Kingdom Two Crowns Guide

Complete Guide / Breakdown (+Tips / Strategy) To Kingdom 2 Crowns for Kingdom Two Crowns

Complete Guide / Breakdown (+Tips / Strategy) To Kingdom 2 Crowns


This guide is to answer every possible question and give the most detailed breakdown of the game as possible. It will also include how to beat the game and what you will need to do, plus tips on what is most efficient / effective.


Let me start with saying, Hi! Welcome to my guide! This game has a LOT of stuff to it so I may have missed something. I have completed this game myself and am working on getting every achievement. If I miss something please comment below and I will update the guide. I want this to be as straightforward and easy to understand as possible. Hope it helps you! On a total side note you can completely ignore. I have streamed a lot of this game, if you want to see my tips in action feel free to stop by! [link] If you do, I appreciate it 🙂 On to the guide!

Island Breakdown + Unlocks

(Sorry I don’t have pictures for all, will look into updating it)
Island 1 :

Archer Statue

Ballista Hermit

Island 2 :
Rancher Hermit

Farmer Statue



Island 3 :
Baker Hermit

Builder Statue


Island 4 :
Knight Hermit

Iron Mine

Island 5 :
Horn Hermit

Knight Statue


Everything Involving Hermits

Baker – Small granny for making the bakery!

Ballista – Rugged fellow for the ballista!

Rancher – Sweet little Johnny Appleseed for the Stable!

Knight – Grandpa in armor for the Knight Stand!

Horn – Little Viking guy for the Horn Wall!

How To Use Them?:

  • Each Hermit Has Different requirements but they function all the same: Upgrading a building

The Ballista / Baker / Knight hermits upgrade this tower to their respective tower. It is possible to upgrade the tier 1 iron tower, however its basically a waste of gold. Best to upgrade these.
How to upgrade: You only need to have the desired hermit riding with you, walk to them, give them a coin then they will ride with you. Go and upgrade this tower and instead of iron tier 1, you will now have a hermit tower!

Manually knock them off your horse by quickly turning left and right!!!
  • What about the Horn / Rancher hermits?

Horn and rancher are a little different than the norm. A Horn hermit will upgrade a stone or iron wall to a slightly different “Horn Wall” (Don’t know official name). While the Rancher will upgrade a maxed farm to a Stable.

  • What Does Each Building Do?

– The Ballista Hermit Tower will replace a towers archers with a single builder. This allows them to leave and go hunt for you. It also has increased range + piercing. Super valuable building from behind an extra wall
check that range!

– The Knight Hermit Tower will replace the tower with something completely new. I like to think of it as a mini castle, a knight stand. Rather than holding archers OR a builder. It allows you to recruit another Squire / Knight! This can be useful for going to a new Island with 3 Squires (Will discuss more in Strategy). However, I find this building pretty much unneeded. Sending 2 Groups almost always kills the portal, unless they meet a wave on the way.

– The Baker Hermit Tower will replace the tower as well with a small bakery. By spending some coins, you will purchase bread. This bread will attract vagrants no matter how far they are. This is my personal FAVORITE tower. Very useful on maps where the camps are far away. The vagrants will grab the bread and eat it, then stick around for awhile, useful for when you leave! You can hire them before they touch the bread and save some coin too!

– The Rancher Hermit will replace a farm with a Stable. The Stable is used to store a mount for easy swapping. Personally, never used it or cared since I was happy with 1 mount. However for an optimal playthrough, it would definitely be a benefit.

– The Horn Hermit Wall introduces a horn that can be used to call defenders. This can be beneficial if you recently expanded and prefer to have your troops behind a sturdier wall. Keeping your troops behind higher quality wall can ultimately save your defense. Is it valuable? Personally, it would depend on your playstyle but I have never found any real use from it.

  • Help! My Hermit was taken!

You actually are either in an ok place or a bad place. However, your hermit is not actually gone. In the event your hermit is taken, you are now locked out of getting another one of that type, BUT you can save him! If your hermit is stolen, after clearing the final portal, they will be freed! However you are locked out of going and getting another until you lose your crown and start a new rein.

  • Safety Tip!!!

Hermits have a tendency to walk outside the walls. For optimal safety, make sure you extend each side to the 2nd wall / tower combo!

Mounts Breakdown


Pony – It’s basically the exact same as the horse. Don’t Do it. (Couldn’t remember what island it was on but the spawn is a open field.)

Bear – Ok stamina but the really neat thing is this mount can attack. While you run the bear will slash, killing almost anything. You literally run into the greed! This is also useful for killing deer and bunnies. Overall a decent mount but I think there’s better.

Lizard – Ok this mount is really interesting. It has the WORST stamina I have ever seen. It feels like it runs 2 feet and it’s tired. By hitting Left Shift, or just trying to run, you will breathe fire. It functions the exact same as the flame barrel. This mount is pretty useful for defense, probably the best. But the stamina is abysmal. Great defensively if you’re not running anywhere but terrible for moving around.

Warhorse – This mount is like an enhanced horse, with a shield! Whenever you run, you and all workers around you will have a shield, making none of you receive damage. It has a small cooldown but it’s neat! Overall, I didn’t find it useful because your archers are almost always behind a wall. You also shouldn’t have an issue with invading the greed realm because they typically survive with little damage taken. Cool mount but again I think you can get better.

Gryphon – GREATEST STAMINA I’VE EVER SEEN. Imo, Best mount in the game. Decent speed, phenomenal stamina, and a neat pushback ability. By hitting Left Shift you will blow in front of you which will knock back and stun greed for a couple seconds. Another amazing thing is the mount can “graze” wherever and whenever. Winter? Still can. Middle of the forest? Yep for sure!

Stag – Really solid mount for the early game. Highest speed of all mounts and decent stamina. Also can charm deer to follow you, cool for early game hunting. I grab this mount every playthrough but usually swap to Gryphon or Unicorn.

Unicorn – Have you had money problems? Want infinite gold? Want to POOP GOLD? This is the mount for you! Everytime you graze the Unicorn will poop out 3 coins. Also, it seems like the grazing is shortened to around a 5-10 second cooldown. The stamina / speed however, feel identical to the normal horse. This horse is aboslutely amazing for early game money problems and saving for Winter. However once winter comes, it is one of the most useless mounts. You lose your grazing ability and thus the real reason to have this mount.

What is Grazing?

Grazing is the way to replenish your stamina and enhance your speed. By stopping on a patch of grass, (Can’t be in the forest, must be the bright green around your camp) your mount will lower its head and eat. After a few seconds it will raise back up and now be replenished. You will know it worked if you notice a white particle effect around your mounts legs while running. The Gryphon is unique in the way that it can graze ANYWHERE.

Base Buildings

– Builders (Hammers): This is your beginning building on the left side. Useful for grabbing a few builders then you forget about it. Not used past getting a few builders.

– Archers (Bows): This is your beginning building on the right side. Very very useful and you will constantly be going to it! Archers are the backbone of your defense and your economy. Spamming these is always good!

– Farmers (Scythes): This building will appear on your first expansion outward. It will allow you to purchase a scythe to make a villager a farmer. Depending on playstyle, you will either love this building or forget it exists.

– Spearmen (Spears): This building will usually appear on your second expansion on the opposite side. Could also be the catapult. I haven’t found a concrete reason for either spawn. Spearmen are aboslutely great!….with some issues. They will constantly poke into the water and bring fish! They are absolutely great because they will do this no matter the season! These are pretty much your only income in winter aside from the banker. They will also jab through your wall at night for defense! Unfortunately though, they have a chance to lose their spears. I’m not entirely sure the cause but you need to constantly have them stockpiled. This may seem like a big issue, but they will typically grab enough fish to make it equal or a small gain! Not including the usefulness of defense!

– Catapult Station: This building will sometimes appear on your second expansion on the opposite side, or your third expansion overall. It can appear on both sides and sometimes multiple will spawn. I have yet to understand the spawn pattern for this, however it is VERY useful. They gave it a good buff since its New Lands days! The range is pretty far and you may purchase flame barrels that will leave a pit of fire on the ground. If greed walk on it they will light on fire and take Damage over Time. Functioning just like the Lizard mount. It is manned by builders and a valuable asset for surviving the later waves.

Double catapult on the same side?

– Forge: This building caused me a lot of pain to even discover. According to the wiki you just need to expand to the cliff portal. To break it down more for anyone else confused!: you need to have your wall be maxed at Iron. It must also be all Iron connected! The trick is, you don’t need to build every building along the way. An easy way to get this to spawn is to build a single wall really far away from your base (Towards the cliff portal only!) This building allows you to purchase swords that will automatically turn your squires into knights! Knights are superior to squires in the way they can have more coins for HP. This building will also allow you to purchase the bomb. After buying the bomb you must escort it into the portal and blow it up! (Explained in another section)

Greed Portal Breakdown + (Squire + Knight Breakdown)

  • Setting up:

Now this is easy! After obtaining the quarry, you may now upgrade your main campfire to a castle! After buying a shield, a villager without a job will grab it and become a squire! A few archers will automatically begin to follow him as a small army. After having a squire, you must extend your wall out from the base walls. Then a banner will spawn. After paying your coins, they will go to the nearest portal on their side and attempt to destroy it.


  • Setting up a portal:

After a portal is destroyed, it will leave a magical remnance! You may build on it to create your own portal! These are super useful for moving around the map faster! After the portal is built, you may spend coins to move around. Pan the camera towards the direction you want, and then press the button you use to drop coins (varies on controller vs keyboard). If you’re in an open space, it will create a temporary remnance that can also be built to make them permanently linked! However if you walk away, it will dissipate.

Destroyed portal:

Built portal:

The Banker

  • Who is he?

After you upgrade your tents to a more, castle-esque building, you will now have the Banker! One of the most powerful tools in the game! This fellow will store your gold and draw interest every night. He is very important for a successful economy and to help survive winter if you don’t have spearmen / don’t use them.

  • How to effectively use him?

This is the interesting part. It’s a little meh to focus on hard numbers. Just make sure his stockpile is full, and doesn’t go up or down anymore. (No decreases on withdrawal / No increases on deposit.) This will allow you to spam infinite money.
– You cannot withdraw after you deposit. If you give him 10 coins you now must wait for the next day.
– You can deposit any amount you want per day. You may also withdraw as many times as you want as long as you don’t deposit.
– To deposit coins, drop a coin and he will pick it up, after he grabs 10 coins, he will do a nice animation of depositing them.
– If you drop coins for him and he doesn’t do the deposit animation, Ex: Giving him 8 coins and he goes in for the night. This will still count, those coins did NOT disappear.
– To withdraw your money, he will either give you 1/3 of the bank, or fill your bag, whichever comes first.
– Example Full bank


  • Where are they and what do they look like?

– Tier 1 Wood

– Tier 2 Stone

– Tier 3 Iron

  • Why build them? How to build them? Where to build them?

I’m glad you asked! It’s actually both simple, and difficult!

  • Their purpose:

You use these to save your ship. If you sail to this island again, you will now have a chance to save your ship! No more rebuilding! I’m not entirely sure the odds but I would guess it’s something like
Tier 1 = 25% Tier 2 = 50% Tier 3 = 100%(Could be inaccurate, will update if solid numbers are found)
I have never lost a ship with an Iron lighthouse and highly recommend you get to iron so you don’t play with luck!

  • Where to build them?

You may only build them at the dock to the ocean. This will be found at the end of one side, while the cliff portal is on the other.

  • Any requirements to build?

The tiers work just like the castle. Tier 1 is always available, however Tier 2 and 3 require the quarry and Iron mine respectively. Other than that, simply walk to the very end of the dock and you will have a coin prompt to build! Also don’t worry, they build themselves! No builders needed!

Iron mine + Quarry

  • Quarry

The Quarry will be located on island 2 and will only require gold. This will allow you to upgrade your base to a castle and hire squires!

  • Iron Mine

The Iron Mine will be located on island 4 and will only require gold. This lets you upgrade your castle to a fancy iron castle with lovely statues!

The Statues + Thoughts on Usefulness

  • What are statues and how do they work?

Statues are buildings that will give you a permanent upgrade to a respective type of unit. They appear on several islands with varying usfulness.

  • Each statue?

– Archer Statue
This is an INCREDIBLY powerful statue. It will double the damage your archers deal which is just absolutely needed for later waves. It will also help them hunt deer and overall provide you with a wayyyy better defense. Aboslutely mandatory for your playthrough

– Builder Statue
Another VERY powerful statue. Not sure how the numbers are but I can say that it will increase the durability of your walls. While this statue isn’t needed to beat the game, it certainly makes it less scary against large waves. Highly useful and would get every playthrough for sure.

– Farmer Statue
This statue is a bit of a mix for me. My playstyle avoids farmers entirely so I actually never get it. However it does help improve your farms. Before getting this upgrade I would look around and make sure you have a farm nearby, otherwise it’s a waste. Not needed at all and depends on playstyle.

– Knight Statue
HOLY MOLY I DON’T LIKE YOU. Sorry, some bias there. This statue will give your knights a new ability which will let them charge forward and kill greed. There’s a problem though……They do it at night for no reason. At later stages when the big spawners come, I have had knights charge out to instantly die to the big spawners. Overall, that completely killed this statue for me. It put me at a disadvantage against larger waves and stacking knights. I wouldn’t recommend it at all but it could be cool to watch your knights charge?


You may find a dog in your travels. He can be useful, or just a good boy who keeps you company! ^-^
But seriously, you may find a dog trapped between a couple logs and may wonder, how do you free him? Simple! Simply drop a coin and he will now follow you! You even get to keep the coin!

  • But What does he do?

Well besides being the goodest boy <3. He will detect greed for you. When he barks the greed have spawned, and the direction he is facing is where they are coming from. This is only useful on a blood moon but it can still come in handy if you happen to be adventuring outside your walls!

Tips / Tricks (Including how to do Split Screen!)

  • How do I actiavte split screen!?

Press “J” in game. Yeah I was angry too. Player 2 will use HJK to play and there is no way (to my knowledge) to change the controls. G is used for abilities as player 2.

  • Squire / Knight Stacking

– The boat will hold up to 3 Squires/Knights. A useful tip to help your next land is to use the Knight hermit to grab the third Squire/Knight and send him on the ship to help in the next land!
– Your sides may hold infinite Squires/Knights. If you find yourself struggling late game, you can actually sail back to another island you completed. Grab knights and go right back. (Must have lighthouse done!) Infinite on the new land!

  • Winter Income

You can actually use trees to get some income. You are guaranteed your coin back, and have a chance to get another. Useful for when you’re struggling. You also can collect income from spearmen in the winter. Highly useful to have around 8-10 spearmen at all times.

Types of Greed (enemies)

(I will be referring to my own names for them but you will still get it)
-Little Guy (Greed)
These are the regular greed you will always see starting on day 1. They jump at you for their attack.

-Little Masked Guy (Armored Greed)
These are the same as the regular greed but they have some protection and take more to bring down.

– Flying Guy (Floaters)
These actually are not after you at all. They will fly over your walls and aim to take out tower archers or just take any villager they can find. Once abducted they will fly back to the portal with their prey. They will not appear until blood moons or after a portal destruction.

– Big Spawning Guy (Breeders)
The big meatshield that scares us all! Every few seconds will spawn more little guys and will pack quite a punch against a wall, or even you. Will send most of your bag flying and kill even a fully coined up knight instantly. Has area damage so beware grouping! They will also occasionally throw rocks. This is extremely dangerous and will decimate your soldiers. There is no way to really prevent it or protect from it (to my knowledge) so your best course of action would be to rehire the troops ASAP.

– The Leaping Guy of Nightmares (Crownstealers)
Now this is actually a really interesting and scary idea! This is a strange fellow that will be atop the Big Spawning Guy and will actually attmept to jump over your wall! Ahhhh! With more testing. I have learned this enemy will go out of their way to steal your crown. They are also faster than you, no matter what mount you have. The good news is, they almost only appear on blood moons + post portal destruction, and don’t kill your citizens. Lastly, since their goal is your crown, they will INSTANTLY knock it off, no matter how full your bag is. I have yet to pinpoint the day they spawn but on my average playthroughs, I start seeing them post day 70.
Picture Reference:

Iron Towers Breakdown

A Fully Upgraded Iron Tower

  • Why Spend all the money to get these?

The thing that is the most exciting…………..THEY ARE SAFE FROM FLYING GUYS!

They cannot be taken and are safe forever! This means that building a tower on the other side of your wall is now safe! They also will hold up to four archers rather than three!

  • Are They Even Useful?

I definitely think so. Keeping your towers safe from Flying Guys is awesome! It also gives them improved accuracy since they are at a higher vantage point. However the only real area you NEED them is if you have a tower outside your wall like the picture above ^. They are not as needed anywhere else. I would place it lower on my priority list but this will vary on playstyle!

Vagrant Camps / Ship Breakdown

  • Ship Breakdown

Broken ship ^

The ship is how you will move from every island! It’s super easy to understand, all you need is build it then sail away! However keep in mind. The pieces can be taken by the greed, your builders are also vulnerable while going to build it. You also lose valuable hunters if you drop it to the water / lose builders too. Keep in mind your bag persists between islands! If you leave with a full bag, you will enter the next island with that same full bag! You will know when you are going to drop it based on a couple things.
– If you suddenly can’t buy any more parts, the ship is now done. If you purchase again it will drop the ship into the water.
– How it looks visually, is it a normal looking boat?

  • Will my hermits come or can I only bring one?

When you board your ship all your hermits will actually run over and jump in to join you!

  • The most valuable thing ever: Vagrant camps!

A vagrant camp ^

These will be how you grow! You need to constantly find these camps and hire them as you go! Keep in mind the limit is two. For maximum efficiency, never let it get to two! These will spawn a new vagrant every half day. So you must continue to check in and pay them!


While there isn’t much data on decay. I will say that I don’t think it’s worth worrying about. To me, I interpret it as since all your kingdoms now persist, it’s like your kingdom will still be attacked while you’re gone. With that being said, according to the wiki, an Iron Wall will last 30 days. Your banker income will not be affected however your troops left behind may become jobless. I don’t think this is a big enough deal to worry about unless you take awhile to get anywhere. However, it is something that should be mentioned.


Over your time of playing, you will notice slight variances to the background or behavior of the environment. Most notably, the difference between Winter and Summer.

  • Winter

Winter is most notably the hardest season. Bunnies will no longer spawn and deer will also no longer spawn. Farms will also stop producing, leaving you pretty much nonexistant in the income department. Worry not! There are still a few ways to earn income. You will also discover that the grass is now frozen over, and you can no longer graze! Fear not, there is 1 mount that can still graze without grass (The best mount). The unicorn becomes a regular horse during this season.

  • Earning Income In Winter

Banker – This is the easiest income you will generate. He will continue to accrue interest per night and still allow withdrawals. However, beware of overusing him to compensate for the lack of your other income sources.
Pikeman – These guys are my personal favorite addition to 2 Crowns. They will still catch fish and generate income, even during winter! They may not be as nice as bunnies, deer, or farms, but it’s still better than nothing!
Trees – This one is a bit of a double edged sword and may not be possible depending on your island. Every tree you cut down is guaranteed to give 1 coin back, with a chance of dropping another coin. If you cut down 10 trees, and 5 gift another coin. Your original 10 coins is now 15! This may be small but it can help in a pinch.

  • How long are Seasons?

16 days.
The player will always start in Spring. Day 17 will be Summer, Day 33 is Autumn, and the dreaded Winter will arrive on day 49. Since seasons are a set length, you can expect Winter on days 49-64 (16 days) and 113-128 (16 days again).

Tips / Tricks (Will update as I find new things!)

  • Squire / Knight Stacking

– The boat will hold up to 3 Squires/Knights. A useful tip to help your next land is to use the Knight hermit to grab the third Squire/Knight and send him on the ship to help in the next land!
– Your sides may hold infinite Squires/Knights. If you find yourself struggling late game, you can actually sail back to another island you completed. Grab knights and go right back. (Must have lighthouse done!) Infinite on the new land!

  • AFK Vagrant hiring

After buying both vagrants from a camp. You may actually leave a coin (Don’t if it’s close to night!) If you do, when the next vagrant spawns, he will automatically grab it and be hired!

  • Keeping Vagrant Camps in your walls

Proof you can!

This can be a little difficult to do but it is possible. If you can’t afford to lose the camp, go past it and look for a clearing to clear trees. Now build your wall there and it will automatically extend there! And you get to keep the vagrant camp!

How to Win? (Strategy)

It’s a lot easier than you think it may be!

  • Core Unlocks! (In order of getting)

(Quarry + Iron mine you just get those the second you’re on the island. This is for gem requirements.)

– Stag
Useful mount for getting around fast, however only useful for island 2 and then you ditch it.

– Baker Hermit
This is extremely needed for the islands where your vagrant camps are far away.

– Builder Statue
This will give your walls a lovely boost that again, allows you to focus on other things rather than upgrading walls! Typically with this upgrade the first stone wall is all you need for awhile.

– Knight Hermit
Nice for spamming three Squires/Knights to send on the boat but this is the only real use.

– Gryphon
Honestly the only mount you really need. The push back ability is great for defense and the stamina is great for exploring the sides. Also having the graze feature anywhere allows for easy adventuring!

– Archer Statue
Picking this up ASAP will allow you to have minimal defenses and still survive.

– Unicorn
Great for Spamming the grazing to get infinite gold! However loses its usefulness during winter and would swap back to Gryphon.

– Horn Hermit
This guy isn’t needed but his upgraded wall is also a nice commodity to have!

(Will update with more detailed breakdown, tired from this first revision sorry! Feel free to check out my stream if you need a better idea to win.)


If you’re reading this, hope you learned something useful! I will update this as needed because there’s a great chance I messed up somewhere or left out some info, feel free to leave a comment with any criticism, good or bad! I will include my changes if I update it down here. Thanks again and I hope I helped!

Update 1: Added Small Decay Section
Update 2: Minor Grammar / Fixing small mistakes. Updated Greed/Hermits sections. Added Season Section
Update 3: