Killing Floor Guide

28 Gnomes Locations With Video/Map/Commentary/Pictures (Soul Collector) for Killing Floor

28 Gnomes Locations With Video/Map/Commentary/Pictures (Soul Collector)


Here is your one stop shop for the Soul Collector achievement.I used Fraps 3.5.9 to record, Adobe Photoshop CS6, Preimere CS5, Media Encoder CS6 to edit and Windows Sound Recorder (to record my voice). I used the mic on my Creative Soundblaster Sigma 3D headphones (without wind buffer).Steam Forum thread on this topic: Forum thread on this topic: background from DeviantArt:

Other Map Guides


Video Walkthrough

Outtakes/Extras: [link]
This video will show you were the 25 gnomes are hidden in the new Killing Floor map, Hillbilly Horror. There are 3 other gnomes that are not shown and can be skipped. Alternatively you can get the ones that aren’t shown and skip some in the video.

I think the commentary, editing and recording is very rushed for this video and I could do better; HOWEVER for someone who actually wants this achievement this video will do the job easily so there is no point updating it. it is rushed as I wanted to get this out on release date and I have to share the family PC as my laptop is getting repaired so i had limited time to get made. Unless there is serious interest from people for me to do more of these this will be a 1 off.


Download: [link] (Link is on the right below the map). Feedback on map appreicated!

Tips and Hints

1. The easiest way to search for the gnomes is set the difficulty to beginner. Kill all but one bloat and then you have a free roam to find them. Use bloats as the are the slowest enemy.
2. Alternativly you can use cheats to find the gnomes however you must restart the map (with cheats off) to get the achievement.
Open console (~ key)
Type: enablecheats to enable cheats.
Then type: playersonly This will freeze all zeds however it will prevent you from shooting or using.
And fianlly type: fly to turn on flying. Type ghost to turn on noclip
3. LISTEN. When you are having trouble spotting the gnomes, listen. Gnomes make a noise when you are close. Kind of a mocking “Na na naa Har har” noise. When you hear it you are very close. There can be two or three in one location (Thanks Steam forum user Bigguns93).
4. The gnomes do not have to be broken with bullets, if you can get close to them you can knife them. This might save you ammo if you are low. Some gnomes are out of your arms reach and will need to be shot.
5.The gnomes do not respawn until you have reloaded the map on your server/PC
6. Many people included myself have said that using grenades of any kind is a good way to find the gnomes easily and quickly; however if you restart chances are you wont remember the exact location only the area.
7. benetti32 and SmellyLethality has informed me that don’t use the standard killing floor mutations, this will stop your perk progress and achievements for the duration of that game.
8.Using your flashlight is rather helpful as the red on the gnome stands out from the black/brown and the white on the gnome glares at you.
9. You can make the gnomes 20 times the size! This may be useful to some people. Type this into console (~key):
exec function HugeGnome()
local KF_GnomeSmashable Gnome;
local vector NewScale;

NewScale.X = 20;
NewScale.Y = 20;
NewScale.Z = 20;

ForEach DynamicActors( class ‘KF_GnomeSmashable’, Gnome)

(Thanks TWI froum users Agent Orange and Benjamin).

Photo Walkthrough


Killing Floor 28 Gnomes

A screenshot by screenshot location of the gnomes by SmellyLethality (steam forum user)