HITMAN™ 2 Guide

HITMAN 2 Redacted Challenges Guide for HITMAN™ 2

HITMAN 2 Redacted Challenges Guide


This guide provides complete thorough descriptions of all redacted challenges in HITMAN 2. The guide also features both Expansion Pass locations (New York & Haven Island), Sniper Assassin missions, Special Assignments and Season One locations (ICA Facility, Paris, Sapienza, Marrakesh, Bangkok, Colorado and Hokkaido).I will publish a similiar guide for HITMAN 3 when it launches on Steam.

Hawke’s Bay / Nightcall

No redacted challenges.

Miami / The Finish Line

Hot Shot – Make Sierra Knox light herself on fire with the octane booster.

First, you need the octane booster. You can find one in the back garage of the Kronstadt Expo Center or in the Kowoon Paddock.

After that, disguise yourself as a waiter and poison the hot sauce in the VIP lounge with your octane booster. Disguise yourself as Moses Lee and go talk to Sierra. She will invite you for a „Hot Sauce Challenge“ back in the VIP lounge.

When the challenge starts, be careful NOT to drink from the poisoned shot glass. Use Instinct to help you. When only one last shot glass remains, Sierra will catch on fire and the challenge is complete.

Explosive Liaisons – Make Robert Know blow up Sierra’s car.

Infiltrate the event security building (on the right from main entrance) and enter the big room with security surveillance. On the table, you will find a safe combination. Pick it up and go to the interrogation room. Through the one way mirror, you will see 2 guards interrogating a race marshal about a foiled plot to install a remote explosive onto Moses Lee’s car.

Next to the one way mirror is a safe. Open it and pick up the explosive. Disguise yourself as a Kronstadt mechanic and attach the explosive onto Sierra’s car during a pit stop.

After that, call Robert Knox from a phone booth (near food stands). Robert will want to meet you on the overpass. Go there, give him the detonator and watch him blow up his own daughter.

Shafted – Eliminate Robert Knox by dropping him in the shaft.

Follow the exact same steps as in Explosive Liaisons challenge to the point where you give Robert the detonator. Knock Robert out and dispose of his bodyguard. Drag Robert’s body to the shaft and dump him.

You Got A Fast Car – Enter the Kronstadt race car in Kronstadt Expo Center showroom.

Tintamarresque – Blend in using the photo stand-in.

Near Marina, you will find a hot dog stand. Right in front of it is a photo stand-in where you can blend in. Do so and the challenge will pop up.

Mr. Tambourine Man – Blend in as Tambourine Man.

Go to the underpass with a man playing on tambourines. Kill him or knock him out, get his disguise and start playing on tambourines yourself.

Tanked – Knock out 2 patrolling guards with an aquarium.

Go to the aquarium section of the Kronstadt Expo Center. There are 2 guards patrolling around. Eventually, they will stop by aquarium 11. Put a bullet to the aquarium and challenge is completed.

Narcissus – Acquire a flamingo disguise and pick up a photo of a flamingo in a photo stand right behind main entrance.

Miami / A Silver Tongue

Atlantide Space Program – Launch a bottle of Atlantide to space.

Reach the first vantage point (pictured below) and shoot a bottle of Atlantide. Now, reach the second vantage point (pictured below). It’s the bathroom next to Maxwell Rutter’s office. Shoot the remaining 2 bottles of Atlantide.

Afterwards, make your way to the Atlantide stand. A big red button will rise from the ground. Press it and watch the show.

In Case Of Shortage… – Fill up a bottle of Atlantide.

Behind one of the Atlantide trucks are an empty bottle and a faucet. Turn on the faucet and fill the bottle with regular water.

Brokenhearted – Blow up Krish’s sports car.

Krish’s red sports car is parked next to the trucks. Bring a remote explosive or shoot the tank.

Santa Fortuna / Three-Headed Serpent

Secret Tunnel – Enter the secret tunnel disguised as shaman

This one is quite tricky. First, you need to knock out this shopkeeper and obtain his shop key. Using the key, enter his shop and pick up the gold idol. Be aware that using lockpick, crowbar or anything else EXCEPT the shop key will not spawn the gold idol.

Secondly, you need the shaman disguise. You will find him at the very edge of the map near 2 guards smoking next to a small truck.

As shaman, make your way to this spot. Put the gold idol on the pedestal and enter the secret tunnel. Make a save. Afterwards, you will come across a set of pressure plates. Use the picture below to determine which ones are safe. At the end, pick up the sacrificial dagger.

This challenge also unlocks „It Belongs in a Museum“ achievement.

Santa Fortuna / Embrace Of The Serpent

No redacted challenges.

Mumbai / Chasing A Ghost

No redacted challenges.

Mumbai / Illusions Of Grandeur

No redacted challenges.

Whittleton Creek / Another Life

No redacted challenges.

Whittleton Creek / A Bitter Pill

Ectoplasmic – Drag Helen West’s body to Galen Vholes‘ office.

Lockpick and silenced SMG or assault rifle are recommended. You must drag Helen West’s body all the way from her house to the upstairs office in Vholes‘ house. No doubt you will attract lots of attention so selecting Casual difficulty might be for the best.

IMPORTANT: Do not kill her! Helen West must be unconscious by the time you drag her to Vholes‘ office!

NOTE: Helen West can be located in the house with a pink muffin van parked nearby.

Isle of Sgail / The Ark Society

Rude Awakening – Rise from the coffin during Janus‘ ceremony.

Inflitrate the morgue and put on Janus‘ robe. Then, find your way to the stone circle. Make sure to remain unseen. Tell the musician to start playing and lie down in the coffin. When the crowd gathers and the ceremony starts, stand up and give everyone a surprise of their lifetime.

Switcheroo – Switch the Aztec necklace with an apricot.

I’d recommend to start somewhere near the kitchen. Once there, find an apricot. Afterwards, make your way to the gallery and start a fire alarm. Guards will start to evacuate all visitors. Use this time to turn off a fuse box under a staircase in the adjacent room. This will disable the security systems.

When no one’s around, switch the Aztec necklace with an apricot. The challenge will be completed after the guards turn the security systems back on.

New York / Golden Handshake

The Other Frank – Dress up as a bank robber.

Directly from the main entrance, turn right and walk to the toilets. There are two people arguing in one of the cubicles. Use a lockpick to get inside, knock them both out and pick up a nearby disguise.

Due You Even Care – Shoot the pigeon flying in the main lobby.

Use a sniper rifle that can slow down time. The stairs leading to the vault provides a good vantage point.

Show Me The Money – Knock out an NPC using a gold bar.

A gold bar can be obtained by inflitrating the vault.

Haven Island / The Last Resort

Plenty Of Fish In The Sea – Pick up a fish from the sea.

Pick up the fish before it swims away.

Sleep With The Fishes – Let the man gain courage to jump into water.

Behind Tyson Williams‘ villa, there is a large pool with a wife trying to convice her husband to not jump into water because of sharks. Knocking her out or killing her will cause the husband to jump and the challenge to unlock.

Hi, Steven! – Arrange matters so Ljudmila invites Steven to the jacuzzi.

In order to get Ljudmila to meet with Steven, you need to accomplish two tasks – get Jason Portman out of his hut and acquire the USB drive and give it to Ljudmila. The first task is easy. Jason Portman is accommodated in the Turtle Hut. Infiltrate the hut, knock out Portman and hide his body.

Go to your hut and call Ljudmila on the phone. She will ask you to meet with her in the restaurant. Go there and talk to her. She will ask you to recover a USB drive containing sensitive data. It’s located in one of the lockers (pictured below) in the underground facility below the villa. Use a lockpick or a crowbar to get inside the locker.

Talk to Ljudmila. She will ask you to meet with her in the massage parlor. Go there and give her the USB drive. This will give you some alone time with her. Do not kill her! Instead, wait a while until she invites Steven to the jacuzzi. Drowning both of them also unlocks the Synchronised Drowning challenge.

A Great Source Of Comedy – Use a banana peel to knock out an NPC.

A banana can be found in the restaurant storage area but you need a key or a lockpick to get inside. Then, simply place a banana on the ground and wait for an unfortunate NPC to walk by.

NOTE: You can place items by holding [CAPS LOCK].

Total Server Collapse – Cause a system shutdown in the underground facility.

Infiltrate the underground facility below the villa. There are 4 server terminals you need to disable. Once you disable a server terminal, a tech crew member will be sent out to reset the terminal. You can either knock out crew members working near the terminals or gas the facility by poisoning the ventilation system. The challenge is completed when all 4 terminals are disabled.

Himmelstein / The Last Yardbird

Agnomaly – Shoot 6 hidden gnomes.

Kiln Time – Destroy 47 plant pots.

Prometheus – Ignite a campfire.

Shoot at the fireplace pictured below.

The Higher You Climb – Shoot the skydiver while he is in the air.

This is one of the most difficult Sniper Assassin challenges. Be prepared to reload your save regularly. The skydiver can be found drinking at the top of the waterfall. In order to make him jump, you must first shoot his bottle of beer. Make a save here and wait for the jump.

The video below shows an approximate time and distance you need to pull the trigger.

Take A Hike – Free up the path for a hiker.

Shoot this fence when a hiker approaches.

Are You Pondering What I’m Pondering? – Kill two rats in the kitchen.

NOTE: This challenge is a reference to a popular cartoon Pinky and the Brain.

Art Critic – Shoot the painting twice.

Shoot the painting pictured below. After a while, the mansion’s butler will replace the painting with a new one. Shoot it again to complete the challenge.

Faithless – Shoot priest’s wine glass.
How Do You Due? – Shoot 10 pigeons.

Quacker Than The Eye – Shoot 10 rubber ducks.

And He Shall Rice – Shoot the bag of rice.

Hantu Port / The Pen And The Sword

On The Waterfront – Liberate an old friend from a cargo container.

Shoot this lock:

Ghost Ship – Shoot all the lights on the ship.

Codename Crane – Release the cargo crane on numbers 4 and 7.

No More Happy Hour – Shoot mechanic’s bottle of beer.

Siberia / Crime And Punishment

No redacted challenges.

ICA Facility / Freeform Training & The Final Test

No redacted challenges.

Paris / The Showstopper

Bull In A China Shop – Destroy the vase in one of the storage rooms.
Careful What You Wish For – Throw a coin into the entrance fountain.

Paris / Holiday Hoarders

No redacted challenges.

Sapienza / World Of Tomorrow

An Eye For An Eye – Eliminate Silvio Caruso through the telescope.

Bring a silenced sniper rifle with you on top of Sapienza Church Tower. Shoot the electrical box pictured below. This will open the dome in the observatory. Wait for Caruso to take a look and take your shot.

.45 Therapy – Shoot Caruso during his psychiatric session.

Dress up as Dr. Lafayette. He can be found standing in front of the ice cream parlor near your default starting location. You can easily dress up as waiter or chef and slip an emetic poison into his drink.
As Dr. Lafayette, infiltrate the mansion in a way so you keep your silenced pistol (guards at the front gate will frisk you!). Follow the butler to Caruso’s bedroom. Once Caruso’s psychiatric session starts, get up and put a bullet in his head.

The Living Dead – Blend in as a corpse in the morgue.

Infiltrate the morgue next to Sapienza Church. Without being spotted, blend in as a corpse and have someone pass by you (usually, the priest goes there). Completing „The Living Dead“ unlocks a new starting location inside the morgue.

Unleash The Kraken – Awaken the beast lurking in the waters.

This challenge is related to an easter egg that can be activated in this mission. Bring a silenced sniper rifle and look towards the sea. Find a boat with 4 bells on it. Shoot them in the following order:

Watch The Skies – Open the dome in the observatory.

Refer to the „An Eye For An Eye“ challenge.

Luck Alone Is Worthless – Throw 5 coins into the fountain.

Sapienza / The Icon

No redacted challenges.

Sapienza / Landslide

How About A Magic Trick? – Eliminate Marco Abiatti with a pen.

Lockpick is recommended for this challenge. Abiatti wants to set up a meeting with a local lawyer Salvatore Bravuomo, however, Bravuomo is scared of Abiatti so he locked himself up in one of the public toilets near town’s marketplace.
Use a lockpick to get inside and knock Bravuomo out. Take his clothes and talk to Abiatti’s bodyguards standing in front of the Town Hall. They will take you to Bravuomo’s office where a meeting between Abiatti and you is going to take place. Wait until Abiatti orders his bodyguards away and do the rest.

Sapienza / The Author

The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword – Eliminate Craig Black with a pen.

Marrakesh / A Gilded Cage

Dance Till You Drop – Eliminate General Reza Zaydan as he dances.

This challenge is related to an easter egg found in Marrakesh. First, you need to activate it. To do so, you need to disguise yourself as a military officer. As an officer, you have the ability to dismiss some foot soldiers in the school building.
Once you have dismissed all available foot soldiers, head to the room with the intercom. If you have done everything correctly, a radio will appear with the option to „Commence Dance Off“. This will also unlock another challenge called „Let’s Dance“. While everyone dances, General Zaydan will make his way to a podium and join the dance off. Equip your pistol and find a new meaning to the phrase „Dance Till You Drop“.

Floor It! – Escape in the Consulate Staff Car.

After you’ve completed your objectives, head to the Swedish Consulate. Facing the reception, enter the room on your left. From the table, pick up Consulate Staff Car Keys. Infiltrate the underground garage and escape in the black car.

Begging For It – Donate five coins to the fortune teller.

You can find him begging for money nearby youe default starting location. You can also find more coins in the shoe shop.

Let’s Dance – Refer to the „Dance Till You Drop“ challenge.

Slam Dunk – Dunk a cue ball in the basketball hoop.

Marrakesh / A House Built On Sand

Dropping The F-bomb – Drop the Cafe sign on Mendola.

After a minute or so, Mendola will pass under a giant neon Cafe sign. Shoot it in the correct moment for the challenge to unlock.

Licence To Ill – Eliminate Mendola and Tuo-Kwang by poisoning their shisha pipe.

Select a lethal poison in your loadout. Find a bodyguard disguise (there is an easy one on the carpetshop rooftop). As a bodyguard, escort Mendola to the meeting point. Inconspicuously poison the shisha pipe and wait for the second target to arrive. After they’ve been eliminated, don’t forget to pick up the documents.

Bangkok / Club 27

Oh Snap! – Knock out Jordan Cross using the ventilation system and snap his neck.

First, you need the exterminator’s disguise. You can find him on the ground floor near manager’s office. After that, pick up pesticide from the exterminator’s van parked behind the hotel. When everything’s set, become a real Karen and talk to the manager.

The manager will request everyone from the recording studio to come down to the entrance hall while you investigate it for pests. Instead, wait until Jordan Cross comes down and pollute the ventilation system using pesticide. This will knock out everyone in the entrance hall. Make haste and snap Jordan Cross‘ neck.

Smooth Operator – Eliminate Jordan Cross and Ken Morgan as the stalker.

The stalker can be found on the top floor of Queen’s Suite (the one opposite to the recording studio).

Oops! I Did It Again! – Have Jordan Cross push Ken Morgan off a balcony.

Follow the „Oh Snap!“ guide so Jordan Cross comes down to the entrance hall. Disguise yourself as hotel staff and talk to Ken Morgan about his Suite. Ken will begin to follow you. Make sure to walk by Jordan Cross. This will trigger an arguement between the two and they will both agree to continue the conversation in private in Queen’s Suite.

Follow them and observe. After a while, Jordan will get triggered and push Ken off a balcony. This will complete the challenge and provide you an opportunity to get rid of Jordan as well.

Ordering In – Use the telephone in 47’s room to call room service.
Power Chord – Play the guitar on the top floor of King’s Suite.

Put The Lime In The Coconut – Pick up 5 coconuts.

You can find plenty of coconuts in treetops in the entrance hall. Use a silenced pistol to knock them down.

Looking Into The Distance – Eliminate the golfer.

This challenge is very time consuming. Equip a sniper rifle. After 10 minutes or so, a golfer will appear on this spot pictured below. Shoot him to complete the challenge.

I Will Cry If I Want To – Destroy 18 golden elephants in Queen’s Suite.

After you’ve destroyed all of them, go to the entrance hall for the challenge to unlock.

La Cucaracha – Play the keyboard as the exterminator.

Follow the „Oh Snap!“guide but this time, visit the recording studio as the exterminator. There is a keyboard behind the recording booth. Play it and a giant cockroach will spawn on the other riverside.

Tuppence A Wish – Throw 12 coins into the fountain in Queen’s Suite.
This particular challenge has been debated over for a long time. Players can’t seem to agree what the exact requirements are. What worked for me, was to bounce all 12 coins from the mirror into the fountain. After each successful throw, I made a save because the coins tend to get stuck in the mirror or on the rocks.

The video below shows locations of extra coins as well as a proper technique.

Bangkok / The Source

No redacted challenges.

Colorado / Freedom Fighters

The Long Way Out – Exit via the underground tunnel.

The underground tunnel is located inside the tornado shelter.

Rep Tires – Exit in the toy car.

For completion of this challenge, it’s recommended to start as a hacker so you have an immediate access to the main house. First, pick up hallucinogenic drugs from Ezra Berg’s garage and quad bike keys from a shed by the main gate (the one near your default starting location). Then, pick up 10 apricots from around the farm (explore the orchards and the kitchen area).

Complete your objectives and make your way to the first floor of the main house. You can locate Mr. Raptor (the toy car) in a room where two soldiers are playing a video game. You will have to kill them both as well as a nearby patrolling officer because feeding the raptor apricots is considered an illegal activity. Once you have given Mr. Raptor 10 apricots, he will vanish and a new exit location will appear on the map.

No Birds Here – Hide at every scarecrow stand disguised as the scarecrow.

It’s very unlikely to avoid combat while completing this challenge. To make it easier, select Casual difficulty and bring silenced assault rifles or SMGs. Move undetected because you will be unable to blend in at a scarecrow stand if you have witnesses.

Locations of all scarecrow stands:

Wicker Man – Gain supernatural powers as the scarecrow.

Smuggle a silenced sniper rifle on top of the water tower. Climb up and shoot the bells in the following order:

Howdy Partner – Make the soldiers dance.

Similiar to the „Let’s Dance“ challenge in Marrakesh, this one also involves dancing soldiers. Start as a hacker in the main house. Go to the back of the house where three soldiers are doing push ups. Pick up an apricot and throw it on the head of the commanding officer. Then, quickly turn on a nearby radio.

Plot Twist – Infiltrate the tornado shelter.

Can’t miss this challenge since you are required to infiltrate this place on your first playthrough. You will need Sean Rose’s face mask (located on the first floor of the main house) or Sean Rose himself.

Body Double – Enter the tornado shelter by scanning Sean Rose’s body.

Colorado / The Vector

No redacted challenges.

Hokkaido / Situs Inversus

A Personal Goodbye – Eliminate Erich Soders by shooting him.

Impossible Heights – Climb on top of Gama Hospital.

This challenge is completable only by starting along the mountainside as a ninja. Make your way down to this pillar. As you can see, it is now climbable. Climb on top to complete the challenge.

We Meet Again – Help an old friend.
Completing this challenge will also award you the Flatline hidden achievement. Select a disposable scrambler in your loadout and make your way to this pod in the morgue. Open it with your disposable scrambler to see a familiar face.

Note: You can also open the pod with a nondescript keycard located in the Director’s office.

Guardian Angel – Save a life.

Go to medical staff sleeping quarters and pick up a Neurochip Remote Control. Find a way inside the morgue and locate the Curator (one of the two doctors nearby the Motorcyclist disguise).

Activate the Neurochip. This will cause the Curator to go into an ecstatic state. Immediately after it, activate the Neurochip again. The Curator will start feeling depressed and after a while attempt to commit suicide by jumping to his death. When he goes near the railing and starts his last speech, increase the dosage using the Neurochip again. The actual challenge will unlock only after you complete the mission and the Curator is still alive by the end.

Namaste – Make the spa extremely hot.

Beginning by picking up a wrench in the garage, go to the spa maintenance room. Increase the temperature in sauna and use the wrench to turn off cold water. After that, find the nearest fire alarm and trigger it.

Techman – Play DDR as 47.

Find a screwdriver (there is one in the morgue). Go to the staff area. There are two hospital staff members playing a DDR game (Dance Dance Revolution). Cause a distraction to lure out the staff member in red. Knock him out and hide his body. Cause another distraction to lure out the staff member in green. Sabotage the dance pad and turn on expert mode. This will cause the green staff member to electrocute himself. When he’s dead, repair the dance pad and show off 47’s moves.

I Think He Is Dead Now – Destroy the replacement heart and then eliminate Erich Soders by sabotaging the AI.

Find the replacement heart in the morgue and destroy it. Watch out for two guards nearby. Then, acquire the Director’s disguise or use a disposable scrambler to get inside the KAI mainframe.

Once inside, sabotage any of the mainframes. This will cause the AI to reboot itself. Notice the rebooting order of the mainframes on the screen. Now sabotage the mainframes in that exact same order. Approach the operating controls opposite KAI mainframe and cause a malfunction.

Overkill – Eliminate Erich Soders and then destroy the replacement heart.

The quickest way to complete this particular challenge is to simply shoot Erich Soders on the operating table and then quickly run to the morgue and destroy the replacement heart.

Hokkaido / Hokkaido Snow Festival

No redacted challenges.

Hokkaido / Patient Zero

Lucky Shot – Inject yourself with a vaccine with 10 or less seconds remaining.
You Know The Number – Eliminate at least 47 infected.

Updates and patch notes

November 24, 2020

  • Added Paris, Sapienza and Marrakesh

December 11, 2020

  • Added Bangkok, Colorado and Hokkaido
  • Added Patient Zero Bonus Campaign

December 22, 2020

  • Added New York and Haven Island
  • Added The Icon

December 26, 2020

  • Added HITMAN 2 Special Assignments
  • Added Holiday Hoarders and Hokkaido Snow Festival
  • Added Total Server Collapse challenge to Haven Island

December 31, 2020

  • Added Sniper Assassin Missions
  • Added a picture guide to Looking Into The Distance challenge in Bangkok