LOTR: War in the North Crash fix no driver changes required
The Intro
** Sorry if I don’t make the nicest looking guides
This is how I managed to stop the game from crashing after searching the internet for fixes and only finding potential solutions that result in messing with drivers which i didn’t want to do!
My System:
Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit
i7-3770k CPU (3.9)GHz
16 GB of ram
Asus Xonar ST sound card
G1 Sniper 3 mobo (latest bios)
Intel SSD C: drive
crossfire 7970’s gigabyte v cards running in single mode for this game.
I was having lots of crashing while playing coop. Catalyst Control Center would crash and then restore itself. It would be running smooth then just randomly freeze up and the game crashed. Sometimes from some visuals it seemed and then sometime when selling items. I was thinking well maybe windows 8 wasn’t good for it.
The changes that I made
My game would just freeze (not responding) like in the above screenshot.
Here is everything i did and I’ll just leave it that way cause it solved it , FOR ME ANYWAYS. With my fix whenever it was about to freeze up and the game just started to bog down, instead of just crashing, it would stall for a few seconds and then the fps would slowly pick up and the game would play perfectly again. This is everything i changed to achieve these results. I’m certain some of these changes are probably not needed but frankly it works so I’m leaving it.
Compatibility Troubleshooter
I ran compatibility troubleshooter and it suggested to run the game in Windows 7 mode so I did that. (This was likely the main reason for my crashing! I am listing everything i changed at that instance just in case it wasn’t the only fix.)
AMD Catalyst 14.11.2 Beta drivers (current latest as of Dec 6, 2014)
In AMD CCC i have all of the 3D application settings set to “use application settings” that had that option.
-Everything else was off or set to lowest settings (highest performance) , except Texture filtering quality was on standard.
-no overclock of the gpu but i did set the fan to 70%
*gpu didn’t work that hard. It was the CPU doing most of the work.
(maybe my problem as I was messing with these settings for other games)
In Game Settings
Full Screen mode 1920×1080
Distortion, Depth of Field, and Motion Blur are the only settings turned off, Everything else is on and MAX. (least likely the problem)
Multiplayer settings :
-Connection type I changed from Internet to LAN
(maybe was the problem if we lost connection.. but doubting it)
Audio settings:
I know i have experienced other games with sound game crashing issues so i made sure to lower the sound settings for my sound card.
Xonar Audio Center
changed sample rate to PCM 48khz
deselected SPDIF out
deselected 7.1 Virtual Speaker
selected : 8channels, headphones, dolby headphone.
DSP modes are all disabled.
(likely the most important is the sample rate reduction… this was probably not the problem as it was more visual errors, but this was still a change that I made)
So with all these changes it now seems to work better and hasn’t crashed in 3 hours of playing.
I noticed several times where it felt like it was going to crash and miraculously it pulled through and continued to play.
Hopefully this guide will helps others!