The point of this guide is to teach you how to create a more realistic version of the world to play your illness in, it will be alot harder than it seems but that is why I am here to give you a few tips. Just think what would happen if a real bacteria started spreading and what we would do about it.
How would your illness travel
First of all, not much happens in places like U.S. that would allow this to happen. The U.S. is powerful but it all depends on if someone has insurance or not. That depends on if they will get sick or not. Also keep in mind the amount of immigrants that go to each country like Mexico and The U.S. Alot of people cross the border there. Meaning it would be alot easier to infect connected countries. Another thing to keep in mind is the fact of Greenland always screwing you over. To be truthful. Every island would get infected faster because there is more than just one place to land. Also keep in mind that you will want to update the population of every country once and a while cause as we know they just keep getting bigger and bigger. So remember that.
How would people react.
Anyone remeber Ebola? Well if you study that it might give you ideas. Ebola got popular once it started infecting the majority of Africa. Well if Ebola was an extreme threat if could have been airborn and people really would have started freaking out. But keep in mind real life diseases can’t evolve as fast as they can in plague inc, it is important you know this so that your disease is a little more realistic too. So remember that people won’t start paying attention in other countries till it gets there. Most the time people will be concerned with other things like this.