later on.

How your lairs should look:

10. Use blood rage on another country once again and get your DNA back up to 550.

Once you reach this goal, SAVE YOUR GAME and move your vampire over to Egypt. This is the part where you’re going to be relying on a bit of luck and a lot of speed.

Evolve these symptoms, transmissions and vampire traits (In any order, you should have enough DNA to do it all in one go)

  • Shadow Blessing
  • Blood Gift
  • Dark Cloud
  • Shadow Trail
  • Corrupted Air
  • Cold Tolerance
  • Anti-biotic Tolerance
  • Heat Tolerance
  • + Every single transmission, including all in the Zoonict Shift tree

11. The Shadow plague should start spreading quickly. You can speed it up before the labs arrive by ‘teleporting’ to each lair and giving the plague a super boost in each continent (Corrupted Air will ensure it will infect nearly everyone in whatever country your vampire travels to)

The cure will progress instantly and very, very fast. Until the labs turn up, its important to have your vampire travel to the main continents and islands to ensure the plague starts getting around. It will hopefully spread quickly on its own from that point.

12. Once the first lab has been built, immediatly fly to it and use Blood Rage on the country to destroy it. The lab will be destroyed instantly, but they pop up all over the world very quickly, so use the already established lairs to quickly teleport nearest to the country with the lab.

Destroying these labs as fast as possible is the key to stopping the cure, as it will knock a few points off the cure everytime you do. You need to be on the ball and watching the labs, the spread of the disease, and the cure progress.

Keep a close eye on the islands and ensure none of these are escaping your disease. These include Japan, Madagascar, Carribean, New Zeland, Philippines, Indonesia, UK and Iceland (if it still exists)

13. You should have lots of DNA at this point, so once your cure progress reaches 70%, evolve:

  • Dark Pustules
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Malignant Pigmentation
  • Latent Adaption
  • Pallor
  • Weeping Sores
  • Hyperdontia
  • Jugular Bite
  • Shadow Slaves

The cure progress will revert back to 45%-50% and will be drastically slowed, as all the infected will resist the cure and become slaves to the vampire.

14. Now all that’s left to do is to elimate any labs that pop up and infect any remaining countries that are slow/not yet infected. As previously stated, moving your vampire to a country at this point will almost instantly fully infect said country, making this process fairly quick.

15. When every country is full infected (or dead, depending if you wiped them out early-game), you will recieve this message:

Congratulations! You have beaten Shadow Plague on Mega-Brutal