GTFO Guide

The GTFO Survival Guide (Outdated) for GTFO

The GTFO Survival Guide (Outdated)


This is the ultimate survival guide that includes maps, strats, stats and exploits.(Note : I will not continue this guide after Rundown 3.)






The game is still in Early Access thus it is subject to change. I will update this guide to the best of my capability.


LFG (Looking-For-Group)

Unfortunately, the game is in Early Access and does not have in-game matchmaking so you will have to do most of the job in looking for a group to play with.

Step 1 : Get Discord

Discord is a free all-in-one chat for gamers. If you don’t have it, you can get it on its official website at [link]

Step 2 : Join the official GTFO discord server

Through the Discord app/software, you can join the official GTFO discord server by clicking the provided link below.

As a host

If you have a headset with a mic, you can join an empty Voice Channel (GTFO-###) by scrolling down through the Channel list and clicking on its name.

Then via the proper LFG channel depending on your region,

# lfg-north-america [crawler link=1843583 full_link=1]
# lfg-south-america [crawler link=1843584 full_link=1]
# lfg-eastern-europe [crawler link=1843585 full_link=1]
# lfg-western-europe [crawler link=1843586 full_link=1]
# lfg-asia [crawler link=1843587 full_link=1]
# lfg-oceania [crawler link=1843588 full_link=1]

you enter in chat the proper demand to look for people to join

LFXM players for Y level (invite url to your voice channel)

Ex: LF3M for A1 (

Finally, by clicking the red button to the right in the lobby, it should copy the lobby id. Share that lobby id by pasting it to your colleagues by private message (Clicking on the username within your Voice Channel at “Message @Username”). This way, you won’t have to deal with griefers joining games at random and ruining your experience.

As a player joining a lobby

Copy the lobby id and within the GTFO game, in the Rundown, you should see a red button to the left side saying “JOIN #SteamUsername# FROM CLIPBOARD”

Click that red button and you should join the lobby.

If you are in an empty lobby than there’s a problem which most likely results from the lobby being already full. Communicate with the problem with the host to restart the lobby and share with you the new lobby id.

More information can be found here -> [link]


Summary :

GTFO is 4-player co-op FPS horror game. Your team will have to explore an infested underground facility known as “The Complex” with each level varying in difficulty with its own mission objective. From A to E, the deeper the level, the harder it gets. Each level has its special parameters that doesn’t change allowing you to plan ahead but they are generated differently from each play giving you a different experience from each play-through. The game usually favours stealth over firepower as firing your weapon will attract enemies within the immediate area. Each level is divided by zones which are then divided by areas.

Prisoners :

There are 4 playable prisoners sent down into “The Complex” starting at 100% health. Once the health reaches 0%, the prisoner will be in a “Downed” state where another prisoner will have to pick him back up by holding ‘E’. At below 20% health, the prisoner will slowly regenerate to 20% health.

Infection :

The infection bar in blue works like a debuff that deducts from your maximum hp and alters your vision. The infection starts to take effect once the prisoner reaches 10% to a maximum of 85%. Above 85% infection, the infection will slowly fall back down to 85%. You can gain infection either by being in the thick fog or sprayed by an enemy called the Spitter. To remove the infection, you will have to either use a “Disinfection Pack” or a “Disinfection Station”.

Locks :

There is two types of locks temporarily halting the progress of the prisoners : a digital lock and a physical lock.

  • Hack Locks :

    Hack locks can be hacked with the hacking tool where upon failure will make a loud noise that can awaken nearby Sleepers or stealthily melted with a “Lock Melter”. When hacking, you’ll have to hack the lock by timing the moving bar into the orange gap three times with each stage being narrower than the preceding stage.

  • Physical Locks :

    Physical locks can only be destroyed either by a tool called the “Lock Melter” or from a weapon like the melee weapons or a firearm. Unlike with the “Lock Melter”, hitting a lock makes enough noise to awaken nearby Sleepers.

Containers :

Containers can be found as a locker or a toolbox. They can be found locked or unlocked. It is where you’ll mostly find essential items that will help you in completing your mission objective.

Doors :

Doors separates each room and have readable information on them which can help you learn where they lead and their door id. There’s two types of doors : closeable doors and non-closeable security doors.

Closeable Doors :

Closeable doors are found locked by either a digital lock or a physical lock, or they are found unlocked. They can be opened by touching the panel on its side. They separate a Zone into different areas which are letter coded. (ex: Zone_1A) They can be closed on enemies to help you gain precious seconds to setup a defense or run away to the mission extract. But beware, they can be broken by you or by your enemies.

Special note : When these closeable-doors are frozen, they are reinforced meaning it’ll take more hits before it breaks. As the enemies bash the frozen door, the ice on the door will dissipate until there is no more. That ice can be replenished with more C-foam after it dissipated a little. I’m not sure if adding more C-foam at frozen door will do anything but my personal experience points out that it doesn’t help so better to play it safe and not waste the C-Foam until necessary.

Non-Closeable Security Doors :

Non-closeable doors cannot be broken and cannot be closed once opened. They separate each zones and they are found in five states.

  • Unlocked :

    Unlocked doors are unlocked.

  • Security scan :

    Security scan locked doors usually requires all team members to assemble into the designated area and thankfully, do not attract a wave of the infested. Once opened, it cannot be closed.

  • Alarm locked :

    Once activated, it will start an alarm which will attract waves of enemies to your area. Your team members will have to quickly assemble and dispatch into stages of red areas shown on the floor to disable the alarm. The wave will not stop until the alarm has been disabled. Once opened, it cannot be closed.

  • Key locked :

    Locked by a keycard. You’ll have to figure out its location with the use of a terminal. It’s best practice to type the id of the key in general chat for future reference for the whole team. After the keycard is found and used on the door, it’ll be in one of the other remaining states. Once opened, it cannot be closed.

  • Motion Detectors Triggered “Blood door” :

    As you approach a security door with the Motion Warning, you’ll hear the banging and the screams of the Sleepers trying to get through it. Once opened, they will rush through but are not the whole of all the Sleepers inside the room so sometimes it is a good idea to fall back at a distance to clear out the Sleepers to avoid being overwhelmed by the horde of Sleepers that will rush you.


Terminals will help you plan out your mission as you’ll gain access to level-specific knowledge by typing in the proper commands and sometimes the proper parameters. It is automatically cap-locked and you can scroll through previously entered commands from that specific terminal with the up arrow key. Commands are character sensitive.

Note : Ignore the quotation (“) marks when typing the commands into the terminal.

  • HELP :

    “HELP” gives you a brief summed-up guide in how to use the terminal.


    “COMMANDS” gives you the available list of commands you can use to type in the terminal.

  • CLS:

    The “CLS” command clears the terminal screen.

  • EXIT:

    The “EXIT” command exits the terminal screen. Note: You don’t have to use this command to exit the terminal. You can use the ESC keyboard button instead.

  • LIST :

    The “LIST” command will search and list all objects by default or the specified objects within the specified area or the whole level by default. You can specify the area of the list by typing “LIST ZONE_20”. You can also specify the object of your search by typing “LIST AMMO”. You can combine both to list specific objects within a specific area by typing “LIST ZONE_20 AMMO”. The parameters from this command are not case-sensitive as you can enter an abbreviated version of the object id like “KEY_RED_987” to “KEY”. You can get the list of resources by entering “LIST RESOURCES”.

  • QUERY :

    The “QUERY” command will tell you the general location of the object. By typing something like “QUERY HSU_925”, it will might tell you it is in Zone_23 but not which area of Zone_23 as there can be multiple area within that zone. The parameters are character specific.

  • PING :

    The “PING” command will tell you the specific area of the object and make a ping-like sound of the object within that area by typing something like “PING HSU_925”. This command only works with a terminal within the same zone of the object. The parameters are character specific.

  • LOGS :

    The “LOGS” command will list any logs available on this terminal. The purpose of these logs are yet to be determined.

  • READ :

    The “READ” command will read a text log on this terminal


    The “UPLINK_CONNECT” command is to establish an external uplink connection with the mission instructed IP address. (ex: UPLINK_CONNECT


    The “UPLINK_VERIFY” command is to verify the external uplink connection to be able to connect. You’ll be given a three digit code like Y06 and on the HUD, you should see a series of 4 letter codewords associated with a three digit code. If on the terminal it says : “Verification required : use UPLINK_VERIFY and use public key Y09 to obtain code”, it means look in your HUD for the four letter codeword associated with Y09 and then you enter the codeword by using the “UPLINK_VERIFY” command. (ex : UPLINK_VERIFY SLOW)


    REACTOR_STARTUP is the command required to start the reactor. Essential to start the mission objective.


    REACTOR_SHUTDOWN is the command required to shutdown the reactor. Essential to start the mission objective.


    Required to enter during a sub-mission objective, REACTOR_VERIFY is accompanied with a code given to you by the mission objective on the center of your HUD (NOT ON THE TERMINAL). So if the code is LAVA, you’ll have to type “REACTOR_VERIFY LAVA”.


Four skins available to choose from (Mallet, Sledgehammer, Maul, Gavel), it can kill regular Sleepers in one clean hit to the head by charging it to its full capacity. It is going to be your best friend so it’d be best to learn how to master it. It has a right-click function where it can quickly smack the handle against the enemies.


Main :
  • Shelling S49 Pistol :

    Starting Ammo: 15+85
    Max Ammo: 15+153

    This pistol is capable to destroy basic enemies with two-three headshots. Even though it is not effective against large enemies, it can kill larger enemies faster than some weapons.

  • Raptus Treffen 2 Machine Pistol (Rundown 002 Specific) :

    Starting Ammo: 50+250
    Max Ammo: 50+490

    The Machine Pistol is a close-quarter focused weapon meant to deal with many enemies at a time. It has a fast reload speed and a fast rate of fire but has a very short effective range and it is inefficient against larger enemies.

  • Van Auken LTC 5 Sub-Machine Gun :

    Starting Ammo: 40+190
    Max Ammo: 40+353

    The SMG has a fast reload time but deals low damage. The SMG has a short effective range making it effective in quickly dealing some Sleepers upclose.

  • Malatack LX Assault Rifle :

    Starting Ammo: 30+136
    Max Ammo: 30+255

    The Assault Rifle is a good overall weapon capable of taking most Sleepers effectively with its medium damage output, medium range and low recoil.

  • TR22 Hanaway Designated Marksman Rifle :

    Starting Ammo: 12+35
    Max Ammo: 12+73

    The DMR can kill average Sleepers in one well-placed shot. Even though it is a good rifle with good damage, it would require a good shot to make the DMR an ammo efficient weapon.

  • Malatack CH 4 Burst Rifle (Rundown 002 Specific) :

    Starting Ammo: 27+139
    Max Ammo: 27+255

    The Burst Rifle is a good overall weapon with its 3-round burst mode instead of full-auto. The burst mode allows it to have a better recoil control and better accuracy but will tend to use up more ammo as some shots might end up wasted.

  • Accrat Golok DA Bullpup Rifle (Rundown 003 Specific) :

    Starting Ammo: 40+136
    Max Ammo: 40+270

    The Bullpup Rifle has a long reload time but its fast firing rate with good damage makes this ideal when needing that high burst of damage output.

  • Drekker Pres MOD 556 Rifle (Rundown 003 Specific) :

    Starting Ammo: 16+57
    Max Ammo: 16+112

    The 556 Rifle has a good damage that can kill most Sleepers in 1-2 headshots.

  • Van Auken CAB F4 Carbine (Rundown 003 Specific) :

    Starting Ammo: 40+190
    Max Ammo: 40+353

    The Carbine is a 4-shot burst rifle and can kill most enemies in one burst.


  • Buckland S870 Semi-Automatic Shotgun :

    Starting Ammo: 8+4
    Max Ammo: 8+19

    The Shotgun has one of the highest damage output which allows it to eliminate most Sleepers, including the Scout, with a headshot at point blank. It has good accuracy and a low rate of fire, the shotgun should be mainly be used to take out tougher enemies.

  • Buckland AF6 Combat Shotgun :

    Starting Ammo: 12+18
    Max Ammo: 12+46

    The Combat Shotgun has a lower damage output and a higher rate of fire compared to the Shotgun. Despite the lower damage output, it can still kill average Sleepers with one shot making this ideal to eliminate hordes of Sleepers.

  • Mastaba R66 Revolver :

    Starting Ammo: 6+27
    Max Ammo: 6+51

    The Revolver pack a good punch but it’ll require to be a good shot to use this weapon efficiently with its 6-rounds barrel. It has a decent reload and can take out the average Sleeper in one headshot. It can 1 shot a Scout to the back of the head if close enough.

  • Techman Veruta XII Machine Gun (Rundown 002 Specific) :

    Starting Ammo: 50+65
    Max Ammo: 50+176

    The Machine Gun has decent damage but requires to shoot in bursts to effectively use it due to its massive recoil. Like its predecessor, the Techman Arbalist V, it has a charge up before firing. It is ideal in clearing up hordes of average Sleepers.

  • Köning PR 11 Sniper Rifle :

    Starting Ammo: 3+3
    Max Ammo: 3+9

    The Sniper Rifle, ideal to kill Scouts in 1 shot to the head, is one of the most powerful weapon with its long range. It is the most inefficient weapon of all and should only be used to kill Scouts.

  • Techman Klust 6 Burst Cannon (Rundown 003 Specific) :

    Starting Ammo: 20+12
    Max Ammo: 20+50

    The Burst Cannon is a 5-shot burst cannon. It has a really good damage output and can not only quickly eliminate tougher enemies but also one burst a Scout.

  • Omneco EXP1 HEL Gun (Rundown 003 Specific) :

    Starting Ammo: 9+11
    Max Ammo: 9+30

    The HEL Gun is like the DMR but with builet penetration and a charge up time before shots.

  • Omneco LRG HEL Rifle (Rundown 003 Specific) :

    Starting Ammo: 4+8
    Max Ammo: 4+19

    The HEL Rifle is like the Sniper Rifle but with bullet penetration, a charge up time before shots and more ammo. It’s not as powerful as the Sniper Rifle but it can still kill a Scout in one shot.


Tool :
  • C-foam launcher :

    C-foam launcher also known as Cryo-foam launcher is a stealth tool, meaning it won’t alert enemies when used, that can shoot cryo-foam pellets on doors to freeze it or on the floor to freeze Sleepers when they walk over it. The amount of C-Foam shot, between 1 to 12, depends on the amount of charge time. It takes 2 shots to freeze Sleepers and Scouts while larger Sleepers will take 4-7 shots. It takes 10-12 shots at the door to freeze it. Beware, C-Foam once used will melt after a certain amount of time. (Max 60 ammo capacity)

  • Bio-tracker :

    “D-Tek Optron IV Bio-tracker” can see the location of the sleeper within the player’s proximity and it can also mark any and all moving targets. It is ideal to mark all moving targets when possible to show all threats to the team but it has a 8 second cooldown so time it well. (Infinite ammo capacity)

  • Mine deployer :

    The “Krieger 04 Mine Deployer” is as it’s name says, it deploys mines that can stick to walls and objects. It is NOT a stealth tool as exploding mines will alert the Sleepers. Mines that explodes in a cone-shaped charge whenever a Sleeper crosses the laser. Deployed mines can be picked up. It can take out groups of Sleepers but beware, if in the way of the explosion, it can kill fellow teammates instantly. Friendlies don’t trip the mines but they can explode by damaging it. (Max 10 ammo capacity)

  • Burst sentry :

    “Mechatronic SGB3 Burst Sentry” uses an SMG-like weaponry scanning any threat in front of it. When it detects an enemy, it’ll shoot in 3-shot bursts thus the name “Burst Sentry”. Good for long range that requires accuracy but deals low damage and is not ideal for big waves. Beware as they can deal friendly-fire. (Max 210 ammo capacity)

  • Shotgun sentry :

    Like the Burst Sentry, the “Mechatronic B5 LFR Shotgun Sentry” uses a Shotgun-like weaponry scanning any threat and shooting 5-round slugs at the enemy. It deals a good amount of damage. It’s really good for choke points as it’s low accuracy will spread to the cluster of enemies thus slowing them down if not killing them but beware, they can deal a lot of friendly-fire damage. (Max 42 ammo capacity)


Shotgun Sentry -VS- Burst Sentry :

The comparison is summarised between close range vs long range. Its effectiveness will depend highly on the placement of the sentry and its orientation. Let’s look at the examples below…

For the Shotgun Sentry, the placement depends heavily on its bullet spread and how close it can shoot Sleepers for optimal effectiveness. While the spread of the Shotgun Sentry lowers the damage output in long range, 1 bullet hit is enough to slow down the progress of a Sleeper. To maximize the damage output of the Shotgun Sentry, it is suggested to orient them to shoot the backs of the Sleepers as they’ll run by it and expose their backs in close proximity to the sentry. It is also why people place Shotgun Sentries at the other side of a closed door and freeze it with C-Foam to allow it to kill Sleepers as they try to break down the doors. The problem with placing Shotgun Sentries in that manner, to shoot the backs of the Sleeper, is that your team will be exposed to the bullets shot from it as Sentries can cause Friendly Fire damage. Although, some situations allows it when your team is not directly exposed to those bullets. There is best of both worlds by placing it sideways and staying away from the Sentries’ Field-of-View to avoid Friendly Fire but the challenge will fall unto the duration of the Sleeper staying near it as it’ll just run past the Field of View of the Sentry. Placing it sideways is ideal for slowing down Sleepers because of the bullet spread but shouldn’t be relied to kill them on their own.

For the Burst Sentry, its unpopularity is mainly due to its lack of damage output compared to the Shotgun Sentry but have its uses in long range combat as it is more accurate than the Shotgun Sentry. It can be used at a remote spot in a long hallway pointing at their backs away from the combat area as Sleepers tend to move in a straight line or to defend a long hallway. It is the ideal Sentry to set in a large open space where Sleepers have multiple entry points.


  • Medical Pack:

    Each use of Medical Pack heals 20% of the player’s health. In the terminal, they go by “MEDIPACK”.

  • Tool Refill Pack:

    Each use of Tool Refill Pack resupply 20% of the player’s tool ammo. You can resupply sentries directly.

  • Ammo Pack:

    Each use of Ammo Pack resupply 20% of the player’s main and special weapon ammo. In the terminal, they go by “AMMOPACK”

  • Disinfection Pack:

    Each use of Disinfection Pack lowers by 20% the amount of infection accumulated on the player.

  • Long Range Flashlight:

    Long Range Flashlights are powerful flashlights that can light up a room easily but can as well wake up Sleepers. They are very useful for disabling Spitters.

  • Glowstick:

    Using glowsticks doesn’t wake up sleepers and are essential when navigating through an infested dark room. They don’t last forever and they can fall through metal grid flooring. They come in green.

  • Fog Repeller:

    Fog repellers doesn’t wake up sleepers and are essential when navigating through foggy areas as they suck the fog away in its proximity for a while.

  • C-foam grenade:

    C-foam grenades also known as Cryo-foam grenades can seal-freeze undamaged doors with one hit or freeze the floor thus freezing Sleepers that walks on it. Lob it for maximum efficiency as it’ll spread better instead of throwing it directly to the floor. Beware, C-Foam once used will melt after a certain amount of time.

  • Lock Melter:

    The Lock Melter melts both the physical locks and the hack locks, stealthily allowing the player to sneak past difficult situations that requires avoiding combat.

  • PID:

    Some mission objectives requires the collection of PIDs. They are always found within a container.

  • Cargo:

    Some mission objectives requires the collection of a Cargo. They are always found lying around and not within a container.

  • Power Cell:

    A Power Cell are used to power Generators that are required to complete the mission objective. Always found lying around and not within a container.

  • Fog Turbine:

    When carried, it will activate and act as a Fog Repeller but endlessly. It is useful when exploring within areas of infectious fog. Always found lying around and not within a container.

  • Keycards:

    Keycards are essential in unlocking certain doors that requires it.

  • Disinfection Station:

    Not exactly an item, but worth mentioning. The Disinfection Station, like the Disinfection Pack, can remove the accumulated infection the prisoner accumulated except it has unlimited uses.

  • Explosive Tripmine:

    Like a deployed mine, it can be placed in most places and explode when the laser intersects with an enemy but once deployed, it cannot be moved anymore.

  • I2-LP Syringe:

    This red syringe heals about 10%, at the cost of added infection.

  • IIx Syringe:

    This yellow syringe gives you adrenaline for a limited time (8 seconds) boosting your melee damage, at the cost of added infection. Apparently, you can solo a Big Striker with a fully charged attack at the back of the neck.


Sleepers –

Sleepers are what looks like to be fungi-infested necromorphs occupying inactive areas of the infested underground complex. They are first seen sleeping while crouched or standing hence the name “Sleeper”. They are sensitive to sound, movement and light. When snoring or tongue clicking, they pulse a reddish glow that can be seen in dark rooms and highly prone to be woken in this state so don’t move, don’t breathe. When woken, after a few seconds, they will scream to wake all sleepers within the area. Ideally, it is best to dispose of them before they wake up or scream as you’ll save ammo and health thus reducing the chance of a full team wipe. Sleepers have two variants which are the following :

  • Striker variant :

    Strikers will either hit you with their limbs or charge up a tongue attack that can hit about 5 arm lengths of distance and go around obstacles. They have a vertically-split face with sharp exposed teeths.

  • Shooter variant :

    Shooters will shoot a mid-long range projectiles that can curve to your direction. Their projectiles can be dodged by strafing and you can differentiate them as their face have exposed gland sacs. They do not have melee attacks.

Big Boys :

Big boys like sleepers are initially found in a sleeping state, either standing or crouched, waiting for the unfortunate to wake up the giant. You can discern them from their coarce snoring and their size. They are slow, tanky and very dangerous as they can deal a lot more damage than the smaller sleepers. There are two variants both Big Strikers and Big Shooters, with the same attack patterns but with a deadlier twist. Big Strikers have a longer range tongue attack and Big Shooters shoots multiple projectiles. It is possible to solo a Big Shooter as its projectile can be easily dodged up close. Big Strikers are very dangerous up close and should be dealt with carefully. They can be stealthily killed by synchronizing your teams (3-4 players) melee attack at full charge.

Scout :

Immunity phase :

Scouts aren’t found in a sleeping state but found roaming the room and periodically spreading its tentacles to find the players. The tentacles or “feelers” have a long range and spreads in every direction horizontally. If the tentacles are touched, the Scout will be triggered and enter an immunity phase before it screams alerting waves of Sleepers of all variants from and outside of the area affected. The Scout will then rely on ranged attacks like the “Shooters”. Ideally, it’s best to kill them quietly with a deployed mine or by freezing them with C-Foam and finishing them with a fully charged melee attack or using a sentry to peek through non-closeable doors (Refer to Tips & Strategies section). But if that isn’t possible, before it enters their immunity phase, kill it by using a sniper, a shotgun or a synced attack from multiple high damaging firearms like the revolver or the dmr.

Spitter :

The Spitter is an indestructable sack containing a blueish glow-in-the-dark liquid that is sprayed on the prisoners if they get too close or attempt to damage them. The blueish liquid infects the player and causes slight damage but if the player gets too infected, it will reduce the HP cap to the remainder as 100 – Infection%. The Spitter can be disabled by lighting them up with the flashlight or freezing them with C-Foam.

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Chargers :

“Chargers” are found sleeping in the deep area of “The Complex”. They are pitch black with a spiky head and barely glow as much as their fellow Sleepers. Like the Striker, they rely on melee attacks. Not only do they hit harder and faster but they run a lot faster. They can either rush a series of punches at their target with utmost impunity or charge straight at the player hence their name “Chargers”. It can also use tongue attacks at a distance. You can kill them quietly with 1 fully charged melee attack in its back but when it’s not possible, it takes two hits. I suggest two hits because if they’re not hit directly behind them, at their backs, they will stumble and rush you, if not alert the whole room. Fortunately, they’re not as tanky as the Big Boys.

Shadow :

Shadows are found in the core of “The Complex”. No one knows of their origin but when they come, you’ll know. You’ll hear them but you will see nothing until a shadowy outline is two steps away from your face ready to rip it off. They are invisible to the sentries unless marked by a Biometric Scanner and like the Strikers, they use melee attacks. If you need to prepare… wear brown pants.

Hybrid :

The Hybrids are called that way because as they look like Chargers, they act more like Shooters firing 14 glowing projectiles in quick succession each dealing between 2-5% damage. They are as tanky as the Chargers and like them, they are capable to punch hard. It is ideal the deal with them quickly by shooting their legs off to force them to fall and expose their back temporarily which is their weak point.

Big Shadow :

Big Shadows have a physical form of a Big Striker that can only be seen lit up by a flashlight. They use every attack of a Big Striker but they can run a lot faster. They are first seen in a sleeping posture of a Sleeper, either standing or crouched, in the deepest areas of The Complex. It is recommended to use the D-Tek Optron IV Bio Tracker to spot their location without mistakenly bump into one as the large shadowy figure will be the last thing you’ll wish to see.

Mother :

Mothers are found with its torso opened out capable of blocking shots and on its legs positioned like a spider. When awake, it’ll spawn a horde of babies in proximity to the prisoners, fart a non-infectious fog to hide in and quickly run away from harm. Mothers don’t attack. The best way to deal with them is by freezing the Mother with C-Foam and shoot its egg sacs on its back -or- shooting her back from a long distance.

Babies :

When spawned, they’ll quickly run at the prisoners and like the Strikers, will use a tongue attack dealing 4% damage. They are very weak by themselves but in masse, can quickly take down a team if not dealt with. Ideally, it’s best to eliminate them as they spawn.

Big Mother :

The Big Mother, very similar to the Mother, is larger and tankier. It can spawn more babies and follows the same behaviour as the Mother. It is invulnerable to any form of damage but has a small window of vulnerability when spawning Babies. The ideal strategy is to shoot the Babies as they spawn and then shoot the back.


The behavior of a Scout :

The Scout is triggered by noise and if sprinted near it, the Scout will deploy its far-reaching tentacles. If the tentacles are touched, the tentacle will go red and the Scout will enter into an invincible phase (glowing blue).

It will roam around the room and periodically deploy its tentacles. The Scout tend avoid the prisoners by walking away if it senses a risk. It can climb ladders and jump down from them.

Its tentacles deploy horizontally at different angles (around 20-30 degree angle) but not vertically.

Stealth kills :

– Fully Charged Melee attack :

Technique 1 : By using objects that blocks the tentacles, you can get close enough to wait for the Scout to retract its tentacles, walk close to it and bash its head with a full charge attack.

Technique 2 : By using C-Foam, you can freeze the Scout and walk up to it to kill it with a fully charged attack.

Technique 3 : By using the high-ground, you can charge your attack at full then jump in front of the Scout while, perfectly timed, hitting its head with the full charge attack.

Non-Stealth kills :

– Mines :

Mine explosion don’t trigger Scouts but they do trigger Sleepers within that room. Sleepers will wake up and charge at you, but if you are far enough, the Sleepers may not alert the Scout.

– Revolver to the back of the head, close enough :

Hard to pull off since it requires to be close enough for the fall off damage to not hinder the shot. OR, two synced headshots to the head.

– Shotgun shot up-close :

Easy to do. Wait for the Scout to retract its tentacles to walk up to it and shoot its massive head off its shoulders.

– Sniper Rifle Headshot :

Ideal tactic. If far enough from Sleepers and outside of the room, a Sniper Rifle shot will not alert the room when the Scout is shot down.

– 2 quick DMR Headshot :

Hard to do. Either synced or shot fast enough, two DMR shots to the head can kill Scouts.


Communication is key to victory :

In the lobby, take the time to know who’s who and who does what. Designate a team leader if you have to. Whoever has the biometric scanner will have to constantly point out where the sleepers are by using the compass at the top of the HUD to figure out its general direction and if possible, mark all moving targets. If you see a Sleeper pulsing, point it out to your team and tell them to stop. This is a game of Stop and Go, and if some players can’t see the pulsing Sleeper, you’ll quickly have to deal with a horde of woken Sleepers. If you see a locker, say it. If you have supplies, say it. If you’re low on health or low on ammo, say it. If you think you have something pertinent to say, say it. A team that doesn’t communicate is a team that isn’t working together and you’ll be bound to wipe.

Avoid combat if you can :

In most levels, supplies are scarce. Some times supplies are scarce enough to make it insufficient to deal with the minimum amount of Sleepers needed to complete the mission objective. Shots fired from one room won’t necessarily trigger the neighboring rooms even if the door is open but keep in mind that it can and when it does, dealing with them will lower your chances of success when it wasn’t necessary in the first place. Most alarms can’t be avoided and thus, supplies should be focused for those moments but it’ll happen when you can just check the containers without having to kill any Sleepers. Kill the Sleepers when you don’t have a choice but try to do it quietly with a fully charged melee attack. If you don’t have to, move along. If possible, sync your attacks with a teammate when they’re close together.

Slow and Steady :

The biggest common mistake is rushing too much. The stealth aspect in the game is slow-paced and should stay that way. Rushing for whatever reason is no excuse if it can be avoided. Most of the time, not only you but your team is punished for it so be mindful of that and take your time in finishing the level.

Stay Positive :

Everyone makes mistakes and there’s no excuse to hammer someone because of one mistake. Even though newbies should learn what they can or can’t do, they’ll never learn and improve if they don’t make mistakes. Griefing is one thing but making mistakes is another. Teaching them and staying positive will help everyone in the long run. Even though it sucks failing a run, it’s just a game. Have fun, learn and play.


Choke And Kill :

When combat is unavoidable, you’ll be swarmed by Sleepers and use more supplies than necessary if you don’t figure out your “Choke Points” and “Killzones”. Sometimes, it’s difficult to figure out where they’ll be coming from but when that happens, you can force them into a “Killzone” and ideally it’s after a “Choke Point”. The difference between a “Choke Point” and a “Killzone” is that a “Choke Point” is where the enemy is forced to line up to go through a narrower section like a doorway or a narrow hall or a narrow stairway. A “Killzone” is where the enemy will be killed. Most of the time a “Choke Point” and a “Killzone” are going to be at the same spot unless the “Choke Point” is long and narrow hallway. You can set a “Choke Point” by stacking up in front of a small doorway, stairs or ladder where they’ll be forced to go through if there’s not a more direct path to your team. You can place a sentry sideways at the other side of a closed door to create an ideal “Killzone” as they’ll stack up and try to break through the closed door, better yet if that door is frozen with C-Foam. If that isn’t possible, place the sentry towards the “Choke Point” and stand in line formation behind the sentry. Sleepers will tend to line up and it’ll be easier to eliminate them all.

Exploit the AI Behavior :

The AI will rarely flank and most of the time, they will follow a straight path to the player. When the Sleeper is charging an attack, you can interrupt their charge by shooting them as they’ll stagger and they’ll have to charge back again. When staggering them, they’ll stop running and sometimes, back up a little. The sleepers will generally prioritize a single door even if frozen over flanking through a neighboring room with two closed doors. So if you’re stacking at the other side of a ladder that is closer to the Sleepers than going around back to flank you, they will climb the ladder no matter how disadvantageous it is for them.

Synchronizing Team Attacks

There will come a point when Sleepers are too close to dispose of silently thus your team will have to do “sync” your attacks.

The most common technique is counting out loud via your microphone:


At 5, you should be at full charge and if done right, your team will all hit at the same time thus managing to stealthily kill a Big Sleeper or multiple Sleepers. Expect this to go wrong and be ready to recover by quickly disposing the still alive or awaken Sleepers.

Dodging Attacks

Side-stepping (Shift + A/S/D) : Depending on the key pressed while sprinting, you’ll side-step left, back or right. This is useful to dodge “Shooters” shooting glowing balls at you at the last second as those balls will curve in your direction. Beware, there’s a cooldown when side-stepping so you won’t be able to spam this.

Sliding (Shift + Ctrl) : By pressing the crouch button while sprinting, you’ll slide on the floor. This is useful to dodge tongue attacks from “Strikers” but beware as you need to reach a certain speed to slide so you cannot spam this.

Exploiting the Sleepers weak points

The Sleepers receive more damage if hit either at the head, the back or both. Most of the time, hitting the back of their head deals the most damage as it exploits both weak points which overlap each other. Dismemberment also deals extra damage which makes dealing with Larger Sleepers far easier especially as it makes them stumble and can interrupt their charging attack.

Hit and Run tactic

If you run towards the Sleepers while charging, you can hit them while you run past them and most likely avoid their attack as their tongue have trouble reaching behind them. You could do this a lot of times while getting away from them.






R3A3 – “BOLT”



R3C1 – “ALPHA”