Viking: Battle for Asgard Guide

100% Achievements for Viking: Battle for Asgard

100% Achievements


What to look out for.

Some basic controls and tips

[color=#a94847]BEWARE! ACHIEVEMENTS ARE TEND TO GLITCH OUT! I didn’t find out the reason nor the solution for the problem. If you know how to solve it, feel free to share the information in the comments.[/color]

Its not a hard task to get every achievement in this game. Still I tought there should be a guide for it becaouse at first it looks kind of confusing. I divided the guide in more sections so you can easily see what you have to look out for.

Some basic controls and tips that may help you:

You can bring up the item menu by holding R and then you can select a weapon with either E, F or SPACE.
The magic menu works just the same by holding CTRL.

You can always find the information you need on the map screen (M) you can even skip the dialogs if you don’t care about the story and want to rush through the game. The locations which are red still have a quest to be done.

The game consists of 3 different sections, with each section ending in a great battle between the vikings and the Legion. You can get dragon runes for killing Champions, Giants and Shamans in these battles, then use them to easily get rid of the remaining shamans.

Here’s a tip for the last map. There are a few groups of warriors you have to save before the last battle. These aren’t designated on the map.and people often have a hard time finding them.

A quick tip for the last fight in the tower. Fire is your best friend. When you have the chance just knock the enemies into the fire, it helps a lot.

Story achievements

You have to play the on hard difficulty if you want to get all the achievements. It’s really not that challenging.You will eventually get all these achievements as you progress through the game.
Niflberg Supplies Freed
Liberate the farm and the quarry in Niflberg

Secretive Rogue
Complete the quest to sneak into Darkwater

Hero Of Darkwater
Lead your army to victory at the battle for Darkwater

[/previewimg ]Hero Of Holdenfort
Lead your army to victory at the battle for Holdenfort

Galcliff Supplies Freed
Liberate the farm, still, lumber mill, and the quarry in Galcliff

Demon’s Nemesis
Kill Hel’s Harbinger Drakan

Hero Of Caldberg
Lead your army to victory at the battle for Caldberg

Hero Of Thornvik
Lead your army to victory at the battle for Thornvik

Isaholm Supplies Freed
Liberate the farm, still, lumber mill, and the quarry in Isaholm

No Need For Immortality
Lead your army to victory at Hel’s Fortress without need for immortality

Hero Of Midgard
Lead your army to victory at the final battle for all Midgard

Dragon Summoner
Find and charge the dragon gem Hugin and dragon amulet, and summon a dragon

Dragon Master
Complete the second dragon gem, and summon a dragon

Dragon Overlord
Recover the final dragon gem, and summon a dragon

Savior of Niflberg Normal
Liberate Niflberg completely on the normal difficulty level

Redeemer Of Galcliff Normal
Liberate Galcliff completely on the normal difficulty level

Viking conqueror normal
Reach the end of the game on normal difficulty

Savior of Niflberg Hard
Liberate Niflberg completely on the hard difficulty level

Redeemer of Galcliff Hard
Liberate Galcliff completely on the hard difficulty level

Viking conqueror hard
Reach the end of the game on hard difficulty

Killing section

These are pretty straightforward achievements. Legions are the most common enemy type in the game, easy to find easy to kill. Don’t have to worry about getting these achievements. Although you may have to run around and kill a bunch more to get the last achievement. The best place for farming is in the great battles, infinite enemies, infinite tries. (As far as I know)
Thirst for blood
Kill 50 legion soldiers.

Lust For Blood
Kill 100 Legion soldiers

Kill 200 Legion soldiers

Slaughter Master
Kill 500 Legion soldiers

You will have plenty of chances to perform fatality moves. Just press E near an enemy when the button is flashing above its head
Demon hacker
Finish off 25 Legion with fatality moves

Demon Eviscerator
Finish off 100 Legion with fatality moves

Death King
Finish off 150 Legion with fatality moves

They Never Saw Me Coming
Execute 100 sneaky kills
Same as the with the fatalities. You just have to get behind the enemies unnoticed. Then press E.

You don’t have to look hard for champions to kill, you will find enough by the time you get to the end of the game.
Champion of champions
Find and defeat a Legion Champion

Killer of Champions
Kill 10 Champions

The Perfect Killer
Kill a Legion Champion without being hit
You should get this achievement before the last section of the game. The champions there are much tougher. As long as you use the dodge move properly you should easily kill any champion, however having throwing weapons such as the axes or flame pots makes it a breeze.
According to EightDeerOcelotClaw it doesn’t matter if you get hit by other minions you can still get the achievement until the champion doesn’t hurt you. Also use ice magic it makes dodging his attacks a lot easier.

Blinded To Fear
Kill 50 Legion without using a health potion
Just as the description says don’t use heal. Won’t be hard to get this one either.

Giant Killer
Find and slaughter a Legion Giant
You will find your first giant at the end of the second section.

Killer of Giants
Kill 5 Giants

Assassin of Assassins
Locate and kill a Legion Assassin

Deadly Axe Juggler
Kill 5 Legion just using Throwing axes

The Flames of Freya
Buy flamepots and incinerate 10 Legion soldiers with them

Euthanasia Euphoria
Use your defensive bash to knock your Legion foes to their doom!
Actually you have to kill 20 enemies with your shield bash. (Push the attack button while defending)


It will take a lot of money to get all the skills and max out your runes. Picking up the loot from the ground is the only way to get gold in the game, except some chests. Buying all the treasure maps in the shop makes it much easier to round up all the goods.
Viking Butcher
Master the first new move at the Battle Arena

Viking Slaughterer
Learn a total of 4 new moves

Viking Slayer
Master a total of 8 new moves

Viking Warrior
Master a total of 12 new moves

Viking Blademaster
Learn all the moves in the game

However these achievements are for killing the enemies I decided to put them in this section because the leadup takes much more time for these then the actual killing. You have to use your ultimate fire, ice and thunder attacks on an enemy, which means, you have to max out your elemental powers and just hit enemies with each of them.

Odin’s Doomsinger
Use the ultimate fire attack to kill a Legion

Thor’s Mortal Lightning Rod
Send a Legion back to the underworld in the most lightning-tastic way imaginable

Heimdall’s Enforcer
Glacially wipe out a Legion using the ultimate ice attack


Friend Of The People
Power-up over 500 Vikings in your armies with runic magic
When you do a war segment get in a big crowd of your soldiers and use one of your runes. It gives the power-up to all nearby allies. Do it with 500 different soldiers and it’s done, really easy to get.

Now you have to watch out for these ones. On every map before the final battle you have to sneak into the enemy’s base. You have to look for the skull then, because after the battle you get telkeported to the next map and you can’t go back. There’s a pretty good guide on Steam which shows you the locaion of the skulls, or you can watch a video guide on YT.
Skullbagger 1
Collect the 6 skulls in Darkwater

Skullbagger 2
Collect the 6 skulls in Holdenfort and the 6 skulls in Caldberg

Skullbagger 3
Collect all the 4 skulls in Thornvik