tModLoader Guide

Despaircito's Complete Calamity Mod Guide/Walkthrough (WIP) for tModLoader

Despaircito’s Complete Calamity Mod Guide/Walkthrough (WIP)


This is a general guide to the progression of Calamity Mod. This is a beginner-friendly guide that has detailed information on how to progress through Calamity. It also has strategies for every boss on Revengeance and Death Mode.


Welcome to My Calamity Mod Walkthrough! Feel free to correct me on anything, especially my spelling and grammar which isn’t the best. The info is a mix of the wiki, Youtubers, and my personal experience.

This guide will assume you’re playing in Expert Mode or higher, but all of the info will still help in Normal Mode

This guide is updated for the Calamity 1.4.5 update, Rust and Dust. This is also a general guide for all classes, if you want specific information on a certain class head to the wiki for the best weapons and loadouts to use at any stage of the game:

This guide is currently a Work in Progress, and is not complete. Please up vote and favorite this guide if you want to see more from this in the future!

A New Beginning

Create your character and make a world. Open the starter bag and choose your class…or just use all kinds of weapons from different classes. Do the typical Terrarian start by gathering resources such as iron and gold.

During the day, Wulfrum-type enemies will spawn.They will drop Wulfrum plating used to make early-game weapons and armor (The weapons are pretty bad though, so just go for armor). You will also need Wulfrum cores which are dropped from Wulfrum Pylons in the outer-thirds of the world. Summoners benefit the most from Wulfrum armor as they receive 1 bonus minion slot which is hugely benefical.

    For Rouge

  • Go for Snow Ruffian armor, as it gives stealth and is incredibly cheap to make.
      For Ranger

    • Go for the Desert Prowler set, it is a bit harder to craft as it takes a lot of silk and vulture feathers, but it offers good damage.

      You have gotten some wulfrum gear just now, which is alright for now, however there is better. Victide weapons provide good dps against the Desert Scourge and the armor is quite good.

      Head towards the underground desert to farm the Cnidarians that spawn. Their spawn rates are a bit rare depending on your luck, however having patients will award you. Be caeful of their water spray attack is quite dangerous, but if you hide behind any soild blocks the water will not be able to hit you. Another thing to get in the underground desert is the Luxor’s Gift, which can be found in an a shrine chest. it will help immensely during Pre-Hardmode, but if you’re playing summoner the accessory will be of very little help. After you killed the sandy seahorses and gathered Victory shards, seashells, starfish, and some coral you can craft victide bars.

Desert Scourge + Sunken Sea

Once you have prepared an arena similar to the video below, and gathered Victide, its time to fight the Desert Scourge. Use a Desert Medallion to summon the boss, which is crafted with 15 Sand blocks, 3 Antlion Mandibles, 10 Cactus, and 1 Stormlion Mandibles.

Desert Scourge can be a tough boss if you aren’t prepared with enough movement options. The boss charges at you, which can be avoided by double jumping with a Cloud/Blizzard/Sandstorm in a bottle. The slimy saddle mount and a grapple hook can work if your platforms are spaced enough. Desert Scourge also spawns in small minion versions of itself when its is summoned. On a side note, the Desert Scourge will be completely immune to all damage while outside of the desert.

In Revengeance Mode Desert Scourge will fire lots of sand pellets from its body, similar to the Eater of Worlds. It’s minions also become way larger and deadlier. The boss will also be much faster at charging, but its still dodgeable. In Death mode the sand will shoot much faster and at an higher firerate. Desert Scourge will be much faster than the player, unless you out-maneuver the boss.

If you’re still having trouble, this youtube video shows a very simple and easy way to beat the boss. All credit goes to Radium for making the strat.

Now that you killed Desert Scourge, the Sunken Sea biome has been unlocked and Sandstorms can now spawn. The Sunken Sea spawns under the underground desert, and is filled with water. To Traverse this biome you will need the Ocean’s Crest and Victide armor so you don’t drown. Once you’re there, vibe to the nice music while you mine the sea crystals and navystone for some cool new weapons.

Now, It’s time to go Clam hunting. Wait for a Giant Clam to spawn and go murder it. Amidas will come out of it upon killing it, so enjoy the new town npc. There’s not much else from the Giant Clam, at least not until hardmode. An array of powerful weapons will drop, and Mollusk Husks to make armor.

Eye Of Cthulhu

The Eye Of Cthulu is a fairly easy boss, Make a long platform track or two and Hermes boots will be your best friend. If you’ve beaten the goblin army already, you should definitely upgrade them into frostspark boots. Alternatively, you can use the Angry Dog mount by finding the Tundra Leash in the underground snow biome shrine.

In Revengeance mode the boss will be a little faster and it has an attack where it is directly in front of you and it “looks” at you for a moment then charges you. Using a Cloud/Blizzard/Sandstorm in a bottle is an effective way to dodge it. In Death mode the boss will spawn its second phase already and its much faster. You may want to use a swiftness potions to have enough speed to dodge all of the Eye’s ramming.

Upon defeat of the eye you will have gained the counter scarf (Revengeance mode exclusive). It is amazing accesory that will allow you to compeletly dash through any projectile or contact damage from a boss every 15 seconds. You should always have this equipped througtout your playthrough unless you upgrade it to the Evasion Scarf or replace is for a shield that can dash such as the Asgard’s Valor.


Crabulon is a boss that is fought in the underground mushroom biome. It can be taken out of biome and even on the surface. Crabulon is a bullet-hell like boss that shoots out mushrooms out of itself. The mushrooms then slowly fall down to damage player, but you can shoot the mushrooms to get rid of them. Crabulon also jumps around and has a slam attack.

In Revengeance Mode a wall of mushroom projectiles from the ceiling with gaps in between.
In Death Mode, nothing much changes expect faster attacks and higher damage. I recommend a fast weapon that can pierce or hit multiple enemies to take out the spores.

If you manage to get a hold of Mushroom Grass Seeds, you can create your own biome and fight him on the surface! Or you could just blow up the underground for a large open space to make an arena.

This fight is a fairly easy one, compared to the other ones. With the mushroom crab amalgamation exterminated, its time to take on the Eater of Worlds or The Brain of Cthulhu.

Eater of Worlds

If you have a crimson world, please read the crimson version. Unless you have your own corruption biome, and want to fight the Eater of Worlds.

It’s time to fight the Eater of Worlds. You know the drill, any piercing or AoE weapons such as the Hyhphae Rod from Crabulon, will do tremendous against the many segments. Summon the boss by crafting Worm Food with 30 Vile Powder and 15 Rotten Chunks, or break 3 Shadow Orbs.
Flatten the ground then make a platform that is high enough from the ground so the boss can’t harm you as much by charging.

In Expert Mode the EoW will charge at you with it’s head segment and shoots lots of vile spit at you similar to Desert Scourge. You can cancel the attack by hitting it back, and swinging a sword or shooting a gun is quite effective at hitting the vile spit.

In Revengeance mode it’s head segments will start shooting cursed flames, it’s segments will do 25% more contact damage, when its head segment is killed it will continue to charge at you, and it shoots far more vile spit. Piercing weapons also receive a slight nerf in damage but its still effective.

If you’re still having trouble, watch this video created by Crossfire990!

Collect the shadow scales and create a Nightmare Pickaxe! It’s time to gather some Hellstone.
Craft any weapons you need and prepare for the Hive Mind.

Brain of Cthulhu

If you have a corruption world, please read the corruption version. Unless you have your own crimson biome, and want to fight the Brain of Cthulhu.

It’s time to fight the Brain of Cthulhu. Create a simple arena in the large Crimson cave and spawn it using a Bloody Spine, made with 30 Vicious Powder and 15 Vertebra or smash 3 Crimson Hearts.

In Expert Mode, the Brain of Cthulhu will spawn creepers that you must kill for him to go into phase 2, after killing them he will teleport then charge at you while creating 3 other illusions. However, the boss is incredibly easy since it takes so much knockback it can’t do very much.

In Revengeance Mode, the Brain of Cthulhu’s creepers will have more than twice the hp (240) and both the brain and creepers do 25% more contact damage. Each time a creeper is defeated, the brain will teleport and move faster. In phase 2, after all creepers are defeated the boss has increased resistance to knockback and the brain may charge in a circle around the player then dash at the player similar to the Hive Mind.

In Death mode the brain can teleport right next to the player or even on top. It’s recommended you dash every time it teleports to avoid that from happening. On a side note, you can completely destroy the brain with the Arkhalis with very little effort.

Collect the Tissue Samples and create a Deathbringer Pickaxe! It’s time to gather some Hellstone.
Craft any weapons you need and prepare for The Perforators.

The Hive Mind

Its time to defeat the Brain of Cthulhu ripoff, The Hive Mind. With new access to Hellstone, make any new weapons and prepare a large open arena. Simply destroy a cyst on the ground to summon the boss.

For the Hive Mind’s first phase, attacking it at an distance is your best option. The Hive Mind will be stationary and spawn many minions. Watch out for the Dank Creepers, as each one still alive will give the Hive Mind 25 defense. Also, upon death they release a damaging shade cloud, similar to the nimbus rod. The Hive Mind will also spawn many Hive Blobs around itself, so try not to get overwhelmed by the amount that spawns.

Once you have defeated it’s first phase, the boss will begin to float towards the player. The Hive Mind will dash backwards then teleport and continue to float at the player. After a while, the boss will dash directly at the player. The Hive Mind will spawn several Dank Creepers, Hive Blobs, Eaters of Souls, or Devourers each time it back dashes. The boss will also circle around the player, then dash at them.

In Revengeance Mode, the Hive Mind will move much faster, and its circling and dash will be far faster. At 66% health or below the boss will begin to appear below the player, and dash in a curve around the player. You can just stand still for that attack. At 33% the Hive Mind will teleport above the player, and dash sideways creating a massive storm of shaderain. Dash out of the way or else you may get stun-locked for a bit. In Death mode the boss is even faster and can use every attack from the start.

The Perforators

The Perforator is arguably much easier than the Hive Mind, just like the Brain of Cthulhu is far easier than the Eater of Worlds, in my opinion. Prepare by making a large open arena and making any weapons you need with Hellstone. Summon the Perforators by simply killing a cyst in the Crimson.

The Perforator Hive shoots a spray of 20 Ichor or Blood globs into the air, then spreads out and falls on the player. This attack can be simply avoided by dashing out of the way or by going in between the gaps of the globs.

Upon reaching 70% hp, the Hive will summon the smallest and weakest perforator, but probably the deadliest and most annoying one of the 3. The small Perforator is tiny and fast, so its hard to hit. A bouncy, explosive weapon like the Pumpler is extremely useful, or a weapons like the Hyphae rod that sticks around will do great too. At 40% hp the Perforator Hive will sumon the medium Perforator, its large and easy to hit but hits much harder than the small Perforator. At 10% hp, the Perforator Hive will summon the largest Perforator, and it hits even harder than the medium Perforator. Unlike the previous Perforator worms, you must kill this one to continue the fight. Each Perforator has simple worm AI, and is easy to fairly easy to dodge.

In Revengeance Mode, the Hive will shoot more often and attempts to ram the player. Dash out of the way to avoid getting hit with the horror debuff. The Hive will not ram at you if a Perforator worm is still alive. In Death Mode the Hive will hover close to the player if any Perforator worm is still alive and will shoot even more often. The Perforators worms also get much shorter, making them harder to hit and slightly nerfs the effectiveness of piercing weapons.

Aerialite + Draedon’s Weaponry

“The ground is glittering with cyan light.”

It’s time to go mining! Grab your spelunker potion and head anywhere in the underground to start mining! You will also need Nightmare/Deatherbringer Picaxe that you should already have. After you have mined enough Aerialite, head up into the sky and find Clouds, Feathers, Sunplate Blocks, and a Sky Mill.

Feeling bored of your old Victide armor? It’s time for an upgrade. Craft new powerful Aerialite weapons and awesome Aerialite Armor. Now that you’re decked out with sky weapons, it’s about time you get Draedon’s rad scfi technology. If for some reason you can’t find any small abandoned underground labs, head to the sky or to the Sunken Sea where you can easily find the main labs.

P.S Be careful not to be gunned down the moment you step foot in there and not become riddled with energy holes.

Queen Bee

Need some extra power to take out Skeletron? Or you just want to fight every boss. Anyways, this over sized queen shall be taken cared of and the bees shall recognize a new ruler—you. Head to the dangerous underground Jungle and find a hive. Unfortunately there’s no Acephate in Terraria so you’re going to have to get rid of them manually. You’ll want a big open space underground, so explode a massive area and create an arena. Break the Bee Larva to summon her.

Expert Mode Queen Bee has several attacks, a ram, shooting stingers, and summoning bees. The ram attack is somewhat slow at first, but gets much faster as the Queen Bee is damaged. At the end where there is very little hp, the Queen can ram 6 consecutive times and shoots stingers like a minigun. If you’re precise and good at timing enough, you can actually use the Shield of Cthulhu to dash into the Queen Bee every time she rams into you and take no damage. If you’re not confident rocket boots or a double jump will be good. Also, the stingers she fires can’t go through blocks and she only fires them while you’re in her line of sight.

In Revengeance Mode, the Queen Bee charges faster and shoots more rapidly. She summons Bees far faster and can even spawn Hornets. She will shoot way more stingers, but they now move in a straight line to the player instead of spread shots. In Death Mode she has much faster charges and shoots way more rapidly. I would recommend having high regen using an campfire, heart lantern, and honey to counteract the Queen Bee’s poison.

Don’t fight the Queen Bee on the surface, she enrages and the fight is much harder.

Skeletron + Dungeon Loot

Next, we’re going to head into the deep dungeon for some sweet loot and bones. But first, we must beat it’s guardian in order to enter. At night head to the dungeon and speak to the old man. Press “curse” and begin the fight with Sans.

In Expert Mode Skeletron will gain 25 defense per hand still alive, focus on whittling down each hand to extremely low hp and take them out at the same time otherwise he’ll start throwing cursed skulls at you. Skeletron will attempt to whack you with his 2 hands, so avoid them. Grappling or jumping with balloons/clouds His head will also start spinning periodically, and if you get hit by it the chances of survival is low since he stunlocks you (Using the counter scarf will save your life when he is spinning). Once his hands are gone he will start firing cursed skulls that curve around the player and are very hard to dodge. By using the slimy saddle mount you can easily dodge over them, just switch back to running once Skeletron starts spinning. Just loop circles around Skeletron and you should win.

In Revengeance Mode, attacking his head while his hands are alive is futile; he gains 250 defense per hand alive. He slowly gains more speed while spinning, and his head deals 25% more contact damage. All of his attacks inflict debuffs so getting hit by the spinning head is practically death.
Additionally, while hands are still alive any projectiles or summons cannon’t home in to his head.

Once his hands are gone, skeletron will fire cursed skulls and teleport around. At the place where he teleports, 3 shadowflame bolts shoot out. At 33% of head hp, Skeletron will revive his 2 hands back. But, he moves slower afterwards because of that. In Death Mode he has 4 arms and his hands are much faster.

Now that Skeletron has been defeated, head to the dungeon and gather the loot from the chests. The main things we’ll need is a Shadow Key for the Abyss and bones to make Skyline wings, using 5 Aerialite Bars, 5 Feathers, 5 Fallen Stars, and 15 Bones.

The Abyss (Post-Skeletron)

The Abyss makes horror games look like children’s play. These depths are one of my favorite places, with very cool mechanics. Anyways, now that Skeletron is dead we now have access to the shadow chests in the Abyss’s first layer. These powerful weapons will be very useful against Slime God and the Wall of Flesh.

To prepare, put on your old Victide armor, and use the Ocean’s Crest from Desert Scourge. If you manged to get a Diving Helmet, upgrade it into Arctic Diving Gear and that should be enough breath to last in the Abyss. Alternatively, you can kill the Siren in the regular ocean to get the Aquatic Heart accessory and drink a gills potion. Another item is the rare Deep Diver, dropped from the Desert Scourge.

Set up a little house by the Sulphurous Sea, put a bed to set your spawn and move Amidas in. Ask for “help” and he will give you a bubble around yourself that gives infinite breath, as long as you don’t get hit by anything. With all of this, you’re more than prepared to tackle on the great depths of the Abyss.

Slime God

The Slime God can be fought anywhere, anytime by using the Overloaded Sludge. It is made with 25 Blighted Gel and 25 Ebonstone or Crimstone Blocks. You’ll want to make a massive arena because they will launch abyss orbs that last a long time and deals lots of contact damage.

The Slime God Core will fly around very quickly, and attempt to crash into you, giving tons of debuffs. If the Ebonian and Crimulan slimes have been killed and the Core is at 40% hp it will go into is second phase, or if they’re still alive it will go into it’s second phase at 20% hp. In Phase 2 the Core will charge much more rapidly and it will shoot abyss mines at the player. In Revegeance mode the Core will move faster and will occasionally teleport next to the player and circle around them while shooting abyss orbs.

In Expert Mode The Ebonian and Crimulan slimes will spit out loads of abyss mines that make flying around difficult. They will also jump at the player, and if they players runs to far out of range they will fly to the player at high speeds. The Ebonian and Crimulan slimes will jump into the air, flying directly above the player and then tries to do a slam. Dash out of the way but be careful of the abyss mines and the many small slimes that will be on the platform. As the Ebonian and Crimulan slimes are damaged, little slimes will come out of them. Some will be spiked just like the ones king slime summon expect harder. Once the Ebonian or Crimulan reach half health, it will split into 2 slimes about half it’s size.

  • If the core is killed first, both the Ebonian and Crimulan slimes will be buffed and fly far faster at the player.
  • If the Ebonian slime is killed first, the Crimulan slime will gain defense and shoot faster.
  • If the Crimulan slime is killed first, the Ebonian slime will attack, shoot, and charge faster.
  • In Death Mode the slimes are already enraged and the Crimulan slime will always shoot mines.

Wall of Flesh

The Wall of Flesh is definitely the most annoying boss by the arena alone. Make a long track of platforms stretching across most the world, or if you have a surplus of water walking then destroy the obsidian houses so they won’t be in the way of the fight. However, if you do want to make an arena you should destroy the obsidian buildings to gain lots of Obsidian Bricks to make Obsidian Platforms because they’re immune to lava. Now you won’t have to worry about those annoying Lava Slimes!
Head to one of the very edges of Za Warudo (The World) and throw the Guide Voodoo Doll into the lava.

The Wall of Flesh is incredibly fast at low hp, you will need all of the movement speed you can get and dash away from the wall as much as you can do. In Revengeance Mode the boss will have almost double its hp (21,280), and moves much faster. The Wall of Flesh will shoot lasers in bursts of 3, but they deal much more damage. Once the WoF goes below 50% hp, it will start firing strong red lasers. The Wall will charge rapidly at the player if they move to far away and Hungries and Leeches have more health and damage. In Death Mode the WoF will use red lasers from the start and Hungries and Leeches will be even more powerful.

I recommended you build lots of block pillars to block the lasers from hitting you. A weapon with piercing might be useful against the many Hungries and Leeches that spawn. You should also aim for they eyes, since the mouth has defense.

Starting Hardmode

“The ancient spirits of light and dark have been released.”

Now that the Wall of Flesh has been defeated, there is so much to do now that its Hardmode. It’s time to do what you’d normally do at the start of hardmode: smash Demon Altars. Head to your evil biome and begin hammer most of the Altars. Start the grind by going from a Palladium/Cobalt to Mythril/Orichalcum and finally Adamantite/Titanium. If you don’t know any weapons to craft or collect, remember to wiki class setups:

Remember the Sunken Sea? The Giant Clam has gotten a buff making it very deadly but it drops sweet new weapons and material for an early armor set. You may want to equip and accessory to go freely through weapons and craft a Hardmode weapon beforehand. The Mollusk armor offers defense, damage, and critical chance but slows you down so much it isn’t really worth it.

Another thing to prepare is all of the new accessory upgrades. You can now craft the Evasion Scarf, Amalgamated Brain, and the Deific Amulet are all now available. The class emblems can also be grinded from the Wall of Flesh, and I recommend you do so. The Bloody Worm Scarf, Mechanical Glove, and Magic Quiver are also great choices for their respective classes.

One last thing, I Highly recommend you use Fairy Wings for the entirety of Hardmode since they give the amazing 80+ Life. You do sacrfice a bit of wing flight time for being a tank, however it a good trade.Combined with a Cadence potion and life fruit later will make you very tanky.

Cryogen Part 1-Phases

(This is taken straight from the wiki cause there’s a lot to type)

Phase 1
Cryogen slowly chases and levels with the player.
It fires an evenly-spaced burst of 16 Ice Blasts every 2 seconds.

Phase 2
Transitions at 83% (Expert)/ 93% (Revengeance)/ 95% (Death) health.
Cryogen attempts to fly above the player while continuing to fire bursts of ice blasts.
The amount of ice blasts are reduced from 16 to 12 from this phase onwards.

Phase 3
Transitions at 66% / 76% / 80% health.
Cryogen slowly chases the player but stays slightly below the player.
In addition to firing ice blasts, Cryogen has a 50% chance to replace the ice blast attack with a spread of 6 ice shards.
The ice shards arc upwards slightly ahead of the player before raining down.

Phase 4
Transitions at 49% / 59% / 70% health.
Cryogen attempts to fly above the player.
Stops firing ice blasts, but continues firing spreads of ice shards which fly upwards for less time before raining down.
The amount of ice shards are increased from 6 to 12 during this phase.

Phase 5
Transitions at 32% / 42% / 55% health.
Cryogen slowly chases the player.
It stops firing ice shards but resumes firing ice blasts at double the speed.
Every 5 seconds, Cryogen will teleport somewhere near the player and start attacking again.
The location that Cryogen teleports to is telegraphed by a zone of blue dust 2 seconds before it teleports
It also loses the ability to regenerate its shield to prevent cheap hits.

Phase 6
Transitions at 15% / 25% / 40% health.
Cryogen will suddenly pick up speed and begin charging erratically, attempting to ram the player.
Its contact damage is raised by 1.5 times for the rest of the battle.
It stops firing ice shards and ice blasts completely.

Sub-Phase 7 (Revengeance and Death exclusive)
Cryogen gains a new subphase when below 15% / 25% health:
Unlike other phases, this does not change its appearance.
Cryogen launches itself upwards and stays above the player. The ice bombs are no longer fired out every 10 seconds, but 2 / 4 waves are released during this attack.
Then, it rapidly charges the player for a total of 3 times before repeating this pattern.
Cryogen and its projectiles are slightly faster. In Death, Releases 4 waves of ice bombs in its final phase.

Cryogen Part 2-Strategies and Tips

The first boss we will be defeating is Cryogen, the coldest of all prisons. Prepare a large arena of several platforms, and space them out with your newly acquired Hardmode wings.Summon Cryogen using a Cryo Key, made with 50 ice, 3 souls of Light and Night, and 5 Essence of Eleum.

In Expert Mode, Cryogen will shoot 4 Ice Bombs every 10 seconds, in the shape of a cross or +. The Ice Bombs also have a 50% chance to come out in a X-shape The Ice Bombs will explode into 6 ice shards in the shape of a hexagon after 5 seconds have past. Cryogen will also gain attack and defense as it’s health lowers. In Revengeance and Death a new Sub-Phase will occur at 15% or 25% health depending on the mode, see guide for full detail. Cryogen and its projectiles are faster in Revengeance, and even faster and more aggressive in Death.

The main parts of Cryogen’s attacks of him shooting ice everywhere and it ramming into you. You can also block his Perforator-like attack by building blocks above your head aswell.

Cryonic Ore

After Cyrogen has been defeated, new ore spawns deep in the underground Snow biome. You will need a Titanium/Adamantite Pickaxe to mine it.

New Daedalus armor can be made with Cryonic Bars, Crystal Shards, and Essence of Eleum, so go ahead and craft the new armor set. Some new weapons are also now available. With Cryonic bars, you can craft life alloy later down the line so you should mine quite a lot.

Using Frigid bars dropped from Cryogen, the Ambrosial Ampoule can also be crafted which is one of the items needed to craft The Sponge. You should craft the Cosmolight, combine the Daylight and Moonlight items and you can infinity make it day to night and vice verca.

The Twins

The Twins

Brimstone Elemental

Its recommended that you kill at least 1 mechanical boss to get hallowed bars before the fight.

The Phases
Brimstone Elemental has 3 phases. The first one has her teleporting around and charging at the player. The second phase has her flying rapidly above the player and shooting brimstone bolts at the player. The third phase has her going to a shell, she stands still and gains lots of defense. She will fire a shotgun spread of 5 brimstone balls and several brimstone darts shoot in a circle around her. You’ll want to stay somewhat close to the Brimstone Elemental because the farther you go, the faster the projectiles go. Ichor is very good for this fight, making it much easyier. Spray some on her on the first phase and deal damage.