Just a quick and incomplete run through of the various melee weapons and guns currently available in Nether. I’ve abandoned this guide, much as Phosphor abandoned the game.
Hello everyone. I’m Shadefyre, and since Nether is fairly new and information is fairly sparse, I felt I’d write a guide or two to try and help folks out. This guide is just a quick rundown of the available weapons and their basic stats, as well as my current impressions on how good they are.
Since this is my first guide, let me know if I’ve ♥♥♥♥♥♥ something up.
EDIT: With the recent crafting update, I’ll have to revise some stuff and add more info to the guns, which might be formatted a bit weird because of the Category word limits.
Melee Weapons
More often than not, it’s neccessary to get up close and personal with both the Nether and other players, whether to be quiet or simply to save ammunition. So it’s important to familiarize yourself with the various close range murder implements available to you, to stab, slash, and bludgeon your way to victory.
Butter’s Knife
Butter’s Knife is a weapon you’ll want to quickly grow familiar with, as it’s the default weapon you’ll begin with every time you die. It’s fairly effective despite this, and you shouldn’t have too much trouble taking on single or even pairs of Nether without taking much damage. With practice you can even take on a lone Golem or Mantis with the Knife.
Damage: 200
Weight/Size: 0.7lbs/10.00
Market Buy Price:N/A
Market Sell Value: $3
Game Description: A high-end chef’s knife that once belonged to a Chef named Butter. Should only be used for self-defense in dire situations.
Weight/Size: 5lbs/10.00
Market Buy Price:
Market Sell Value:
Game Description: It’s a shovel! Can you dig it?!
Baseball Bat
With the recent 90 point incease in damage on the baseball bat, it’s now a signifigant upgrade over the basic knife. It still seems to have a bit better range than some of the other melee weapons, and it makes a satisfying crunch on impact.
Weight/Size: 1.5lbs/10.00
Market Buy Price:$25
Market Sell Value:$5
Game Description: A big stick. Rather useful for hitting things.
The crowbar is a definite upgrade from the knife for it’s extra damage. While it might have a bit more range than the knife, it doesn’t really seem to be a noticeable difference. Still, it’s worth grabbing if you don’t have something better. The recent bump in damage has made the crowbar a little better, but it’s now equal to the baseball bat in damage.
Damage: 290
Weight: 0.1LBS
Market Buy Price:$20
Market Sell Value:$4
Game Description: This useful tool can be put to a variety of applications, and it serves well as sturdy bludgeon.
East Sword
With the recent increase in damage, the East Sword is now on par with the GRIMM reaper in terms of damage, but seems to be a little bit faster on the swing.
Damage: 330
Weight/Size: 2.0LBS/10.00
Market Buy Price:$40
Market Sell Value:$8
Game Description: A straight blade sword.
GRIMM Reaper
The GRIMM Reaper is one of the better melee weapons available. With a long reach and the extra damage, it’s pretty reliable and great at cutting through Nether. It also doesn’t seem to be too rare curently, as I’ve found more of these than some of the weaker weapons.
Damage: 330
Weight: 0.1LBS
Market Buy Price:$25
Market Sell Value:$15
Game Description: Popularized during the Vietnam War, the American military axe is built solid enough to pry open doors. It also serves as an effective self-defense weapon.
Battle Axe
After the recent update, the batle axe isn’t quite the powerhouse that it was, with only a slight bump in damage. However, it now is just as fast as the knife, so it’s still a fairly good weapon.
Weight: 6lbs/10.00
Market Buy Price:$35
Market Sell Value:$7
Game Description: A heavy battle axe likely looted from a museum.
The machete is one of the best melee weapons currently available to survivors. It has the same reach and damage as the Battle Axe, but a faster swing speed, making it the better weapon of the two overall. The machete can be purchased in the Marketplace.
Weight: 0.1LBS
Market Buy Price:$40
Market Sell Value:
Game Description: The machete was originally intended to cut through thick floral overgrowth in jungle regions, but has become widely accepted as a powerful tool for self defense.
Bolo Sword
Of all the weapons effected by the recent update, the bolo sword has recieved the biggest increase in damage from it’s previous 250. It’s now as powerful as the battle axe and the machete, which is more in line with it’s apparent rarity.
Damage: 375
Weight/Size: 1.30lbs/10.00
Market Buy Price:$50
Market Sell Value:$10
Game Description: A Curved sword designed for powerful slashing.
With a fast swing speed and the highest current damage value of the non-craftable weapons, the Katana is one of the best melee weapon available to the survivors. It’s also the rarest melee weapon to find out in the city, but can now be purchased from the marketplace as well. All in all, if you see one of these, take it. If you see someone else with one of these, take it.
Damage: 450
Weight/Size: 2.5lbs/10.00
Market Buy Price:$65
Market Sell Value:$16
Game Description: A razor sharp katana.
Small Shield
Damage:About 120
Weight/Size: 1.5lbs/10.00
Market Buy Price:
Market Sell Value:
Game Description: Small Shield
***I think I’ve got all the current melee weapons in here, but let me know if patches change the damage values or what have you.***
Ranged/Primary Weapons
In Nether, all the biggest and most powerful guns fall into the Ranged category, which is essentially your primary weapon slot. This encompasses the sub-machine guns, shotguns, assault rifles, and sniper rifle all fall into this category, and it’s with these weapons that you’ll likely do most of your player and more powerful Nether hunting. But not all rifles are created equal, so I’m here to give you an idea of what guns to hold on to.
Lopes 45-S
The Lopes 45-S is a pretty average automatic gun. Despite using the .45 ACP, it has a pretty low damage output for a primary and a high rate of fire. Though the gun clearly has a silencer on the end of the barrel, it’s actually fairly loud and will attract quite a few nearby Nether.
Damage: 180
Capacity: 30
Ammunition Type: .45 ACP
Weight: 5.4 lbs
Market Sell Value:
Game Description: The Lopes 45-S submachine gun was a staple of spec ops teams around the world.
Damage: 180
Capacity: 30
Ammunition Type: 5.56mm
Weight: 5.5 lbs
Market Sell Value:
Game Description: A Sub-Machine Gun with a Red Dot sight for increased accuracy.
Damage: 225
Capacity: 35
Ammunition Type: 5.56mm
Weight/Size: 12.00lbs/20.00
Market Sell Value:
Game Description: A semiautomatic rifle made from junk including a shovel.
Mag DR-15
Perhaps the best all purpose gun currently in game, the Mag DR-15 is a scoped automatic rifle that’s effective for both single long range shots from rooftops and medium-close range full-auto fire. The gun itself seems to be more common than the ammo, so it may be easier to stay resupplied by killing other players toting this dependable rifle. The description mentions different firing modes, but I don’t believe that’s a current gameplay feature.
Damage: 300
Capacity: 30
Ammunition Type: 5.56mm
Weight: 8.5 lbs
Market Sell Value: $20
Game Description: A popular marksman’s rifle that has been modified to allow for burst and automatic fire.
The RAB-47 is one of the current high-tier guns in Nether, and my personal favorite. It’s a semi-auto rifle with a decent magazine size and a mid-range scope, but does enough damage to kill most players or Nether in a few shots. It’s also silenced, allowing you to fire it without having to worry very much about drawing the attention of nearby Nether, making an excellent weapon for hunting other players.
Damage: 375
Capacity: 20 (listed as 30 in game)
Ammunition Type: 5.56mm
Weight: 10.8 lbs
Market Sell Value:
Game Description: The RAB-47 is a silenced, scoped, semi-automatic rifle.
One of two shotguns currently in game, the KB-12 functions much as you’d expect from a videogame pump-action shotgun. It has a slow rate of fire, high damage that increases the closer you are to the target, and is completely inaccurate beyond 10-15 feet. Because of their close range nature, the KB-12 is most effective against the Nether. However, it’s also capable of dropping players in a single shot when they’re trying to close to stabbing range, or when ambushing players in buildings.
Damage: 600
Capacity: 8
Ammunition Type: 12 Gauge
Weight/Size: 8.75lbs/20.00
Market Sell Value:$10
Game Description: A pump action shotgun.
Pipe Sniper
Capacity: 1
Ammunition Type: .45 ACP
Weight/Size: 10.80lbs/20.00
Market Sell Value:
Game Description: A home-made one-shot rifle that’s really effective at mid-long distances.
Cru Z3R-14
The Cru Z3R-14 is one of the few sniper-type weapons currently available in-game. As expected, it has a low capacity, the highest per-shot damage, and a long range scope for picking off unsuspecting players or Nether. The high-powered rounds will also stagger Nether, leaving them vulnerable to a quick follow-up shot. The Z3R-14 also seems to be the only gun that suffers from swaying aim, and thus one that benefits from the Steady Aim Skill from the Guns Skill Tree, allowing you to steady the scope with Left Alt.
Damage: 800
Capacity: 4 (Listed as 8 in the inventory)
Ammunition Type: 7.62mm
Weight: 9.2 lbs
Market Sell Value: $20
Game Description: The Cru manufactured Z3R-14 hunting rifle features a powerful mid to long range scope.
TFC Special
The TFC Special is one of the rarer high-tier guns currently available in game. It uses the common 12 Gauge ammunition, and is better than the KB-12 in all regards, not least of all because of it’s capacity for automatic fire. It’s also extremely powerful at close range, capable of downing a charging Crawler or Hunter in a single shot.
Damage: 800
Capacity: 12
Ammunition Type: 12 Gauge
Weight: 11.46 lbs
Market Sell Value:
Game Description: A fully automatic gas-powered shotgun.
***Let me know if there’s anything else I’m missing.***
While not as inherently powerful as most of the Ranged category weapons, Sidearms fufill an equally useful role due to their availability as well as the much more common ammo types that most of them use. Sidearms can be very useful for dealing with groups of weaker Nether or even lone, more powerful Nether like the Golem. They can also be handy for ambushing better equipped players when you’re starting out, and having a pistol on hand certainly beats running around with just a baseball bat.
Smith and Risley
A light sidearm with fairly common ammunition and good accuracy, the Smith and Risley is a pretty good all around sidearm for dealing with both players and Nether. It shares ammunition with the HAZ-3, so you can pull ammo from them as well for a pretty good supply of bullets.
Damage: 225
Capacity: 19
Ammunition Type: 9mm
Weight: 1.38LBS
Market Sell Value: $10
Game Description: A reliable pistol made primarily of plastic.
While the damage on the HAZ-3 is fairly low, the combination of a high capacity and fast rate of fire make up for it’s shortcoming when facing down other survivors. Against the Nether it’s fast rate of fire and low damage can be more of a detriment. It also uses the fairly common 9mm ammo. Oddly, depsite it’s small size the HAZ-3 weighs nearly 8lbs, so it’s not great for scavenging runs.
Damage: 155
Capacity: 40 (incorrectly labeled as 30 in inventory)
Ammunition Type: 9mm
Weight: 7.72LBS
Market Sell Value:
Game Description: The HAZ-3 is sub machine pistol that’s excellent for self defense.
Warren .50
A veritable little handcannon, the Warren is the Desert Eagle of the Nether world. With a high damage output and low capacity, and a rare ammunition type, the Warren .50 favors accuracy over wild hip shooting. It’s pretty good against Nether and players alike, but again not so great for going on simple scavenging runs.
Damage: 400
Capacity: 12
Ammunition Type: .50 Cal Magnum
Weight: 4.2LBS
Market Sell Value:
Game Description: This powerful handgun was designed to provide defense from large animals.
Can Gun
The Can Gun is one of the first guns added to the game that can only be obtained by crafting them. Made from fairly common materials, the can gun is a single shot shotgun pistol that can be used to supplement a long range primary weapon. Because it uses the common 12 gauge ammo, the Can Gun is also a fairly cost-efficient weapon to use for hunting Nether, and is no great loss if you lose it.
Damage: 600
Capacity: 1
Ammunition Type: 12 Gauge
Weight/Size: 4.2LBS/10.00
Market Sell Value:
Game Description: An improvised shotgun that can fire a single shell at a time.
This section is mostly just meant as a quick visual identification guide to various ammunition types, so you can easily determine from a distance if they’re the bullets you’re looking for.
Used In: HAZ-3, Smith And Risley
Market Buy Price:$100/24
.45 ACP
Used In: Lopes 45-S, Pipe Sniper
Market Buy Price:$150/32
12 Gauge
Used In: KB-12, TFC Special
Market Buy Price:$250/32
Used In: Mag DR-15, RAB-47, MACH-9
Market Buy Price:$250/30
Used In: Cru Z3R-14
Market Buy Price:$250/8
.50 Cal Magnum
Used In: Warren .50
Market Buy Price:$200/16
Bone Slugs
Used In:Heartburner
Market Buy Price:n/a
Grenades and Other Throwables