Zombotron Guide

Zombotron ~ All Secrets Locations ~ for Zombotron

Zombotron ~ All Secrets Locations ~


All locations of secrets inside Zombotron.


Zombotron is the sequel of the popular flash game with the same name. With more levels, enemies, weapons and mechanics, there is still one thing that never changed. Secrets. In the original game, secrets spelled the difference between having an easy time and fighting to the bitter end. This remake is maybe even harder.

Most secrets are in very specific locations that even the most clueless player can recognize by the end of the game. Namely, the air vents and behind the destrucible walls. Some even are unveiled by the enemies that destroy the right element. But a few can be permanently locked from you if you made one crucial mistake. Meaning that either you discard it or you have to restart the entire level. This guide is designed to not loose out anything, just because you decided to destroy a specific crate without knowing that the later was especially important.

For more ease to browse the entire guide, levels will be displayed by sections of the game. Each section will have its final map where the boss is located, meaning that Level 1 – Boss will have the Feral Zombie while Level 2 – Boss will have Spiderma… the Giant Spider.

This Guide had been created in the 1.0 Version of Zombotron. Meaning that it is exact in all the locations AT THAT TIME, but can’t guarantee all locations. The devs have apparently changed some levels and add a few secrets, but it was not written in the later updates. Therefore, this guide will be actualised in the Final Version of this part of the Game.

Level 1 – 1 (?/?)

This level is the one at the beginning of the game. You leave your spaceship like Samus, nearly naked and with just a pitiful gun. There is no enemy, but be warned to not die because of your jumps.

Edit : No secrets were discovered, and unfortunately, because I didn’t find it doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Comment if you find one in this section.

Level 1 – 2 (1/1)

Here we are, your very first enemies. Remember, always aim at the end. As for the secret it is near the middle of the level. You will fall dawn and end up at an intersection with two choices. To the left or to the right where a spike trap is placed. A tall zombie will charge at you, just kill him and keep climbing to the right.

Don’t fear the darkness, a secret is here. You have to walk a few seconds to the right and your screen will turn black. But your bravery will reward you with the very first secret of the game. As for why a skeleton has that much stuff, well, keep killing zombies and stop asking questions.

Level 1 – 3 (2/2)

You may have died already, and blamed your lack of stuff. You deal limited damage without headshoot, have a very low amount of healing and even worst, if you die, you don’t have checkpoint and need to restart everything. But secrets are here to save you.

Right after meeting a locked door where you discover that … actually I haven’t read the text, but I think it was important. Anyway, right after falling down, you meet your very first air vent. They will be your best friend, because you know that each time you meet one of those, good stuff will lie beyond.

This time was no exception, you can already loot some good stuff at this point. Chestplate, helmet and boots with perks reducing damage received or increasing damage dealt. You will also maybe notice that a lot are based on the very last bullet of a magazine. But who will be dumb enough to rely on this, the reload animation is not cancellable, meaning you are in a world of trouble if you haven’t killed your enemy.

Speaking about enemies, another air vent. But this time, you will encounter your first mutated spider. Unlike zombies and in fact, all enemies, spiders can’t be headshot. But they are also the worst at melee attacks, so it’s a bit fair. Right next to the elevator, destroy the air vent and head to the right. Destroy a second air vent and you find the first shop. Unfortunately, you have no money.

I mean, what’s the point of discovering a secret shop, when you can’t even buy the weapon in it? As for buying ammo, don’t. If you follow this guide, all the weapons and armors sold in the shops will always be inferior to the ones you will wear. Meaning you can focus on buying health stuffs, you will need that later.

Level 1 – 4 (1/1)

First level entirely in a structure. You will have fewer way of getting out of sticky situations and will have to always remember that if you have to fall down somewhere, it’s not where you should head first. In that regard, at a moment, you will have to take an elevator. Head upward, and to the right there will be an air vent. Remember what I told you about air vents?

Do not run to far to the right and look downstairs. There will be a small platform, make sure that you don’t destroy it. Because nearby, there is another air vent. This one give you the secret you seek.

Level 1 – 5 (3/3)

This level contains 3 secrets, but fear not, they are all easily obtainable. The first one is a bit trickier, but not necessarily hard to obtain. First of all, you begin on a platform. Just under it, there is a cracked wall, destroy it and reach the end of the corridor. Click on the button to open a door. After that, descend further and go left until you reach the computer.

After hitting that sweet orange button, you see a few broekn planks appearing above you. Shoot them and SURPRISE! A spider! No, just joking, that’s the secret. But there really is a spider also. At the same time, to add more fun, the moment you reach the chest is the moment the game decided to lower the bridge and you meet two zombies downstairs.

After that continue the level until you reach an elevator that will necessarily break a few planks. On the left, there is a masked hunter that will throw a few spears at you. Jump on him, rip and tear him apart. After walking on his very corpse, you find a skeleton filled with treasures.

Right under the hub where you can activate the final door, there is an air vent. Kill the masked hunter, steal his belongings, loot the skeleton.

Level 1 – 6 (2/2)

This is the very first level where you can have to restart the entire level just to get one secret. The issue here is in the very beginning of the level, when you get into the elevator. As you can see, by going up, you encounter a tall zombie next to a crate and above, a mysterious crate.

You have to aim really carefully and not aggro the monsters on the left. First, you have to break the right part of the platform, DO NOT TOUCH THE LEFT, where the crate is located. Use anything, but only break the right part. Kill the zombie that falls, and then, jump on the half-destroyed platform. After that, jump on the crate, use it to jump above toward the mysterious one and jump again to reach the air vent. If you destroy anything besides the right part of the lower platform, you will have to restart. This place can drop the Mercenary Gun, a weapon that you can use even at the end of the game. So it is worth a bit of effort.

Next secret is easy compared to the previous one. Right above the locked door, there is a platform and above, a skeleton hanging behind broken planks. Stand where my hero is, and shot everything in the right part until a chest fall down. After that search for the chest on the ground, you don’t have to jump inside the cove where a spider will appear, the loot will fall down

PS: I accidentaly deleted the photo with the secret chest, but it is the same as the first one in the level 1 – 5. You will have a hard time missing it, but it usually end up near the zombie with a bomb on its back. When I will restart another save after getting all the secrets I missed previously (like for example, if Level 1 – 1 really has a secret or not), I will upload the picture.

Level 1 – 7 (2/2)

Right at the beginning, a little after seeing the bridge nearly collapsing, keep going to the right until you met you good old pal, the air vent.

The next one is a little bit obvious, but you can missed it if you are not very fond of exploring. After reaching the elevator and going upward, you will arrived at a place where you can keep going toward the top or explore a bit the right part. Explore it, go to the very end, and when you returned, a spider will break the left wall.

After this you only have to keep walking to the left, and you will enter the newly available secret.

Level 1 – Boss (?/?)

The Feral Zombie boss. Using ammo on it is nearly useless, since he has a very high chance of either blocking or evading your shots. You can still use a shotgun or a submachine gun, but the pistol will not do anything at all. On the other hand, it is better to just wait until he throw those little moving arms, kill them, and grab the red orbs they dropped. When doing so, make sure that there is no obstacle between you and the Boss. Otherwise, those red projectiles will kill the zombie or destroy the object in the way, not hitting the Boss. They can also miss if the Boss is moving upward or downward, so wait for the Boss to begin his rock throwing before grabbing them.

After that, you reached once again your ship. Unfortunately, a small part detached itself from it. What could possibly go wrong with such a tiny thing?

Level 2 – 1 (2/2)

Keep walking inside the level until you met a checkpoint. From this point, head to the right, and see a spider leaving a dark hole.

Keep going toward it, and face a masked hunter. Once again, he is right next to a skeleton. There seemed to be weird sense of belonging between the two.

After that, when heading upward, you will met an intersection where you can either climb stairs or make a huge wooden bridge fall. Make the bridge fall, and to the left, you can see a chest. That’s right, that’s the …

… normal chest with normal loot. Seriously, that’s true. On the other hand, if you destroy the bridge, and jump inside the hole, you can find another chest. A secret one.

Level 2 – 2 (2/2)

This level is full with secrets where you only need to walk inside them. The first one is kinda obvious, since you can easily see the skeleton chillin just under you.

Just walk to your left and you will fall near it.

The second one is the same, but you will reach a chest instead of a skeleton.

After taking the elevator and bypassing the shop, go upward until you reach the previous image. Keep heading right, and you will fall down to meet the chest. The same as the previous skeleton, if you walk normally inside the level, you will have a glimpse of it on your right.

Level 2 – 3 Towncity (1/1)

The first and only secret is after entering the little city of … those things? I remember they told me their names, but who really care? After meeting Groot and him explaining stuff that are a bit irrelevant, you will see an escalator.

Usually, the player will follow the NPC that is walking, or Groot in that case. However, you can just skip that entirely, you don’t need to talk to him again in fact. So, leave him on the side, go upward, and head to the left. Boom! A secret! Really makes you wonder how can a secret exist in a town?

Anyway, that’s not the only good stuff. The exit is right at the bottom of that elevator, to the left. You will see one younger Groot guarding a door and speaking about a beast. Open it and you can leave. OR … you can explore the rest of the town. You will find a chef providing healing items, a shop at the bottom and a few other things. When you have reached the shop, you can leave, since it should be the last place available. Another door will be locked until you killed the second boss.

Level 2 – 4 (2/2)

This level has the first truly lethal secret and also the first truly challenging secret too. You wondering “wait, if that’s the first, there are more?” Yes. Unfortunately, this just prepare you to some twisted things that will either sent you right to your grave or make you fall to your doom because jumping is still not fixed.

So first the lethal one.And it is even more cruel, because your previously dear friend air vent just betrayed you.

You thinks, another air vent, another secret. And you are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ right. The only issue is, you walk in the darkness, fine. Then you fall, and will not take any damage. But look at what is coming to you if you are unlucky.

The only issue is, there are two spiders. Normally, the first one died because of the stones that fell on it. But it can survive (it survived 2 times out of 6 for me). And then, the second one arrived. And it can literally fall right on your head, hitting you without any counter-play. So lookout and don’t go in without at least half HP.

After that, you have your first “jump” secret. When you reach the shop, you will see above you a mysterious crater and also a skeleton hanging. click on the button, and the platform above the skeleton will descend.

After that, jump on the platform and jump again to the right. Why I say it can be tricky is the gentle spider to the right. That may or may not, jump at you in the middle of the platform, force you to shoot one of the two rope, destroying the platform. Or the spider itself can just decide to screw you over and destroy it anyway.

After that, you have arrived on the other side, will meet mama spider. An advice when facing those blue, large spider is to kill it as soon as possible. They will keep producing little spiders until they died, indefinitely. Also, the little spiders can be OS even by melee when wielding a firearm.

Level 2 – 5 (1*/1)

How do I say this? This level has a special characteristic compared to the entire game. It is the only time where you will meet such a thing, but by missing this very secret, you miss two of them in reality. First of all, this secret is at the very beginning of the level. You kill the spider and the masked hunter, and stand on the wooden platform.

Then, you execute an angel jump downward, always to the right, and meet Mister Skeleton and Mister Brokenwall. Skeleton will give you an access card that COULD be used at the bottom of the level. But that’s the word, could. Anyway, broke the wall, and stumble upon the true secret.

And there we go. You see, two choices, either you use your access card to open the door. Or you see your very best friend looking at you right above it. Guess what will you choose? Your friend of course! After that, you will have to conserve this access card until the level 3 – 2. This will open the door leading to it, but that’s for later.

Level 2 – 6 (2/2)

Those two secrets are extremely easy to miss, if you are a bit unlucky or a bit too careful. The first one is in the middle of the level. At a certain point, you will have to fall down even more, and will see those spike traps near a wall on your right.

You will think, well that’s usual. You are right, this very configuration, you probably have met it a few times already. And there is absolutely nothing telling you to do anything but just merely look and keep going to the left. But, this time, it is different. Use any ranged weapons to destroy the bottom of the wall, otherwise, you will die. After that, the secret is yours.

The second one is also tricky. You will meet a strong zombie (the one with a face like a square, not the long one). He will scratch the wall, opening a way for you. After that, you will brutally murder him, not thinking about his wives and two children he has at home. And right above, there is also a bomb.

Two possibilities : 1) One enemy hit it and you discover the secret.
2) You play safe and make sure it doesn’t explode, because you have no way to it without hurting yourself.

If 1) is activated, GG, the chest will fall directly on you. Otherwise, you will have to destroy what is left of the rocks blocking your way. You don’t have to use the bomb nearby, just melee the few stones still stuck. Those directly above the position where I was.

Level 2 – 7 (2/2)

Last level before the second boss, and one with some jumps that could become extremely deadly. This level is filled with spike traps ready to cut your health in half should you stay on second too long. The issue is that most jumps will leave you either with a bit of your health already gone, or worst, in a landing animation causing even more damage in those spikes. Thankfully you have a checkpoint.

A bit to the left of it, you will see a skeleton hanging near a spike trap. Destroy the wall to its right and you will see more skeletons and more spikes. Tread carefully in there, you have to get close to them to activate the secret, but at the same time, if you get too close, you take damage. A bit of a bad design, since most loot will end up right in the middle of the spikes, forcing you to take damage just to get it.

Right above it, you will begin your ascension until you see an air vent. Unfortunately, the fall of the crate nearby will make you wonder how the hell you can climb to it.

You could try to take the crate to your left, but unfortunately, this crate will be destroyed by a monster, or will not manage to bypass the hole in the middle. That’s normal. The trick is to activate the elevator above, and when it descends, you see a mysterious crate hanging under it. Cut the rope (NOT THE CRATE), push the crate to the wall, jump on it and jump inside the air vent. The second secret is yours.

Level 2 – Boss (?/?)

The second Boss : the Giant Spider.

Actually, it is the easiest boss, considering the adds are not really numerous and the boss pattern is pretty dumb. You only have to jump once in a while and kill it. If you stand a little further back in the tunnel leading you to the boss, you can only receive the acid splashes that throw 4 acid balls at you. Jump when needed, and you can destroy its two arms and shred its life easily. It uses quite a lot of ammunition, I agree, but it is the safest way.
The only moment you have to watch out is when you see the Giant Spider backing off to regenerate its life. When it does that, walk once again inside the area to aggro it, and instantly return inside the tunnels. As for whoever will say it is a coward tactics, yes it is. But it is not a guide to beat bosses, it is just my opinion on how to beat the boss.
As for the secret, well, I am searching, but I don’t remember finding one in any of the bosses levels.

Level 3 – 1 (?/?)

Either I am blind, or there is no secret, which is a bit weird. But I swear, I spread napalm in the entire level, exploded everything and backtracked a few times, but I can’t find anything. So, I guess it is just void of any secret.

Level 3 – 2 (3/3)

Remember that red card you got in Level 2 – 5? Yes, that’s time to use it. After a bit of walk, use the elevator to go up and see a wonderful red button, push it and get ready for three secrets.

The first one, and the easiest is just walking up the stairs and noticing a platform on your left hanging on steel chains. Shot them.

After that, walk inside and get a secret shop. If you look carefully at the left, you can even see part of the previous level. A broken gate, filled with purple fungus.

The two next are a bit weird, since one will easily lead to a failure that will directly put you on the other secret. So let’s do the usual walk someone will do. First, activate the second elevator and see that a mysterious crate is lowering itself. Descend and look at it more closely.

You see on the other side a masked hunter. The issue here is, if you shoot at it, the chain will broke and goodbye the secret. Even if you manage to jump on the crate and then on the other side, the stone wall will stop you, making you fall down. Let’s say we are dumb and still try it. We fall on the platform under it and keep going right, we will broke a stone wall and enter a cove with a skeleton on the other side.

Same thing here, if you try to jump directly, the ceiling will block you. Shoot the stones above and jump again, you gain the second secret. Jump back, and with that in mind, position yourself just under the masked hunter. Use either grenade or your weapons and broke the stone wall. MAKE SURE that you never shot in the direction of the crate. If you destroy it, you have no way to gain the secret except restart the level. Then, go left to go once more in front of the mysterious crate, jump, jump, open the chest, you have the third secret.

Level 3 – 3 Towncity (0*/0)

Why does I put an * on this level? Because there is a secret not called a secret. This can greatly help you on your journey, since it gave a pretty good weapon, especially to deal with the ghouls of Level 3. Inside Towncity, head to the chief that give you a ton of health items.

Right there, keep going to the right, and you reach a hidden room, open everything and gain a nice gun.

Level 3 – 4 Zombomobile (?/?)

Just a level where they see you rollin’, they hatin’, crushing them with your heels runnin’

Level 3 – 5 Zombomobile (1/1)

Another level with the best car in the game. Well, because there is only one of them. Anyway, keep climbing to the highest point in the level, after taking the elevator and such. Always try to go left when you have the choices, to get to that point. You will reach this point, where you can lower a wooden bridge with a precise shot.

Instead of doing this, shot the planks above it, where my hero is doing. Do it until you see a chest falling down, then pick it up and you gain the secret. It is more advisable to lower the bridge first, otherwise, the chest will fall down all the way to the Zombomobile.

Level 3 – 6 (2/2)

For this level, you will have to destroy a lot of planks above you. Yes, only chest dropping left and right inside this pyramid. The first one is a little bit obvious, thanks to the huge cracks on the wall nearby.

After entering it, you will enter a dark area, and suddenly fall down. Alongside with the precious chest. If it doesn’t drop (can happen) shot a above you until it does.

The other one is after getting the green card and opening the door, right next to the skeleton giving you the purple one, there are a few planks right above you, shot them. Get the chest.

Level 3 – 7 (?/?)

Nothing to see here.

Level 3 – 8 Super Zombotron Bros (?/?)

Seriously, yes, the title is right. This level is a bit of a puzzle and a bit of jumping. The only thing that could make restart is if you destroy the plank under one of the elevator. If it is destroyed, you can’t complete the level anymore. And if you die in the sea of spike traps under those elevators, there are still a few places where it is safe. So, you can (if you have at least 2 health items) pick up your lost stuff. No secret found yet.

Level 3 – 9 (2/2)

First secret need a card to obtain it. On your way to finally reach the button of the elevator, you will meet this configuration of crates and platforms. Make sure to not aggro the mob on the left, and jump on top of the mysterious crate to punch in the face the baby ghoul. Loot the skeleton and grab the card.

After that and reaching the elevator slightly on the left, you will see a green button. Press it and kill the ghoul giant inside the room. There you will see those famous planks above you. The same that protected countless treasures.

Do the same thing as usual, destroy them and get the chest.

After that, take once more the elevator and you will be stuck near a wooden blockade. This one has a baby ghoul on it, do not destroy it when you see it. Wait until the elevator block itself, then destroy everything.

When done, destroy the left part of the stone wall, to uncover the secret. If you have managed to block the elevator, you only need to do a small jump to reach it, otherwise, you will have a slightly harder time reaching it.

Level 3 – Boss (2/2)

A Boss Level with secrets, what else do you want? All secrets are after the fight with the boss,just don’t forget to check the right part of the beginning, with a shop heavily guarded.

So, Infator is the first boss that can still kill you, even if you do everything right. Namely, his missiles patterns are totally random, meaning that two can decide to aim right into you, even from across the map.
How to stay as safe as possible from those deadly projectiles? Well, I am certain that a guide will appear to answer that, but for now you can hear my advice. Try to always stay on the upper platform. They will make the boss try to jump on it, and most of the time fail miserably. Seriously, he is extremely bad at jumping, so much that sometimes he don’t even manage to jump one time in the entire battle.
The next thing you will do is, after he fires his missile, bait him to jump two times. Not three, because he can decide to instantly fire missiles and you won’t be fast enough to dodge them. After jumping two times, jump above him and run to the other side. Adds will spawn, kill them first and by the time you reached the other platform, he will begin to fire missiles near the middle of the battlefield. Repeat until he dies.
Your job is to never be too close to him when he fires his missiles, that’s why you time the cooldown of this attack to be while you run to the other side. The most dangerous part is right at the beginning, when he still hasn’t fire. But after that, you won’t have a lot of problem, just make sure the adds don’t bother you.

Anyway, after killing everyone, go to the left part of the battlefield, don’t take the elevator yet.

Keep going left, and here come the first secret.

The second is weirdly the same, except that you just have to descend with the elevator first. Always go left.

Level 4 – 1 (3/3)

Three secrets but only two locations. One had two secrets, one skeleton and one chest but that’s for later.

The first one is reliant on a crate to not be broken. At a certain point, you will have numerous thing trying to broke this poor crate, including yourself. But do not do it, otherwise, you can’t jump high enough to reach the secret above.

Later, you will broke a stone wall, behind a giant robot, only to find another giant robot. Robots everywhere, two groups will also spawn behind you the moment you picked up the secret.

First you pick the skeleton, and BOOM, the giant robot appears.

With a bit of luck, that robot can destroy enough things to make the chest fall, otherwise, destroy everything in the room, including the ceiling, and the secret will fall.

Level 4 – 2 (0*/0)

No secrets, but a lot of special loots everywhere. A little bit weird, considering that some drops are extremely hard to get, like this one. You have to first have a weapon precise enough to hit the broken wooden plank. Then, you have to jump on a tiny barrel, only to reach the skeleton. It did drop an epic AK, which is a godly weapon, especially for the Level 5. It is the most precise rifle, meaning that all the mobs can be sniped from far away. Nonetheless, there are a multitude of chests and skeletons, just waiting for you, but no actual secrets.

Level 4 – 3 (3/3)

3 secrets with all three being missable or simply unreachable because one peculiar mob decided to have the urge to destroy that thing. Yes, sometimes, without prior notice, you can see robot miners deciding to destroy rocks, because they are … miners?

Anyway, first secret is at the very beginning, right after the shop. You will see a stone pillar allowing you to jump to the other side. Jump quickly before the entire thing blows up.

After that, you will find yourself falling down if you keep going to the right. And here’s the tricky part. Under it, there is a yellow robot miner, the one that throws grenade. And unfortunately, the very thing you fall into is another feeble ground. So, if that robot decided to shoot at your feet, you fall and can’t go back. Juke the robot and grab the loot behind him.

After getting that secret, still fall down to the very left. You will see under you the tunnel where you should end up. Kill the blue robot and see on your right a destructible wall. This image show you on the top corner the hole from which you just fell down.

After destroying that wall, get the secret behind it.

The final one is a bit before the end. You will have to choice, on the left to fall down througth wooden planks or to the right meeting a dead end. In that dead-end, there will be something that will catch your attention in the very end. If you jump a bit, you can see that plank hanging thanks to 2 rope.

Unfortunately, this can be destroyed quite easily. But if it hadn’t been, try to jump on the right, you will find the last secret of the level. If it had been destroy, you can’t reach the secret, so if you see only two ropes without anything stuck in it, that means the plank had already been destroyed.

Level 4 – 4 (1/1)

This one is easier than the previous level, but it can on the other hand kill you. You will walk into the level until you will have to break a destructible wall above many jumps. After that, you will see some stairs, but if you keep going to the left you enter the secret.

And then you see that little skeleton, thinking, an easy secret. A few seconds later, without picking up the loot, you see a few robots coming at you. And above you a few wooden planks. Destroy them. The moment you pick up the secret, a bomb will appear and will be blocked by those planks right under you. Dodge to the left right after getting the secret to avoid most of the damage.

Level 4 – 5 (1/1)

You will meet your new best friend, “You’re a robot Harry!” Seriously, yes you have an escort mission on your hand, yes its name is Harry, no you will not face Voldemort. Harry is a friend if you intend to play normally. But concerning secrets, he will try to backstab you a few times. And unlike enemies, you can’t kill him before he destroy things, things that you want to keep intact.

For this level, it doesn’t really matter. At one point, you will find two choices, left and right. To the left, it is a dead-end but not really (yes, I know, again, there seemed to be a pattern). Destroy the wall and grab the skeleton … the loot in the skeleton. Would be funny, a grenade made out of bones.

Level 4 – 6 (2/2)

This one is a bit tricky, but right at the beginning of the level. So, basically, you can just restart and you have lost barely 10 seconds. The only issue is “You’re a robot Harry”. This madman will launch at the crate like a dog at a bone.

Fortunately, if you fall, you can still cut the rope and get access to the treasure. But the crate must survive, otherwise, there is a no hope.One way or another, if you managed to go to the left side, you gain the secret.

Second one is after falling from the destroyed bridge. Like usual, when there is a dark part in the environment, give it a try. Here, it is not as clear as normal, but it can be destroyed accidentally by you.

After destroying the wall, keep going inside the cove until you see the secret. Unlike others, it is not something that has to be loot, but an entire new area labelled as a secret.

Level 4 – Boss (?/?)

The Stone Golem. Quite possibly the dumbest boss in the game. He has two attacks, either he slams the ground and make rocks fall on you or swing his huge arms to try to kill you. Fortunately, both attack deals massive damage to the numerous robots in the vicinity. And here the extremely bad news for you.

The robots are all yellow. You know what this means, right. MASSIVE AMOUNT OF MISSILES. The worst the boss will deal to you is a mere 100 hp, but the animations is so slow and tiny that it is extremely easy to jump above. The hitboxes of the arms are in fact smaller than the image you see, meaning that you can still escape any damage, even if you feet “touch” the boss.

On the other hand, because the Boss has a massive HP bar and a lot of resistances, your main concern will be the robots that will rush at you with their deadly projectiles. If you are lucky, the boss will dispatch most of them in your stead. But always destroy the closest to you before attacking the boss. One rocket is enough to make you fall to the ground, where more robots will arrive to swarm you. And when five different rockets fly in all direction, you know that you gonna have a bad time.

Level 5 – 1 (2/2)

Another destructible secret. First, you will face an explosive near a destructible wall, filled with robots behind it. After walking a bit, you will reach this wooden platform, and as you expect, an enemy is ready to destroy it the moment you set foot on it.

Because the platform is quite large, you can rush immediately after getting on it. Don’t think, don’t blink, just go go go. Gotta go fast before the masked hunter destroy the left rope.

A few minutes after, you will reach the end of the level, or almost. If you go up, you are done, but if you can down, you see some broken planks. You know what this means. Shoot where I currently am shooting.

And surprise, a chest. Funny to notice, that you miss it because right next to it, another chest, only it is not the secret. It’s like, baiting you with one, making you think that there can’t be anything else nearby, but no, right above you is the secret.

Level 5 – 2 (2/2)

The first one can be grabbed extremely quickly, right at the beginning, you will find the elevator, a crate under it, but no button to use. Go to the right by jumping on the crate, and discover the button. Afterwards, go up, to find a chest on the left.

On the right, an air vent will lead you to the first secret.

The second one require you to not destroy everything like you could do. At one point, there will be an opportunity to go up, right before facing one of those dog like machines that have a lot of guns. They are the new enemies of this level.

After that, right above, there will be a platform, supported by some broken planks. Destroy them, but not without making sure that the right part is free. Sometimes, all the barrels, rocks and crates fall down, making it a bit harder to jump. But as long as the wooden plank is not destroyed and keep swinging, you can time your jump to be when it is at its highest. Use that to grab the second secret.

Level 5 – 3 (3/3)

Here comes the first level with the Scavengers, or, in other words, Mr Rifle and Mr Shotgun. Shotgun always fire three shots then pauses, meaning you can abuse that behavior to avoid damage. Both can shred your life if you take the entire salve of bullets, to use your environment well. Rifle will fire for 3 seconds and then also wait. That’s for the new enemies.

After reaching the first scavenger that will save the world from the “Sky People”, you will have to descend. Go to the right after that. The chest is yours.

Second secret is a classical at this point. An elevator, fissures on a wall. You know what to do.

The last secret is meters away from the end. Unfortunately, this is a huge trap, and you can quite easily get taken out. First of all, when you will arrive, the door will black out the rest of the level.

As you can see, there is an explosive right after it. However, the developpers coded to only dispel the obscurity after reaching that explosive. But guess who is right under that firing at you? Mr Rifle. If you are lucky, the explosive won’t be destroyed and you will only get shot, so you will survive. Unlucky, and it’s the return to the checkpoint. Meaning that they knew most will probably die there.

But that’s not the end, the moment you pick up the secret, Mr Shotgun fall on you from the left. So make sure to heal before, and don’t have the sense of security that the level is ending in a few second. The last enemy that spawned can be deadly.

Level 5 – 4 (3/3)

First secret is at the very first elevator. Make it go up, but don’t take it yet. Look under it, and see the darkness. Throw a grenade. Since a gentle giant robot is waiting for you to fall down to cut you in half.

Second secret is when you fall down on this platform. You will see a huge amount of barrels and crates blocking the left side. At the same time, there is a faint lazer, meaning that the huge dog robot with gun is waiting for you. Destroy slowly the crates and barrels, to be able to fire but not be hit. After that take the chest on the left and the second treasure is yours (image was corrupted ¯_(ヅ)_/¯)

You know, they really love to put secrets under elevator. Just that 2 times in the same level is a bit too much. This one needs to destroy a wall, so it is still a change, but it’s more or less the same principle as the first secret.

Level 5 – 5 (1/1)

This is the “Ambush” level. In the last room, an horde of enemies will try to kill you, but you can repel them with the help of the turrets. Unfortunately, they will not be able to protect you the entire duration, but you can still protect them a bit. First, when you arrive, immediately break down every obstacles, planks, crates and barrels. This will clear the vision of the turret, making them able to insta kill the enemies right when they spawn. As for after, stay in the middle of the platform. The enemies won’t be able to shoot you until they jump on it, allowing you a few additionnal seconds to kill them.

As for the secret, well, it is the good old elevator trick. Half of this guide is pointing the obvious, but are we go again. Destroy the wall and discover the secret shop. For those wondering, there was a previous secret located right under the ambush. However, you couldn’t get it before the actual thing happened, meaning that you had to forsake the initial wave to get it. Apparently, they decided to remove it, even if you have ample time to get it and then activate at least the first row of turrets.

Level 5 – Boss (2/2)

Elevator, wall, secret.

The very last secret features the forgotten friend we had during the earlier levels. The sign that something good was nearby, something useful. The air vent. Unfortunately, this time, it is quite lacking, since it is not even useful against the Boss. They could have put an Epic Energy Gun, it would have been better.

As for the Boss, The War Machine, the combat is a bit random. All you have to do is activate the turrets while running to the right. That’s it, if you are lucky. One time, the Boss was killed in mere seconds, not even passing the trio of turrets. Other time, he arrived at the end of the level with 1k HP, making the fight a lot harder since the turrets were gone. But if you though that the Feral Zombie took no damage, then wait to see the War Machine. If you don’t have an RPG or an Energy Gun, it’s block/block/block/miss/miss/block/block/miss/block/-3Hp/block.

Level 6 – The End? (0/0)

Funny, if you don’t pick the Zombomobile and decide to run all the way to the right, you still spawn with the car at the cutscene. But this is the end for now. Thanks for reading this guide and if you have further question, feel free to ask them in the comments.
