Koala Kids Guide

用手把玩Koala! Play Koala with Controller!! for Koala Kids

用手把玩Koala! Play Koala with Controller!!


手把手教你用手把玩 Koala Kids!!Step by Step teach you how to play Koala Kids with Controller!!

Step 1:安裝 JoyToKey! Install JoyToKey!


First, make sure you have Controller and ready to work on your PC.
Then download the newest version of JoyToKey[joytokey.net].
When the download finished, extract it to wherever you want.

Step 2:將 Cfg 檔放進 JoyToKey 資料夾。 Put Cfg data into JoyToKey folder.

進入 Koala Kids 遊戲資料夾中。
(預設是 X:SteamSteamAppscommonKoala Kids,X 為您安裝 Steam 的硬碟)
找到 README → JoyToKey Config 資料夾,會看到裡面有幾個cfg檔。

Go into Koala kids game folder.
(default in X:SteamSteamAppscommonKoala Kids)
Find the README → JoyToKey Config folder.

這時,請把你需要的 cfg 丟進剛才解壓縮完的 JoyToKey.exe 所在資料夾中。
(你的手把是 XB360,那就把 Xbox360_Controller_P1.cfg 丟進去)

Now, put the Cfg data which you need in JoyToKey folder. (Right beside the JoyToKey.exe)
(Please note: if you are using the Xbox360 Controller, put the Xbox360_Controller_P1.cfg in JoyToKey folder)

Step 3:啟動 JoyToKey! launch JoyToKey!

啟動 JoyToKey.exe,應該會在左側列表找到 Xbox360_Controller_P1 的字樣。

Launch JoyToKey.exe, you should find the Xbox360_Controller_P1 in list on the left.


Choose it, you will see the notice box jump out on lower right corner

Step 4:確認手把狀況,開始遊戲! Check the joypad and PLAY!


To ensure your Controller works, please follow the pictures.


Make sure every button and the cross sign on the upper left can work.
Then, you can open Koala Kids and enjoy your trips with cuttie koalas!!
