Ultra Street Fighter® IV Guide

Omega mode MOVE LIST for all characters. for Ultra Street Fighter IV

Omega mode MOVE LIST for all characters.


Well since Capcom is a little slow in updating the notices for this game, many of you may be wondering what are the movelist for the characters.http://www.capcom-unity.com/combofiend/go/document/download/139c60bf868500214145f210f9149572Here is the link for download in .pdf format. Credit goes to Combofiend and Capcom unity for posting this online.

The Guide

Initially I just wanted to put the Capcom link on Steam to make it easier for people to access the move list for all the characters. However, since one thing led to another I ended up making print screens for all the characters.

I also did some of the translation for some of the phrases (Makoto’s Kumoharai for example) that were still in Japanese. This is thanks to Google Translate of course and testing the moves for myself.

For this guide, I will list out some of things and shortcuts I’ve figured out along the way but for now I think it’s already close to it’s final form.

Again the original link was

Happy reading.


This is the original legend provided by Capcom. One thing to note is that I have rearranged all the characters in alphabetical order.


EX Shoulder Tackle armor breaks.


Notes: Adon only has 1 version of his Super move.




For the Turn Punch unlike the Ultra version you only need to hold either a HK or a HP. Technically you can’t hold 2 charges but you can release both at the same time for an EX turn punch.






Final Combination: Cody’s iconic attack from Final Fight! This is pretty close to his Final Destruction from Alpha 3. Start it off pressing towards and light punch, and then keep tapping light punch for a four-hit combo. Just like in Final Fight, all you need is one button to dish out the pain!
What is interesting is after two hits you can press back light punch and continue with a new set of final combination this does push back your opponent so it is not an infinite, or is it? At least it’s not as moronic as Gen’s mashing light kicks though…



As a Decapre player I find it really strange that she is now a shoto character and not a charge one. She even has an invincible fireball to deal with.
Some may not notice, they took away the Rapid Daggers and Target Combo 2.
Also her Target Combo 1 is now holding back MP followed by HK.
Psycho Transaction is pressing all three buttons (PPP) which trades the life bar for some EX meter and revenge meter.

While it is possible to FADC the Psycho Sting (grounded uppercut move), take note at the timing into Concealed Kill Hover (air grab) is a little strict.


Similar to Decapre, Dee Jay is now also a shoto character and not a charge one.One thing I noticed about the Funky Summersault followup move is that you do no need to press the up button to do the move. After Maximum High hits, its possible to either just hit down and HK or even QCF and HK. This move is really lenient and I really wonder did the Capcom just made a mistake while programming this character.










One thing to note is that Gen has an infinite although I don’t recommend doing it. For one it’s stupid and the second is the fact that Gen is a lot more fun without it.

It basically involves spamming the standing light kick in MANTIS mode.There are two ways to get into this infinite.
One is jumping in with MP and link with standing LP followed by LK.
Another way is starting from a crouching LK and link with standing LK.

Again please refrain from using this move unless your friend agrees to be kicked in the nuts for this. This has since been removed from the v1.05 patch onwards.











Performing a Focus Attack during Tanden Renki (super or EX version) will give her the Kumoharai, armor that protects her from damage and eliminates block and hit stun when receiving an attack. It’s a parry-like move similar to Ryu’s Hanagashi.

EX Tanden Renki uses 2 or more EX bars so use wisely.





As pointed by: Science Dog 20 Sep @ 2:09am 2015
“There’s an unlisted move for Rose.
Reverse Shoryuken motion+punch creates a small orb that slowly moves forward.”
Different punch strength determines the distance traveled by the orb. The EX version of the move does two hits with one orb, again punch strength combination determines the distance traveled by the orb.


Messiah Kick Follow Up Attack Only Light Kick armor breaks



Tiger Uppercut armor breaks only with Angry Charge activated.


Apparently Sakura in Omega mode has “Sakura Fubuki” which is a move that requires 2 or more of her EX bar, this move is activated by pressing all three punch buttons and it will deplete all the EX meter and the strength of this move is determined by the number of EX bars used. She can also follow up the move with a punch or kick.
To put your opponent in a 50-50 guessing game, follow up Sakura Fubuki with the kick either to block it high or low. Basically after the three initial moves of Sakura Fubuki are blocked, the fourth has to be blocked high. And the final hit of the kick follow up has to be blocked low.
The punch follow up ends up with Sakura throwing three hadokens if the Sakura Fubuki is blocked allowing her to chip the opponent out or just give enough push back in the blockstring to make it safe.

*Anybody need pictures to make this explanation less confusing? Let me know.*







Pretty sure Dynamic Pumch is just a typo.

Final Thoughts

*This Section’s Title used to be Update. Expect more to come.
*I am aware that there are problems downloading the movelist with the steam browser as steam does not trust external browsing but using chrome is totally fine though .*

Give me sometime to print screen every character’s move as there are 47 pages in total and I will list them out alphabetically.

Since all that has already been settled, I’m glad that I have actually done what I aimed to do. I never expected I will be writing a guide and since I have done it, I actually feel pretty good. Perhaps I should do another one to illuminate the masses and improve our game as a whole.

I don’t think Capcom will put an Omega movelist in the game itself any time soon. Fret not, this guide is easily accessible through Steam’s in game overlay by pressing “Shift” and “Tab” on a Windows’ PC (I assume some of you are doing that now).

I would really appreciate a word of thanks if this helped you out. Also rate this a thumbs out so that others will know this guide is helpful as well. It may seem easy to just take print screens but trust me it takes time to make this. I’m talking about well over a hundred cropped print screens and having an OCD for perfection in me only makes it worse. Not to mention working as fast as possible to put this guide up all by myself (yes I do have a life and real life friends and all that LOL).

It’s always good to have feedback and I believe the Steam Community is stronger than XBL or PSN. Together we can make this the preferred platform (No it’s not, Capcom for the love of cows won’t fix the netcode) and all we have to do is somehow make Capcom listen to us.

If you see any mistakes or if you have any questions, feel free to drop me a comment. I will reply ASAP as I am online almost 24/7.

Happy Omega! It means the end anyway.
