This guide is about the Chat, Parkour, Console and Commands.
In this Guide I show the normal ingame tips and deeper console commands.
Chatcolors and Chatsymbols
add the BRINK symbols (like classes, weapons, objects).
To color your text you must open the public- team- fireteam- chat.
Write first the color shortcut:
- The Colors
^1 = Red
^2 = Green
^3 = Yellow
^4 = Blue
^5 = Cyan
^6 = Pink
^7 = White
^8 = Light Gray
^9 = Dark Gray
^b = Turquoise
^c = Purple
^d = Orange
^f = Light Blue
^g = Light Green
^h = Dark Green
^i = Dark Red
^y = Grey
^+ = Carroty
^p = Black
(They are more colors but this are the important ones.)
..and then write your text:
^2 HELP! Need cover! =
To add a symbol in the chat line, you must use the ` and another key on your keyboard!
Open the public- team- fireteam- chat and write a symbol shortcut! BRINK convert it automaticly in the symbol !
- All Symbols
= `v
= `A
= `B
= `b
= `r
= `a
= `z
= `d
= `x
= `@
= `c
= `f
= `y
= `C
= `e
= `^
= `_
= `{
= `j
= `s
= `h
= `i
= `g
= `q
= `m
= `n
= `l [small L]
= `p
= `o
= `N
= `O
= `P
= `Q
= `R
= `S
= `T
= `k
= `]
= `W
= `X
= `Y
= `Z
= `[ [Tampa <3]
= `D
= `E
= `F
= `G
= `H
= `I
= `U
= `J
= `K
= `L
= `M
= `V
It is also possible to color the symbols and add more that only one!
^2 `Z ^1 `h `m =
Pappe’s parkour tips!
And this is a “Must See” BRINK parkour video.
Activate the Console
And more…
To activate the console you must open your
- Steam Library
open with a right click on BRINK the
- BRINK Properties
and then click on
Write in the line: +com_allowconsole 1
You can also skip the intro with: +set com_bootLogo 0
Now you can open ingame the console with ^
or on the american keyboard with ~
About Console and Commands
But if you want the command permanent, (because BRINK make not all commands permanent, if you run it ingame) it’s better to add it to the “autoexec.cfg”.
This file you must creat under: Steamuserdata”user id”22350localbaseautoexec.cfg
In the same folder is also the brinkconfig.cfg
When you add a normal commend to the autoexec.cfg you must write first “seta”. Ingame in the console you mustn’t do this.
seta com_bootLogo “0” // You can add this commands also here, and not to the SET LAUNCH OPTION. // To make a comment or disable a command, you must write // before ;D seta com_showfps “1” // Show the FPS seta com_skipWarnings “1” // Skip all warnings in the console seta ui_fov “100” // Field of view bind “H” “say Help!” // For “bind” you not need “seta” ! //There are more commands and settings! I only wanted demonstrate it for you ;D //END//
Also you should know how to work with the console!
The console is like the “Computer Console”!
With “SHIFT + open console” you will open the “small” console and with the UP and DOWN arrows you can repeat commands!
With the “TAB key” you can let show you all possible variations of the command and let make complete a command. (See picture.)
Commands and Console Variables
Because i not know which commands are important for YOU, I list here my useful commands![/b][/u]
For more information about all commands and cvars run this commands:
listCmds // Show you all commands with description.
listGameCmds // Show you all usefull commands for the gameplay.
listCvars -help // Show you all console variables with description.
For better reading you can also use the BRINK Wiki:
All Commands[brink.wikia.com]
All Cvars[brink.wikia.com]
CVars that can be changed in the Multiplayer.[brink.wikia.com]
com_showFPS 1 // show the FPS
net_clientLagOMeter 1 //show you the Lags
net_graph 1 // show graph with bytes peek usage
com_skipWarnings 1 // skip the console warnings for better work
g_showHud 0 // skip the hud
ui_showGun 0 // skip gunmodel
g_loadScreenWait 0 // fast server entry without wait for user input. It is better to write the command in the autoexec.cfg !
It is also possible to change the team and global chat colors!
The color value behind the command like is the RGB and transparancy value!
First number is the RED value,
Second number the GREEN value,
Third number the BLUE value and
The last number is the TRANSPARANCY.
1. = 100% of a value and 0. = 0 %
For more details of the color you should use longer values like 0.725 or 0.248
g_friendlyColor 0. 1. 0. 1. // color of the human players in your team and teamchat
g_friendlyTextColor 0. 1. 0. 1. // your team objects text color
g_friendlyBotColor 0.5 1. 0.7 1. // the color of the bots in your team
g_friendlyWeaponTintColor 1. 0. 1. 1. // the color of your shooting stripes
g_fireteamColor 1. 0. 1. 1. // color of your fireteam
g_fireteamLeaderColor 0. 0. 0. 0.75 // color of the fireteam leader
g_enemyTextColor 1. 0. 0. 1. // enemy objects text color
g_enemyColor 1. 0. 0. 1. // color of the enemy on the minimap and in the spectatormod. NOT if you aim on the enemy!
WeaponTintColor(purple), TeamColor (green) and EnemyColor (red)
zoomInCommandMap // zoom in to the minimap
zoomOutCommandMap // zoom out of the minimap
ui_fov 110 // change the field of view, value is between 70 and 110
say yourtext // write a message in the global chat
sayTeam yourtext // write a message to your team
sayFireteam yourtext // write a message to your fireteam
clientTeam resistance | security | spectator // let you join the team that you want!
Bind a Command
For faster usage of a command, you can bind it to a key on your keyboard or gaming mouse.
(Binds you should better add to the autoexec.cfg because not all binds will save in the ingame console!)
First you must write “bind” then the “key” and then the “command”.
Like: bind “n””g_showHud”
The normal “bind” switch between 2 values from a command, namely ON and OFF. So if you have a command with more values you must add “toggle” to the “bind” command.
Like: bind “MOUSE5” “toggle ui_fov 70 80 90 100” “” “default”
listBinds //show you all your binds
unbind // with unbind + the key that you want unbind, you disable the bind
bind “h” “sayteam Help” // say to your team “Help”
bind “j” “say ‘^2Shit ^5Shit ^2`i'” // you can also bind colored text and symbols
bind “F6” “clientTeam security” // fast join to the security team
bind “F7” “clientTeam spectator” // fast join to the spectators
bind “F8” “clientTeam resistance” // fast join to the resistance team
bind “MOUSE5” “toggle ui_fov 90 110” “” “default” // dynamic fov between 90 and 110
bind “F1” “connect” // fast connect to the BAGU server
bind “F2” “connect” // fast connect to the Endless Katharsis server
bind “F4” “exit” // exit the game. like ALT + F4[/code]
Admin Commands
To be an admin, you should have the admin server password and if you have it, you must login ingame as admin.
The server password will set in the server configs with:
seta net_serverRemoteConsolePassword yourpasswordhere
and to login you must use this command ingame:
net_clientRemoteConsolePassword yourpasswordhere
One important thing as admin is, that you must know what for a client index a player have!
This you can find out ingame with:
admin kick + TAB
A list of all client index will appear.
Or with rcon listClients you can also let show you
all clients!
The client index is very important, because you can use it with much commands, not only with kick and ban!
And if you want make valid an admin command ingame, you must always write before the command:
Tipp: You should let write out an admin command with TAB and push CTRL + a. Now is the cursor in front of the command and you must only add rcon !
rcon admin kick client-index // kick a player with the specified client-index
rcon admin ban client-index // ban a player with the specified client-index
rcon admin listBans // list all baned players with the ban-index
rcon admin unban ban-index // unban a player
rcon admin setTeam client-index team // move a player to resistance, security or spactator
rcon admin playerMute client-index ON/OFF // mute the chat of a player
rcon admin playerVOIPMute client-index ON/OFF // mute the VOIP of a player
rcon admin shuffleTeams xp | random | swap // shuffle or swap the teams
rcon si_teamDamage 1 // friendly fire ON
rcon si_adminStart 1 // only an admin can start the match
rcon admin startMatch // start the match if si_adminStart is enable
rcon admin restartMap // start the current map again
rcon admin changeMap mp/mapname // change map to one of the followings
- mp/aquarium // Aquarium
- mp/ccity // Container City
- mp/reactor // Reactor
- mp/refuel // Refuel
- mp/resort // Resort
- mp/sectow // Security Tower
- mp/shipyard // Shipyard
- mp/terminal // Terminal
- mp/founders // DLC map Founders Tower
- mp/lab // DLC map Lab