2D Neon Cube Guide

2D Neon Cube---100% Completion Guide for 2D Neon Cube

2D Neon Cube—100% Completion Guide


This Guide covers everything you need to do to complete the game 100%

How to play and General Tips


Space = jump
W = jump
A = left
D = right

If you Just want to get the game done fast:
W + Space = BIG JUMP

Crates can be pushed and used to jump onto.

There are awkward crate grabbing actions that only happen when you press against a crate and press the jump key. Sometimes it will grab, sometimes it wont…

Buttons can be pressed by the player or a crate.

One thing to be aware of is that the traps and bullets seem to have a large hit-box so being near any of those can reset the level very easily.


Get the neon cube character to the white circle

Level 1

Level 1
Push cubes to where you need to use them to get to the next platform. If you push a crate off the screen or get stuck, simply exit and choose the level from the menu, or hit a spike to reset.

Level 2

Level 2
Push the crate to the second ledge so you can jump to the goal; avoid pushing the crate onto the red saw because it will break the crate. DON’T TOUCH THE SAW!

Level 3

Level 3
This is the same concept as level 2, but this time the saw is above. Push the crate down and use it to jump to the goal.

Level 4

Level 4
This is where the grab mechanic comes into play. Grab that first crate and lift it up the slope to the flower… if you push it too far, exit and restart the level. Otherwise, jump up to the second crate and the goal.

Level 5

Level 5
This one was tough! Push the first crate down onto the spikes, but do not go down with it.

Next jump to the other platform with the two crates and get behind them and push them down far enough to safely reach the floor.

By this point you hopefully have at least one crate on the floor to use to jump to the goal… good luck! this level took me many tries.

Level 6

Level 6
This one is pretty easy, just push the crate to the edge and use it to get to the middle platform and then jump to the goal. AVOID THE SAWS!

Level 7

Level 7
This one is a little more tricky, and I may have completed it in a way that is not intended but if you push the crate to the very tip of the platform, you can use that to jump all the way to the goal.

Level 8

Level 8
This one was a pain to complete, jump to the crates on the far right side, be careful not to move them to the right when you do or you will have to reset. Once you get on-top of them, move to the right and jump on the right corner of the box until it lodges free and push it down so that you can be on-top of the other two crates.

Now when you are on-top of the two crates, continually walk left into the edge of the larger crate, this will push it and make you hang over the spikes but will move left to safety.

Finally, don’t push too many crates too far or you will block the goal. It is okay to push the big crate into the goal, you will still access it.

Level 9

Level 9
The top ledge is three sets of spikes. These are really touchy so make sure to control your jumps well and use momentum to get over all of them in a few jumps.

The second ledge is all about timing your moves. Simply duck through each wave of bullets. Some of the cannons don’t fire for a wave so take note of that. Once you get to the last cannon, don’t drop to the left because there is a spike. You are going to have to carefully and quickly drop as close to the ledge as possible.

Level 10

Level 10
This one is really easy and I am not sure why there are 2 traps extra on the left, because if you hop over the first cannon and drop down below the saw, then you can hit the goal.

Level 11

Level 11
This may appear tough, but you wont even need the crate unless you want to turn off a cannon for extra security. Drop down onto the cannon, being careful not to touch the spikes, jump down below the saw, and up to the goal ledge. Jump over the final spikes and the goal is yours.

Level 12

Level 12
If you have made it this far congratulations, this is the final level! All you need to do is jump over to the crate and push it into the saw, then fall down onto the pieces of the crate… this may take a few tries because sometimes the spikes stick up through the broken crate. If you found safe footing, jump right and make your way up to the goal! If you do not see the platform to the right it is off screen when playing on a low resolution just keep jumping right and you will find it.

Congratulations! You have beat the game, and by this point you have received over a thousand achievements.

If you found this guide helpful, please give it a thumbs up. 🙂
