Steam Overlay for Doom for DOOM II: Hell on Earth

Steam Overlay for Doom


I’ll show you Marines how to enable the Steam Overlay for Doom.Even Broadcastings works fine as ef.


Oh boo-hoo, looks like an update broke the most methods.
But here is a new solution and it works

The Tools you need

The magic Tool you need is the Steam Editor from Tim Green
Here is the official Website [link]

Well and ofc a Sorce Port of your Choice.

Here few examples:


And the nice simple Launcher called ZDL

If need more Infos and Help about Ports and Mods, check this nice Guide

So Let’s continue with the Steam Editor !

Steam Editor Setup

Nothing fancy, easy as 1,2,3

1. Make sure you have an Source Port installed and Doom duh.

2. Download the Editor, create a new Folder, call it Steam Editor or whatever and put the Files inside that Folder or start the Steamedit.exe straight out the Win.Rar (works also fine)

2.1. Grab the Source Port Files and copy the Files into the Doom Folder.
….steamappscommonDoom 2base <-
*Only the Sorce Port Files, you can Keep the Wads and so on In a separate Folder.

3. Now the Setup.
Open the Steam Editor and search the Doom you wanna play.
As Example here with Doom II Hell on Earth

4. Select the Game and click on Edit Launch.

4.1. And a new popup Window will appear, the Launch Editor and will show you the standard Steam Direction of Doom. You don’t need to edit both Lables, 1 one is enough.

5. New Direction, click on the Icon next to the copy button and add the .exe of the Source Port you use. As Example here with the ZDL Launcher.

5.1. Done and it should look like this.
*The Tool will ask you If you want to change the Working Direction, click on yes.

6. Save the edit
After adding the new .exe click on “OK” and click on “Save & Refresh”
The Tool will restart Steam or start if it was closed.

7. Start Doom


Now you can take and share Screenshots

Even Broadcasting works fine

And ofc, you can use so far all the other Features too!

It doesn’t work(?) – Plan B

I really hope it also works for you too, if not..
Here are few ‘experiments’ from Tim (Steam Editor Dev)

2. Create shortcut in game’s install folder, add “<shortcutname>.lnk” as executable. Seemed to work, but no overlay.
3. Create .bat file in install folder, with full path of target program to run. Set that as the executable. Again, no overlay, and had an extra “cmd” window.
4. Create a symbolic link to the target within the install folder. For me, it didn’t run, but that might be because of the program I was trying to run. Maybe it could work for you, dunno.
5. Create a symbolic link to the target’s folder. Set executable to be the relative path within that symlink (more details to follow). This worked for me.

5 worked pretty good for me. I’m not sure if it’ll work in general, but means you don’t need to copy the entire program. Here’s a quick step-by-step to make it work:
1. Open command prompt — Win-R, then type cmd.exe and press Enter/OK.
2. Navigate to your Doom 2 install folder. From your screenshots, looks like you’d do:
1. D:
2. cd “steamsteamappscommonDoom 2”
3. Create symbolic link to the folder where ZDL is:
1. mklink /d “Name of the Source Port Folder” “C:UsersxyzDesktopGZDoom” (Your Source Port Direction)
4. In SteamEdit, set Executable to: Source Port FolderSource Port.exe
5. Set Working Dir to: Source Port Folder

The symbolic link works as something like a shortcut to another folder (or file), but the contents of the folder can be accessed as though they actually existed where the symlink is. So it doesn’t make a copy of the files, but generally behaves as though you did.

I can confirm, all Steps are working, but the first one(adding the .exe) is the best Solution, the 2nd one that works so far is Nr. 5 with the Symbolic Link.

*Keep an Eye on the Steam Editor [link]
Tim will try to add the Feature to automatically create appropriate links in a future Update.

So special thanks to Tim! and I rly hope it works now for you :3