Want to play with gamepad? If you have a DS3, it is possible.
While GInput for San Andreas isn’t ready yet, I found the best way to get DS3 working with the game.
Configuring MotioninJoy software
First, you need to download and install MotioninJoy software.
Then setup a custom profile just like this:
and save it.
With this settings you can use start button for pause and unpause game and POV (D-pad) can be used.
Configuring the game
It’s time to launch San Andreas and setup controls.
Go to Options>Controller Setup
Set configuration to JOYPAD
Then go to Redefine Controls and st it like this:
Foot Controls
Vehicle Controls
Go back and choose Joypad Settings and set it like this:
That’s all, folks!
Hope this guide helped you.