Happy’s Humble Burger Farm Alpha Guide

Happy's Humble Burger Farm Alpha | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide (Updated) for Happy's Humble Burger Farm Alpha

Happy’s Humble Burger Farm Alpha | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide (Updated)

Happy’s Humble Burger Farm Alpha is an unique psychological horror / cooking simulation game with five Steam achievements.

There’s no save feature; only stats and collectibles will be saved in the registry.
Story progression will NOT be saved.
While most achievements are fairly simple and can be obtained in a single session, there’s one that’s extremely grindy and will take several playthroughs to unlock (or days if you continue playing instead of finishing the game).

  • Start a New Game.
  • Walk around or stand still until the screen fades to black.

Day 1

  • Once at your bedroom, go out to the kitchen and enter the bathroom.
  • Pick up the collectible by walking over it [1/9].

  • Leave the bathroom and press E to exit through the door on the right.
  • Once outside, turn right and pick up the second collectible near the alleyway [2/9].

  • Get into the car by pressing E.
  • Drive through the linear path until spotting a statue on the left.
  • Get out of the car with E and grab the third collectible [3/9].

  • Get into the car and continue driving through the linear path (always straight) until reaching the restaurant.
  • Once you arrive at the restaurant, head to the back area and pick up a brick from the floor.

  • Use this brick to break as many windows as you can (glass doors cannot be broken).
  • You should get around 28 windows broken.
  • Press E to pick up and throw.
  • Keep the brick and head to the recreation room.
  • Pick up the fourth collectible from under the arcade machine (press Ctrl key to crouch) [4/9].

  • Crouch in front of the red tube and head inside.

  • Make your way through the tubes to find the fifth and sixth collectibles [6/9].

  • Go back to the bottom.
  • Jump on the red tube and climb up to the top.
  • Reach this place:

  • Use the brick here to break a window.
  • Go out to the roof and pick up the seventh collectible [7/9].

  • Jump down and head inside.
  • Enter the bathrooms at the back area.
  • Pick up the eight collectible on the toilet [8/9].

  • Leave and interact with the OPEN sign near the entrance to start your work shift.

  • Head through the door under the GET HAPPY sign.
  • Go to the back area and turn the lights on.

  • Wait for the customers to arrive (can take a while).

It’s a good idea to pick up a bag of “Salmon Nuggets” and “Fries” from Fridge & Freezer and fry them at the start of each day. This will save some time.

Getting the order:

  • Wait for a client to approach cash register and read the Current Order.
  • Cash can be ignored as it won’t be needed for any achievements.

Preparing the order:

  • Refer to the ‘Orders’ section for more information.

Bagging the order:

  • Interact with the stack of bags to prepare one. (1)
  • Add the items to the bag. (2)
  • After adding all the required items, click on the red bell to finish the order. (3)

Delivering the order:

  • Pick up the bag and give it to the customer at the Serving Window.

  • Serve all customers to finish the day.

And So It Begins Complete your first work shift
  • Leave the restaurant, get into the vehicle, and drive back home (Rooms building).

  • Interact with the bed to sleep.
  • You’ll have another dream. Walk around or simply stand still until it finishes.

Day 2

  • The game will now loop with slight changes.
  • Drive to the restaurant, pick up the brick from the back area, and destroy as many windows as you can.
  • If you hit a total of 49 windows, you’ll unlock the following achievement:

Air It Out Break all the windows in the restaurant
  • Head inside and work your shift as you did on the first day.

  ㅤ     │ Interact with the OPEN sign near the entrance.
  ㅤ     │ Turn on the lights.
 ㅤ      │ Serve customers.

  • It takes a while for the customers to arrive.
  • Once the alarm starts ringing, check the “Current Events” monitor and complete the asked task.

  • Refer to the “Random Tasks” section for details.
  • These could happen several times during your shift. Repeat the steps accordingly to fix.
  • After successfully completing your shift, drive back home and sleep.
  • Another dream (or nightmare in this case) will happen.

Day 3

  • Once you wake up, enter your closet and pick up the note from the floor.
  • Leave your apartment and head to work.
  • Start your work shift. Procedure is the same as the previous days.
  • After the shift, go back home but DON’T sleep yet. Instead, enter the closet and go through the now open hatch (press Ctrl key to crouch).
  • Interact with the valve to access the sewers.
  • Once inside, turn around and pick the ninth and last collectible [9/9].

I Listen To Everything Find all collectible music
  • Be careful with the creature down here (spam Spacebar if you get caught).
  • At the first intersection, go right.
  • Once you reach the second intersection, go left.
  • After that, go all the way straight on all the remaining splits.
  • You’ll reach a creepy version of the restaurant.
  • Stand still and after a few seconds, your character will start to get teleported to previously visited places.
  • Let the events go on to finish the game.
  • ALT+F4 is the only way out of the last screen.

There’s More? Complete The Prologue (Alpha)

Too Many Cooks

  • Start a New Game and repeat the tasks until serving 50 customers.
  • Don’t go into the sewers upon finishing day 3. Instead, go to sleep and continue going to work infinitely until unlocking the achievement.
  • This is cumulative and can be done on multiple sessions.
  • Progress can be checked at the following registry key (Win key + R → regedit):

ComputerHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareScythe Dev TeamHappy’s Humble Burger FarmA_CustomersServed_h324295295

Too Many Cooks Serve 50 customers

       │ Fantastic Fowl Sandwich
       │ Poppin Pork Sandwich
       │ Happy Deluxe

  • Pick up the specific meat at Fridge & Freezer:

  • Bring the meat to the Grilling Station and cook it out.

  • While the meat is being cooked…
  • Check the meat every now and then to prevent it from overcooking.
  • …head to the Sandwich Assembly Station and start building the sandwich.
  • Place bottom bum.

  • Add a piece of each topping from the Topping Station.

  • Wait for the meat to be fully cooked and then place it on the sandwich.

  • Add the top bum.

  • Take the result and add it to the bag at the Bagging Area.

       │ Salmon Nuggets
       │ Fries

  • Pick up the specific bag at Fridge & Freezer:

  • Place the bag on the deep fryer.

  • Interact with the fryers to start frying.

  • Wait for the frying process to finish.
  • Interact with the result to automatically move it to the Hot Plate.
  • Interact with the item on the Hot Plate to get the final content.

  • Take the results and add them to a bag in the Bagging Area.

       │ Soft Drink

  • Pick up a plastic cup from the Drink Station.
  • Use the cup on the machine to fill it up.
  • Pick up the cup and add it to the bag at the Bagging Area.

       │ Shake

  • Pick up a plastic cup from the Shaking Station.
  • Use the cup on the machine to fill it up.
  • Pick up the cup and add it to the bag at the Bagging Area.

The Garbage is overflowing

  • Head to the back area, pick up the trash bags, and throw them into the container nearby.
  • You might need to jump or aim high in order to throw them inside.

Turn the Parking Sign back

  • Head to the parking lot and open the metal panel.
  • Set all switches left.

You have a delivery in the back!

  • Head to the back area and pick up the box.

  • Place the box on the shelves in Fridge & Freezer.

The toilet is backed up!

  • Head to the bathroom and spam E on the toilet.

5. Christmas Update

Christmas content can be enabled at: right click game in library → Properties… → Betas → holiday_2020 – The Happy Humble Holiday Update released in 2020.

All credit goes to LSRQ.

  • Leave your apartment and pick up the note #3 from across the street:

  • Turn around to face your apartment again and follow the right path.
  • Pick up the note #2 just before the park:

  • Drive/walk all the way to the restaurant.
  • Pick up the note #6 stuck in the lamppost:

  • Pick up the note #7 from near the trash container at the back alley:

  • Head inside the restaurant and find all the presents. Place each one under the Christmas tree.

Bin near kitchen’s door:

Next to shake station:

Sink shelves:



Top of playground:


And A Thing That Tells Time Find and return all of Happy’s Holiday Gifts!
  • Make your way back to the park but stop at the intersection.
  • Take the left turn and pick up the note #5 from near the lamppost:

  • Continue through the street until finding a bar.
  • Pick up the note #4 from the right alleyway:

  • Continue past the bar and take the right turn.
  • A few lamppost later later, you’ll find the note #1 on the floor. Pick it up:

  • Return to the bar and interact with the door with the eye symbol on the left side. Go inside.

  • Pick up one of the bricks from the right and throw it to to the golden burger casing three times to break it out. Pick up the burger afterwards.

I’ve Got A Golden Burger Find the Golden Burger