A comprehensive guide on how to unlock every achievement in Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 (with help from the /r/megaman Discord community)
In Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2, there are 52 achievements known as Hunter Medals in-game that can range from easy to deviously difficult. This guide will detail the best strategy for obtaining all 52 medals. This is a joint effort from the /r/megaman Discord server, feel free to DM me on either Steam or Discord for questions about the guide. (Discord Tag: OneOneTwo – 112 #0112)
Menu Achievements
Another Day, Another Recon: View 20 images across all four titles, then change the wallpaper to the secret image.
To acquire this Medal, you’ll have to check 20 images in each of the galleries, X5-X8. In order to have the images to count as viewed, use the OK button on one of the images, and proceed to scroll through the gallery using the trigger buttons. You have to view at least 20 images in each of the galleries. Then, after you viewed 20 images in each of the galleries, go to any of the games, push the Select button, go to Wallpaper and choose “Special 1”.
They’ve Hacked Our Comms: Listen to 10 tracks for long enough with the Music Player, and then listen to the secret track.
To unlock this Medal, you’ll have to listen to at least 10 music tracks in the Music Player. If you have completed X Challenge on any difficulty, you should go to the Music Player, go to the XLC selection of songs, and play “Give it a Shot (Extended)”. As soon as you press OK, you’ll get the medal.
Defrag Complete: Blast through the mystery of the staff credits and return to the future.
Choose the Staff Credits from the Options. Then, destroy as many credits as you can using the X-Buster. Eventually, a note will pop up, signifying you destroyed enough. After that, simply wait till the “Thank You for Playing” screen and the achievement will be yours.
Curiouser and Curiouser: Complete the opening stage of any game in both the English and Japanese versions.
Complete the Opening Stage of Mega Man X5 twice, once in English, and once in Japanese for the fastest time. Make sure to switch the language before entering the game for both.
The Saga Complete: Complete Mega Man X5, X6, X7, and X8.
Self Explanatory: Beat all 4 X games in the second X Legacy Collection.
Mega Man X5 Achievements
Out of the Frying Pan: Fire the Enigma and detonate the colony in Mega Man X5.
Obtain the Enigma parts by defeating Crescent Grizzly, Volt Kraken, Shining Firefly and Tidal Whale to maximize your chances. Save before beating the 4th maverick, but not after. Watch the cutscene. If Enigma fails, load the save file and beat the 4th maverick again (or enter a stage, exit and then fire the cannon, generally faster from my experience). If it succeeds, you will get the achievement.
The Red One – No, the Blue!: Defuse seven consecutive bombs in Spiral Pegasus’ stage in Mega Man X5.
There will be 5 bombs at the beginning and 2 bombs on the elevator by the end. When a bomb appears, drop everything and rush to destroy it. (This is easiest done with a fully upgraded Zero).
Insert Tab A Into Slot B: Obtain eight upgrade parts for equipping to armor in Mega Man X5.
A devilishly tricky achievement. The bosses need to be Level 8 before you can kill them to get the upgrade parts. The best way to do this is to go to Volt Kraken’s stage, repeatedly die to get a Game Over, and repeat this seven times. Then, complete every Maverick stage to gain their parts.
Part List[strategywiki.org]
Up, Up, and Away: Defeat an enemy while wearing the Falcon Armor in Mega Man X5.
Falcon Armor capsule locations (note that you will need all of the pieces of the armor in order to wear it):
- Head Parts in Volt Kraken’s stage: Need to collect the 8 spherical plasma charges during the Ride Chaser section. Turning on 50% speed for this one section might be helpful (This can only be done at the options menu for the game at the title screen). It’s mainly trial and error, so just keep at it until you eventually memorize the section.
- Body Parts in Tidal Whale’s stage: You need to already have beaten the stage in order to get this piece. Once you finish the stage, go back into it and make your way to the section with the wooden cave. The Dr. Light capsule is in plain view, but to get it you need to use a Goo Shaver in order to hit the switch on the other side that lets you through this. It is recommended that you use the charged version of the attack to make it easier. Take care in order to not go to the right so much when you are next to the capsule, as otherwise you will lock the screen and will have to replay the stage in order to get the Body Parts.
- Arm Parts in Shining Firefly’s stage: Need to have beaten Crescent Grizzly beforehand. After completing the spiral staircase section, make your way through the stage until you see an exposed part in the ceiling. There will be another wall shooter that you need to break with either the C-Shot or the C-Sword. This will create a hole that inside holds the Arm Parts.
- Foot Parts in Crescent Grizzly’s stage: Right before the end of the stage there is an exposed piece of the ceiling on the left of the truck with all of the dirt inside. Climb up that left section and the Foot Parts will be there.
- Defeat any enemy with the armor on to claim your hunter medal.
By Your Powers Combined: Defeat an enemy while wearing the Gaea Armor in Mega Man X5.
Gaea Armor locations: (While these are technically achievable without it due to use of tricky maneuvering as Zero, it is HIGHLY recommended you collect all of the pieces of the Falcon Armor in order to complete the Gaea armor).
- Head Parts in Dark Necrobat’s stage: Requires you to have beaten Shining Firefly in order to obtain, as well as entering the stage as X. Right before the boss door there is a small pit you can drop down that leads to a room with the capsule with a wall separating you and it. There is a small worming of a passage on the top of the ceiling that you need to guide an F-Laser through to hit the opposite side of the wall. This can be pretty tricky to do, there is a weapon energy pickup for you if you run out of shots to use, but if you also run out of that then you have to suicide using the conviniently placed spikes in the room in order to refill your ammo. Once you guided the shot through the Head Parts are yours.
- Body Parts in Spiral Peagasus’ stage: After passing the section with the slow moving elevators moving down, use the Falcon Armor to fly upwards until you see the ledge with the Body Parts (This can also be achieved by having Zero absorb enough of the Sigma Virus to become invincible and use the spikes as a platform to double jump across to, but is recommended against in favor of using the Falcon Armor).
- Arm Parts in Burn Dinorex’s stage: Use the Ride Armor to make your way through the lava passage and at the far end of the passage awaits the Arm parts. You can also use the Falcon Armor or other means such as using Hyperdash with Zero or Speedster to reach this if you took the path with the dragon miniboss.
- Foot Parts in Spike Rosered’s stage: During the section where you hang on the vine ropes above a pit there is a large opening above you. Use the Falcon Armor to fly up here and the Dr. Light Capsule (you can also use the Jumper part with Zero to make your way up here).
Afterwards, equip the armor and kill any enemy with it to get the medal.
You’re Quick, Man: Complete Zero Stage 1 without using Dark Hold in MMX5 (Cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode).
Self-Explanatory, but one of the toughest achievements. This is basically the same as doing Quick Man’s Stage in Mega Man 2 without using Time Stopper. The best way to do this is to use the Fourth Armor equipped with Jumper (defeat Spiral Pegasus at above Level 8, then choose Weapon + Life) and Hyper Dash (defeat Crescent Grizzly at above Level 8, then choose Weapon + Energy), then simply memorize the path necessary to win.
The Trick is Not Minding: Defeat Rangda Bangda W while wearing the Gaea Armor in Mega Man X5.
Self-Explanatory: Complete Zero Stage 2 while using the Gaea Armor. You might have to execute some tricky jumps due to the Gaea Armor being extremely heavy. The level itself is harder than the boss for this one.
Armor of Light: Obtain the Ultimate Armor from a Light Capsule in Mega Man X5.
Enter Zero Stage 3 as X without any armor. After the blue platforms above the platforms, you’ll see a wide pit. Slide down the right wall, where you’ll find a secret passage with the capsule inside.
Alright, It’s Over!: Defeat Final Sigma W in Mega Man X5. [SECRET]
It’s recommended you use the Falcon Armor (or Ultimate Armor if you have it) to defeat Sigma. Tri-Thunder is Phase 1’s weakness, Spike Ball is Phase 2’s weakness.
Time Paradox: View all endings of Mega Man X5.
Need to view all three endings to the game. It is recommended you save the game before doing one of the good endings so you can simply beat the final stage again to get the other good ending as whatever character you did not pick. For the bad ending you will need to have Zero go Maverick and play through all of the final levels in order to get the bad ending. The easiest way to do this is to just fire off the Enigma Cannon and the Space Shuttle after the intro stage, however this does not guarantee you the bad ending (do note that the final stages can be very tough, you will want the Fourth Armor for this task). The endings themselves are random, if the Enigma succeeds then you will automatically be assured the good ending, however this is rare. It is recommended you save when you have defeated seven of the Mavericks, but not eight. If you get the ending you did not want, reload the save file, play through the 8th stage again, and then hope that you were lucky to get the ending you wanted. For clarification, Zero turning Maverick is the bad ending, the cannon succeeding as well as Zero making it back to earth is the good ending. Make sure to wait through the credits every time you beat the game in order to get the medal.
As Long As I Have This Saber: Complete Mega Man X5 (Cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode).
Beat the whole game (only one ending is necessary) without ever turning on Rookie Hunter mode.
Mega Man X6 Achievements
Wait, What?!: Try falling into a pit in Rookie Hunter mode in Mega Man X6.
Self-Explanatory: Fall into a pit while Rookie Hunter Mode is active (Shield Sheldon’s Stage has one right at the beginning.)
Glitch in the System: Encounter all 8 stage-affecting nightmare phenomena in a single playthrough of Mega Man X6.
The fastest way to do this is to beat the stages in this order:
- Commander Yammark (Amazon Area)
- Shield Sheldon (Laser Institute)
- Blizzard Wolfang (North Pole Area)
- Metal Shark Player (Recycle Lab)
- Blaze Heatnix (Magma Area)
- Infinity Mijinion (Weapon Center)
- Rainy Turtloid (Inami Temple)
- Ground Scaravich (Central Museum)
- Shield Sheldon (Laser Institute)
Once you see the Nightmare Effect from the Laser Institute, the achievement will be yours.
Unfinished Business: Have Zero return to the Maverick Hunters in Mega Man X6. [SECRET]
Find an alternate pathway in one of the levels and defeat Nightmare Zero. After the cutscene, Zero will be playable and the achievement will be yours.
The best way to do this is to go to Infinity Mijinion’s stage, and jump into the portal summoned after defeating the giant robot in the back (Illumina), then go to the end of the stage to fight Nightmare Zero.
Ice Skating Uphill: Defeat an enemy while wearing the Blade Armor in Mega Man X6.
Blade Armor parts locations (since you need all four parts of the Armor to wear it you can’t just get a piece and use it).
- Head Parts in Central Museum: Can potentially be one of the worst armor pieces to get due to it being luck based. The last two sections of the stage are the two that can potentially lead you to the capsule (The first two pillars cannot). This is unfortunately luck based, as jumping into the pillar will put you in a random location. The armor piece is shown to you rather obviously once you do manage to spawn in the room, so all it really requires is that you get lucky. If you can’t manage to find it on your first run, keep going through the level until you do eventually find it.
- Body Parts in Laser Institute: before the boss door, manipulate the laser to allow you to go to the passage down. From there there is a whole room using the laser reflection puzzles. Complete the puzzle and drop down to the room below. There is a large wall to the left of the room, in actuality it is fake, slide down in while holding left and you will be “inside the wall” from there you need to get to the ledge on the left that houses the Dr. Light capsule, with a large pit being in between. There is an invisible platform in the middle of the pit, use that to cross and then obtain the Armor Piece.
- Arm Parts in Weapons Center: After defeating the miniboss the second time, the blue crystal that leads to the alternate path will appear. Go in the alternate path and immediately go to the left where the Dr. Light Capsule is waiting for you.
- Foot Parts in Amazon Area: Near the start of the stage when you first drop down the cave there is a small area to the right that’s pretty easy to see. In there there is a capsule for an armor piece.
Once you have all of the pieces collected just kill an enemy with the armor on.
Theatricality and Deception: Defeat an enemy while wearing the Shadow Armor in Mega Man X6.
Shadow Armor parts locations: As a note, these armor pieces can be significantly easier to obtain if you already have the Blade Armor, it’s not required but most pieces will require either additional parts from rescuable reploids, Zero, or Nightmare Effects to be in place (once again you need all four parts to use the armor).
- Head Parts in Recycle Lab: Will require either Blade Armor, Speedster (Part in Central Museum), Hyperdash (Part in the alternate path of Inami Temple), Jumper (Part in the alternate path of North Pole Area, will require additional steps), Ultimate Armor(cheat code left,left,left,right on Game Start on the Title Screen) and/or Ice Burst, more helpful with combinations of these. My personal recommendation is using Zero and Speedster. After making your way to the ladder that would lead you to the regular path of the stage, make your way past that and through another crusher section. This crusher can be potentially really tight, so Speedster and/or Hyperdash can help a lot in this section. After that make your way down and you will come across a large pit. Find some way to make it across the pit using any combination of any of the parts or Armors listed above. Across it is the Head Part for the Shadow Armor
- Body Parts in Inami Temple: While this is intended to be obtained with the Blade Armor, you can also do it by abusing invincibility frames as well. In the final room before the boss door, the top right holds a tiny passage with spikes on the top and bottom of the cave. Either time a very precise air dash with the Blade Armor, or manipulate the bats in the room to come near the small cave and hit you, giving you the invincibility frames to slip through. The Double Barrier part (Part in alternate path of Laser Institute) can also help you get through this section since it doubles your invincibility. Make it through the two caves and the Body Parts are on the other side.
- Arm Parts in Magma Area: After defeating two of the Ouroboros, make your way to the top section of the stage. This can be done by either using Zero with a double jump, the Blade Armor with X, or using the Nightmare effect from Recycle Lab to have the Metal Block carry you to the top path (note that if the Nightmare Effect from Recycle Lab is in place that you must either have the weapon/technique from that stage or use order to pass through the metal block in order to get the capsule)
- Foot Parts in North Pole Area: Will require Zero or Blade Armor. After making your way through the falling ice rocks, there will be a ledge to the right that you must climb up to using either Zero’s double jump or the Blade Armor’s upwards dash. On the ledge if you continue to go to the right the Dr. Light capsule will be waiting for you there.
Afterwards all you need to do is kill an enemy with the armor once you have assembled it (note special weapons cannot be used with the armor).
My Ult is Ready: Defeat an enemy while wearing the Ultimate Armor in Mega Man X6.
To obtain the Ultimate Armor, at the Title Screen when it says “Game Start”, input the code:
Left, Left, Left, Right
Then enter any stage and defeat an enemy
Blackout: Defeat an enemy as Black Zero in Mega Man X6. [SECRET]
To obtain the Ultimate Armor, at the Title Screen when it says “Game Start”, input the code:
Then enter any stage and defeat an enemy
What’s Special About SA?: Raise your hunter rank to GA in Mega Man X6.
Get 1,500 Souls, 2 Parts, 1 Limited Part to get GA Rank
Let’s Do This Right: Defeat all eight Mavericks before assaulting the laboratory in Mega Man X6.
Self-Explanatory: Defeat all 8 Maverick bosses before starting Gate Stage 1.
I’m Sure It’s Over This Time: Defeat Hell Sigma in Mega Man X6. [SECRET]
Hell Sigma is weak to Metal Anchor/Rakukojin in his first form, and either Magma Blade and Ground Dash as X, or Ensuizan and Sentsuizan as Zero in the second form. The Ultimate Armor destroys both forms really quickly as well.
Let’s Build a Real Utopia: Complete Mega Man X6 (Cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode).
Beat the whole game without ever turning on Rookie Hunter mode. When the credits are finished, the achievement will show.
Mega Man X7 Achievements
Smooth Operator: Listen to all of Alia’s support calls in Mega Man X7.
Self explanatory, listen to every single one of Alia’s calls. NOTE: There is a quote during the Intro Stage that you cannot get if you miss it unless you replay the game. A list of all Alia quotes in X7 is Here[megaman.wikia.com]
Beep Boop I’m A Robot: Use Axl’s copy ability to transform into five enemy types in Mega Man X7.
Look for certain enemies listed below, then defeat them with Axl’s special attack (No Special Weapon can be equipped). They will drop an orb. Collect it and then Axl will become the reploid you just defeated. There are other enemies that are possible to do this with but the easiest ones to find are:
- Runnerbomb : Opening stage,Tunnel base – Vanishing Gungaroo – (and others)
- Ruinsman : Deep Forest – Soldier Stonekong
- Mushaloid : Cyber Field – Snipe Anteater Flyer : Lava Factory – Flame Hyenard
- Bounding : Radio Tower – Tornado Tonion
You Got a License For That?: Defeat enemies using all of Axl’s weapons in Mega Man X7.
This includes:
- Volt Tornado from Tornado Tonion
- Splash Laser from Splash Warfly
- Circle Blaze from Flame Hyenard
- Moving Wheel from Ride Boarski
- Sniper Missile from Snipe Anteator
- Wind Cutter from Wind Crowrang
- Explosion from Vanishing Gungaroo
Best done in Tornado Tonion’s Stage since there are a lot of enemies at the beginning.
The Exquisite Art: Defeat enemies using all of Zero’s techniques in Mega Man X7.
This includes:
- Raijinshou from Tornado Tonion (Dash + Special Weapon Button)
- Suiretsusen from Splash Warfly (With D-Glaive, Special Weapon Button)
- Bakuenjin from Flame Hyenard (Target Button while standing still)
- Zankourin from Ride Boarski (Special Weapon Button while walking)
- Hiejin from Snipe Anteator (Jump + Special Weapon Button)
- Souenbu from Wind Crowrang (With V Hanger, Special Weapon Button)
- Hadangeki from Vanishing Gungaroo (Stand still + Special Weapon Button)
- Gokumonken from Soldier Stonekong (Hold Attack + Stand still, counterattack)
Best done in Tornado Tonion’s Stage since there are a lot of enemies at the beginning. However, Gokumonken should be done in Vanishing Gungaroo’s Stage since there are stronger enemies present.
If You Want Peace…: Defeat enemies using all of X’s weapons in Mega Man X7.
This includes:
- Volt Tornado from Tornado Tonion
- Splash Laser from Splash Warfly
- Circle Blaze from Flame Hyenard
- Moving Wheel from Ride Boarski
- Sniper Missile from Snipe Anteator
- Wind Cutter from Wind Crowrang
- Explosion from Vanishing Gungaroo
- Gaea Shield from Soldier Stonekong
Best done in Tornado Tonion’s Stage since there are a lot of enemies at the beginning.
Hold My Drink: Complete a stage in Mega Man X7 without switching to a partner character.
Self-explanatory: Beat a stage without switching partners. This is easiest in Soldier Stonekong’s Stage
Take to the Skies: Obtain all four armor parts in Mega Man X7.
Obtain all four Glide Armor parts in any order. You must be playing as X when you reach the capsule to unlock it.
- Head Part in Snipe Anteator’s Stage: After teleporting to the second half of the stage, the capsule will be sitting on a big orange hexagon to the right. The player must flip gravity several times to get to it.
- Body Part in Wind Crowrang’s Stage: On board the mothership, when the path splits in three, take the left path to find the capsule.
- Arm Part in Flame Hyneard’s Stage: In the first half of the stage after you defeat the second snake robot, drop down beneath the ledge to find a 1-UP and the capsule
- Leg Part in Soldier Stonekong’s Stage: After the area with the spikes where the two ape-head statues are stacked on top of each other, climb on top then Dash + Jump to the ledge to find the capsule
Who Rescues the Rescuer: Rescue all wounded Reploids in Mega Man X7.
One of the most tedious and annoying achievements, you must rescue every single wounded Reploid. To do this, it’s suggested you save after every stage, because if a Reploid dies (by being shot at by an enemy), you have to restart from your previous save point. The list of every wounded Reploid and their location can be found here[gamefaqs.gamespot.com] (There are 128 total)
It Has to Be Over Now: Defeat Sigma’s second form in Mega Man X7. [SECRET]
Sigma’s first phase is weak to Wind Cutter from X and Axl, as well as Souenbu from Zero. For Phase 2, Sigma is weak to Splash Laser, Explosion, and Gaea Shield from X and Axl. For Zero, the weaknesses are Hadangeki, Suiretsusan, and Gokumonken.
Unstoppable: Use chips to upgrade any one character to maximum in Mega Man X7.
Self-explanatory: When rescuing the Reploids, you’ll get chips to upgrade your characters. Simply get every upgrade for one character and the achievement will be yours.
We Haven’t Seen the Last of Them: Complete Mega Man X7 (Cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode).
Beat the whole game without ever turning on Rookie Hunter mode. When the credits are finished, the achievement will show.
Mega Man X8 Achievements – Part I
Heroism Protocol Engaged: Upgrade X, Zero, and Axl to a power rating of 100% in Mega Man X8.
While the achievement is obviously self-explanatory, just buy everything at the shop, the easiest way to do this is to go to Metal Valley as Axl, stand under the rock wall near the Dr. Light Capsule, equip the Ray Gun, then get into position as Axl and hold the shoot button down, this can take a few hours, the easiest way if for you to find some way to keep the button held down and just have the game collect metals itself while you go do something else (this can take well over an hour for you to get the metals you need). This is also the fastest way to get metals for other achievements. Playing on NG+ can also be a good idea for this as well as other achievements.
For all Rare Metals, check this list[megaman.fandom.com]
Crushin’ It: Defeat an enemy using Giga Crush in Mega Man X8.
Requires all of the Icarus Armor pieces, here is where they all are
- Head Part in Gravity Antonion: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED YOU HAVE A PRICKLE BARRIER PURCHASED, after the room with the miniboss/ Vile, there will be a large room with Blocks that can be flipped due to gravity switches. There is a green portal in the room in the middle of a passage with spikes on both sides, there are actually a few ways of getting to this portal, such as using Axl’s copy shot to transform into something that lets you walk across spikes or simply timing an air dash at the right time. After you go through the portal the Dr. Light Capsule awaits on the other side with no other challenges or obstacles
- Body Part in Metal Valley: Requires Burn Rooster to have been defeated. After the first section where you are chased by the Mechanolloid and where you are chasing it, go back through the level where there is a stack of flammable tanks blocking the Dr. Light Capsule. Use Melt Creeper to destroy this and claim the Body Part
- Buster Parts in Noah’s Park: After any of the 8 stages are completed, go back to Noah’s Park. In the section where you were playing as Zero in the stage there was a metal door that was previously shut. After beating a stage the door is now open and the Dr. Light Capsule is inside
- Foot Parts in Booster Forest: This requires you to have the ride armor after beating the first miniboss room with Ride Armor in it. Bring the Ride Armor to the top level using the switch and rising platform. Then Dash Jump to the left while in the ride armor as well as air dash while you are in it. Jump out of the Ride Armor while doing this (hold up and jump) and the Dr. Light Capsule will be waiting for you
Equip all of the parts of the Icarus armor and then go into any stage and use the Giga Crush on any enemy, this is a screen nuke so don’t worry about aiming.
Overdrive: Defeat an enemy using X-Drive in Mega Man X8.
Requires all of the Hermes Armor pieces, here is where they all are:
- Head Part in Central White: Requires Optic Sunflower to have been defeated, at the end of the stage, climb the right wall (easiest with Zero) and then use Optic Sunflowers weapon as any character on the Ice Pillar and the Dr. Light Capsule will be there.
- Body Part in Pitch Black: Near the end of the stage there is a vertical shaft with lasers in certain parts and platforms with boxes on them moving down, make your way to the top of the shaft and go right. The Dr. Light Capsule will be right there.
- Buster Part in Troja Base: Requires Gravity Antonion to have been defeated, one of the rooms in between the fight encounters will have a ledge to the left that is blocked by a wall. Use X’s Squeeze Bomb (the weapon you get from Gravity Antonion) to destroy the wall and the Dr. Light Capsule will be behind it.
- Foot Part in Inferno: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED YOU HAVE A PRICKLE BARRIER PURCHASED. The armor itself is in plain sight, but you will have to make your way up to the ledge where it is placed. There will be a section during the platforming with spiked walls where if you go to the left you can climb up the vertical section to get the armor. There are a lot of spikes here so taking it slow is a good idea (make sure X doesn’t die so you can get the capsule)
After you have all of these parts, equip all of them for one stage and Activate X-Drive (This will modify your current abilities, it’s not a direct attack) and defeat any enemy while it is activated.
Strike First, Ask Questions Later: Defeat an enemy using Nova Strike in Mega Man X8.
There are two ways to get this, one is by collecting all of the parts of the Icarus and Hermes armor (See both Crushin’ It and Overdrive for locations of both armors) and by getting X up to 100% completion in the R&D lab, this only works on NG+. The other is by cheat code, (This code works for all systems) activate this code while Game Start is highlighted: Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Left, Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Right. After obtaining the Ultimate Armor, simply enter a level and use the Nova Strike move against any enemy.
Total Eclipse: Perform a double attack as Black Zero and White Axl in Mega Man X8. [SECRET]
There are actually two ways to get both of these characters:
- Get them to 100% completion (In Axl’s case, in addition to that you have to deal the final blow to the final boss)(This will require you to beat the game twice, again on NG+)
- Cheat codes (input them on the screen it says Game Start, highlight Game Start): Black Zero: LB, LB, RB, RB, LB, LB, LB, LB. White Axl: LT, LT, LT, RT, RT, RT, LT, LT, LT, RT. You should know if these work by having audio confirmation on the screen select. After you have the characters, pick them on the stage select (they are highlighted by a ???) and perform a double attack.
Doin’ It For Themselves: Fight as Alia, Layer, and Pallette in Mega Man X8. [SECRET]
Select each of the Navigators for a couple of stages (usually three stages), after you finish (You can’t just enter and exit the stages, you have to FULLY FINISH THEM the number of stages, the navigator will be available for purchase at the R&D lab (They cost a lot of metals, so use the method of getting them as described in the Heroism Protocol medal). You can also use cheat codes, but you will still have to collect the metals to buy the navigators (On the Title Screen, not the Game Start Screen) Alia: Down, RB, Up, LB, X, A, Y, B. Layer: X, X, Right, A, RB. Palette: RB, A, Left, X, X. Once you have purchased them all you need to do is have all three be in stages for the medal to be yours.
Mega Man X8 Achievements – Part II
It Feels So Right…: Defeat an enemy using the Sigma Blade in Mega Man X8. [SECRET]
Beat the game on Normal and start a NG+ file, alternatively, there is a cheat code: (RS means right stick click, LS means left stick click: LS, LS, RS, LS, LS, RS, LS, LS, RS, LS, LS, RS, LS, LS, RS). Afterwards, buy the Sigma Blade at the shop. This might require grinding (see Heroism Protocol Engaged).
Rival Revival: Encounter Vile V four times and defeat him before completing the Gateway stage in Mega Man X8.
Find and defeat him three times before entering the Jakob Elevator, DO NOT ENTER THE ELEVATOR BEFORE THIS. After, finish the Jakob Elevator stage and immediately go back to Noah’s Park, DO NOT PROCEED TO THE GATEWAY STAGE. Once you get to the mid-boss room after the Dr. Light Capsule, Vile will be there, defeat him and the medal is yours.
DLN.003: Encounter and defeat Cut Man in Mega Man X8. [SECRET]
On the Title Screen before pressing any buttons, enter the code:
Left, B, Up, Y, Down, A, Right, X, LB, RB, LT, RT
Then, go to the end of Optic Sunflower’s Stage (Troja Base) and enter a portal that shows up to be transported to Cut Man’s arena from the first Mega Man game. Defeat him to get the achievement (He’s pretty easy, weaknesses are Thunder Dancer for X, Raikousen for Zero, and Plasma Gun for Axl).
Alternatively, get the best time possible on all minigames in Optic Sunflower’s stage. The portal to Cut Man will open.
It’s Over, Once and For All: Defeat Lumine’s second form in Mega Man X8. [SECRET]
To fight Lumine, you must be playing on Normal difficulty or higher. The weakness in his first form is that of the corresponding Maverick power he is using (i.e, if he is using Earthrock Trilobyte’s weapon, use Gravity Antonion’s weapon). In the second phase, he has no weakness, you must decide which weapon you are most comfortable using and defeat Lumine’s seraph form. Alternatively, the Nova Strike from the Ultimate Armor makes short work of both forms.
Awakening: Complete Mega Man X8 on Normal or higher difficulty (Cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode).
Beat the whole game without ever turning on Rookie Hunter mode. When the credits are finished, the achievement will show. Make sure your difficulty is on Normal or Hard and you defeat Lumine.
X Challenge Volume 2 Achievements
Speed of Light: Complete any X Challenge stage with at least 9:00 left on the timer.
This is best done in Stage 1-1: Arctic Antics. Simply defeat Chill Penguin and Frost Walrus before the timer reaches 9:00. Fire Wave destroys them both fairly quickly. This can be obtained by playing on Easy.
Can’t Hit Me: Complete any X Challenge stage with no more than 3:00 left on the timer.
This is best done in Stage 1-1: Arctic Antics. Simply keep at least one boss alive until 3:00 is left on the timer, then destroy them. This can be obtained by playing on Easy.
Try Three on One Next Time: Complete all X Challenge stages.
Self-Explanatory: Complete every stage in X Challenge. The secret stage 9-4 is not required to unlock this, meaning this can be obtained by playing on Easy.