Tomb Raider Guide

Playing Tomb Raider without hands! for Tomb Raider

Playing Tomb Raider without hands!


I have muscular dystrophy (Duchenne) and therefore can not use my hands to play. But now I’ve been about 6 months the Quad stick, a joystick only with the mouth and suck and blow bediende pretty much all the keys of a keyboard, mouse or gamepad can replace. I can create a custom configuration of the control commands for every game. Thereupon I the Youtube channel “Gaming is Possible” started to show others that it concerned with a disability is quite possible to play (almost) “normal” on the PC! On my channel, I’m going to do regularly add new videos to games that have getest quad stick, the first video shows Tomb Raider (2013).

How i playing with the Quadstick


Quadstick control mapping